For Your Babies

November 2023

Y/N and Hailee's Villa, Beverly Hills

As Y/N packed his bags for the upcoming Las Vegas Grand Prix, Hailee watched him from the doorway, a hand resting gently on her small but growing belly. The excitement of the new race in Las Vegas was palpable, but so was the quiet joy of the secret they shared.

Hailee: You ready for the big race?

Y/N: Almost. Just making sure I've got everything. You know how unpredictable these races can be.

He glanced over at her, noticing the glow in her eyes. Despite the intensity of the season, he couldn't help but feel at peace whenever he was with her.

Y/N: Are you sure you're going to be okay while I'm gone?

Hailee: I'll be fine. You go out there and do what you do best. Plus, it's only a few days, and then you'll be back home.

Y/N: Are you...gonna tell anyone about it?

Hailee paused for a moment, considering Y/N's question. She had been keeping the pregnancy a secret, only sharing it with a few close friends like Ella. Now that they were settling into the reality of becoming parents, the thought of telling others was starting to cross her mind

Hailee: I've been thinking about it... Maybe just a few close friends and family, but I want to keep it private for as long as we can. I like that this is just ours right now.

She looked up at Y/N, her eyes softening.

Hailee: What do you think? Should we start telling people, or wait a little longer?

Y/N: I like keeping it just between us for now. It's special, you know? But whenever you're ready to share the news, I'll be right there with you.

Hailee smiled, feeling reassured by his words.

Hailee: Then let's wait a little longer. I want to savor this... just us.

Y/N nodded in agreement, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace. They both knew that soon, they would have to share the news with the world, but for now, they were happy with their little secret.

Y/N: Y'know what? Let's go and me. You don't got anything important besides...

Hailee looked at Y/N, her eyes lighting up with excitement at the idea. She placed her hand over his as he caressed her belly, feeling a wave of warmth and love.

Hailee: You're right. I don't have anything more important than being with you. Let's do it...Vegas together.

She leaned in, kissing him softly, feeling grateful for his support and love.

Hailee: Plus, I've always wanted to see you race in Vegas. And we can make some memories before things start getting crazy with the baby

Y/N: I love that idea. It's gonna be a weekend to remember.

Hailee nodded, her excitement building. The thought of being by Y/N's side in Vegas, experiencing the thrill of the race, and sharing this special time together made her heart soar

After that, their doorbell rings...and all the four dogs rush to the doorstep

Y/N chuckled as he followed the dogs to the door. He glanced back at Hailee with a playful grin

As he reached the door, the dogs were already eagerly sniffing and pawing at it. Y/N gently nudged them aside and opened the door, curious to see who was on the other side

Y/N opened the door to find Pete and Cheri standing there, smiles on their faces. The dogs immediately shifted their attention to the new arrivals, their tails wagging furiously.

Cheri: Oh, look at these cuties!

Pete: Hey there, Y/N! We were just in the neighborhood and thought we'd drop by.

Y/N: Hi, Pete, Cheri. Great to see you. Come on in!

He stepped aside to let them enter, and the dogs happily greeted them, jumping up and getting all the attention they could.

Hailee: Mom, Dad! What a nice surprise! I wasn't expecting you guys today

Pete and Cheri laughed as Maximus happily wagged his tail, clearly excited to see them. Cheri bent down to pet the German Shepherd, who was clearly enjoying the attention

Hailee: Well... come on in. You caught us right in the middle of packing. Y/N's heading to Vegas for the Grand Prix, and we were just about to finalize our plans

Cheri: We didn't mean to interrupt. We just thought it would be a nice surprise to visit before the big race.

Pete: We're just excited to see you both. It's been a while since we had some quality family time.

As they entered the house, Hailee led them to the living room where they could all settle down. The dogs continued to happily greet everyone, adding a sense of warmth and liveliness to the atmosphere.

Hailee: Why don't you guys make yourselves comfortable? I'll get us some drinks and snacks.

Y/N: I'll give you a hand with that.

As they moved to the kitchen, Hailee's mind raced. She knew she needed to find the right moment to share her news with her parents, but she also wanted to do it in a way that felt natural and not rushed.

Cheri: Don't worry about us, just enjoy your time together. We're happy to just be here.

Hailee: Thanks, Mom!

