A/N: This chapter's not all fun and games...! This especially I feel could be better but meh. Things are happening, and just like in canon, our poor Izuku is caught right in the middle.
It was finally exam day! Izuku felt like he had been waiting his entire life for this! Well, actually, he kind of had been. He wasn't actually worried about it, even though, in hindsight, he probably should have been. He has the Slugcats, right? Nothing would be able to stop him if he wanted to take over the world.
Boy am I glad that some villain didn't get their hands on the Slugcats.
Unfortunately, the universe seemed intent on messing up his day. And mess it up it did.
"I-I can't take them in with me?" The woman who had stopped him nodded.
"Yeah, you can't take pets in to help you, no matter how... Unusual or useful they are."
Izuku sighs.
Wait, is that allowed?
"Alright, I can't bring them in. Are support items allowed?"
Please please please...
"Yes, as long as you keep them minimal. We wouldn't want someone to cheat their way through the exam by taking, say, a gun into the exam."
Izuku smiles. That means he can probably get away with things the Slugcats give him. He crouches down and speaks quietly to the creatures.
"Have anything that would be useful in fighting giant robots?" Barely 5 seconds after he says it, Explody coughs up a bomb and shoves it in his face. He backs up a couple steps, chuckling nervously."Um, that's good, but it could hurt the other people taking the exam if I'm not careful. Maybe something with less of an area affect?" She huffs, clearly annoyed. Suddenly there's a sharpened price of metal with a red cloth tied around the tip in his face.
"Aghhhb. Uh, maybe don't do that as much? You're gonna accidentally hurt me one of these days... This is one of those explosive sticks, right?" Explody nods with an expression that looks a lot like an evil grin. "Aaaalright. Anyone have anything less... Extreme?" Vampire steps forwards and grows a bone-like spear from their tail, before snapping it off. They repeat the process, then hand him both of the weapons."Thanks! I just hope I'm a good enough aim with these to hit the right spots..." The purple Slugcat nods, acknowledging his thanks, then backs off, sitting next to Explody.
To no one's surprise, Black Hole waddles over to Izuku and presents him with an item. It's one of the orange, egg things. Izuku remembers that the creature had used it to create the antimatter bomb (as Izuku had taken to calling it) back when the Sludge Villain had attacked him. "This isn't like that crazy bomb you made back when that villain attacked me, right?" The tan Slugcat makes a sound that seems suspiciously like laughter and shakes his head. He mimes throwing the object and makes an explosion-like motion with his hands. "It's... Another thing that explodes?" Izuku guesses. Black hole nods, and makes a bigger explosion with his hands (or paws). "It's a stronger bomb, so I should... Only use it if I need to? The creature nods again, then joins Explody and Vampire.
"... Alright. Well," Izuku checks his watch. "OH no I gotta goBYeE!!" He speeds off, leaving all eight Slugcats (plus the woman who had stopped him from bringing said Slugcats into the exam grounds) staring at where he had just been.
"How rude. He didn't even check with me to make sure everything he had was acceptable."
There. Pebbles spots a two-pointer about 80 meters away and starts sprinting towards it. He's almost closed the distance when a large, strangely recognizable shadow soars to and hovers over the robot. A second later, a thin, red, beam of light flashes down and centers itself on the mech.
Beepbeepbeepbeep CRACK!
A long harpoon made of bone buries itself in the shell of the robot, sending it to the ground in a sparking mess. The culprit swoops down, pecks the thing a few times, and shoots back up into the sky, realizing it isn't edible.
Pebbles stares at the sky before shrugging it off and ignoring it. There are definitely not supposed to be King Vultures here, but whatever. The only thing it did to him was steal his robot kill, and he can always find more.
"Woah woah, what do you think you're doing, just ignoring that? Those things are dangerous, Pebbles." Pebbles freezes. That voice is all too familiar. A smiling, green skinned person with a darker diamond shape on their forehead walks out in front of Pebbles.
