Part 2
Recap :laado and lucky childhood. Laksh leaving to states and returns back to see a very different laadoo. Their egoistic talks hurts laado.
Everyone gathers at dining table. Laksh felt guilty for what he have done but still his ego doesn't let him to ask sorry. Everyone was having a gala time but both ragini and laksh doesn't utter a word. But laksh notices ragini picking on her food. She ate only7 vegetable salad and some juice that too with minimum quantity.
Ap :ragu beta, why are you eating only salads juices? Have some paranthas
Rag : no no aunty actually I'm on diet that's y
Ap: but beta if you eat like this how will you get energy?
Dp :leave it annapoorna let her whatever she wants..she knows to take care of her health
Laksh is surprised to see all this . he was shocked because ragini can give her life for paranthas. She prefer it with much butter and achar. But now she is not even touching them .laksh was curious to know that what made her to change this much but ignores it because today after girl to be slim and sexy after all she is also a girl. When the maheswari's were about to leave ragini's friend swara comes to ragini's house to meet her. She is also a childhood friend of both lucky and laadoo. Once she sees laksh her face brightens up.
Swa(smiling) : laksh.. ur laksh na...hi did you meet ragini? O god I'm so happy atlast you have returned. You know for how long ragini is waiting foooo...
Rag (angry): swara... what are you doing? If you came to meet me then y didn't you come to my room
Swa : bu.. but ragini la.. laksh...
Rag : haan laksh so what ? if you want u can talk to him afterwards but now I have something important to talk with you. come to my room fast.
Saying so ragini went upstairs while swara followed her confused. laksh looks thoughtfully about what swara said and keeps thinking about it while his family left the home.
At Ragini's room :
Swa : what ? laksh criticized your weight I can't believe it
Ragini who is crying nods her head while she hugged swara crying profusely.
Swa : ragini don't cry dear. U know about laksh na? he is very playful .he would have joked.
Rag : no swara he is still the same . he is like all others. I don't want anyone in this world
Saying so she broke down crying while swara hugged her without knowing what to do.
After consoling ragini swara made ragini sleep and left her place while she was walking on the road upset about her friend someone grabs her hand and pulls her towards him. She was about to shout when she noticed that it is lucky. She felt relieved but soon it gets replaced by anger. Swara forcefully removes her hand and started walking away while laksh called out for her.
Lak : swara stop.. stop it swara...what did I do that you are so angry with me and what's wrong with moti laadoo
Swara looks killingly at laksh
Swa : ragini is right laksh. You are still the same. You are like all the other people . you too fall only for physical appearance.
Lak (shouting): what the hell Is wrong with you all. Y am I getting scolded unnecessarily? Can someone give me an explanation.
Swa : you wanna know what happened right . k I'll explain you..
Flashback :
Ragini was the same naughty, positive spirited cute girl even after laksh went. Everyone from her locality always makes fun of her but she doesn't give a damn to them. The only line that she would say whenever she gets criticized is "YOUR LUCKY THAT MY LUCKY IS NOT WITH ME ELSE YOU WOULD BE DEAD BY NOW". Nomatter how much ever she fights with lucky she believes that he will never look down for her appearance.
Days passes to months and months to years...
Ragini is now a teenage girl of sweet sixteen. She is no longer the same naughty , positive spirited ragini. Time hastaken a toll on her personality. She feels very inferior whenever she sees a beautiful sexy girl passes by. She can't able to tolerate the criticism anymore and cries silently.
One day when she stepped out of her house she finds a bunch of roses with a letter in it. She opens to read it up.
Hi my dear cutiepie,
Guess who? It's me your secret admirer my chubby. Yep you were not aware it but I have been a secret admirer for you for months now. Would you like to go on a date with me? If you wanna see me then come to school ground at sharp 6. K love today evening
With love,
Ragini read the letter again and again. She can't believe it is hers as the name is not mentioned.
Rag : my secret admirer? No it's not possible. May be it's for someone else.
Thinking so she kept the flowers and letter back and was about to go. But she suddenly turned around and picked the boquet and smiled
Rag : but what if it is really mine? It's better if I check today evening.
Saying so she grabbed the flowers and left for the day
At evening:
Ragini arrived the place at 5 and was hiding behind a tree waiting for the person. After sometime a bike came to halt in the place and the person gets down and removes his helmet. Ragini who was hiding is shocked to see that he is the most wanted munda of schooland his name is ranvi.
Rag : O.M.G ragini now it's 100% confirm the letter is not for you.
Saying so she started to leave when she hears a voice from behind.
