Traveling Companion
After discovering Rarity who had been living in a gem cave, Raph, Donnie, and Sunset brought her on board with the group and headed off for parts unknown. As Raph drove, Donnie was recharging, and Rarity was in the back trying to nap. Sunset rode along side before stopping before a rest area sign with Raph.
Raph rolled down his window and spoke to Sunset, "We may as well try salvage supplies if there is any."
"Good plan." Sunset agreed, as they went forward.
They pulled up at the remains of a rest stop and looked around for anything. Sunset looked around seeing a vending machine, but no drinks inside, "So much for that. What I wouldn't give for a diet soda right now. I'm starting to forget what they actually tasted like."
Raph spotted a canteen and tried to drink from it only to get a few drops, "We need to find more water."
Sunset overhearing him, answered, "In a place like this? Lots of luck."
"I know. But we need water if we're going to survive."
"The only water I ever found was pure chance. I savored them as long as I could." Sunset sighed.
The two suddenly heard something moving, "We're being watched." Raph whispered, as they drew their weapons. They looked around feeling something was circling them from the shadows. Raph blasted at a wall but received no response. He looked behind it and saw nothing, "Nothing."
Suddenly jumping over the wall was someone, which Sunset noticed, "Raph, heads up!"
Flipping over them was mutant meerkat girl who used a whip to ensnare Raph's blaster. Suddenly an electrical charge went from the whip to Raph shocking him unconsciously. The girl smirked smugly, until Sunset blocked her, "You're in big trouble, missy."
"A human?" the meerkat girl gasped.
"That's right. And if I were you I'd talk. Who are you and what're you doing here?"
"Sunset?" came Rarity's voice, as she stepped out of the vehicle, "Is everything all right out... here." she stopped upon noticing the unconscious Raph, and Sunset and the mutant girl in a face off.
The mutant meerkat taking advantage of the situation went past Sunset and knocked Rarity to the ground before hijacking the truck.
"No! Our ride!" Rarity cried.
Sunset ran over to Raph, turning him over, "Raph! Raph, can you hear me?"
"Loud and clear. What happened?" he groaned.
"That meerkat mutant knocked you out and hijacked the truck."
Raph groaned some more, "What a day. What a lousy day."
"It's just the worse!" Rarity whined.
"We can still catch up." Sunset said, hoping onto her bike, "Rarity, hop on. Raph, you'll have to walk. But I'll drive slow."
"No you go on ahead. I'll catch up." he replied.
"Are you sure?" Rarity asked in concern.
"Go, before you lose the trail." Sunset and Rarity nodded as the two took off after the thief.
Raph by choice walked down a road panting, "Water. Need water," he repeated to himself, before grabbing an air mask on his back and too in some fresh air. He looked ahead seeing something shoot up into the sky and exploded releasing a green glow. Seeing that Raph suddenly started remembering the mutagen bomb going off turning all humans into mutants. He snapped out of it before looking up ahead seeing the truck coming for him, "Can't be. Just a mirage." he said weakly.
Suddenly getting closer was the truck and Sunset and Rarity on the bike, "Thank goodness we found you." Rarity said in relief.
"Come on, big guy, I gotcha." Sunset helped him up, "Sunset, what took you all so long?"
They opened the truck to reveal Donnie, "Raph, there you are," Donnie began, "I was in sleep mode doing self repairs since we took off, and when I reactivated I saw you turned into a young girl."
Raph had some water before looking into the passenger seat and saw the meerkat girl tied up. Rarity spoke, "She was feisty one I tell you."
"But we managed to hold her down." Sunset finished.
"Little meerkat thief. I'm tired of these ravagers." Raph began.
"Aren't we all." Rarity replied.
"Dump her on the side of the road and let's be on our way." Rpah ordered Donnie.
"What?" they gasped.
"Raph, you can't be serious." Sunset said in shock.
"She doesn't even have any water or shelter, Raph." Donnie added.
"Neither did I. I'm the captain of this ship, so she goes!"
Rarity frowned, "Raphael, I always knew you were a hard case, but heartless I never thought I'd see it."
"We can't leave her, Raph." Sunset agreed.
"They're right. That's not how Master Splinter raised us." Donnie put in.
"I don't remember being raised, or Master Splinter." Raph looked away.
"Your half amnesia is worse than I thought." Sunset gasped.
"We'll drop her at the next bomb shelter we pass." Raph ordered. Sunset loaded her bike back in before the truck took off.