"I'm not interested in conversing with you, No Significant Harassment." Sig yelps in happiness. "So you do remember me!" Pebbles snorts. "Of course I do. You've harassed me far too much." That just makes them grin wider. "That sounded like a joke! I didn't know you were capable of jokes! Oh yeah, Moon's here too, by the way. She's trying for the Support Course." Pebbles paused to process the information. "What about Winds? Innocence? Suns?" "Not sure about them. They might be out there somewhere, but I haven't seen them. I was starting to doubt you were here, but I found you! Trying for the Hero Course at UA, too!"
Pebbles glances around, suddenly weary that another of his old friends acquaintances was going to jump out at him. "Well, I wanted to do something here. Seeing that each creature only has one life, this seemed like the most interesting and important option." Sig laughs. "Well, if there are suddenly King Vultures in this world, then it's more important than ever! Speaking of, how'd it get here?" Pebbles shrugs. "How am I supposed to know? I do recall coming across a boy that seemed to have adopted several Slugcats, including, I believe, your little creature, so it wouldn't be the first creature to come here from our world." Sig looks far too excited at this. "My little Hunter? Really? Kind sir, please do direct me to this wondrous child. Ah, actually, we can chat another time. If we want to pass this exam, we need points. Bye!" And just like that, Sig was gone.
Should I be happy or annoyed that they're here?
Izuku pulls the needles Vampire had given him out of another robot. He's not doing too well, he has about 17 points? 19? He really isn't sure. What he is sure of is that he needs more.
He spots another robot not too far away. It's all on it's own. That is, there's no examinees anywhere near it. Izuku pulls the bomb he had been saving out of his pocket and chucks it without a second thought. It hits, sending metal shards flying everywhere. Luckily, none of them hit him, but there were a few close calls.
Suddenly, Izuku hears distant screaming. In a moment, he's running. Not away from the screams, but towards them.
What in the world am I doing?
He rounds a corner and is met with a crazy, chaotic, and just downright terrifying scene. People are running in every direction, seemingly trying to run away from...
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
In the sky, a large, black mass with huge, alien looking wings is soaring. It has a strange mask attached to what appears to be its face, and two long, thick, twisted looking bone harpoons connected to the sides of its head. A murky purple gas is spewing from small holes next to where its wings connect to its body. One of the harpoons fires with a loud CRACK! It buries itself in the ground where someone had been standing just a moment before. The creature screeches, annoyed at its failure.
After several seconds, everyone had managed to get away from the creature. At least, that's what Izuku thinks, until he sees one small figure still running for cover. She appears to be a girl with brown hair, and as she turns her head, Izuku's heart stops.
She's the girl who helped me earlier!
Time seems to slow as she places one foot wrong and trips on a stray piece of rubble. Izuku rushes forward and pulls the item Black Hole had given him out. He aims and throws, hoping it hits its target. It does. It strikes the creature's neck and sticks there. But.. Nothing happens. Izuku feels terror overtake him as he starts running again shouting at the creature. "HEY! LOOK AT ME!" It ignores him, centering a red laser on the girl. In a blind panic, Izuku throws a needle at the creature. It strikes its side, making the thing briefly glance at Izuku. It hisses at him, then turns back to the girl, who's struggling to get to her feet. A moment later, the orange bug egg, which was still stuck fast to the creature, explodes. Izuku hears a strangled shriek, and a loud thud as it falls to the ground.
There's blood everywhere, and nausea is slowly building inside of Izuku. Dizziness comes in waves as his adrenaline that he didn't know he had dissipates. The world fades in and out, and he can barely hear the worried shouts of several pro heroes as they're making sure everyone's safe.
"Kid? Kid?! Are you alright? Shit, someone get over here!" Izuku tries to smile, but he's just so tired. Is this normal? Does saving someone usually do this?
I-I saved someone... Is his last thought before he passes out.
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