Meeting A Grumpy X-Man

Remember I OWN NOTHING!!!!

(No One's POV)

It is the next day after Jack's show of power that annihilated the competition and him meeting Yang's and Ruby's mother or one of them. After that day he met Raiden again who told him that he would meet more teachers like him and that what Jack did was what Raiden was able to do when he was in his own dimension. Jack was confused by that but didn't question it just yet till he met the next person that would apparently be his teacher. Right now Jack got out of his bed which was really just a torn up sleeping bag and knowing he had no food left and now no shampoo or soap, he decided to just head to school but now that he had amazing speed he decided to test it. Jack got into a running stance and ran towards school to where he made it in under 1.1 seconds. 

Jack:" Well it saves time so I'm down but I wonder who the next guy will be? Or girl?"

Jack walked towards the school to get his stuff and on the way there he got intrigued and surprised looked from teachers and students.

Jack:" Oh great attention from people. I HATE attention from people."

Jack sighed deeply in annoyance before getting his stuff from his locker but noticed that there was a envelope lodged between the vent of the door. Curious, Jack took the envelope and and saw that it was by a "secret admirer" with a red heart at the end. Jack was both confused and annoyed. Was this simply because he now had power so now people would throw themselves at him or just kiss his ass to get some kind of approval from him? He decided to open the envelope to see what it was and when he did inside was a letter that read this.

Jack*Reads Out Loud*:" Hi Jack, you don't know me but I know you and what you've been through. I know that this may sound weird and kinda dumb but I love that skill test you did since you finally stopped us having to worship Bakugo like a god while also making Principal Peters speechless so we didn't have to hear him say for us to just do whatever Bakugo wanted. Thank you so much! From your secret admirer. P.S. If you got this letter, I'll leave you a little something next time."

Jack was genuinely surprised and cautious of the letter since he didn't know who it was but the fact that they disliked Bakugo and Peters like he did made it enough for him to give the person the benefit of a doubt. After putting the letter in the bag, he walked to class where he got more stares but more specifically from Bakugo, his lackeys and from Iida. He sighed before taking his seat next to his greenete friend and fellow orphan Emerald and the only good Big 3 member Nora who both hugged onto his arms due to not only what he did yesterday for them all but also that he won't be bullied or neglected anymore...or at least that's what they think. This wasn't going to really change much for Jack as this didn't bring back his parents or give him a better living situation than what he already had. Just then the teacher walked in before saying for everyone to get out their homework from the previous day and that they would be going over what they've learned from the two previous days. Jack got out his homework but when the teacher walked up to him, he stared at Jack with eyes that showed genuine fear before quickly grabbing the papers off his desk.

Jack:" Yo something wrong teach?"

Teacher:" N-No Jack, it's just your eyes are still black and red from your yesterday."

Jack*Eyes Glow Bright*:" Is that a problem?" 

The teacher frantically shook his head and went to ask the class questions about the review and during that, Jack looked down to his hands to remember how he threw that ball and how he had electricity just coming out of his body when he used his supernatural speed for the first time. Jack then remembered Tea when she checked to see if he was hurt and that she witnessed him do all that. Realizing and begrudgingly accepting that he had grown a crush on a grown woman, he blushed a faint red and simply laid his head down on the desk to tune the teacher out before hearing the same raspy voice of the man that gave him this power.

Raiden*In Mind*:" Yo kid."

Jack*In Mind*:" Raiden?"

Raiden*In Mind*:" That's the name kid but I got to talk to you about things that are important for your future so we need you out of this school and away from your little girlfriends."

Jack blushed a little more from that but before he could respond, the teacher's phone rang and when the teacher picked it up he looked around while speaking to the person before his eyes landed on him.

Teacher:" Yes I'll send him up. Jack you are being checked out by a mister Logan Howlett."

Jack*In Mind*:" Logan Howlett? Who's that?"

Jack got up and got his backpack but Nora and Emerald didn't want him to leave so Emerald used a illusion to make her and Nora invisible and followed Jack out since they didn't want to be away from their long time crush. Jack was walking towards the entrance to the school and when he made it, he saw Raiden there but not in his armor but rather a pair of blue jeans, tan T-shirt and to Jack's surprise a black eye patch. Next to Raiden was a short man wearing a white tank top that showed off his amazing physique and military pants. The man was a rather hairy one with side burns that gave him a somewhat animalistic look. Jack walked over to the two men with Raiden having a slight smile and the other man having a annoyed look on his face while glaring at the secretary that cowered behind her desk but when he saw Jack, he raised a eyebrow before crossing his arms stoically with a grunt. Jack walked up to the two men before looking up at them with his new red and black eyes.

