Chapter FOUR: The Centipede And The Rabbit.
Finding Kaneki in a place as big as the 11th Ward proved to be more difficult than it originally seemed. Even with Touka's scent, and the tip from her friend, they still struggled to get through the city.
"So, this friend we're meeting, where are they exactly?" Hide asked.
Touka walked briskly beside him, her face determined as she dodged each person coming their way on their side of the street.
"She lives just up ahead, we'll be there soon."
Hide nods, hoisting his back pack up higher on his shoulders as they walked.
Soon enough they neared an older looking apartment building.
"Rize, the ghoul who's organs Kaneki has, used to live in this ward, so there are Ghouls everywhere still trying to claim her old territory. Stay close to me, even though we're going inside. Most of the residents are Ghouls."
Hide mods and reaches out to grab onto Touka's jacket sleeve as she led them inside the apartment building.
Inside was rather... run down to say the least. And it smelled of mold and dust. Trash littered the hallways, and the walls were stained and peeling.
Hide tried not to stare, but it was hard when all he wanted to do was gag at the smell.
Touka leads him to a door. It was bare and peeling, like the rest of the place. There's an outline of where numbers used to be, but had probably fallen off, and the peephole was gone, leaving a decent sized gap in the wood.
She knocks, leaning back on her heels and shoving he hands into the pockets of her jacket.
"Be warned, Aoi isn't the most... modest person. So don't be shocked when she opens the door."
Hide's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and he was about to ask her what she meant, when the door opened.
Hide looked to the door and instantly he wanted to die right then and there.
In the doorway was a woman, a female Ghoul Hide assumed, who looked to be in her early twenties. Her hair was a multitude of different colors, with brown roots at the top of her head. It was long, stopping just below her chest, and very choppy.
Her eyes were a deep blue, but the whites of them were tinged red, with massive eye bags underneath.
But her facial appearance wasn't what made Hide want to jump off the nearest bridge.
It was the fact that she had answered the door completely naked.
Hide instantly covered his eyes with a hand.
He heard Touka scoff and grab his arm, pulling it away from his face.
"Don't be weird." She said.
Hide stared at her incredulously, wanting so desperately to explode her head with his mind.
"Don't be so uncomfortable, hun." He heard Aoi say, as he wasn't looking at her. "It's just a way of life."
"More like a way of indecency." Touka muttered. "Anyway, we're here for that info you have, so put some clothes on. Or at least a robe."
"Oh!" Aoi exclaimed. "You must be the human who's looking for his Ghoul boyfriend!"
Hide felt his ears heat up.
"He's not my-"
"No judgment here, honey! I completely understand! Let me get more modest and I'll tell you everything I know! Come in, come in!"
She moved back inside her apartment, leaving the front door open to allow him and Touka to come inside.
He heard Touka snicker beside him.
"She called Kaneki your boyfriend."
He turned his head to her and narrowed his eyes.
"Don't even."
She put her hands up in mock defense and moved passed him to walk inside the apartment.
After a moment of hesitation, Hide followed her.
The inside of the apartment smelled completely of marijuana. A smell he was very familiar with.
Not that he smoked it. No, definitely not. It was the other students at Kamii that smoked it. And he usually just happened to be in the same vicinity.
"I didn't know that Ghouls could smoke weed..." he muttered.
"Oh, absolutely!" He heard Aoi say. He looked up, and thankfully she was covered by a robe now.
"Weed isn't food, it's a plant. There are a few exceptions as to what us Ghouls can consume, coffee included. Speaking of, can I get you two some? You both look utterly exhausted after what I'm sure was a long train ride, and this early in the morning, too." She looked at the two teens with concern.
Touka nodded. "I'll take some, if you don't mind." She said.
Hide just shook his head. "No thank you."
With a nod and a smile, Aoi made her way to the kitchen inside her home.
"So, you both want clues on where Eyepatch is?" She asked.
Touka nodded, approaching the counter and leaning on it.
"He's a friend, and we're worried. I know you said he was spotted in this Ward, but we need an exact location. My sense of smell isn't enough to rely on alone."
Aoi nodded, putting together a cup of coffee quickly and sliding it in Touka's direction.