Y/N: Do you want me to help with the announcement, or do you want to handle it yourself?

Y/N's voice was low, making sure only Hailee heard him

Hailee: I think I should do it. It's something I want to share with them personally.

Y/N: Alright. Whenever you're ready, I'll be right here.

As they eat and drink, Hailee glanced at Y/N, who gave her a reassuring nod. She turned back to her parents, her heart pounding but determined to share the news.

Hailee: Mom, Dad...there's something I need to tell you.

Pete and Cheri both looked at her expectantly, their expressions curious but warm.

Cheri: What is it, sweetie?

Hailee took another deep breath, then reached out to hold Y/N's hand for support.

Hailee: I'm...we're...we're having a baby.

For a split second, there was silence as the words sank in. Then, Cheri's eyes widened in surprise and joy, while Pete's face broke into a wide grin.

Cheri: Oh my God, Hailee! That's wonderful news!

Pete: Congratulations, both of you! This is incredible!

Hailee felt tears welling up in her eyes as her parents got up to hug her and Y/N. The emotions of the moment washed over her, and she felt a deep sense of relief and happiness

Hailee: Thank you. I've been so nervous about telling you, but I'm so glad you're happy.

Cheri: Happy? We're thrilled! This is the best news we could've hoped for.

Pete: You're going to be amazing parents, both of you. And we can't wait to spoil our grandchild.

Y/N smiled, feeling the warmth of the moment. He looked at Hailee, proud of her for sharing the news and excited for the journey ahead

Cheri: Have you talked about names?

Hailee: We've tossed around a few ideas, but nothing's set in stone yet. It's still early, but we're having fun thinking about it.

Y/N: We've talked about names like Lily if it's a girl...for my grandmother. We're keeping our options open, though

Pete leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. He looked at Hailee with a twinkle in his eye

Pete: How about Beau if it's a boy?

Hailee's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. The name held so much meaning. Her parents had affectionately called her Beau since she was a little girl. She hadn't even considered it, but now that her father had mentioned it, it felt perfect

She glanced at Y/N, who was already smiling at her, clearly understanding the significance


Cheri's eyes filled with tears again, and she reached out to squeeze Hailee's hand, showing her support


A couple of days later...

Las Vegas, Nevada

Hailee tossed and turned in the bed, her brow furrowed and breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. The nightmare had gripped her tightly, pulling her into a world of fear and despair. 

She was at the racetrack, but everything was wrong. The sky was a murky gray, and the crowd's cheers were replaced with screams. Hailee's heart pounded in her chest as she searched the track, desperately looking for Y/N

Hailee: Y/N? Y/N!?

And then she saw it...Y/N's car, a horrific wreck on the side of the track. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw the blood, the unmistakable crimson staining the asphalt. His race helmet was shattered, pieces scattered like broken glass. Hailee's knees buckled, and she fell to the ground, a cry of anguish escaping her lips

Hailee:, please...

She whispered, tears streaming down her face in the dream. She felt an unbearable pain in her abdomen, a deep, wrenching sorrow as she realized what had happened. She had lost the baby...their baby

In the hotel room, Hailee's cries broke through the silence, startling Y/N awake. He turned to her, eyes wide with concern, and gently shook her shoulder

Y/N: Hailee, wake up

He whispered urgently, his heart pounding with worry

Y/N: It's just a dream, Haiz. Wake up!

Hailee's eyes snapped open, and for a moment, she was disoriented, the terror of the nightmare still clinging to her. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she looked around, trying to ground herself in reality. When her eyes met Y/N's, the fear slowly began to dissipate, replaced by the comforting warmth of his presence

Y/N: Hey...It's okay...I'm here

Y/N pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as she trembled

Y/N:'s's over...

He murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Hailee buried her face in his chest, her tears soaking into his shirt 

Hailee: I...I lost you. And the baby... I lost everything

Y/N's heart ached at the pain in her voice. He gently stroked her hair, his touch comforting her 

Y/N: You didn't lose anything, Hailee. I'm right here, and so is our baby. We're both safe. I promise you, everything's going to be okay

Y/N held her until she calmed down, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of emotions

Y/N: Do you... want to talk about it?

Hailee: No... I just...I just want to stay here with you.

Y/N: I'm not going anywhere

Finally, Hailee pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tearful eyes

Hailee: I don't ever want to lose you...

