A Day In The Life Of A Nobody That Becomes A Somebody
(Obviously I don't own anything here from the video game and TV show characters I'm using to any pictures here. ALL RIGHTS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS) Also one more teacher and she'll be added to the harem as well.
Cereza or better known as Bayonetta
(Jackson's POV)
Ugh, morning already?! Goddamn it! Well guess I should introduce myself and get ready while I'm at it. My name is Jackson but I prefer to go by Jack and I am currently nine years old going to a crappy elementary school with punk bitch teachers and little snot nosed arrogant children that are stains worse than shit on this damn planet. Currently I was walking down stairs to the kitchen to greet my parents and get some food.
Jack*Sarcastically*:" Hey mom, hey dad. Oh I forgot, I'm a goddamn orphan."
I headed to the fridge to see what there was left and turns out it was empty as hell except for a bottle of water. I sighed and took it before looking around at the cabinets to see if there was anything I could eat or snack on but all I was able to find that was left was a apple and a bag of three cookies that my friend Ruby gave me two days ago. I ate them up fast and walked to the bus stop which I unfortunately shared with the my school's biggest jackass and "strongest" student, Katuski Bakugo and his dickless lackeys but I also saw that the bus was already here so I got on fast before they did and looked around for a seat before seeing one next to Yang, Ruby's older sister and another friend of mine. I saw down next to her while she was playing on her scroll while I was just sitting there with a torn up backpack and a bored expression due to me already knowing how this day was gonna go because of my status of being powerless. After about ten minutes we got to the school but for some reason I looked out the window and saw that the principal was out there waiting with the coach and judging from the clipboard, there was gonna be some stupid grade crap again for either our strength or speed to determine a winner that gets to choose what we do for the rest of the PE class time or for me, bully time. I sighed before walking off the bus and standing next to Yang where everyone was talking to each other about what they were gonna do for the tests while Yang was telling me that she wasn't expecting that she would pass the speed one since that was more Ruby's thing and the strength one was her thing and judging from their semblances made sense but I looked over to one of other supposed big three of the school known as Tenya Iida who was telling everyone to stand up straight and stay in line for some stupid reason but then I decided to looked around for the other member of the big three before finally finding her. With orange hair and pink and white clothing stood the pancake eating machine Nora Valkyrie who's semblance allows her to use electricity to make her stronger and faster but she was already strong and fast without it while having enough stamina to run around this city hundreds of times without breaking a sweat and then just several dozen more laps for fun. She was looking around with that big smile of hers before her teal eyes landed on me and she was in flash in front of me.
Nora:" Hey Jack my bestest friend in the whole wide world!"
Jack:" Sup Nora."
Nora:" Are we doing this boring test thing again?"
Jack:" We do it every damn month so yes."
Nora:" Lame."
Nora decided to just stand by me while Yang put away her scroll and turned to gasp when she saw I was standing right next to her. She looked a little sad before hugging my arm.
Yang:" I'm sorry Jack that I didn't see you. I wish I focused more on things than my stupid scroll. I'm so sorry that I didn't talk to you."
I wasn't offended or surprised she didn't notice me since I was insanely good at being unnoticed from public places to even malls when I sneak in to either steal food, new clothes since mine either either get burned from explosives or torn to shreds and even sometimes money. I was just a very stealthy motherfucker. I simply sighed and waved her off since I really didn't care about being noticed or any kind of attention not worth a second of my time but the teacher said that the test will happen in a hour so we walked to out lockers to put our bags away and get the stuff we need for our classes but while I was trying to get my notebooks, I was pushed to the ground and hit my head hard but like I expected I didn't feel anything which has been a problem I had for my whole life. I can't feel pain but I can feel everything and anything else. This didn't help with emotional or mental pain but it's whatever. I looked up to see that it was the Bakubitch group that did it and that he had that stupid smile on his face.
Katuski:" What the hell do you think you're doing you powerless loser!?"
Jack:" What does it look like Bakugo? I'm getting my stuff so I can go to class like everyone else in this pathetic school."
Bakugo:" Well maybe you should leave this school since no one needs a weak pathetic loser like you here."
Jack:" Whatever you say but then again, I don't give a damn what you say."