"I can help you. I can't say I can give you exact whereabouts, but I can give you a general area."
Hide walked up to the counter beside Touka.
"We really appreciate your help, ma'am." He said.
Aoi waved him off. "It's nothing, sweetie! I'm always down to help two young lovers reunite!"
"Me and Kaneki aren't-"
"Anyway! My sources say he was spotted in the more run down parts of the district, more run down than this place, anyway. He tends to stay in alleyways, that's where he corners other Ghouls. Just follow the sounds of blood curdling screams and ripping flesh, and you'll find him!"
Touka finished her coffee and set the mug on the counter.
"Thank you, Aoi. We're really thankful for you." She said.
Aoi reached across the counter and patted the top of Touka's head.
"Anything for you, gorgeous! And if you ever see that rotten little brother of yours, tell him I need my money back! That kids gotten an ego that's way too big for that tiny body of his!"
Touka sighed. "Ayato's always been like that, unfortunately. But, if he doesn't try to claw my eyes out the second he sees me, I'll be sure to tell him."
Touka pushed away from the counter and took a hold of the sleeve of Hide's hoodie.
"Thank you, again. We'll be seeing you."
Touka walked away from the counter and made her way to the door, pulling Hide along with her.
Hide briefly bowed to Aoi out of respect and followed Touka.
Once they were out of the apartment, Hide's shoulders sagged with a release of tension he didn't even know he had.
"That was... an interesting encounter." He said.
"Yeah, I don't put it passed you for being uncomfortable. I've known her for years, and I still am." Touka shrugged before leading him down the hall to the exit.
"Is she like, a nudist, or...?" Hide questioned.
"No, she's just weird." Touka said, pushing open the door of the apartment building and walking out.
"But let's stop focusing on it. We have a lead on Kaneki, let's use it. She said he'd be in the lower parts of the district, so let's go there."
Hide nodded, adjusting his backpack on his shoulders. He felt like he was doing that a lot, the straps probably needed to be tightened or something.
"Lead the way." He said.
They were one step closer. He'd see Kaneki soon.
The lower parts of the 11th Ward definitely lived up to it's name.
All the buildings were run down, some were even falling apart.
Not to mention that the smell of blood seemed to linger in the air.
Hide kept close to Touka as they walked. There weren't many people in this area, so it wasn't as easy to stay hidden in a crowd.
They walked through alleyways, where Aoi said Kaneki lingered, but they hadn't found him so far.
Hide was starting to lose hope.
If they didn't find him here, they'd have to start from square one.
He didn't want to do that.
He and Touka kept silent as they walked, holding onto each other just in case.
The silence was eery, unsettling. It made Hide's skin crawl.
Every clatter made him jump, and every gust of wind made goosebumps rise on the back of his neck.
Walking into another alley, both of them stopped.
"Dead end." Touka said. "Let's turn around and- ahh!"
In the blink of an eye, Touka was ripped out of Hide's hold and thrown across the alley.
"Touka!" Hide exclaimed.
He tried to run to her, but was grabbed from behind.
"Well well, what do we have here?" A male voice purred from behind him.
Hide tried to struggle, but froze when he felt hot air blow on his neck, and teeth scrape against the skin above his carotid artery.
He resisted the urge to tremble as he caught sight of a bright, purple tentacle like limb slither up his legs.
"Let him go, asshole!" Touka yelled as she prepared to charge towards the other Ghoul, but before she could, the Ghouls Kagune shot out away from him and towards her, stabbing her in the stomach.
Touka gagged and coughed up blood, falling back and holding her wound.
"I'm not gonna be intimidated by a weakling little girl like you." The Ghoul said. "You're not from around here, I can tell. You Ghouls from the 20th Ward hold no candle to us here in the 11th. You trash always were a bunch of pushovers."
"Bastard, I'll kill you!" Touka yelled, blood dripping down her chin and onto the cold cement ground.
"Ah, ah, ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you, girlie. Not unless you want your pretty little human friend here to be killed quicker than I intended."
Hide felt a sharp pain on his neck as the Ghouls Kagune pierced the first layer of skin. He winced as a thin trail of blood dripped down his neck.
