-• almost caught •-

I grip the arm rest of the chair, my eyes scanning the area in panic, suspecting everyone sitting in the cafe. The group of boys two tables away enjoying their time, a couple sitting at the far east corner, a man reading his newspaper, the cafe staff, even the owner behind the counter.

Two weeks.

Two weeks since I've been struggling to put that night behind me. Two weeks since I've caught a good wink of sleep because those ebony eyes kept haunting me every time I closed my eyes.

This was supposed to be one of my happiest days. I'm on a date with the boy I like, in a place that overlooks this beautiful city that my ancestors once ruled, and until the ominous text message, I was really enjoying my time.

Atharva waves his hand in front of my face, confused since I put an abrupt end to our text communication. My phone chooses that time to vibrate with a new notification and I swallow the thick tension spiralling out of my control. I press on the power button, and my heart beats through my chest, echoes in my ears when I read the message on the lockscreen.

M: You're not answering me, sweetheart. I'm about to get mad.

I clench my jaw and my hand moves on its own accord to shut down the device. The screen goes black and stays the same. I shove the phone in my purse and get up abruptly.

Atharva follows my action, his brows pulled together in a frown.

"I need to use the washroom." I whisper.

He nods at me, the worried lines visible on his forehead. I move past him and exit the rooftop setting, blocking the way of a waitress who was on her way to serve.

"Can I know the way to bathroom?"

She gives me quick directions. I thank her and take the stairs to the ground floor. Locating the bathroom easily , I enter the stuffy place and lean against the basin. My face looks drained of any color and there's sweat coating the skin above my lips and forehead. Opening the tap, I lean in to cup the water in my palms before I splash it on my face.

I stand straight and reach out to grab tissues from dispenser.

A cubicle opens as I'm wiping my face and a young woman walks out. She smiles at me through the reflection as she washes her hands. I smile back out of politeness, holding onto my composure until she leaves the bathroom.

Alright, time to give myself some pep talk.

Facing my reflection once again, I take a few deep breaths. "There's nothing to be afraid of. He's just playing with you. The guy loves dark, there's no way he would get out in the broad daylight only to scare you. You're safe." I blow out a breath from my mouth.

I've six overprotective brothers who are prepared to bury any guy six feet underground if he so much as looks at me the wrong way. Yuvraaj said the mystery man needs his help and not the other way around. He's just playing games with me at this point because he knows I'm easily affected. Let's not give him the satisfaction of watching me become a mess when he's got nothing on me.

With that, I plaster a smile on my face and saunter out of the bathroom, climbing the stairs to the rooftop cafe. Atharva waits patiently and I feel bad for almost ruining this for us because of someone who doesn't deserve a time of my day.

"Hey," I greet as I occupy my chair. Noticing our order is already served, I shoot him a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I made you wait."

He shakes his head softly and scribbles something on the tissue, sliding it over to me.

"Are you okay? We can end this if you're uncomfortable."

"Oh no!" I answer embarrassingly quick. My cheeks fire up as he watches me in surprise. "I- I mean, I like this. But let's not use the phone to communicate. I can talk and you can write it down like this. Is that okay?" I ask him guiltily. Writing is a lot more time consuming than texting but I'm seriously not confident enough to turn on my phone right now. He nods at me, understanding me without even demanding an explanation. "Alright, so, I've a question,"

He nods, encouraging me to go on.

"Are you and Agastya best friends?"

He shakes his head, taking back the tissue to write on it. He then pushes it toward me.

"We play together and have the same friend circle."

"So it's not a problem if we keep this a secret, right?"

He smiles at me in assurance.

"I mean, if this gets serious, then I suppose we can stop hiding but until then, I really don't want to give my brothers any reason to be disappointed in me. According to them, I'm still too young to be going out with the boys."

He stretches his hand forward, flicking his fingers for the tissue. I swallow and hand it to him, chastising myself internally for finding that action sexy. What's wrong with me? The guy's only trying to communicate.

He flips to the blank side before scribbling his reply.

"I understand. Don't worry. We can keep this a secret for as long as you want."

I grin in relief. "Thank you!"

He blinks at me slowly, a charming smile spreading on his lips. I swear if smiling was a crime, this man right here would be the most wanted criminal. He's just so effortlessly good at it. And it isn't even a skill. Just a fucking response, an expression but it gets my heart all badump badump badump in my chest.

"Do you come here often?" I ask him as I take a sip of my chocolate milkshake.

He makes a hand gesture, tilting it sideways, referring to rare.

"How did the accident happen, Atharva? I hope you don't mind me asking that," I add immediately in case I poke an unhealed scar.