Y/N leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips

Y/N: We're in this together, Hailee. You'll never lose me...

Hailee nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that with Y/N by her side, they could face anything...even the fears that haunted her in the dark corners of her mind. They lay back down together, their hands entwined and slowly drift off to sleep

The Next Day...

The sun filtered through the hotel curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Hailee, still feeling the lingering effects of the previous night's nightmare, stayed behind in the hotel while Y/N left early to do the track walk. She knew he needed to focus on the race, and she needed some time to herself to shake off the remnants of her unsettling dream

A few hours later, Hailee found herself in the hotel lobby, sipping on a herbal tea and trying to keep her mind occupied. She watched people walk around, the excitement for the upcoming race palpable in the air. As she sat there, lost in thought, she spotted a familiar face heading her way...Florence, who was there to support Carlos 

Florence's smile brightened when she saw Hailee, and she quickly made her way over

Florence: Haiz! I didn't expect to see you here. How are you doing? I swear to God I can't walk right. Me and Carlos last night...wooo!

She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, a mischievous grin on her face.

Hailee couldn't help but laugh, the tension in her shoulders easing a little. Florence always had a way of lightening the mood, even in the most unexpected moments

Hailee: You and Carlos, huh? Sounds like you had a fun night!

Florence winked

Florence: What can I say? He's full of surprises. Keeps things interesting. He's a smooth operator

She settled into the seat next to Hailee, still grinning but her tone softening as she took a closer look at her friend

Florence: But enough about me. What's going on with you? You seem a little off today

Hailee's smile faltered slightly, the weight of her thoughts returning

Hailee: Yeah...just dealing with some stuff. Nothing major,

Florence: Hey, if you need to talk, I'm here. You know that, right?

Hailee nodded, feeling grateful for Florence's support

Hailee: Thanks, Flo. I really appreciate it. Just trying to keep my head in the game, you know?

Florence: I get it. But don't forget, you've got a lot of people who care about you. And I'm here whenever you need to blow off steam or just talk about something that isn't F1 related. sore I am from last night

Hailee laughed again, feeling a little more like herself

Hailee: Actually...can we...go to my room? There's something I need to tell you. Just...not here

Florence's playful smile softened into a look of concern as she caught the seriousness in Hailee's tone. She nodded, sensing that whatever Hailee needed to share was important.

Florence: Of course, Haiz. Let's head up

 She wrapped an arm around Hailee's shoulders, giving her a reassuring squeeze as they walked toward the elevator

As they rode up to Hailee and Y/N's room, the silence between them was comfortable, though Florence could feel the tension in Hailee's posture. When they reached the room, Hailee swiped the key card and led Florence inside, the door clicking shut behind them

Once inside, Hailee took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Florence sat down on the edge of the bed, her gaze fixed on Hailee, waiting patiently

Hailee: So... there's something I haven't told you yet.

She paused, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her shirt as she tried to find the right words

Hailee: I'm...pregnant, Flo.

Florence's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth opening slightly as she processed the news. For a moment, she was speechless, but then a wide grin spread across her face

Florence: Hailee! Oh my God, that's amazing!

She jumped up from the bed and pulled Hailee into a tight hug

Florence: Why didn't you tell me sooner? This is incredible!

Hailee: I know, I know...I just... I needed to wrap my head around it first. And then, with everything going on, it just didn't feel like the right time.

Florence pulled back slightly, still holding onto Hailee's arms as she looked at her with a mixture of excitement and concern

Florence: I get it. But you don't have to go through this alone, okay? I'm here for you...whatever you need. And don't worry...your secret's safe with me until you're ready to tell the world

Hailee smiled, feeling a wave of gratitude for her friend's support

Hailee: I told Y/N a couple of weeks ago. He's really excited. But I've been having these nightmares... I guess I'm just worried, you know?

