2 - Still Not A Word

"You totally like him," Charlie said, smirking at Gabe.

"What, who?" Gabe asked.

"Sam," Charlie said.

"Nope," Gabe said, turning back to the counter.



"Well then why didn't you ask him out?"

Gabe hesitated, sighing. "He probably doesn't want to. I mean, he's mute, he's gotta have some sort of social issue right?"

"He asked what your name was," Charlie said. "You in particular. He didn't object when you gave him a nickname."

"Charlie that's just your shipping brain," Gabe said. "You're always looking for subtext where sometimes, there just isn't any."

Charlie gasped dramatically. "Oh trust me bitch, there's subtext there and you're blind not to see it." Gabe just shrugged it off. "Anyway, the shift is ending soon. I'll pack up, you get our stuff."

Gabe nodded and walked into the back room of the store, grabbing their bags and stuff. He walked out and Charlie was letting the other workers take over for them.

Not long after, they were back at Gabe's apartment. To find Gabe's siblings there.

Cas was in the same place they'd left him. "See I told you I can not break things," he muttered darkly to them.

"Yes good job Cas," Gabe said sarcastically. "But if you actually moved, would something have broken?"



"You'd think he'd be a loosened up by now," Luci said. Because Luci and Michael were now in the house.

"That's Cassie for you," Gabe said. "When did you guys get here?"

"Bout an hour ago," Michael said, leaning against the counter. "God, I haven't seen you guys in ages."

"Not at all this year," Gabe said. "You really should visit more often."

"Yeah I just come for the food," Luci said, exploring the cupboards of Gabe's kitchen. "Why is everything you have sugar?"

"Because sugar," Gabe said.

"Hey do any of you guys know sign language?" Charlie asked suddenly.

"Yes, why?" Cas asked.

"You should teach Gabe," Charlie said with a smirk.

"Shut up," Gabe muttered. "I don't need to learn."

"Interesting," Michael said. "For what reason would he need sign language?"

"There's a guy," Charlie said, and Michael nodded in understanding.

"Mute or just trying to impress the guy?" Michael asked.

"Oh for dad's sake," Gabe said. "Come on guys, let me live my own life."

"I was just curious," Michael said, holding up his hands in surrender.

"If you must know, he's mute," Gabe muttered.

"What's he look like?" Luci asked.

"Tall, long brown hair, the most amazing hazel eyes..." Gabe trailed off, realizing what he had just said.

"So why are you here and not with him?" Luci asked. "What, you chickened out of asking him out?"

"No I just—"

"Oh you totally did."

"Shut up Satan."

"I'm the devil, you can't control me."

"Michael can."

Michael looked up at the mention of his name. "Don't bring me into this."

"Too late," Gabe said. "Make Luci shut up."

"Later," Michael said.

"Oh god I don't even want to know," Gabe said, groaning. Luci just smirked at his boyfriend, walking over to wrap his arms around Michael's stomach from behind. Michael turned his head and smiled at him.

"Ship it," Charlie said.

"I don't understand, what do boats have to do with this?" Cas asked.

Gabe just sighed. "I'm related to you guys. How did that even happen?"

"Oh you love us," Charlie said.

"I'm not even related to you."


Gabe just rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling at his brothers and friends.


Sam was lying on the bed in his dorm room. It was the evening, and he hadn't immediately returned to studying like he had planned to.

Kevin was sitting on the other bed, watching Tv shows on his laptop. He glanced over at Sam.

"You okay there Sam?" he asked. Sam nodded. "You sure? You've been lying there a while."

Thinking, Sam signed.

"About what?"


Kevin smiled slightly. "You totally liked him."

Sam shrugged. He seems nice. I don't know.

"Oh come on," Kevin said teasingly. "You're going back tomorrow, that's gotta say something, right?"

Maybe I'm going back to see Charlie, Sam signed, giving Kevin the bitch face.

"You wouldn't have any luck with her," Kevin said. "She's a bundle of rainbows and unicorns. No straightness there."