He puts his burger down and lets out a long sigh. I wait patiently for him to pick up his pen but he surprises me by gripping the edge of my seat as he pulls me towards him. My hands fly to hold the arm rest as I look at him in shock. He leans in and flicks off my hair to the back, leaning in so I can hear him whisper, "Drunk Driving," he pulls away nonchalantly, looking into my eyes before he tears his gaze away, his neck turning an adorable shade of red like my cheeks.

I can still feel the heat of his breath on my skin and his voice, good lord that voice, even if whispered, was sexy as fuck. It reminded me of him.

"Easy, Princess, easy,"

I shake my head to drive off the stupid thoughts.

I clear my throat. "Oh,"

He nods and picks up the glass of water, taking a slow sip, probably to soothe his strained vocal chords. Then he picks up his burger and takes a bite out of it. I don't move my chair, in case he needs to whisper something else again. I blush. I'm just hoping he does that again, aren't I?

"Who was driving the car? Family?"

He shakes his head.


He nods softly.

"From your current friend group?" I question further. Who could it be? Arjun? The two are closer than anyone else.

He shakes his head, eliminating the notion. I stop after that. If I don't, poor guy would have to pick up the pen with those greasy hands just to continue the conversation. For the next fifteen minutes, we both focus on finishing up our order before it turns cold.

After we're done, I flag down the waiter to get the bill. Atharva insists he'll pay since he asked me out first and chose the place.

"I'll pay the next time we go out," I blurt out, practically admitting I'm looking forward to continue this. Way to sound desperate, Tara.

He shifts his gaze to me, a slow smile dominates his lips before he nods cockily and closes the bill book, handing it to the waiter.

"There's a park near. Down for a walk?" He writes down on the tissue.

"Of course," I hold his hand boldly as we make our way to the park. We leave his bike in the parking lot, and stroll down the empty streets. He seems to know this place like the back of his hand as he expertly steers us through the complicated narrow lanes. We reach the park and to my surprise, it's on the river bank of Jaigarh.

He finds us a bench to sit and relax.

"This is so beautiful," he nods in response to my words. I sigh and face him. "Can you teach me the sign language? The basic."

He blinks at my unexpected request but approves nonetheless.

"How do I say, uhm, thank you?"

He extends his fingers and taps his chin before bringing it forward, almost like blowing an air kiss.

I nod and copy his actions. "For the date," I vocalise the hard part.

He thanks me again and I frown.

"Why are you thanking me?"

He shakes his head, points to himself, before referring to me as he thanks me again.

"Are you thanking me for thanking you?" I ask dubiously.

He nods earnestly.

"Is it like a welcome?"

He nods again, beaming like a fucking ray of sunshine. I chuckle. "I'm quick, aren't I?"

He laughs soundlessly, but nods in agreement to my words. When the amusement dies, his eyes catch mine and hold them in place. I feel the blush return to my cheeks. This guy has seriously reduced me to a red mess from the time he has entered my life.

I shy away from his constant stare and look to the front. For my first date, I had envisioned a guy like Atharva, but never imagined myself to be doing most of the talking. Not that I'm complaining. I love to talk to him. And he's a patient listener, doesn't interrupt, not that he can, but his attention is completely on you, neither once looking away or making you feel unheard.

"You know, my life in England was completely different,"

He tilts his head to the side, as though asking, how so?

I shrug. "I felt at home there."

He nods in understanding.

"And then suddenly I'm brought here," I gesture ahead, referring to the city and the new life. "In the beginning I was scared. I didn't know whether my brothers would accept me or not. But I'm glad things worked out for good. You wouldn't believe but Agastya and I don't get along at all, and when we first met, he said some mean things. And now look at him. He can't bear not knowing my whereabouts."

Hearing that, Atharva smiles.

He says something in sign language and although I don't understand a thing, I nod at him.

"When it was decided that I'll be spending the rest of my life here, I was panicking in my head. I had to leave so much behind. My friends, my past life, my- my people, and I thought I'm never going to fit in here. But I'm happy as of now. My brothers don't show it but they care for me, my father's an amazing man and I've made some good friends here," I look at him, "Your sister is like a breath of fresh air in the school for me. She welcomed me in her friend group with open arms." He nods softly. "And then there's you," I continue shyly, clearing my throat when he leans his head on his knuckles, the smile on his face transforming into a smirk as he awaits my impression of him. "Despite having six protective brothers who'd lose their shit if they find out I lied to them and came out on a date, I still took the risk. So you're definitely something."