I picked my stuff up from the ground and walked away to class where the hour we were in was about learning of history of the the last one hundred years of how we got to how we are today but I didn't really care since I was also for some reason had a very high IQ of 275 so this was a breeze for me if the teachers weren't jackasses that kept changing my grade to make it seem like goddamn fucking trash. I didn't really hear anything the teacher said till he passed out the papers that I finished in about forty two seconds and handed back but when I tried to go back to my seat, I started to feel lightheaded and somewhat weak.
Jack:" Can I go to the bathroom teach?"
Teacher*Sighs Annoyingly*:" Fine brat. Take the pass and get back here fast."
I rolled my eyes at the jackass's attitude before taking the male pass and going to the bathroom with this feeling making my movements sluggish and my mind feeling like I just drank for a whole goddamn night but despite that I managed to make it to the opening of the bathroom before I suddenly felt like I was about to throw up from something before feeling something hard against my left side.
Jack:" Wha-
I looked to see that it was the wall of the entrance but I couldn't even move even my head anymore but I could still feel my body judging from my knees giving out and me falling to the ground. Looks like not feeling pain is a good thing after all.
Jack:" Wait what the fuck? Now I'm all good from whatever the hell that was? Jesus Christ now what kind of crap is that?"
I sat up only to see that there was nothing in the area I was in except pure darkness and silence. I looked at my hands only to see that it was that dark that I couldn't even see my own body. Where is this place anyway? A teacher or staff member would be here already to either chew me out or to check on the bathrooms for something.
???:" They can't go into your mind kiddo."
Jack*Startled*:" What the fuck?!"
I turned around and while I couldn't see someone, I managed to feel around and felt something metal before being grabbed by my collar and brought up to stand. I then saw two tiny red orbs of bright light appear out of the pitch black darkness that scared the shit out of me since I thought I was the only person here.
???:" Calm down kiddo. I'm one of the people that are gonna help you actually."
Jack:" Help me?"
???:" Yes. Just say I'm one of the teachers that will turn you into a warrior."
Just then the area lit up for me to see that I was just inside some room with just white furniture, white walls and just white everything. Just white as snow place that looked absolutely spotless. I looked over to where this person was and saw that he looked awesome and terrifying at the same time. He was wearing some kind of badass looking armor that covered his whole body except his head and face with a sword sheathe connected to his hip but I saw that he was pale judging from his face and had white hair that matched the area we were in but I guess the place was nice at least.
I heard something that was sharp removed before hearing something metal placed against glass. I turned back to the man to see that he set his sword onto the glass table before sitting on a big couch and gestured for me to follow. I slowly walked over to him and sat next him before taking a quick peek at his weapon to see that it was completely a bright red and looked sharp as hell but I then heard the raspy voice of the man say something again.
???:" Hey kiddo, looks like your mind is stronger than I thought it was."
Jack:" Oh? What makes you say that?"
???:" You actually have a building in your head an a damn good one at that besides some shitty shack or just pure darkness the whole time so this means that your mentality is incredibly strong. That though is nothing compared to how through out so many things you used your willpower and your own two hands to live another day."
Jack:" Huh well I guess being a orphan for seven years since you were two can do that if you want to live."
???:" Believe me, I know the feeling."
I was confused to hear that but when I looked into his eyes, I could see that they went from red and glowing to hurt and sad. Was he a orphan like me?
Jack:" I'm sorry sir."
???:" Sir? Ah crap I didn't introduce myself did I?"
I shook my head before he got up and went to a fridge that just appeared in the room. This mind thing needs some more explaining but I let that go when I saw him take out a bottle of some kind of vodka and a can of Monster.
Jack:" Thank you."
???:" No problem but I guess I should introduce myself right now. My code name is Raiden but my real name is Jack. Call me whatever seems easier."
Jack:" I think it be easier to call you Raiden for just one reason."
Raiden:" And what would that reason be?"
Jack:" My name is Jackson but I go by Jack for short."
Raiden:" Is this the reason he wanted me to be the first to speak to you? Just cause we share the same first name? Well I suppose it's time for someone to be this world's new protector."
Jack:" Protector?"
Raiden:" Let's just say kiddo that this world will be getting some bad guests that your huntsman and huntresses won't be able to even hurt compared to what me and my "friends" can do."
Jack:" Uh okay but what do I ha-
Raiden:" Just train and be yourself kiddo and the world will live to see another sunrise and sunset. You just need to not be any different than you already are."