The drive was awkward with the meerkat girl being all silent, until Donnie spoke up, "Long range scans indicate we're heading for the Impossible Wasteland. The area is said to be loaded with quicksand and dangerous desert monsters."
"That's where I was going." the meerkat girl replied.
"Well, at least you can talk." Rarity noted.
"Why would you be going to the wasteland?" Donnie asked curiously.
"I'm looking for someone, or rather two someone's."
Sunset spoke, "So do you have a name?"
"Besides car thief?" Raph added.
"Raph." Sunset scolded him.
"Darling, why would you be in the wasteland all alone?" Rarity asked the girl.
"It's a long story."
"Don't you have a village or tribe?" Donnie inquired.
"My family was destroyed a long time ago. They're gone." she answered wile trying to keep her emotions in check.
"Us too. We lost two brothers." Raph spoke on behalf of himself and Donnie.
"And we were separated from our friends." Sunset said for herself and Rarity.
"I am Mira of the wild meerkat clan." the mutant girl introduced herself.
"Well, Mira, I'm Sunset Shimmer and this is Rarity."
"Hello." Rarity greeted.
"Strange. I haven't seen a human since... Well, never. Legend has it they were all wiped out in the explosion."
"We were lucky." Sunset answered.
Mira turned to Raph, "So how'd you wind up out here with that thing?" she motioned to Donnie.
"That thing?" Donnie asked feeling insulted, "I'm a person. Well turtle. Or turtle mind in a robot body."
"He used to be like me, until the mutagen explosions went off." Raph explained clearly.
"My body was destroyed, but I was cybernetically wired to Metalhead Mark 2, a robot that I designed," Donnie continued, "So I transferred my consciousness into this machine."
Mira looked incredibly dumbfounded, "Ok-Ok, I have no idea what you're saying, but it's cool. But why're you four on the road. Where are you headed?"
Before Sunset could answer, Raph gave her his answer, "Nowhere. We hunt, look for food, fuel, weapons. We try to stay alive. That's about it."
"About as much as anyone can do these days." Rarity put in.
"There is more to life than scavenging. I'm a believer. Oasis is out there. I know the great paradise is real."
"Ha! Oasis? Dream on, kid." Raph replied skeptically.
"You're wrong! Oasis is real. And I'm gonna find it."
"What is this Oasis?" Rarity asked curiously.
Sunset answered, "I've heard rumors about it. It's this one sanctuary where there's still life. Trees, flowers, breathable air, water. It's paradise."
"All made up to give kids something to believe in." Raph continued to be a downer.
"Well, maybe kids do need something to believe in." Sunset noted. Mira looked at Sunset with admiration
They pulled up outside an old gas station, "I'm gonna look for more supplies. See if we get lucky. Girls, keep an eye on her." Raph instructed.
"Yes, oh fearless captain." Rarity answered in sarcasm.
Raph went outside and looked around the place seeing nothing of value, "Of course we couldn't be that lucky." he suddenly heard grunting sounds, and turned around seeing Sunset and Rarity fighting Mira, "Why am I not surprised?" he ran in to help the ladies as Mira dodged some laser shots.
"You're pretty fast for an old turtle." Mira remarked, only for Raph to surprise her with a chain link and bounded her up.
"I surprise myself," Raph turned to Sunset and Rarity, "What happened?"
"She was cutting herself loose before she attacked us." Rarity explained.
"Typical. Come on." they boarded the truck, as Mira pleaded with them.
"Please, I can help. Only I can navigate through the impossible wasteland. I know of another turtle out there."
This got the ladies attention, "You what?" Sunset asked in shock.
"Who is it?" Rarity wondered.
Raph however didn't wanna hear it, "My brothers are gone." he went into the truck, while the ladies followed him. They drove off leaving Mira.
As they drove across the desert, Donnie came back online, "I'm fully operational again."
"Raph, what if Mira said was true?" Sunset asked.
"She'd ay anything out of desperation."
"You don't know that for..." Rarity was interrupted as they felt the car shake.
"What's going on?" Sunset asked.
"Look!" Donnie motioned up ahead as Verminator Rex had them cut off.
"Oh, no, it's Rex!" Sunset groaned.
"I don't like the looks of him." Rarity said in worry.
Verminator called out, "You got nowhere to go, turtle! Shut down your fancy robo and leave the key to your war ring. And maybe I'll let you live. And that's a big maybe."
"What do we do?" Rarity asked in worry.
Raph spoke onto his intercom, "Not gonna happen creep. The way I see it you're outmatched.
