Date!! (Pt. 2)

Hi there so happy Summer and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! I don't know when you will be reading this but during this 2020 Pride Month, the big parade was cancelled due to quarantine and I just want to tell Y'all that you are loved :3. I will be your adoptive mother and love you forever. Stay strong young Pride-lings and enjoy this chapter.

>>I started writing this in June, so... yee. 

VV here's my more updated AN, skip if you desire. 

 Hi guys, so I re-read the previous chapter and I just can't write in 1st person... I'm sorry if you preferred it. I'm going to be switching back to 3rd person after the first little bit of this chapter seeing as it is a continuation of the previous chapter. Enjoy my little broccolis! 

Izuku P.O.V.: 

   "S-so I've known you for almost a year now and I w-was wondering if..." I looked up and made eye contact through my severe blush. "...You'd like to go on a date? Like with me?" My right hand had started to act up again and I slightly shivered as he didn't speak for a bit. 

   "T-this was a b-bad idea, I-I'm sorry for w-wasting you're t-time-" I started to get up when he grabbed my hand. "Midoriya, I would love to go on a date with you." My eyes widened as I plopped back down and looked at him. "R-really?" He sent me a small smile. 

   "Really." My eye's welled up with tears and I hugged him, hard. He chuckled slightly and hugged me back. We sat there for a bit as I finished up crying. 

   "Alright Lovebirds get inside and eat dinner. It's gonna get chilly soon." We jumped away from each other at the sound of Kaminari's voice. My blush was still evident on my face as we walked inside towards the kitchen. But, before we got in there, Todoroki stopped me. "By the way, when are we going to go on the date?" I smiled towards him. "I was thinking Friday, how about you?" He smiled, like full on smiled towards me. 

   "That sounds great." I was speechless as he walked off. 'His smile is the most holy thing I have ever witnessed' I shook my head and walked into the kitchen to grab some food. 


   Once the school day had finished, Izuku decided to train in Ground Beta a bit extra (with permission from Aizawa of course). While he trained, the rest of 1-A decided to head back to the dorms. 

   Todoroki sat in his room coming up with absolutely nothing for his and Midoriya's date the next day. what he'd come up with so far, well... Fishing, eh. Training, why? Movie, too cliché. 

   His brain was about to explode when he heard a knock at his door, quickly followed by "Let me in Todoroki, it's urgent!" 

   He sat up from his desk and opened the door to see Momo, and behind her Ochaco, Tsu, and Mina. "What are you do-" The girls walked right past him into his room and sat in various places. 

   "We need to talk. Sit." Ochaco stated, crossing her arms. Todoroki complied but was confused, seeing as even though the girls were acting serious their was humor and excitement in the air. "I really have no clue what is going on. Is there a test I forgot about?" 

   He sat beside Momo on his bed as Mina sighed. "No you butt! You have a date with Midoriya tomorrow!" (Couldn't have said it better myself Mina) Todoroki sighed as Mina gasped. "Don't tell me you haven't thought about it!" The male shook his head as he grabbed the piece of paper off his desk. 

   "I've only come up with really bad ideas. Honestly, I could use you girl's help." he said reluctantly. Mina took the paper from him and immediately rose a brow. 

   "Fishing, really Todoroki?" 

   "I don't have a good grasp on what he likes! I mean, besides All Might and taking notes, I really have nothing." Momo, being the mother she is, decided to take control of the situation. "Us girls are going to help you and you are going to have the best, most wonderful date ever, you hear?" 

   "Thank you, really. But, why are you guys so supportive of this if you don't mind me asking?" 

   Mina immediately spoke up. "I'm gayer than a rainbow, Ochaco swings both ways, Tsu's a pretty gay frog, and Momo is literally in a relationship with Jirou. Trust us, we know how to gay."


   "Alright class since we only have an hour left we are going to be training," a few people looked to their friends, "in partners that I choose." and those people looked away from their friends as Aizawa continued. He turned around and wrote all of the teams on the board before leaving Iida in charge of the rest of class. 

   Izuku looked to see who his partner was as the class walked to the gym. Denki Kaminari, huh.


   "So, you and Todoroki huh!" Denki shouted over the mini ice attack. Izuku's cheeks flushed red. "H-huh? oh yeah." Denki hardened his hands and use them to climb up the glacier, keeping up the conversation. "So, how do you know?" he asked, jumping down to engage in Hand-to hand. 

   Izuku looked at him questionably. "How do I know what?" Punch. "That you, I dunno, like like him?" Body Slam. "Ow... Well I- well I guess it's kinda a gut feeling," Kick. "I warm up all over whenever I'm around him and get nervous for no good reason." Izuku dazed off for half a second and Kaminari held him in a headlock. Izuku tapped Denki as to signal him to let him go. 

   They kept the hand-to-hand combat up for a little bit until Iida issued a 5 minute break. Izuku walked over to Kaminari again. "Hey Kaminari?" He turned around to face the greenette. "Sup Deku?" "Why did you ask me those questions earlier?" 

   Kaminari thought for a second before shrugging. "You're trust worthy so I'll tell ya. I've been uh, trying to figure myself out a bit lately and there's a certain someone that I..." Izuku smiled. "You liiiiiiike someone!!!" Denki flushed slightly and nodded. Izuku smiled as they talked for a bit more. 