Jack:" Alright Raiden I guess but next time you need to talk, don't make it feel like I spent a night drinking my ass up."
Raiden:" No promises but it's time for you to get back."
He patted me on the head but I suddenly realized the warmth on the back of my head and on my forehead before I....opened my eyes?
Jack:" What the hell?"
(No One's POV 10 Minutes)
The two half sisters saw Jack limping out the door so they asked the teacher if they could go to the bathroom and he said it nicer to them than he did with Jack. Yang was mad when they left and followed Jack but had to hide a little since the principal Mr. Peters was strict about boys and girls showing affection or being together in the halls so when they got to the boy's bathroom, they saw Jack wobbling then leaning on the wall breathing heavily. Ruby and Yang gasped in fear when he fell to the ground face first but then broke out into a sprint to him to see what happened but he was still as a statue. Yang put his head on her lap while Ruby put a hand on his forehead to see if he was sick or cold but she couldn't feel anything weird about him. Suddenly Rbuy and Yang didn't know what to do but then a heard a voice they recognized.
Tea:" Girls?"
Ruby:" Mommy!?"
Tea:" Ruby, what happened?"
Yang:" Mommy he just fell but he was breathing really fast before he did and now he won't wake up!"
Tea:" Well let me see him."
Their mother got down to the ground and started to inspect as she put it Jack but she then said that he seemed to lack some nutrition and had bags under his eyes.
Tea:" Poor kid seems like he's a workaholic or a soldier. He's got scars and looks so tired. I think he just passed out from exhaustion or from the lack of a healthy body."
Jack:" What the hell?"
Ruby:" Jack!"
Ruby gave him a big hug before he got up from Yang's lap and looked around the area confused. He was still wobbly and looked so tired but he was alive and that's all they cared about.
Ruby:" Are you okay Jack!?!? Can I get you something!?!"
Jack:" No it's...okay Ruby. Just a little tired, I guess."
Yang:" Jack are you sure your okay? You can go home if you want. We know the teachers and principal wouldn't care."
Jack knew that was true but he didn't care since he had nothing to go back home to. He simply patted Ruby's and Yang's head before looking around to see if any teachers were around but the only adult was the tall blonde woman with the ponytail.
Jack:" Uh hi mam."
Tea:" Hello kiddo. Are you sure your okay? You're body seems like your in pretty bad condition."
Jack:" I've just been tight on money right now but I'll manage. Thank you for helping me though miss-
Tea:" Tea Xiao Long. I'm Ruby's and Yang's mom or rather one half of them."
Jack:" Oh well I guess it's nice to see where they got their good souls from if you were willing to help a complete stranger."
Tea*Blushes A Pink Hue*:" Well thank you kiddo but please get home okay."
Jack:" I've trusted myself for this long and I've only ended up in over thirty five bad situations but I came out alive."
Tea:" O-Okay sweetie but I really think you should just take it easy please. For me?"
Like always Jack was gonna say that he'll be fine but when he properly looked at her, h realized that she was so beautiful. Her toned and strong looking body was showed off very good in her outfit, he beautiful hair that was tied up perfectly in her ponytail and that pleading look in her eyes and that angelic smile made Jack for the very first time in his life actually blush a red hue that the two sisters somehow didn't notice or he hoped they didn't at least. Jack knew what this feeling was but he knew a woman like her would be married already and be with some other person, not a child like him.
Jack*Flustered*:" Okay, I'll take it easy. Or I guess try."
Tea*Smiles*:" Thank you Jack. I guess you should be getting back to class now."
Jack:" More the gym since we have that dumb test again."
Tea*Confused*:" Test?"
Yang:" It's a stupid test of strength and speed where the winner gets to choose what the whole class gets to do but the winner is always Katuski and we have to play a stupid game where he just says mean stuff to us and make do dumb things."
Ruby:" Recess is always so boring when this test happens."
Tea:" I see."
Jack:" Come on girls. We become late, Peters is gonna give us another lecture."
Tea recognized the name Peters and was reminded of the scrawny weak but rich teenager that always flirted with her and her team. If this was the same dude that was now a teacher then she would've just home schooled her daughters.