He grins lopsidedly, looking ahead when the stare-down turns intense, almost intimate. The charming smile plays on his lips like a flute, if it had a voice, it would have been any child's favorite lullaby.

I'm whipped for his smile, aren't I?

His phone rings, breaking the peaceful silence between us. He frowns reading the name on the screen and answers it.

I watch him, my brows shooting upward in question when he offers the phone to me. I take it hesitantly and see the name on the screen.

Little Sis


"Where the hell are you two!? And where the heck is your phone, Tara!?" She hisses through the speaker. I sit straight in alarm, alerting Atharva as well.

"What's wrong?"

"Your brother is here. Two actually. Agastya and the one who dropped you off. They are asking about you. I told them you spilled some oil on your clothes when we were making something to eat for us in the kitchen and is in the shower right now. I don't know where you are but get your ass back here in fifteen!" She snaps before hanging up.

I get up from the bench hastily and look down at Atharva in panic. He stands up as well, holding my shoulders to get me speaking.

"Bhai- Bhai is at your house. Not just him, but Agastya as well!"

His eyes turn wide hearing that. Without wasting anymore time, he grabs my hand and we run back to the cafe's parking lot.

I shouldn't have turned off my phone.

Shit shit shit!

What was I thinking? How could I have been so careless? Did I forget what my brothers are capable of if it involves a boy? I can't even seek solace from Vivaan if this gets out because there's no way he would support me either. And Yuvraaj, God when he's angry, no one can stop him. Not even Dad. If he finds out I went on a date after outright lying to him on his face-

My stomach twists painfully at the thought.

I can't even imagine what will happen if my lies get exposed. They'd never trust me again. Never.

I clutch Atharva's sweat shirt in my fist, struggling to compose myself. As if he understands the state of my mind, his hand comes to rest on my clenched knuckles and taps it twice gently, reassuring me with the gesture. I feel fresh tears brim my eyes, the guilt within me doubling up at the thought of him. I don't want to find out what would happen to him. My family is easily a lot powerful than his. Will Bhai compel him to leave the city as well? I won't put it past him. To teach me a lesson, he would go to any lengths.

Thankfully, we reach his house in less than ten minutes. He helps me inside from the back and makes me climb the window that opens to the kitchen. He climbs in after me, warns me to keep my silence with a finger on his lips and guides me out, to another room. Then he exits through another window and beckons me out. I obey wordlessly. When I see the mango tree, I understand what's his plan. He climbs the tree easily, showing me what branches to put my feet on, where to grab, how to keep my posture and then looks down, waving me over. I nod and sling my purse around my neck before following him. This time, we enter a room and from the photo frames hanging on the wall and the color theme, I deduce it to be Anagha's. He fishes out his phone, shoots his sister a text and two minutes later, Anagha is entering the room.

"They're starting to suspect something is wrong. C'mon now, change into this." She hands me one of her sweatpants and a hoodie. Atharva spares me a long glance and waves me bye wistfully.

I smile back, a little sad for the tragic turn our first date had in the end. "Thank you, I had fun."

He taps his chin and forwards the same hand before exiting the room.

I quickly change into the clothes offered by Anagha while she thrusts my old ones in the backpack along with my purse and phone. "C'mon!"

I take a few deep breaths and prepare myself for the final showdown.

We leave her room together. I spot Kusum and Revathi sitting on the adjacent sofa, silent as the night, awkward air palpable in the living room. Agastya sits with his foot propped on his knee, his fingers tap consistently, speaking for his losing patience. Yuvaan has his head down as he mindlessly scrolls through the phone. When my presence becomes obvious, the two lift their heads almost at the same time and I see the relief that flashes through their eyes.

"Where's your phone?" Yuvaan demands.

"Discharged," I answer what Anagha had told them.

"Let's go home if the group study is over," Agastya gets up from the sofa.

I nod obediently.

"Sorry, guys," I say to the other two, knowing they had to be here, pretending we gathered for group study because of me. "I've to go," I slip in the lie with the apology fairly easy.

The two nod.

"Let's continue tomorrow," Kusum states.

I sigh in defeat and bob my head in response.

Agastya takes the backpack for me and I let him. My three friends see me off at the doorstep. I wave them goodbye and sit in when Yuvaan opens the door for me. They wave back at me from the threshold. The engine purrs to life before the car zooms out of the driveway.

The drive is quiet, no words are exchanged and the music isn't offered. For a split second, I'm tempted to take the liberty of playing Taylor Swift but considering how stiff everyone's sitting, her music style doesn't echo with the current circumstances. I wonder if it's because of me. Did they get the gist of my whole act? Do they know and are simply biding time for the confrontation?