Florence: It's normal to be scared, Haiz. But you're strong, and you've got Y/N and a whole lot of people who love you. You're going to be an amazing mom

Hailee smiled, her fears easing slightly as she listened to Florence's reassuring words. They spent the next hour talking about the future, Florence offering her support and making Hailee feel like everything was going to be okay

Las Vegas Circuit

The atmosphere was electric as the drivers prepared to take on the Las Vegas street circuit for the first time. The bright lights of the city illuminated the track, casting a neon glow that added to the excitement. Crowds filled the stands, their cheers echoing through the night as they eagerly awaited the race

The Las Vegas circuit, winding through the city's famous streets, was a contrast to the parking lot race at Caesars Palace in 1982. This time, the stage was bigger, the stakes higher, and the competition fiercer. The drivers knew that this was more than just another was a chance to make history on a track that would test their skills to the limit

Y/N stood in the McLaren garage, adjusting his helmet and going over the race strategy in his mind. Despite the pressures of the race, his thoughts occasionally drifted to Hailee, who was watching from the VIP box. He knew she was dealing with her own emotions tonight, but he also knew she was strong

As Y/N got into his car, he took a deep breath, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline. The grid was lined with some of the best drivers in the world, all eager to claim victory on this historic night. Max Verstappen, the three-time world champion, was a formidable opponent, but Y/N was determined to give everything he had

"It's lights out and away we go! Y/N Specter manages to get a good start...but Max Verstappen covers him and leads into the first corner!"

As the race unfolded, Y/N pushed himself and his car to the limit, driving the challenging circuit with skill and determination. The battle for second place in the drivers' championship was intense, with Leclerc and Perez both hungry for points. Y/N knew he had to finish strong if he wanted to keep his championship hopes alive

In the VIP box, Hailee watched with a mixture of pride and anxiety, her heart racing with every turn Y/N made. Florence was by her side, offering support and distraction when the tension became too much

Hailee's eyes were glued to her tablet screen, every nerve in her body on edge as she watched Y/N battle it out on the track. The moment Leclerc overtook him, her heart sank, and she instinctively reached out, squeezing Florence's hand for support

Florence, sensing Hailee's anxiety, gave her hand a reassuring squeeze back

Florence: He's got this, Haiz

But Hailee could feel the stress taking a toll on her, her free hand moving to her stomach as if to protect the life growing inside her. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself

As the race entered its final laps, the tension in the VIP box was palpable. Hailee's knuckles turned white as she gripped the edge of her seat, her eyes darting between the screen and the track below. Y/N, Checo, and Leclerc were locked in a fierce battle for the second-place spot, their cars inches apart as they sped down the Las Vegas Strip

The roaring engines and flashing lights of the iconic Strip created a surreal backdrop for the showdown. Each turn, each maneuver, felt like it could make or break Y/N's chances

As Max Verstappen crossed the finish line to claim yet another victory, the battle for second intensified. Y/N was on the inside of the Strip, Checo on the outside, and Leclerc sandwiched between them, all three cars darting down the final chicane

In a split-second decision, Y/N made a daring move, braking late and taking a tighter line through the last corner. It was risky, but it paid off. As they exited the corner, Y/N's car was ahead, just barely, but enough to claim second place as they crossed the line

"And Y/N Specter comes home second! Amazing finish! He takes second place in the Drivers' championship with one race to go!"


Hours Later...

The music in the club was loud, and the atmosphere was electric as Y/N and Hailee celebrated his podium finish with Max and the other drivers. The lights flashed in sync with the beat, casting vibrant colors over the crowd. Hailee, however, was beginning to feel the fatigue setting in. She had been on edge all day, and the emotional rollercoaster of the race, coupled with the physical strain of her pregnancy, was starting to take its toll

She watched Y/N from across the room, laughing and chatting with Max, his face still glowing with the excitement of the night. Hailee smiled, happy to see him so relaxed, but she knew she needed to head back to the hotel soon

Making her way through the crowd, she gently touched Y/N's arm to get his attention. He turned to her, his smile widening when he saw her

Y/N: Hey! Everything okay!?

He asked, leaning closer so she could hear him over the music

Hailee nodded, her hand resting on his chest

Hailee: Yeah, everything's fine! 

Y/N: Of course... Let's get you out of here. You've had a long day...

He waved over to Max and the others, signaling that they were heading out. Max gave him a thumbs-up, understanding the need for an early night

As they made their way through the crowd, Florence caught up to them, noticing Hailee's tired expression

Florence: Leaving already?

Y/N: Yeah, Hailee's pretty tired

Florence: I'll check in on you tomorrow, then. Get some rest, okay?

