Chapter 3: Last Prime




Optimus, to say the least, was at a loss of what actions to take next - least he become more suspicious and seen as a potential threat to this worlds enforcement. With the label of 'possible vigilante' being put on him from surrounding police on his way to their station, he didn't want to cause anymore discomfort among the humans and cause any panic.

Although he will admit, it was certainly an experience to be the interior of a car from the view of a human and understand how Jack, Miko, and Rafael had always expressed their comfort in being seated inside of their alt form. But now as he wait in the bleak, steel colored walls, with an empty chair across the table from him, and the single light hanging above him, he could only reminiscence the comfort of the cushioned seats in the car. 

He was at least thankful for the offer of water and the two packet cracker that an officer had brought him after being in the room for 5 minutes before being left along for a while.

And during this time, Optimus could only be brought back to the battle that had occurred not even an hour ago.

The fact that a groundbridge had appeared out of nowhere, with no sources of energon or traces of energy in the area, gave Optimus the impression that the groundbridge was opened from another point on Earth - although it was strange that nothing came out.

Well, that's what Optimus would conclude to be the most logical answer, if he himself didn't feel the surge of energy flow through his new body and shoot out - opening and closing the bridge himself to relocate the villain. So how did he manage to open a groundbridge?

Optimus looked down at his hands in wonder - attempting to find any significant details on his hands that make it stand out in any way. only to see the crevices and lines that littered any human hand- along with a small scar here and there, pointed out by it's lighter skin tone. He turned his hand this way and that, trying to find anything other than his scars that make it stand out, only to find nothing more on his calloused hands.

He then felt tempted to search the rest of his body out of curiosity and to maybe find anything noteworthy, but he knew that would have to wait until some other time as he recalled that undressing anywhere where prying eyes may be is a big no-no in society. 

So with that, Optimus sat quietly in his chair and interlocked his hands in his lap, lowering his head and closing his eyes as he waited for what awaits him next.


It was only about another 15 minutes or so that some else had finally came into the room to break the silence around Optimus - prompting him to lift his head up to see who he would be talking to.

"Hello there!" A man greeted casually as he took off his beige colored hat whilst entering the room. "Sorry it took a while to get to you - we were dealing with some other business." The man excused his apparent tardiness as he pulled out the opposite chair and casually took a seat - setting down a files he had held under his arm.  "You may call me Detective Tsukaushi. I'll be asking you some simply questions about the attack that had happened and you're involvement. Nothing hard, right?" The detective tried making light conversation with the Prime by chuckling lightly, only the Prime stared back at him unfazed by his demeanor. Not at all discouraged by the Prime's behavior, Tsukaushi continued on by opening the folder he brought in with him so only he himself could see what the papers inside read.

"Now," He began. "Can I start off with your name?"

Optimus had actually pondered on this simple question, and the affect it would have for the rest of his duration in this place, as revealing his name may bring unwanted attention (aka Decepticons, as per Soundwave and Shockwaves abilities) or possibly MECH, if there was a chance that they were alive and still functioning.

But he knew, that in order to gain any sort of information from this world, he would have to give up something vulnerable about himself - even if it meant revealing his true identity to the world.

"My name, is Optimus Prime."


"Alright then Optimus, thanks for being cooperative with me. I'm gonna step out real quick but before I do, would you like another water? Maybe some snacks?"

"There is no need for that, thank you," Optimus politely declined, seeing as he still had his refreshments from earlier, another seemingly untouched.

Tsukaushi nodded his head with a smile and simply left the room - saying nothing else and leaving the man in the quiet room once more.

Once out of the interogation room, the man turned to the other precense in the room standing watch. "Thanks again Aizawa for keeping him from using his quirk. I tried to make it quick so that you didn't have to strain your eyes too much,"

The addressed man, seeming to be disheveled with black long shaggy hair, a stubble, and an entire black outfit. nodded his head before opening his mouth

"So, how'd he do?" The detective breathed out a sigh before expressing a small smile to the shaggy looking man as they both looked through the two-way mirror in front of them.

"He did alright, almost everything he told me was true - of course except a couple of things here and there, and then there were some strange spots as well." That seemed to peak the other mans interest.

"Oh, like what?"

Opening up the folder in his hands, the detective began to skim over what appeared to be a file on Optimus. "Well, he didn't lie about his name, but when he stated his 'name', it was actually his prefered name in his file so I guess that was okay. And when I asked about any other name he goes by, such as his government name, he said he had none. He wasn't lying about that - but I find it strange that his real name in his files was blacked out."

"Was there anything else that seemed off or suspiscious about him and his answers?"

"Other then him lying about his age, as I'm sure he was just bashful-"

"-didn't sound very bashful with that face-"

"-about his age like most older people are, I didn't think much of it." The detective shuffled some papers in the file before his eyes narrowed in concern and his smile was wiped from his face. "But there's one thing that stood out the most."

"He doesn't know what his quirk is."


After another hour or so of Optimus sitting in the silent bleak room, the detective from before came back with the same painted smile as if he were only gone for a second.

"Well Optimus, I know you're confused on whats going on right now and where you are-" Why was the detective talking to him like that- "But it's ok now. Your grandmother is here to pick you up. She explained everything to me and your not in trouble at all ok? Just make sure to not use your quirk in public again, ok?"