"Is something wrong?" I ask nervously.

"Why would something be wrong?" Yuvaan mutters.

"I mean, it's like, we're waiting for a war to happen or something." I force the corners of my lips to smile.

"Nothing's wrong. Shut up." Agastya deadpans.

"Don't be rude to her," Yuvaan frowns.

"That's my sister I'm talking to. I don't need your opinion on how I'm supposed to treat her." Agastya snaps.

"Looks like you're forgetting that's my sister too!" Yuvaan retorts.

"Yeah, and you can't even check up on her to see if she's right."

"Well, maybe because I'm not a possessive freak like you? She was obviously studying with her friends. It's because of you I got paranoid and had to suffer this excruciatingly painful drive with you on my side."

"I could have taken my car!" Agastya growls.

"We were coming to the same place! Why would you waste gas!?"

"Maybe because I don't want to be in the same space as you!? You're suffocating my lungs!"

"Then fucking jump out of the car!" Yuvaan exclaims.

"I'd have if I had fucking wings!"

"This is all because of you!" Yuvaan suddenly glares at me through the rear view mirror. I straighten up immediately, confusion drowning my rationality.


"Could you not keep your God damn phone charged!? This guy here thinks he's entitled for your security and shit!" He grits out.

I blink, unable to say anything in return.

"Now who's being rude to her?" Agastya remarks snidely.

"Shut your fucking mouth before I throw you out of my car. Walk back home for all I care!" Yuvaan snorts.

"Try me." Agastya lets out a boastful scoff.

I sink into my seat, crossing my arms on my chest and tuning out of their argument.

Of course the tension is because it's Yuvaan and Agastya in the same vicinity, without any elder to keep an eye on them. Why was I cocky enough to even think it had something to do with me?

We reach home and I waste no time in getting out of that car. Once I'm in my room, I turn on my phone and put it to charge before heading inside the bathroom to freshen up. After changing into something comfortable, I hop on the bed and call Janet to fill her with the details of my date.

"He texted you?" Yeah, we're at the point where I got the message from that mystery man.

"Yeah, he's so creepy, Janet."

"Are you going to tell your brother?"

"Of course. Bhai told me to inform him if the guy contacts me again."

Janet hums. "Yeah, sounds about right."

"I wonder how he got my phone number."

"He's a hacker, remember?" She asks rhetorically.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Anyway, he's not my point of concern. It's Atharva."

"What do you mean?"

"You've no idea how scared I was when Anagha called me and said both of my brothers are waiting to take me back home." I mumble.

"Wait, what?"

"Because of the mystery man, I turned off my phone and forgot about my brothers calling to check up on me. I should have known if not anyone else, Yuvraaj or Agastya would definitely call. And that's what happened. Agastya called and because I didn't answer, he and Yuvaan reached Anagha's home to pick me up. They made up this lie that I spilled something on me and was taking a shower. I almost got my ass busted." I heave a relieved breath.

"Damn, good that you involved the three in this. What if they had no idea? Imagine the catastrophe."

I shudder at the visuals my overly imaginative brain serves me with. A catastrophe indeed.

"I know right." I mumble.

From there, we divert the conversation towards her crush and spend another two hours talking before she has to hang up to run some errand for her mother.

I toss my phone aside and get off the bed to use the desk for finishing up the remaining maths assignment. My phone grabs that opportunity to ring again. I feel my breath hitch at the name flashing on the screen.


I shake my head, deciding not to pick up. When the call ends, I turn and that's when I get several messages from the same number. I pick up my phone with shaky hands, clicking on the notification that takes me to the chat window.

I gasp and drop the phone in shock.


Several of them.

Of my date with Atharva.

I sit on the bed and pick up the phone again, my thumb trembling as I slowly scroll through the images.

Atharva pulls me close.

In another, he leans in and it looks like he's kissing my cheek.

I feel my heart do a flip and not for a good reason.

Then another picture of us walking down the street hand in hand.

And another with us on the bench.

My chin tremble as tears spring up in my eyes. I clench my jaw to stop myself from bursting out in sobs. Fear grips me fiercely, rendering me helpless, almost limbless as I feel all the power lose from within.

If this goes out and reaches my brothers, it's over for me.

The phone rings again.

This time, I answer it.

"Princess," he whispers, his voice just what I remember, a dark melody, visceral in its existence, and for good reason, it sounds cruel to me right now. "Tonight. In the same room you saw me the first time, remember?"

I force myself to hum.

"I'll be waiting." He adds huskily, a chuckle to follow with, as he seeks amusement from my helplessness and hangs up without another word.

What a dick.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. Makes my day.

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