Touka looked panicked as the Ghoul practically used Hide as a shield. Her eyes flickered between the two of them, trying to figure out what to do.
It was a standoff for a few moments, and when Hide felt the Ghoul's teeth scrape against his neck again, he squirmed.
He heard the Ghoul take a deep inhale and open his mouth, preparing to take a bite.
Time froze. Hide trembled, Touka looked ready to pounce to protect him, and the Ghouls hold tightened.
Just as the Ghouls teeth was about to sink into the skin of his neck, the creature was kicked into the farthest wall from above.
Hide collapsed to the ground as he was let go. Touka rushed to his side helping him stand. They both looked towards the Ghoul, who was slumped on the ground unconscious with four bright red Kagune tentacles stabbed into his limbs.
At the same time, a figure jumped down into the alley from a building roof above.
That's when Hide realized.
Black clothes, a Frankenstein esque mask.
Stark white hair.
Hide let of a shaky breath.
Both him and Touka watched as Kaneki stalked towards the Ghoul on the ground, who looked up at him in fear.
"E-Eyepatch, I'm sorry! I didn't know they were your prey! Please! Please don't eat me! Please!"
The Ghoul trembled pathetically, a complete contrast to a few moments ago.
"You're not even worth eating. Scum." Kaneki's voice was cold, emotionless. There wasn't an ounce of warmth. He was so, so different to the shy boy Hide once knew.
Before the Ghoul could respond, Kaneki used a bright appendage to stab him in the head.
The Ghouls corpse went limp, and Kaneki retracted his Kagune from its limbs, letting it dissolve into his back.
It was silent for a few moments before Kaneki turned around to face them, his mask still on his face.
Touka looked Hide over, giving him a worried look.
"You okay? Any injuries?"
Hide shook his head. "No, I'm fine. I'll be bruised for awhile, but nothing serious."
Touka nodded, wiping away the small line of blood on his neck with a finger before standing up.
Her and Kaneki looked at each other in silence.
"What are you doing here?" His voice was monotone.
"Looking for you, jackass." Touka retorted.
"Why?" He looked between her and Hide briefly. But then he seemed to actually realize Hide was there, and had witnessed everything, causing him to back away.
"Why is he here?" His voice held a slight tinge of fear.
Hide got up off the ground, holding out his hands towards Kaneki to show that he didn't mean any harm.
"Kaneki, it's okay, I know. I've always known."
Kaneki froze, his body going rigid.
Hide smiled softly.
"Ever since Nishiki attacked us. He got me pretty good, I'll give him that. I almost passed out, but I pretended to be unconscious so he wouldn't kill me." Hide laughed nervously. Fuck, why was he so nervous? This was Kaneki for Christ's sake!
"So... so you've known that I'm a Ghoul?" Kaneki asked quietly.
"Yeah. I don't think any different of you, Kaneki. I know it's not your fault. I don't give a shit if you're a human, a Ghoul, or even if you were a god damn cat. You're my best friend, you mean so much to me, and I wouldn't give you up for anything."
They alley was silent for a few moments before the sound of sniffling was heard.
Hide's eyes widened as Kaneki's hands reached up and he began unclasping his mask. Once it was off, he dropped it to the blood covered ground and looked up to meet Hide's eyes.
He was met with a tear streaked face and trembling lips. Kaneki's right eye was his usual cool grey, and his left one was completely black save for the bright red sclera.
Tears streamed down Kaneki's face, his shoulders shook and his hands trembled.
"Hide." He sobbed. "I- I've been so lonely without you..."
Hide gave Kaneki a watery smile, tears beginning to form in his own eyes as he took a tentative step closer.
Kaneki didn't back away, which Hide took as a good sign, as he took another step, and then another, and soon enough they were only a foot apart.
Kaneki took the final step, and he didn't waste a second in wrapping his arms around Hide's shoulders and hugging him tight.
Hide didn't hesitate to return the hug, holding the shorter teen closer and clutching him tight.
He resisted the urge to cry. He didn't want Kaneki to break down even more than he already was by seeing him cry.
He raised a hand and gently touched the top of Kaneki's head, waiting for resistance. When he got none, he began to run his fingers through the stringy white strands.