Optimus deadpanned at the airheaded-like detective in front of him as he was spoken to like a child. But what confused him the most, was the fact that he mentioned a 'grandmother' waiting for him.

What was a grandmother?? Who came to pick him up? Who couched for him?

As Optimus silently pondered these questions, the detective calmly went to his side and unlocked his hand cuffs which Optimus just so happened to forget about in all the spare time he had to ponder his circumstance. Looking past the detective, the Prime noticed another man at the door, all dressed in black with long black hair to accompany the look. The two stared at each other in silence, none daring to back down from each other, until their short staring contest was broken by Tsukaushi standing back up, blocking both their views of each other.

"Now come with me Optimus, your grandmother's waiting for you."

Still being treated with the same childish attitude from Tsukaushi, Optimus decides not to comment on that and simply follows him out with the other blacked out man walking from behind him.

A few turns here and there around some corners and they appeared in what seemed to be a front office of their headquarters.

"Ah! There you are deary!"

Looking towards the source of the voice, Optimus suddenly became face to face with the old lady he saved earlier that day during the villain attack.

"It's you," Optimus couldn't help but mutter out.

"Yes yes dear, grandmama's here now, no need to be scared of these people," The old lady continued to coo at Optimus and use her quirk to stretch her arms and hands up to squish at Optimus's cheeks, considering she was actually an extremely short for an old women, standing only at 3'9". Optimus, to say the least, was at a loss of words of how to take in such a situation and simply didn't know how to respond other then her gently pry her off of him.

"Excuse me, miss, I am glad to see you ok and unharmed by the attack earlier-"

"Ah, there he goes again with his memory. I though for sure my handsome-man would remember all my cooing and babying I did for him every since he was born!" The old lady seemed to pout, before turning to the officers behind Optimus. "You know, I used to change his nappie all the time while his mother was out working and when he wouldn't accept milk from the bottle, I let him-"

"OOOOooohkay! Obaasan, you're free to go and have a nice evening now, ok?" The detective couldn't help but rush forward - stopping the old lady from saying any more embarrassing things about the man they had just released as to save what remained of his dignity as a man (although Optimus simply stood there in confusion as he looked down at the short lady).

"Ah, really? Well then how splendid dearie! Come now my boy, let's go home and I'll make you some of that yummy yummy rice porridge you always like before your nap."

The bystanding officers could only blush in embarassment for Optimus's sake as the silent Prime was gently pulled away by the old lady through the doors.

Once out of the police station, Optimus continued to let the old lady tug him along the the sidewalk into the stations parking lot where he was then let go once they both stood in front of a yellow buggy.

"Heh heh, works every time with those people," The lady had suddenly chuckled out as he began rummaging a small purse at her side.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Optimus began as he leaned down slightly to appear any less threatening then he may have with his towering height. "But if I may ask, who are you? And why have you helped me be relinquished from their custody?"

"Ah, sorry about that, I guess I didn't really introduce myself to you yet now have I?" The of Lady stopped her rummaging in her purse and pulled out a small silver key to her car. The little Lady looked up at Optimus and put her hands together in apparent giddiness. "You may call me Chiharu, and I helped you get out of their slimy hands heh heh heh," The Lady continued to lightly laugh as if this was some everyday leisure - which Optimus would only determine this was some sort of normal occurrence for her.

"Do you work in some sort of department involving the release of suspicious people?" Optimus couldn't help but question. The lady stopping laughing and released a small sigh at seeing Optimus's apparent innocence at the situation.

"Deary, I lied to the police in being your grandmother so that I may be able to have you be released from their custody - I have my ways with paper work and what not heh heh heh," The lady once again gently grabbed Optimus's hand and dragged him to the passenger side of her car, opening the door and gently shooing him in. "Come now, I'll explain more to you on the way to my home." The lady then began to walk to her side of the car. Optimus watched the short lady take her tiny steps away before looking at the interior of her car. Should he really enter her vehicle blindly, without any sort of knowledge on who she is or what she wants with him? Could he really trust her that blindly? Ah, but...he didn't really have anyone else right now, now did he.

Optimus closed his eyes and released a small sign, making his final decision to enter the womans car and close the door behind him as she did the same on her side.

"Now, I know you have a lot of other questions for me deary, and I'd be more than happy to answer then more you. I just want you ask one thing of you dear," The old lady put her key in the ignition and start her car, before she turned and looked Optimus in the eye. "Your name is Optimus Prime, the last of the Primes, correct?"



I tried for a breaker with Optimus's eyes (100% all me) and oh shit it looks bad but I'll take it for now 😂

I was also gonna make Optimus stand up in the interrogation room and just have him fall as his first time experiencing his legs and ass falling asleep from sitting for too long - but I will let him keep his dignity for now.

(P.O.V. When you realize the amount of power you hold over a character and their entire dignity is in your hands)

I realized I kinda made Optimus obvious to his surroundings and seem like a lost puppy - and I was gonna change that until I realized that's...basically how Optimus is in this situation; in another world, another society, with different norms and morals, and with hero's and almost everything else he's not familiar with through Jack, Miko, and Raf. So, Imma keep that.

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