Lucian let out an incredulous whistle at the massive throne room as he and his sister entered. Alicia had to admit that it was quite a sight; consecutive in a way that the rest of the palace wasn't, which, contrary to what one might believe, made it more beautiful and much more regal. The throne was raised with steps under a canopy made of soft, velvety material - royal blue on the outside and purple on the inside. On the gleaming marble floor lay a thick, long lush cream coloured mat, with little gold trimmings where there were intricate patterns and the greatest feature of the room was the large crystal chandelier, which gave the room a dreamy, starry effect. There were very little decorations and furniture and Alicia liked it just like that.
The throne room was void of any humans save of Jakob and Anna, who bore a few things in her arms and eventually Alicia and her entourage of guards.
"Well sister," Rocky examined the room approvingly "you've outdone yourself this time. This place is lit."
"Is that a pun? You know how much I hate puns." Alicia said, gesturing at the completely lit chandelier as she made her way to the throne. Rocky grinned.
"Yeah it is."
When they reached her, Anna curtsied, careful not to drop or let the contents she carried touch the spotless ground.
"Your robe, Your Majesty." she offered and Alicia groaned. Monarchs of Alfairia had an audience with the people trice a year and for most of the citizens of Alfairia, it was the only time they got to see their kings and queens close up. And so, it was of utmost importance that the queens and kings actually looked the part....at least that's what Advisor Phillps had said. It was only her third time. Alicia found all the fuss unnecessary but against her will, once again, she found herself in a ballroom gown with her boots hidden under the dress as a silent act of rebellion. Anna strapped the thick heavy robe that she had brought from storage to her dress and took a magnificent gold crown which Jakob handed her, as it was seated on a plush cushion.
"If I may?" Rocky asked as he took the crown gently from her and faced Alicia. She slowly tilted her French braided head downwards as he placed the crown on her head. Each person in the room witnessed this silently and almost reverently, and Alicia couldn't have felt more honored. Once the moment had passed, Alicia raised her head and smirked,
"I don't suppose the Prince of Alfairia would like a little princess tiara too, would he?"
"Um, no. Those are way to girly for a manly-man like me."
Alicia nodded at a guard, who left promptly. "If you say so brother." She said, as she sat on the throne. Anna fussed with her skirts and the robe, displaying it a way that would be most elegant and comfortable. Rocky smiled at his sister.
"Well, that's my cue. You look beautiful, Your Royal Majesty."
"Thank you, Your Highness. And hey, don't burn down the palace and the royals are off limit."
Rocky gave her a little salute and said, "yes ma'am!" as her eyes followed him out the room.
Jakob slowly drew close to her, his face void of emotion, and said,
"I don't know what to think of your brother, but he appears pleasant enough."
"You don't have to like him."
"I do. You do know that if anything were to happen to you, he'd be next in line."
Alicia glanced at him seriously. "Phillps, do you know something I should know?"
He ignored her and glanced past the door, his eyes with that faraway look.
"Why did you place a ban on the use of magic, only to lift it a week later?" He inquired.
Alicia glanced at Anna, who was still fussing with her attire though Alicia knew she wanted to know too.
"Leave us please." She then turned to Jakob. "Because I freaking can. I wanted to stop the whole malicious manipulation of magic, even just for a little while. And naturally, weed out those against me."
Jakob glanced at her. "You don't think there are people really against you, do you?"
"Well what do you call someone standing in the way of your only way of going home? Someone who actually wanted you to resort to more dangerous means? I could have been stuck in space forever if the Great Sorceress hadn't cast that portal properly. Now I know I know next to nothing about the magic in Alfairia but I know that. I know I was targeted."
"Your Majesty, it's time." A guard said. Alicia nodded and gestured at the great doors that were soon opened by the guards.
"But you don't know that," Jakob said quickly. "We don't know why you don't disappear like you always do, what magic is in play. What if it's simply because you have not found a partner yet?"
"Does the prophecy say anything about being immune to magic, or not having it work on me simply because I am unmarried?"
Jakob kept quiet and Alicia smiled grimly and whispered, "Exactly." as a woman in plain bland clothing walked in.
Trice a year, people from every city in Alfairia came to pay tribute to "she who comes with the waves". At first, Alicia found all the tears of thanksgiving and gratitude extremely annoying, not to mention mind-numbingly boring. She had just became a queen, the youngest monarch Alfairia had ever had and she had been serving for just six days. Surely the people weren't stupid enough to follow blindly and wholly in a prophecy about a queen they didn't even know. But yes, they were grateful that finally she was here even though she had done nothing to actually be there and you know what? She let them. Drowning in grief and sorrow, she sat numbly, accepting undeserved thanks and she let them give it. At least someone was to gain happiness for all that had happened to her, at least her cousin's life was not in vain.
Almost a year later, Alicia had removed many stereotypes and inequities between ranks and different positions - things that had been fiercely prominent in the previous king's ruling - the slums were now almost entirely non-existent, she had lowered taxes, banned magic and then unbanned it again, and yet royal audiences were still the same. She didn't know how she felt about that.
The woman drew near the throne and curtsied deeply. With a small smile, she handed the guard two baskets and a small sack of gold coins, who then handed the contents to Jakob, a homage which Alicia had insisted they need not bring but they did anyway.
"Your Highness. I bring herbs and spices and ten percent of what was made in sales within these three months." The woman was probably a business owner in one of the stores in the city.
Alicia smiled; it felt fiercely fake. "Thank you your contribution towards Alfairia. You do know ten percent wasn't necessary, I hope? Jakob hand it back please."
"No, no, your Highness. You have already done so much for us and quite frankly, my dear, we can afford it now."
"But---" Alicia protested.
"I insist. Besides you wouldn't dare insult an nice middle-aged lady like me, would you? You've grunt us our happiness; let us thank you."
"She's right, you know." Jakob said.
Alicia tipped her head in surrender. She should have known she would insist. They all do.
"So you want anything from me?" Alicia asked bluntly. Jakob cleared his throat in discomfort: that was so not protocol. Alicia figured she would totally be in for a YOU OUGHT TO FOLLOW THE CORRECT PROCEDURES lecture if Advisor Phillips was here, but good thing he wasn't. The lady let out a dry, lighthearted chuckle; the kind which your aunt (who rocked up half-drunk at a family reunion) always let loose.
"No, child. Besides the usual rat infestation and the death scares by the Death Forest, we've doing just fine. But I've come to actually warn you to be careful. Darkness approaches, and it approaches fast. Brace yourself." The woman sounded ominous, and a certain fragile silence followed this statement. Alicia thought she sounded a little like a--
"Witch." Alicia breathed.
The woman chuckled again. It didn't sound so pleasant now.
"That's like the pot calling the kettle black, but yes, I am. Beware, Your Highness and be brave." The woman said as she curtsied and rose before she turned.
Alicia looked at Jakob, unable to speak before the next citizen of Alfairia walked in.
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think.
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