???:" Hmm, looks like he's got your eyes. In a way."

Raiden:" Very funny but you might as well introduce yourself then we'll leave because I fucking hate this school."

???:" Then why the hell did you stop me from clawing that bitch to pieces?" 

Raiden:" Because teaching him in a jail cell or you covered in blood and bullets isn't a good idea now introduce yourself and let's go."

???:" Alright whatever. Listen kid the name's Logan so no mister crap or grandpa shit got it?"

Jack:" Yeah man. Noted and will listen to."

Logan simply nodded before they walked out the school to go somewhere else to have that talk about whatever Raiden wanted to talk about but then Logan said he needed some booze and that he could tell Jack was hungry judging from him grabbing his stomach so they decided to stop by a restaurant to get some food while Raiden went into a grocery store to get some things for Logan but Jack abruptly stopped him and turned to his side.

Jack:" You can show yourselves. You won't be harmed."

Suddenly Emerald and Nora appeared outta nowhere with scared looks and red faces at being caught but Jack simply shook his head.

Jack:" Why does it not surprise me that you two would follow me?"

Nora*Embarrassed*:" Because we've done a few times before?"

Jack:" Exactly."

Raiden:" Let'em come. Not like they can go back."

The two girls followed Raiden while Jack followed Logan who simply cast the line a glare to get out of his way to the cashier.

Cashier:" What can I get you?"

Logan:" Get whatever kid. I got the money."

Jack smiled and ordered two triple cheeseburgers, large fries, chicken and waffles and a large can of Ghost. Logan simply got some buffalo wings and a large chicken Caesar salad. After five minutes of waiting for their food to arrive, what did was Raiden, Nora and Emerald with a bag of something while Nora and Emerald were both holding onto each other as they weren't used to seeing people like Raiden or Logan. Raiden pulled out a big whiskey bottle out of the bag and a packet of cigars before ordering the girls a big pepperoni pizza each with a large Dr Pepper and himself a steak with potatoes which had finally arrived along with the other's food.

Jack's Food

Ignore the Mcdonald's signs

Logan's Food

Nora and Emerald's Food

Raiden's Food

Logan:" Took'em long enough."

Raiden:" Just eat you big baby."

Logan grunted before to the shock of the kids a twelve inch claw like appendage claw came out of his knuckles that stabbed into the wings.

Emerald*Scared*:" W-What is that!?"

Raiden:" It's okay kiddo, that's just a power he has."

Nora*Scared*:" Is he a Faunus?"

Logan:" No, Faunus are more human than I am."

Jack stared at the claw before noticing the way it looked. It was incredibly shiny and looked to be made out of steel or aluminum. Jack then remembered Raiden's metal armor and wondered if they were the same material but why would it be inside of Logan rather than just some kind of armor. 

Jack:" Hey Raiden, is that metal the same kind that your armor is made out of?"

Raiden:" You not being scared doesn't surprise me but for your question yes it is the same metal as my body."

Jack:" Body? Don't you mean armor?"

Raiden:" We'll get to that later but just eat up because we need to put some muscle and skin on that body of yours kiddo."

Jack:" Can't say I disagree with you."

The group ate their food and after paying the bill walked to the nearest park that was empty since school was still active but then Jack caught sight sight of something interesting. Literally. As he looked around he saw that his eyes were scanning the area like a robot would with things like what kind of tree he was looking at, what it best could be used for and what it's natural habitat was. He looked to Raiden to see that his spine had a bunch of cybernetics covering the whole thing and with Logan his body was far beyond even peak human health which confused Jack but he then remembered how his eyes were now black and red when he gained what he would assume to be Raiden's Semblance or Quirk but why didn't he have some kind of psionic ability that Raiden had used to speak to Jack in his mind? 

Raiden:" Alright we need to make some things here clear so you could have a better understanding of things."

Logan:" Start with what we are because people calling us Quirk users pisses me off."

Raiden:" Alright *Looks to the children* Kids, me and Logan aren't exactly humans."