Ran : ragini where are you going? I came here only for you.
Rag (in mind) : is it true? Ranvi want to date me? But how is it a prank? But why?
When she was drowned in shock someone shook her by shoulders and she jumped getting back to reality.
Rag : ar..are you the who ca..called me here?
Ran : s who else is there here apart from us.
Rag : yeah but why?
Ran : didn't you read the letter?
Rag : eah but how? I mean why?i'm...
Ragini started blabbering when ranvi kept his finger on her lips and said,
Ran :shhh talk a lot.. I have very less patience..please say your answer. Are you coming out with me?
Rag (smiling like an idiot): yes I would love to
Smiling ranvi pinched ragini on the nose and left after getting her number.
Days passes by and both ragini and ranvi became very close. This all seems to be like dream to ragini and she kept saying herself that she deserves this and he loves her character and not for her appearance.
One day evening when they were on a coffee date they were chatting happily and doesn't get to know of the time. Once they realized that they were late they started hurrying towards their home when rain started pouring as ranvi house is very close to the coffee shop they both get into his home to escape from rain. But before they could make it they were fully drenched . both RagRan were shivering in cold while ranvi gives her a towel to dry herself. When she took the towel from him they shared a deep eyelock. Slowly he started moving towards her while she kept moving backwards till her back hits the wall . he leaned down and kept his hand on her waist and moves closer to kiss her lips but suddenly ragini got aware of what is oing to happen pushed him hard.
Rag : no ranvi.. we both are very young to do all these...we don't even know each other well
Ran : don't you trust me ragini?
Rag : I do ranvi but still I can't let this happen
Ran : ragini you are testing my patience
Saying so he pulled her forcefully towards him while she struggled in his grip. She gained up all her energy and pushed him while he hit the floor. Then ragini opened the main door and ran towards her home. After reaching home ragini felt bad for pushing him like that.
Rag (to herself) : what's wrong with you ragini" you are his girlfriend and he is trying to come close to you..if you don't like it you would have said politely..y did you push him? Now he will be very angry? Anyways no worries tomorrow I'll leave early and go to his meet up spot with his friends and will apologise to him.
Planning so she went to sleep and woke up early next morning and went in seach of ranvi.has guessed she found him with his friends in their meet up spot. She walked closed to them and stopped in her tracks when she heared her name.
Friend1: haha ranvi you said that you will get that girl within minutes but it's already 3 weeks and you haven't even kissed her.
Friend 2: yean lost the bet...accept it..
Ranvi : hey shut up..not a word more...what will I do ? I thought that moti once I ask her out will immediately give herself to me as I'm like a jackpot for her. But even though she is like a ball she considers herself as a queen and is not budging for my demands. Did that moti ever saw her face in mirror? There is not even a single chance for her to get a boyfriend. She should worship me once I proposed her but instead she is showing attitude to me. But no issues still 1 week is left I'll get her easily.
Saying so he laughed loudly but suddenly whimpers in pain . he held his chin and opened his eyes to see a teary eyed furious ragini..
Ran : rag..
Another slap
Rag : don't even say my name you cheap ********. If I ever see you again in my life that wll be the end of you.
Saying so she ran off crying. Whole day she spent with swara and explained her what all happened. She is crying uncontrollably. His words kept ringing in her mind.
Swa : what happened ragini? What happened to your carefree nature? From when did you let people take advantage of you? You were the tough ragini who gives a tough competition to her rivals but what now? Whenever anyone name call you you will say with attitude that your lucky will be there for you? Where is that spirit? Whether you accept or not raagini I know that lucky is the only soulmate for you who accepts you for who you are?
Ragini stopped crying and looked confused at swara
Rag : wha..whaat?
Swa : s ragini I have seen love in both of your eyes. He is the one who will always keep you and accept u as who u are..
Rag : but swara...
Swa :no but wat and all please trust me ragini. Please e-mail lucky about the happenings . he will definitely come to you immediately.
Rag : no no swara . I can't interrupt his studies. You are right swara even while dating ranvi I always compared him with laksh. Laksh is in my heart from the start and I'm not aware of it. But I don't wanna get hurt again swara. Let laksh come back. We willdecide then.untl then I'll wait for him. In the meantime I'm also gonna concentrate on my weight not for anyone but for me. Overweight is not good for health .
Swa ; but ragini you are good even now..
Rag : no swara I can never forget the humiliation. I wanna prove them that I'm capable of doing anything and I;m no wayn less to anyone but I will never anyother male on my life anymore besides my laksh.
After swara completed laksh eyes filled wwith tears.