Hailee: Thanks, Flo

When they arrived at their hotel, the familiar comfort of the place welcomed them. The excitement of the evening had worn off, and all Hailee wanted was to be close to Y/N, to feel his warmth and strength beside her

As they stepped into their suite, Hailee kicked off her heels and sighed in relief. Y/N smiled, watching her relax as he set their things down

Y/N: Woo! What a day. Right, Haiz?

Hailee: Yeah... I think-

As Hailee was about to speak, a sudden wave of nausea hit her. Her hand instinctively covered her mouth as she rushed to the bathroom, her stomach churning. Y/N, startled, followed her quickly, concern etched on his face.

Hailee barely made it to the bathroom in time, leaning over the sink as she vomited, the sudden intensity taking her by surprise. Y/N stood by the doorway, worry deepening in his eyes as he watched her. He hesitated for a moment before stepping forward to gently hold her hair back, rubbing her back in soothing circles

Y/N: Haiz, are you okay?

Hailee took a few deep breaths, trying to steady herself. She rinsed her mouth out and splashed some water on her face before finally turning to Y/N, her face pale but determined

Hailee: I'm okay. Just... part of the package, I guess

Y/N's brow furrowed as he looked at her, his hands still gently resting on her shoulders

Y/N: You sure? This seemed pretty intense

Hailee nodded, giving him a weak smile

Hailee: Yeah, it's just the pregnancy... I think it's morning sickness, but...guess it doesn't always stick to the mornings

Y/N pulled her into a gentle hug, kissing the top of her head. Hailee rested her head against his chest, feeling comforted by his presence

Y/N: Come on, let's get you into bed. You need to rest

Hailee nodded, allowing him to guide her to the bed. As she lay down, Y/N tucked her in, his movements gentle and careful. He sat beside her, holding her hand as she closed her eyes, trying to shake off the discomfort

Y/N: I'll be right here if you need anything

Hailee: I love you...

Y/N: I love you too, Hailee


A couple of weeks later...

December 2023

Los Angeles, California

Y/N and Hailee sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, their hands intertwined as they tried to blend in with the few other patients around. They wore dark clothes and caps pulled low over their faces, doing their best to remain unnoticed. The last thing they wanted was to draw attention to this deeply personal moment

Hailee squeezed Y/N's hand, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling within her. This was the first ultrasound, the first time they'd get to see their baby, and the anticipation was almost overwhelming

Y/N leaned over and whispered

Y/N: You okay?

Hailee nodded, her heart racing. Y/N smiled, lifting her hand to his lips for a quick kiss

Y/N: We're finally going to see our little one

Just then, a nurse called Hailee's name, and they both stood up, following her into the exam room. Then, Hailee changed into the provided gown and lay down on the exam table, Y/N standing by her side, never letting go of her hand.

The doctor entered, greeting them warmly as she prepared the equipment

Doctor: Alright, Hailee, this will feel a little cold

She said as she applied the gel to Hailee's stomach

Hailee flinched slightly at the cool sensation but relaxed as Y/N gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. The doctor began the ultrasound, moving the transducer over Hailee's abdomen

The doctor then pauses, her brow furrowing slightly as she adjusted the transducer, moving it carefully over Hailee's abdomen. Y/N and Hailee exchanged a quick glance, both sensing that something was unusual

Hailee: Is...everything okay?

The doctor's face softened into a smile as she turned the screen towards them

Doctor: Oh, everything's more than okay. It looks like you're not just expecting one're expecting two

Hailee's eyes widened in shock

As the doctor announced the news of twins, Y/N's jaw dropped, his eyes glued to the ultrasound screen. The realization hit him with such force that he suddenly felt lightheaded. The room seemed to tilt, and before he could say anything, Y/N stumbled back, his vision blurring, and...fainted

Hailee gasped, quickly reaching out to him as he collapsed onto the floor. The doctor immediately moved to Y/N's side, checking to make sure he was okay

Hailee: Is he okay?

Doctor: The news can be... overwhelming

Y/N slowly blinked his eyes open, disoriented, but the memory of the news quickly returned

Y/N: T-Twins?!

Y/N sat up, rubbing the back of his neck, still in shock

The doctor hands him a glass of water, chuckling softly

Doctor: It's a lot to take in, but you'll be fine

Y/N took a sip of water, finally starting to process the news. He looked at Hailee, who was watching him with a mixture of concern and affection

Hailee laughed softly, her eyes sparkling with affection. Y/N reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently

Y/N: We're gonna have twins...