Jack's eye widen when he heard that. Not exactly human? Then what were they or more importantly, what was Jack now that he had Raiden's powers?! Was he now no longer human or fully human? Was he a completely new species? Was he a alien, a demon, a super soldier? Suddenly he felt a pat on his head an looking up he saw that it was from Raiden.

Raiden:" In my case, I'm a cyborg. Half human half machine. That armor you saw Jack was really what my body was but let's just say some smart friends I got manage to make it where I can walk around without looking like I came out of a sci fi movie." 

Logan:" Yeah this boy and me have some metal in us but he's got it worse than I do. Having your whole damn body nothing but a big computer while I'm over here with a skeleton having a chrome job that would make Ironwood blush." 

Nora/Emerald:" Chrome job?"

Logan:" Right your still kids. *Sighs* It means that my bones are all made of metal while my skin and muscles are just that. Flesh but I'm not human. I'm a mutant, a breed of human that has abilities that make us superior to humans and Faunus."

Jack:" So the metal in your bones were because of your abilities?"

Logan:" No they were from something else but that will be explained whenever I feel like it."

Jack:" What powers do you have if you don't mind me asking Logan?"

Logan:" Enough that Atlas called me a Severe Threat but I'm only that if you piss me off enough."

Jack:" This might be a little unrelated but last time anything Atlas pissed me off I broke his limbs and left him hanging from his nuts upside down but he deserved it."

Raiden*Raised Eyebrow*:" What did he do?"

Jack:" He was trying to beat up a child Faunus that was simply trying to ride his bike."

Logan:"....I might actually like training you if your willing to hurt assholes."

Jack:" Just make sure not to sugarcoat anything because I need to become stronger since I'm getting sick and tired of this goddamn society."

Logan:" Heh heh heh, you won't be disappointed bub but right now I suppose I should tell you what my powers are since they'll be your's soon."


Raiden:" You won't just be getting all my powers or just Logan's, you'll be receiving ALL of your teacher's powers, skills and weapons when they deem you ready."

Jack.EXE has stopped working.

Logan:" Great you broke him."

Raiden:" Then I'll unbreak him."

Logan:" That's not a word you moron."

Raiden:" I will shove my sword up your ass old man."

Logan:" Old man?!"

Nora looked at her "broken" friend/crush before poking his cheeks a few times to no success while Emerald tried to flick his forehead only for him to stare blankly across the table.

Emerald:" Jack, the park is on fire!!!!"

Nora:" There's a basket of energy drinks right behind you!!!!"

Once again nothing happened while the two grown men argued about Logan's age and Raiden being a "child" but then Jack suddenly sprang to life before clutching his chest in pain with both hands, shocking his audience.

Jack:" Jesus, this is what pain feels like?!?! God it fucking SUCKS!!!!"

Raiden:" What the hell!?!?"

Nora:" Jack what's wrong!?!? What's happening!?!" 

Logan:" OI kid, the hell's happening?!?!"

Emerald:" Jack I thought you couldn't feel pain!!! How can you be hurt!?!?!"

Jack couldn't respond to them since to him it felt like someone was cutting up his heart with a dull hacksaw blade while his heart was regenerating from the cuts at the same time. It felt like hell.

Jack*Strained*:" P-Pain inhibi*Coughs*tors."

Raiden's eyes widen when he heard that before Jack started walking over to a tree to just stand with his hands on his knees and breathing heavily but he refused to collapse to the ground. For the first time in his life he felt genuine physical pain, something he was suppose to be numb to due to a genetic condition he was born with. Jack looked at his hands to see that they were slightly shaking but he clenched his fists tightly to try to soothe his body from the pain but it was still present on his whole body and especially in his chest. After what felt like decades the pain subsided and Jack's pain immunity returned to him, causing what would've been the after effects of the pain to die before he simply sat down under the tree he was leaning against.

Jack:" What the hell was that? IF that is what pain feels like, I can see why people want their Auras to be at their best potential."

Emerald and Nora went and gave Jack a hug to try and comfort his pain while Raiden and Logan were utterly shocked to hear from Jack "Pain Inhibitors" How the hell did he know that? 

Jack:" I'm fine, I just need to catch my breath."

Raiden:" Jack, you said pain inhibitors. How do you know what those are?"