   After training everyone went to the changing rooms and changed into regular clothes. Todoroki and Midoriya were changing for their date and you could tell by what they were wearing. Todoroki had put on a light gray tee with a red and white flannel on top, black skinny jeans and some white high tops to finish it off. Midoriya had ventured away from the titled shirts with a red sweater over a white collared shirt, light denim skinny jeans and his usual red shoes. 

   Kirishima and Sero (along with Todoroki and Midoriya) were the final people in the changing room and smiled at the two others a little before Kirishima spoke up. "I'm glad you guys are finally going on a date, some of the tension between you two has been kinda unbearable. But hey, it's totally manly that you guys are taking action! have a great date." Midoriya waved at the two before shoving his old clothes in his bag. 

   "Hey Midoriya, is it okay if we stop by the dorms before we head off?" The greenette nodded as they made their way to the dorms, Midoriya getting an idea. 

   "Race ya!" he giggled a little before creating a mini ice path for himself and Todoroki soon followed up with 5% of One For All. 


   "Oh my gosh I had no clue there was a Cat Café here!" Izuku nearly squealed as they walked towards the little café. Todoroki smiled warmly. "I admit I had to have a little help deciding where I should take you. I doubt you'd want to do anything too cliché so this is what we came up with." 

   They walked in and immediately were in awe. Even though it was located in a strip mall it seemed to have a really homey feel to it. the walls were a light blue and the seating was sticking to a pastel theme. the menu also seemed very simple yet delicious. Once the two were at the counter, a girl's voice came from behind a white curtain. "Just one second!" 

   Both of the boys looked at each other thinking the same thing, I recognize that voice. Their suspicions were answered when Ochaco Uraraka came through to see both boys, Todoroki quirking (Heh, quirk) his brow. "So, is this why you wanted us to come here?" Uraraka smiled mischievously. 

   "I have no clue what you're talking about." Izuku ignored Todoroki's question. "Uraraka I didn't know you worked here, how come you've never told me?" She shrugged as she grabbed two menus and led the two to a little booth. "It honestly never really occurred to me to tell you guys. Not even Iida knows and I tell him everything." Both boy sat down and once she told them a bit of info she left the two. 

   "Woah... They have American food here too?" Izuku questioned as he looked at the options. While Todoroki was looking at the Soba choices he felt something brush against his leg. He looked down and saw a little black kitten. Izuku had picked out what he wanted and looked over a few minutes later to see his date petting a kitten in his lap. 

   Holy cheese I need to savor this moment. He pulled out his phone and quickly took a few photos before Todoroki noticed. 


   Once both of the boys made it back to the dorms, most of the class was in the common area playing a game together. A few people waved to Shoto and Izuku before going back to the game. Izuku walked up to Mina. "Hey, mind if we join?" She shook her head.

   "Don't mind at all! there's a spot over on that couch where you two can sit. I'll ask about the date later." She tacked the last sentence on as the two boys were making their way (Downtown) over to the spot Mina had pointed to. 

   Tsu took the liberty of telling them they were playing never have I ever, but if you had done the thing you had to take a candy from the bowl. Once a few people had gone it got to Momo. "Alright, never have I ever cursed." Of coarse a few obvious people grabbed a candy (i.e. Mina, Bakugou, Kaminari, and Jirou) but then everyone silently gasped when Izuku reached in and grabbed a mini Twix. 

   "... Uh guys, I can curse, you do know that, right?" He asked everyone. A certain angry blond scoffed. "Oh really? Prove it. I doubt you fucking can." Iida shook his head. "Don't do it Midoriya." 

   "You don't believe me Kacchan? Alright. Fuck." If I said there were gasps that would be an understatement. All of the oxygen in that part of the dorms was literally sucked up by everyone, even Todoroki.

   "He... He actually did it. Holy crap!" Kirishima exclaimed, voicing everyone's thoughts. 


   The party games had ended when Mina was dared to eat the oldest thing in the fridge during truth or dare. She had to be taken to Recovery Girl... 

   It all started to wind down in the dorms at around 10. Todoroki decided to walk Izuku to his room and he complied. They both stopped outside of Izuku's door. 

   " I really just want to thank you for today, it was great." Izuku said, a slight blush evident on his cheeks. "I also had a really good time, so thank you for having this date with me." Todoroki also had the slightest of blush on his cheeks. 

   Izuku looked to Todoroki and they made eye contact. Todoroki's eyes flitted to Izuku's lips as they subconsciously leaned closer, the shorted nodding slightly. Shoto closed the gap between them, resting his hands on Izuku's neck. Their lips moved together in a slow, yet passionate kiss as Izuku moved his hands to rest on Todoroki's chest. 

   The kiss lasted for a little longer before they separated and looked at each other. Then they heard something like a scream in the stairwell. They both looked to the door and ran to see what it was only to see the majority of their class standing at the door. Izuku became a flustered mess and hid in Todoroki's side as the older of the two shooed the class off. 

   Todoroki bid Izuku one last farewell kiss on the cheek before going to his floor. 

I finally fuckin did it, THEY KISSED!!! I'm so sorry it has been like a slow burn, really slow burn story. We're getting to the good stuff soon, I promise. Oh, and next chapter might be a bit angsty so... uh... just be prepared. Welp, farewell my little broccolis and see ya next chapter!


Words: 2167       

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