His hair was greasy and dry, with dead ends and knots, but it didn't matter Hide. He held Kaneki close and tight, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.
"Come home, Kaneki." Hide said softly. "You're not alone, you never were alone. Let's go home."
Kaneki took a shaky breath, pressing his face into the crook of Hide's neck.
"I have to get stronger. So I can protect you, a-and Touka, and e-every one else I care about." He cried.
"But let us protect you, too. You don't have to do this, you don't have to resort to cannibalism to get stronger. You'll only destroy yourself in the process, and I don't want that to happen. I'd rather die than let you hurt yourself. So, come home. Let us protect you, too."
He heard Kaneki sniffle before he felt him nod.
"Okay." He mumbled into Hide's neck.
Hide's shoulders sagged in relief.
Kaneki pulled away from the hug and wiped his face of any remaining tears, before he looked up at Hide, his left eye now back to normal.
"Let's go home." He repeated with a shaky smile.
Hide reached a hand up and placed it on Kaneki's cheek, wiping under his left eye to catch the last tear.
Kaneki leaned into his hand, closing his eyes and lifting his own hand to place over Hide's.
They stood like that for a few moments before Touka spoke.
"Jesus, now I understand why Aoi called Kaneki your boyfriend, Hide." She said, a teasing lilt to her voice.
Both Kaneki and Hide's gazes snapped over to her, their soft moment now ruined.
"I already said he's not my-" Hide started.
"God, I know, I'm just teasing. Trying to lighten the sad mood. But, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys have kissed in the past."
Out of the corner of his eye, Hide saw Kaneki's pale face turn a very prominent shade of pink.
There's the Kaneki that he knew and loved.
He didn't think that.
Absolutely not.
"No, we haven't." Hide said, reaching a hand up to rub between Kaneki's shoulder blades. "Besides, I like my men more rugged than he is."
Kaneki side eyed him with an incredulous look.
Hide stuck out his tongue.
Kaneki brought up a hand and flicked Hide's forehead.
"Idiot." He said simply.
Hide laughed and rubbed his forehead in mock pain.
Once things calmed down a bit, Hide took off his backpack, which unfortunately had blood on it now, and dug through it.
"We should get going soon, but you need to change first, Kaneki. You're way too recognizable in that body suit you've got on, and there's CCG officers all around the train station."
Kaneki nodded. "Right. With what clothes?"
Hide pulled out a soft, light purple hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants out of his backpack.
"Your apartment got sold a few weeks ago, so you're technically evicted, but I managed to grab a lot of your stuff, including your clothes. I don't know how well they'll fit considering..." he eyed the defined muscle of Kaneki's arms and torso. "But, I got the most oversized stuff I could find, since you like it more." He handed the clothes to Kaneki.
The white haired teen took the clothes gently, sighed, then nodded.
"Thank you, Hide." He said softly.
Hide gave him a tender smile then turned to Touka.
"Let's let him get changed, alright?"
Touka nodded, walking with Hide to the entrance of the alleyway with their backs turned to Kaneki.
It took a few minutes, as Kaneki definitely struggled to get the skin tight body suit off, especially with how caked in blood it was, but he eventually got changed into the softer clothes.
As Kaneki approached them, mask and body suit in hand and folded neatly in his arms, he held them out to Hide to hide in the backpack.
Hide looked down and noticed that Kaneki was now barefoot, which caused him to chuckle as he took a pair of white slide sandals out of his backpack and dropped them near his pale feet.
"Wow, you just came prepared, didn't you? It's like Mary Poppins bag in that thing." Touka said.
Hide rolled his eyes with a laugh and shake of his head.
"I know what makes Kaneki comfortable." He took the items out of Kaneki's arms and put them in the bag, zipping it up and putting it over his shoulders.
He watched Kaneki fidget with the sleeve of the hoodie he wore, and took his hand.
"Ready to go?"
Kaneki looked up at him from under his eyelashes, his shy expression a vastly stark contrast to the cold, malicious one he had only minutes ago.
He nodded, squeezing Hide's hand.
"Yeah. Let's go home."
Ugh they're so obliviously in love with each other it makes me sick.
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