Hailee leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips

Hailee: Yes...we are. And you're gonna be the best dad ever

They sat there for a moment, holding each other's hands, the reality of their expanding family slowly settling in. It was a moment they would never filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a beautiful future together

Y/N: And you'll be the best mom ever...

Y/N, still holding Hailee's hand, turned to the doctor with a warm smile

Y/N: Could we get some copies of the ultrasound? I want to show them to our families.

The doctor nodded, already preparing the prints

As they waited, Y/N and Hailee exchanged glances, their excitement building. The reality of their growing family was starting to sink in, and they were both eager to share the news with their loved ones

When the doctor handed Y/N the ultrasound prints, he stared at the images, his heart swelling with pride

Y/N: Look at them, Haiz...our twins

Hailee leaned in to get a closer look, her eyes glistening with tears. Y/N smiled, slipping the prints carefully into an envelope

Y/N: One day... we'll show this to the world

Doctor: Congratulations again, you two. You're going to make wonderful parents

Two days later...

Y/N and Hailee's Villa, Beverly Hills

Donna's Birthday

The villa was alive with the sounds of laughter and conversation as guests mingled in the spacious backyard, enjoying the Los Angeles sun. String lights were draped across the patio, and tables were set with elegant decorations in Donna's favorite colors. Y/N and Hailee had gone all out to make this a birthday Donna would never forget

As Donna and Harvey arrived, they were greeted with warm hugs and cheerful shouts of "Happy Birthday!"

Donna: This is amazing. Thank you so much for putting this together

Donna said, turning to Y/N and Hailee

Y/N: We wouldn't have it any other deserve the best, mom

Y/N hugs his mother

Throughout the day, the party was filled with joyful moments: Harvey sharing stories from the past, Donna laughing with old friends, and Y/N and Hailee making sure everyone was having a great time. There was delicious food, music, and plenty of toasts to Donna's health and happiness

As the sun began to set and the guests started to gather around the backyard, Y/N stood up to make an announcement

Y/N: Alright, everyone, before we wrap up this incredible day, Hailee and I have a little surprise for you all

Y/N began, glancing at Hailee, who nodded encouragingly

Donna's smile grew wider as she watched her son prepare to speak. Harvey noticed it too and gave her a curious look, but Donna simply shrugged, her eyes twinkling with anticipation, knowing damn well what was coming

Y/N took a deep breath, his eyes sweeping over the familiar faces gathered around him.

Y/N: First of all, I'd like to talk about my mom...

He paused, looking directly at Donna.

Y/N: Mom, you've always been there for me...for all of us, really. You've been my rock, my guide, and the person I can always count on. You taught me so much about life, about love, and about being true to myself. And today, on your special day, I want to say thank you.

Donna's eyes glistened with tears as she listened to her son speak, her heart swelling with pride.

Y/N: This year has been a wild ride, full of highs and lows. But through it all, you've always been there, supporting me, encouraging me, and showing me what it means to be strong. I wouldn't be who I am today without you.

There was a gentle murmur of agreement from the guests, who had witnessed the close bond between Y/N and Donna over the years

Y/N: And because of everything you've done for me, Hailee and I wanted to share something special with you all today. Something that's going to change our lives forever.

He took Hailee's hand, and together they held up the envelope with the ultrasound images. Hailee's voice was soft but filled with emotion as she joined in

Hailee: We're going to be parents... And not just of one baby, but two. We're having twins!

The announcement was met with a moment of stunned silence, followed by an eruption of cheers, applause, and joyful exclamations. Donna's tears spilled over as she rushed forward, embracing Y/N and Hailee with all the love she felt

Donna: I already knew it, but hearing you  say just...I'm so happy!

Y/N: knew?

Donna: I'm Donna...I know.

Harvey, his usual stoicism giving way to genuine emotion, clapped Y/N on the back before pulling him into a hug.

Harvey: Congratulations, son. You're going to be a great dad.