The girls followed their only male friend and to a extent their only friend besides Nora before Tea continued towards the bathroom and after doing her business, she went to the office to speak to the principal about a child she heard that the school could never get a hold of the parents. She got worried since either the parents were very neglectful or very busy that they were away too often to be around. She walked inside the door where a petite woman was sitting at the desk and said that Principal Peters would be out in a minute. Tea wanted to bust down a wall when she heard that instead of a teacher that her high school stalker was the principal of this school but she begrudgingly just stood there waiting for the freak to come out. Eventually he came out and got a perverted look on his face when he recognized the woman wanting to speak to him before moving aside to let her in the office. Tea sat down and crossed her arms while Peters sat down and "tried" to keep his eyes on her face.
Tea*Assertively*:" I'm gonna say this one time and one time only Peters. Who's the child I've been hearing you've been having trouble getting contact with the parents?"
Peters*Perversely*:" Why not we talk Tea? It's been awhile since we've seen each other."
Tea:" And I haven't missed you since so tell me or you'll going on a date with my fists."
Tea cracked her knuckles and that was enough for Peters to get his computer and look at the student and Tea could see the disgusted look on his face.
Peters:" It's a trouble maker named Jackson but he isn't worth your time speaking to. But I am worth every second so let's just talk."
Tea was shocked to learn that the boy she spoke to was the one that she had heard about. But why was he littered with scars and seemed so emotionless when she spoke to him? Tea was also frightened when Jack mentioned that he had been in thirty five situations and got out alive but that didn't mean unharmed or at least traumatized. She then remembered that they had a test today so she decided to see it and see what Jack was capable of and to just be there for someone who had clearly went through a lot.
Tea:" I'll be observing this test you make the students do and try and get in my way, I'll make you wish the Devil got to you before I did."
Peters frantically shook his head before leading her to the recess playground where the students were lined up and Jack was standing next to Nora and another girl that had longish green hair and red eyes that was clinging to his arm.
Peters:" Now everyone I'm sure that you know what this is so just get ready and we'll see if we'll actually get a new winner*Whispers* I doubt it though."
Tea glared at Peters before seeing that most of students weren't able to throw the ball at all far or run at speeds that would make them win. This seemed so unfair since most of these kids had either semblances or Quirks that weren't combat worth so this was completely pathetic of Peters to do but the two kids, one loud and rude and the other demanding and bossy were able to beat the other in a different version of the test with the blonde beating him in the strength by using a explosion to send the ball about twenty one feet away while the blue haired one managed to cross the finishing line at a faster pace than the blonde. Ruby succeeded in the speed test easily but the strength one was lost easily with the opposite happening to Yang but the orange haired girl with blue eyes that was speaking to Jack was able to succeed in both of the test easily. Now it was Jack's turn but then he fell again while clutching his arms and acting like someone who had shocked with severe amounts of electricity. Tea was terrified but then got pissed when she saw Peters laughing at this. How was a child's pain funny?!?!? Tea was ready to run to the boy but he got back up and when he turned to Tea, she saw that his eyes were no longer the empty emotionless brown ones that she saw but were black with a bright blood red glowing target in the middle as pupils.
Tea was shocked by the sudden transformation but Jack walked over to take the ball from the coach and after taking a deep breath, he threw it as hard as he could but he along with everyone present didn't expect the result.
The coach shakily brought up the speedometer but dropped when it started smoking due to it having been overtaxed by the sheer speed of the throw. Peters was stuttering and gargling on his words while Tea was impressed by the show but her daughters, the orange haired girl and the greenete ran to Jack and gave him a big hug. Jack was utterly shocked by what just happened since it proved that the man he met in his mind wasn't a figment of his imagination or some kind of hallucination but what did he do to him? The coach managed to get his barrings back and asked for Jack to run around the five mile long track field to test his speed but when the whistle sounded, Jack's body start emitting bright blue electricity before he ran to the other side so fast it was comparable to lightning. Jack ran back the same way with the coach, Peters and students shocked before the coach said that Jack was the winner.
Jack:" Hmm, just do your own thing, I don't care. Just don't bother me and we won't have a issue. "
Everyone cheered before running off to do just that but Katsuki tried to hit Jack with a explosive but he got a strong punch that knocked him clean out.
The punch went by slow motion for Jack and he felt immense satisfaction that he finally managed to protect himself rather than be attached by Katuski again.
Jack*Smirks*:" I could get used to this."
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