Swa: s laksh..ragini is waiting only for you. But before she could speak her heart out you criticized her physical appearance which broke her completely. Her last hope also vanished because of you.
Saying so swara left the place and laksh stood there numb. Once he came back to rreality he ran towards ragini house and knocked on her door. Shekhar and janki looks weirdly at laksh.
Rag : laksh? Wat are you doing here? I wanna talk with you ragini in private?
Ragini looked at her parents and they nodded agreeing seeing situation and left the place. Laksh enter the room and locks the door.
Rag : laksh y did you lock the doo....
Before she could complete laksh cupped her face and slammed his lips on her.ragini stood freezed on her spot . after sometime she tried to release herself from the hug but more she tried the more he deepened the kiss. Unable to contro anymore ragini gave in and they had a passionate lip lock. They moved apart once they were out of air and ragini looks weirdly at laksh.
Lak : u stupid moti dare you allow another guy to enter your life,, yes I was in states but I have not dated a single girl because my heart and mins is occupied by you. But you.. you fell for someone other than me.. how could you ragini...
His voice broke while talking while ragini stood there teary eyed without knowing what to say?
Lak : on top of that you thought that I'm like that moron who judged you by physical appearance and that's what hurts me more. How could you think of me like that ragini? Yea I called you moti because I have full rights on you . I called you laadoo because you are the sweetest thing in my life. But you...
Dejected laksh turned around and dtarted leaving while ragini ran toward him and hugged him from back.
Rag : I'm sorry laksh.. please don't leave me . yeah you are right . I shouldn't have thought about you like that but all the criticisms has made me leave my self confidence. I became weak. I'm very sorry laksh. Please punish me but don't eave laksh.i'll die without you.
Saying so he hugged him tightly and cupped her face
Lak : shhh.. bachcha don't cry? I can't see you crying. Let's forget the past and start a fresh. K now smile please for your lucky laadoo because you look ugly while crying
Ragini frowned and he pinched her nose playfully and both laughrd at it. Soon their marriage got fixed . laksh in the meantime found out ranvi and beat him black and blue for playing with is laadoo's feelings. He was charged an action for beating him but with the influence of dp he escaped easily.
After two days it is her marriage. Ragini dressed in a beautiful red lehenga. She is looking as gorgeous as a princess. She is looking up the sky and looks at the moon and is dreaming about laksh. Suddenly someone grabs her by waist. Ragini quickly understood who it is and smiles. She turns around to find the love of her life smiing at her.
Rag : Why do u keep coming hiding . anyways everyone knows that you are coming here.
Lak : still it's thrilling na
Rag : hmm...k why do u come now?
Lak : what type of silly question is that? I came to meet you and..
Rag : and?
Lak : to give you this.
Laksh forwarded his hand to see a silver paper wrapped on a thing
Rag : what is this laksh?
She grabs it and opens it to find paranthas in it. She looks questioningly at laksh .
Lak : haan laadoo. I know that u have quit having paranthas a long back but I want u to continue eating it now
Rag : no laksh
Lak : laadoo, (he cupped her face) bachcha please I know u want to be fit and healthy and it's good. But I want you to enjoy your life once in awhile. What if u get a little fat you will look hot and sexy for me all the time. Saying so he grabbed a piece of parantha and brought to her mouth. Ragini teary eyed eats it from his hand and looks at him. They both had a beautiful eyelock. While he was nodding he noticed a piece of on food corner of her mouth. He signaled it to her and she tried wiping it with her hand. Laksh stopped and moved her away and leans closer and wipes it with his mouth. Slowly he moved to her lips and started kissing her. He moved from her lips and kissed her eyes, nose, neck, cheek and all over her face and move towards her shoulder. He slowly started removing her oallu and kissed around her neck. Both reached to heights if passion that doesn't want to stop it. Laksh lifts his face up and checks into ragini's eyes to find any form of regret but it is filled only with passion. He removed his shirt and gets on top of her. He removed her cloths one by one while kissing her whole body and both were left only with their inners and he looked at her questioningly and she nodded yes. Soon the last piece of cloth leaves their body and he enters slowly into her . she felt immense pain and it seems that all her nerves are breaking. laksh seeing her inpain looked sadly at her and she smiled and nodded saying she is alright. He moved deep into her and waited for her to adjust. After she gets adjusted he started moving slowly at first and then faster reaching to their climax. Laksh fell on top ragini and gave a final kiss to her and said
Lak :you are hot laadoo
Rag : yup and my hotness is only for you.
Smiling they both went to sleep smiling in eo embrace.
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