As the news sank in, the celebration took on a new level of joy. Friends and family gathered around to congratulate the couple, sharing in their excitement for the future. Donna, still emotional, couldn't stop smiling as she held onto Hailee's hand, already thinking of all the ways she would spoil her future grandchildren

Jessica Pearson, known for her composed and commanding presence, found herself in a rare moment of vulnerability as she approached Y/N and Hailee. Her usual demeanor softened, replaced by the warmth and affection of an "Aunt Jessica", the woman who had watched Y/N grow from a young boy into a strong, capable man

Jessica: Oh, Y/N...

Her voice wavered slightly as she pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly as if she were trying to convey all the pride and love she felt in that single embrace. Jeff Malone, standing beside her, smiled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on Y/N's shoulder

Jessica: I remember when you were just a little boy, always running around the office, curious about everything. And now look at you...a soon-to-be father. I couldn't be prouder of the man you've become

Y/N, deeply moved by Jessica's words, hugged her back just as tightly

Y/N: Thank you, Aunt Jessica. You've always been there for me, guiding me and showing me what it means to be strong. I couldn't have asked for a better role model

Jessica pulled back slightly, tears glistening in her eyes, and looked over at Hailee, who was standing beside Y/N, beaming with happiness.

Jessica: And Hailee, you are going to be an amazing mother. These babies are already so lucky to have you both.

Hailee smiled, feeling the warmth of Jessica's words.

Hailee: Thank you, Jessica. It means so much to hear that from you.

Jeff, who had been quietly observing the moment, finally spoke up.

Jeff: We're really happy for you two. Parenthood is a wild ride, but I have no doubt you'll handle it with the same grace and strength you've shown in everything else

Y/N and Hailee exchanged a grateful look with Jeff and Jessica, feeling the love and support that surrounded them

After that, Louis Litt, never one to hide his emotions, approached Y/N and Hailee with Sheila by his side, holding their daughter Lucy's hand. His eyes were red and puffy, clearly showing that he'd been crying tears of joy

Louis: Y/N... Hailee...this is... I mean... I can't even...

He was at a loss for words, overwhelmed with happiness. He reached out and pulled Y/N into a tight hug, holding on just a bit longer than usual

Y/N: Okay...bear hug. Bear hug!

Louis: You're going to be a dad! Can you believe it? I'm just... so happy for you both. You're going to be amazing parents, and I just... I can't wait to see those little ones

He pulled back, wiping away a few more tears before turning to Hailee. With surprising gentleness, he took her hands in his

Louis: Hailee, you have no idea how thrilled I am for you. Being a parent is the most incredible experience, and I know you're going to be absolutely wonderful. Those babies are going to be so loved

Sheila, standing beside him, nodded with a warm smile. She was always the calm balance to Louis's more intense emotions, and she reached out to hug Hailee.

Sheila: Congratulations, Hailee. We're so happy for you both. And if you ever need any advice or just someone to talk to, I'm here. Parenthood is an adventure, and I know you'll navigate it beautifully

Little Lucy, sensing the excitement in the air, looked up at her parents and then at Y/N and Hailee. She didn't fully understand what was happening, but she knew it was something special...

Mike and Rachel had been standing nearby, taking in the scene with warm smiles on their faces. As the news of Y/N and Hailee's pregnancy spread through the gathering, they made their way over to offer their congratulations. Mike, ever the jokester but with a heart of gold, was the first to speak.

Mike: Man, Y/N, I always knew you were quick, but twins? You're not messing around!

He grinned, pulling Y/N into a brotherly hug. The two shared a moment, their bond built over years of shared experiences and challenges

Y/N: Very funny. You came all the way from Seattle just to say this?

Mike: Well...actually I came because It's your mom's birthday. Seriously though, I'm so happy for you, man. You're going to be a fantastic dad, and those kids are going to have one hell of a role model

Rachel, standing beside Mike, nodded in agreement before stepping forward to hug Hailee.

Rachel: Congratulations, Hailee. This is such wonderful news. And don't worry, you've got all of us here to help with anything you need. Whether it's advice, babysitting, or just someone to talk to. We're so happy for you both!

Hailee smiled, feeling the genuine love and support from Rachel

As they stood there, sharing in the joy of the moment, it was clear that this was more than just a was a gathering of family, bound not by blood but by the love and loyalty that had carried them through so much together. The future was bright, and with friends like these, Y/N and Hailee knew they were ready for whatever came next...

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