As if on cue more Ravagers surrounded them armed and ready, "Enemies never make those kind of threats if they were alone." Sunset noted.
"Last chance. Surrender and hand over your wheels or you're going to be buzzard food." Rex warned them.
"You couldn't handle these wheels, Badger!" Raph continued to stay strong, "No deal!"
The Ravagers revved up their rides, as the heroes readied themselves, "Attack!" Rex declared.
Raph revved up the truck releasing black smoke to confuse their enemies. In the smokescreen, he drove past them, while the Ravagers took off after on their bikes. As the chase began, Rarity climbed to the stop making sure to maintain balance, "Hey, boys. How about a little diamond flare?" she started firing her diamond disks at various Ravagers on their bikes, while some started shooting at her. Rarity quickly used her magic to shield herself, before striking back.
Sunset finally climbed on top, "Can't let you have all the fun." she held out her robot arm that became a blaster and started shooting at more Ravagers.
Raph drove off road, as the ladies continued to defend the ride with their magic and weapons, "We got the shake the Ravagers off us." Sunset said, as Rex rode up along side them.
"Sunset Shimmer, you'll be wishing you stayed with us." he was about to attack, only for a familiar whip to latch onto his bike. The two looked down seeing Mira pop out from underneath the truck and jump onto Rex's bike.
"Mira?" Sunset gasped.
"How'd she get free and caught up with us?" Rarity wondered, as they watched Mira knock out Rex's bike, and she hitched a ride on another one before hijacking it.
Suddenly a train whistle was heard, and the Ravagers made space as another vehicle which was a train engine on treads came barreling through, "Oh, no." Donnie gasped.
Sunset tried shooting at it with her robot arm blaster, while Donnie himself opened fire. Unfortunately their shots were bounced off the vehicle, "Not even a scratch!" Sunset gasped, as a Honey Badge launched a rocket that knocked Donnie off his spot.
"Donnie!" Rarity and Sunset cried.
"Get me off of this crazy thing!" Donnie cried, as he held onto the edge of the ride. The Honey Badgers launched grappling hooks that connected to Raph's ride.
Rarity helped him up, as Rex climbed atop the truck, "Sunset, I think it's time I took your other arm." he smirked.
"Funny, I was thinking of doing the same to you." Sunset answered, as the two engaged.
Raph popped out of the hatch to help Sunset, "If Raph's up here then who's driving this thing?!" Rarity cried.
"It has auto-pilot." Donnie explained.
"Well, that's a relief." Rarity said, as they fought.
Donnie saw barrels of fuel were being dumped out, "No! We gotta save the fuel. And our lives!" he went down to fight the Honey Badgers who were trying to get rid of their fuel
Raph and the girls fought Rex until he pinned the turtle down, "Raph!" the two tried to help him, until Mira using the hijacked bike made a jump and knocked Rex off the truck.
Back inside the truck, Donnie was wrestling the honey badgers before speaking to them, "Hey, Honey Badgers! You know you're in the same family as the common skunk?" he kicked a barrel of fuel that got under their train vehicle that exploded.
Rarity and Sunset knocked the other stowaways off and saw Mira riding along side them on the bike. The meerkat girl smiled, and they smiled back.
Later the group was making repairs to the truck, "Glad you were so persistent, Mira." Donnie said.
"Yes, you came in when we needed help the most." Rarity added.
"Thank you so much for your help." Sunset finished.
Mira smiled, "I appreciate that."
Raph came around to reveal he finally shaved his beard, "Yeah. You're a survivor. I like that. Not bad with a blade either. Reminds me of... Leo."
Mira started explaining, "There is said to be two mystics out there in the wasteland. They know secrets. Some say one of them is a turtle like you. Another is a rambunctious one full of energy. Some call them the Holy Chalupa, and the Spicy Cupcake."
The turtles and girls lifted their heads up in shock, "Michelangelo?" Raph gasped.
"Pinkie Pie?" Rarity and Sunset gasped.
"So you do know them?" Mira asked.
"Only Pinkie would use a name like Spicy Cupcake." Sunset answered.
"And Holy Chalupa sounds like Mikey to me." Donnie put in.
Rarity turned to Raph, "Raph..." she trailed off as Raph looked serious.
Soon enough the truck was once again off on the road driving off into the night. Watching them via telescope was a woman who stood shrouded in the dark of the night. She turned around and whistled. Suddenly barreling through the desert was a wolf who growled. He pulled to a halt, as the person patted its head making it ease up. She mounted it and motioned forward. The creature and rider took off after Raph's ride.
TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.
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