Sam mouthed 'oh'. Well. Maybe I just want to be friends with Gabriel. He seemed funny at least.

"And he likes you," Kevin said. "Don't say I didn't warn you if he asks you out."

I'm mute. Why would he?

"Don't get yourself down over that. If he likes you then he won't care."

Everyone cares.

Kevin sighed. "Maybe you should talk to him then."

I can't.

"You choose not to. It's a mind thing isn't it? An anxiety towards how people will react to you talking?"

I think so.

"Then say something you know he won't react bad to," Kevin said. "Maybe something similar to something else that's been said. That should help with the anxiety, even if it's just a little."

Sam just sighed, thinking.


"Gabe, cover for me would you?" Charlie asked.

"What why?" Gabe asked, from where he'd been talking to a customer.

"I'm meeting up with Kevin," Charlie said. "I don't see that kid enough."

"What but," Gabe said, "Sam said he...oh you traitor, you two planned this."

"Of course not," Charlie said. "What do you take me for?"

"An insane fangirl who wants her ships together."

"That's accurate."

Gabe just kinda glared at her. Charlie just smiled.

"Later bitch."

"Bye Charlie," Gabe said, sighing. He walked back to the counter and continued working, talking to people about fandoms and what not. And he covered for Charlie when need be, doing all her usual jobs too.

The place's closing time was five, and fifteen minutes beforehand Gabe was thinking Sam wouldn't show up. And he was surprised to find himself disappointed.

"I've seen him once," Gabe muttered to himself, tidying shelves. "I've talked to him once. Once dammit. Sure he's hot and everything but—" He was cut off by someone tapping his shoulder, and turned to see Sam standing there with an amused smile.

"Oh," Gabe said. "Heya Sam." Sam went to sign something, but then seemed to remember that Gabe wouldn't understand. "Sorry about the lack of communication you can have there." Sam waved it off.

Sam pulled out his phone suddenly, and typed something in. Gabe watched with confusion until Sam passed him the phone.

What were you just talking to yourself about? Sam had typed in notes.

"Nothing," Gabe said, and Sam raised an eyebrow. "Sorry Sammy, gotta go on at least one date with me before I tell you that." Sam rolled his eyes and took the phone back.

Sam turned and walked off, texting on his phone. Gabe followed and stopped with Sam at the Doctor Who section of the shop. Sam's phone went off in his hand and he just glared at the screen.

"Who ya talking to Sammy?" Gabe asked. Sam turned the glare to Gabe. "What, he gets to call you Sammy." He pointed at the screen, where some guy called Dean had texted Sam.

Sam just gave him an and? look.

"Why does he get to?" Gabe asked, pouting. "Boyfriend?" Sam shook his head frantically, looking disgusted. "Oh, family then." Sam nodded. "Brother I'm assuming, older or younger?" Sam gave Gabe a look. "Right okay, one choice only. Older?" Sam nodded with a small smile. "Hey I'm getting used to this."

Sam just smiled again, and looked over at the Doctor Who merch. Gabe glanced around the shop, noting that there was no one else in there.

It was almost closing time, so Gabe walked over to the door and changed the open sign to closed. Sam was watching him and gave him a kind of half confused, half scared look.

"We're closing in a few minutes," Gabe said. "Just stopping any new customers coming in. I'm not going to drag out into the store room and murder you."

Sam gave him a relieved smile, chuckling a bit. He turned back to the Doctor Who merch and grabbed one of the pop vinyl figures there, the eleventh Doctor.

"Aww but I thought Tennant was your favourite," Gabe said as Sam walked over to the counter. He walked around to the other side of the counter as Sam just gave him another look that Gabe tried to interpret. "You already have him don't you?"

Sam nodded as if it was obvious. Gabe took the pop figure and scanned it, then glanced up at Sam. He smiled slightly, before putting the payment through on his name.

As Sam pulled out his wallet to pay, Gabe stopped him. Sam gave him a confused look.

