

"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting His Royal Highness, Prince Lucian Jackson, the Queen's brother." Jakob announced as the three royals walked into the dinning room for breakfast, a few minutes later.

Rocky almost stumbled and the rest of the royals, curtsied and sank into their seats.

Alicia thought that Advisor Phillips looked like he could murder someone but then she blinked and the expression was gone so quickly she almost thought she must have imagined it. Alicia gestured to Rocky to sit on her left as Advisor Phillips was on his usual seat by her right. He smiled and exchanged a look with his wife, Lady Mavis - which made Alicia a little wary and suspicious of the couple - and then stiffly proceeded to say, "Welcome Prince Lucian. It is good to finally meet her Majesty's family. Please enjoy breakfast."

Lucian gave him his billion megawatt smile.

"It's good to finally see where the little sister disappears to." He beamed at her and she fake beamed right back at him. "Thank you for having me, Lord..."

"Phillips. Royal Advisor Phillips." He said almost grimly. Alicia thought he was probably upset that there was someone in the kingdom who didn't know or sing his praises.

Lucian acknowledged him by a small tip of his head as he dug into the unlimited supply of food that was brought to the table by maids. He lifted the bread, which looked awfully puffy and yellow and shrugged, spreading cheese on it. Besides the usual background chit-chat of the table, conversation was generally low and limited; probably because the rest of the lords and ladies were trying to figure out what kind of a character this Lucian was. Most of them were doing a pretty good job at hiding it, but because she was watching her like a hawk, Alicia saw Lady Mavis glance at him over the rim of her juice glass several times. Lucian was obviously oblivious to the attention he was getting.

Lady Mavis stared until she couldn't take it anymore. She simply had to test him.

"So, Prince Lucian, how does it feel to know that, you, of all people, are a prince of a small but very wealthy kingdom?"

The entire room turned to a hush.

Alicia noted her condescending tone and she began to call her out, but Rocky simply smiled and confidently replied, "It's actually wasn't that surprising to find out that I, of all people, am a prince. I've always figured I was destined for greatness. I mean, look at me!"

The royal court laughed, and it was immediately clear that the Queen's brother was quite charming and charismatic.

Lady Mavis pretended to laugh and quickly pursed her lips in distaste. That had not been the response she was looking for.  "Well then, how did his Highness take it? I mean surely one would have been offended to find out that their beloved sister had been hiding such a thing from them?"

Alicia was going to punch this woman.

But then Rocky turned to her lovingly, smiled and said, "Actually, it's quite alright. I completely understand why she did it even though I couldn't believe it until I saw it. It's pretty cool that my little sis is a queen at a hidden, secret kingdom."

Once Lady Mavis had begun with the questions, the rest of the royals began to have the courage to ask their own questions. Some were spiteful and condescending as the questions asked by Mavis, and others were questions born out of general curiosity and awe. Rocky, like the paragon of a social butterfly, took all the questions in stride and eventually, it was clear that he was everything Alicia wasn't. He was easy and light-going, where Alicia was tense and careful. Nice and friendly, where Alicia was often stern and sarcastic. Alicia felt a sudden tinge of jealousy, but it was so sudden and so irrational that she quickly dismissed it. She didn't even care what these people thought of her.

Alicia cleared her throat and silence settled in the room.

With a smirk and feign sincerity, she stood and said, "My fellow royals, thank you for welcoming my brother, The Royal Prince Lucian of Alfairia to our home. I know I didn't mention it and it was a bit of a surprise for all of you," she looked at Advisor Phillips when she said this. Something told her he wasn't taking this very well. "But please, give him the respect he deserves." she continued, this time looking at Mavis and Lord Rosa, who had both asked condescending questions.

"To celebrate his arrival, it gives me pleasure to announce a lift on the ban of use of magic," the royals clapped politely while the servants and maids standing all around the dinning hall clapped with a bit more enthusiasm and fervor, as it was them who had felt the real effect of not having magic to aid their duties. "And with the approval of my Royal Advisor and the head of houses, a royal ball, in a week." Now the rest of the royals clapped more enthusiastically, for any reason to dress up and show-off, was a wonderful reason to dress up and show-off. She lifted her glass of orange juice and with a raised voice in order to be heard over the cheering, proposed a toast to the prince. The royals lifted their glasses and toasted to him too, while the palace workers continued to cheer. Of course Alicia would propose a toast during breakfast; the irony didn't escape Jakob who was not only wickedly witty, but also fiercely intelligent. The whole thing was very joyful and celebratory that Lucian wondered if these people were starved of happiness, food or parties, because there was no way a group of satisfied people would be so happy over a simple party.

With the tip of her head, Alicia indicated to Rocky that it was time to go, but naturally, they were trailed by the advisor, Jakob, a handful of maids - who needed more information about the details of the ball, and two or three of the soldiers in her guard.

Alicia had always liked a good grand exist.


A ball! A ball!
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