Jack:" After Logan told me I would have his and other people's power, I was suddenly back in my mind where this really tall figure stared at me and then put a finger on my chest after telling me that he found someone better."

Logan:" Who the hell said that?"

Jack:" Don't know, he was covered up by the shadows except his red eyes that are like mine."

Raiden:" Damn it, well guess there's nothing we can do about it now but we'll do something about it if it happens again, understand?"

Jack:" Yeah that would be a good idea."

Logan:" Raiden why not you take the girls home while me and the kid talk? I don't need the girls anymore scared of me."

Raiden:" Alright*Turns to Emerald and Nora* Come on girls, I'll take you home."

The girls nodded before hugging Jack goodbye and following Raiden, leaving the young orphan and the metal bone mutant alone before Logan sighed and gestured for the boy to follow him. After a few minutes of silent walking the boys made it to a store where Logan decided that Jack needed some stuff since he didn't want to teach a boy wearing rags as clothing and having to go to a school filled with snot nose brats and jackass teachers that neglect him so he got him some clothes, a scroll and some actual school stuff before going behind the store so they can have the privacy to speak.

Jack:" Thank you Logan for getting me these things but you didn't have to."

Logan:" Kinda did if you have to look like that. You need to look strong to be strong sometimes kid and you just looked like a damn hobo but right now we have more important things to speak about."

Jack:" Like what?"

Logan:" My powers and what you'll be able to do."

Jack's eyes lit up with curiosity and hope before looking up to the five foot three man who brought how his claws on both hands and a tired look.

Logan:" But first a little history. My name IS Logan but I went by another name for decades before I just grew tire of life and went into a retirement of sorts till I met your future teachers then you and your little girlfriends."

Jack*Blushing A Pale Red*:" O-Okay but what do you mean tired of life? Did you...end it all?"

Logan:" No I just stopped doing what I did and barely even got involve with a newspaper but now to my powers. Like I said my powers are from a mutant gene I was born with and when I got it, it gave me these bone claws that were just that, bone not metal. My other powers are that *Grabs A Lead Pipe And Crushes It Easily With His Grip* I'm physically superior to any man, woman and these "grimm" things that they fight. My strength, speed, durability and endurance are much higher than most people as you just witnessed with this pipe."

Jack was shocked to see that the pipe was completely destroyed just by Logan's grip but then Logan started to talk again.

Logan:" Another is like these Faunuses you have here, my senses are heightened insanely and most likely higher than Faunuses so I can hear things miles away or tell when someone is lying by their heartbeat, see in darkness and track people down by their scents. My most important power is also the one that made those Atlas shitheads to call me a "Severe Threat" and that is my regeneration."

Jack:" Regeneration? You mean how much you can heal from?"

Logan:" Yes and mine can regenerate from slashes, bullet wounds, my skin being torn from my bones, my heart or any of my other organs being ripped or destroyed from my body with the exception of my brain. So for short kid I can heal from almost anything but that's not all. I'm almost immune to poison, diseases, drugs and alcohol, have a high tolerance towards fatigue which allow me to fight for days on end without even a nap and allowed me to live far longer than anyone has before on this planet."

Jack:" How long?"

Logan:" Well first off kid how old do I look to you?"

Jack:" Maybe thirty three to thirty six years old?"

Logan:" Nope in reality I'm about one hundred ninety years old."

Jack*Shocked*:" WHAT!?!?!?!"

Logan:" M regeneration gave me slowed aging so I was able to live a long time without looking like a crippled heap of wrinkled flesh."

Jack:" That's amazing!!!"

Logan:" Heh, it has it's benefits."

Jack:" Wait then what about Raiden?"

Logan:" He has the standard superhuman buffs besides that he's a cyborg that needs a oil change regularly but he can generate electricity from his body so that's okay I guess."

Jack nodded his head before Logan suggested that they go to a hotel to sleep since Logan had no where to go and Jack had nothing to go back home to. They walked for about fifteen minutes before arriving at a decent one where Logan gave Jack his own room where Jack took a refreshing bath and then after drying himself up, he set a alarm for school tomorrow before allowing his body to relax to the warm and soft covers but when he fell asleep to the sounds of crickets, a voice in his head spoke to no one in particular before putting a finger to Jack's chest.

???:" Looks like I found another worthy successor and one that can really make a impression on this pathetic and worthless society. Take my heart son and make this world better." 

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