"Consider it a present for bringing some interest into my life," Gabe said, pointing to the screen that said it was already paid for. Sam gave him a surprised look, before going to shake his head. "Let me be nice, it doesn't happen very often."

Sam paused for a moment, before giving Gabe a small smile, mouthing the words thank you.

"Don't mention it kiddo," Gabe said, walking with Sam over to the door or the shop. "You going to come by again?"

Sam gave Gabe a teasing smile before nodding. He walked out of the door which Gabe held open for him.

"Well, see ya later Sammy," Gabe said. Sam gave him a half hearted glare that didn't have the same effect due to the smile he couldn't hide. He gave up and smiled, waving to Gabe as he walked away. Gabe smiled as he watched Sam go, before walking back into the shop to close everything down.


"So, how'd going to Fandomania go?" Kevin asked when Sam returned. Supposedly Kevin had gone out to see Charlie.

I got a Doctor Who figure, Sam signed.

"I mean with Gabriel."

He talked, he paid for me, that was it.

"Dude, he paid for you? He likes you."

Maybe he's just nice.

"I was talking to Charlie. Gabriel is a stubborn idiot who likes to play tricks on people. Not the type of person who would just pay for someone else's things."

Sam shrugged. You two ship us, don't you?

"Of course we do. Do you know how adorable of a couple you'd be?"

Sam rolled his eyes. He's probably straight.

"Nope, I asked Charlie. He's about as gay as they get."

Are you going to give up on this? Ever?

"Why would I do that?"

Oh I don't know, to give me some peace and quiet?

"Oh but that's not what friends are for."

Sam sighed, sitting down on his bed and pulling out one of his books for classes. He tried to read for his test the next day, but thoughts of Gabriel kept invading his head.

Sam tried to assess the situation. He kinda liked this guy. He'd happily go on a date or two with him. Get to know him better, see if he really liked him. And Gabe was gay too, so that worked out well.

But the problem Sam always had with everything...he was mute. Sure it was selective but that didn't mean he wanted to talk to Gabe just yet. And Gabe would probably get impatient with him, get sick of him not talking. Just like the last boyfriend Sam had.

Sam sighed. I think I'll go talk to him again, he signed to Kevin. Kevin wasn't paying attention. Sam glared and tapped loudly on his book. Kevin looked over and gave him an apologetic look. Sam signed the sentence again.

"You should definitely do that," Kevin said. "Charlie said she was going to try and teach him sign language, but that you shouldn't get your hopes up for that. Apparently he's lazy." Sam smiled slightly at that.

He looked back at his book before giving up and putting it away for the day. His mind was too preoccupied anyway.


"Okay I can't," Gabe said. "I don't understand."

"It's easy," Charlie said. "You just have to remember what each thing means."

"But I caaaaan't."

"Ugh why did I think I could teach you this?"

They were in Gabe's apartment again, sitting across from each other on Gabe's couch. Luci, Michael and Cas were on the other side of the room, playing a board game. Cas was winning and Luci was raging.

"I don't know," Gabe said. "You know I'm not good at languages."

"It's sign language," Charlie said. "I thought it'd be different."

"Apparently not," Gabe said. "I don't have the mental capacity to translate hand movements into proper words."

"But you need to talk to Sam," Charlie whined. "Come on, sail this ship."

"I have an idea," Gabe said. "I do what I did today, we managed to get along pretty well then."

"Yeah but that was you guessing everything," Charlie said. "He needs to be able to talk to you. Come on, next time he comes in you should at least know a few words."

"Better idea," Gabe said. "I'll just ask him out."

Charlie was silent for a second. "I have no objection to that."

"Neither do I," Luci called from across the room.

"Oh god Satan ships it," Michael said. "Sorry Gabe, it has to happen now."

Gabe just laughed, before walking over to join in on the board game they were playing.


Reeally want to get the storyline going but I don't want to rush things so Sammy's still silent :P

I am so glad I'm on holidays right now...sleeping in is the best :D And I can stay up late...ugh I don't want to go back to school, this is so much better.

*Gives everyone chocolate easter bunnies because why not*

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