...Date? (Pt. 1)
Yeah, that's right, it's really happening!! I'm really doing it!!!! IT'S HAPPENING!!!!! Please enjoy this and I hope you're all doing well! <3 Oh, and I was thinking of writing in 1st person, so sorry if you don't like it but this chapter is going to be in 1st person.
PS: THANKS FOR 400 READS!! Love you guys 3,000 💚
Mina P.O.V.:
Once I had gotten ready for class I grabbed my phone off of my bedside table. Today was the day! Izuku was really gonna step up to bat and ask Todoroki out!! I checked so that I hadn't forgotten anything for school and made my way out of my dorm, walking to the elevator.
As I made my way down, Tsu and Hagakure joined me. I turned to them and smiled. "Ready girls??" Tsu and Toru gave me confused faces. "Guys, today Izuku's going to ask Todoroki out! Aren't you excited?!" I was jumping with excitement at this point, both girls lightly giggling at my actions. Did I care, nope.
It was still quite early so we were the first people downstairs... Or so we thought. I was the first one off the elevator and the first one to spot it. "Giiiiiiiiiiiirls... Looklooklooklooklook-" I harshly whispered pointing over to the couch. There we saw Todoroki leaning against the arm with Izuku curled up with his arms around his waist, both sharing a blanket. Tsu's Dark Shadow popped up.
"Oh my goodness this has happened 2 nights in a row now..." Hagakure nodded. "They are adorable!" I put my hand over her mouth before she could squeal, quickly responding. "I know right?" I looked back over at them and thought for a bit before turning back to the other girls. "Let's let them sleep for a bit and the next round of people can wake them up."
They both nodded and we quietly made our way to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple along with the other two and left the dorms, Tsu and Toru in tow; We miiiight have taken a few pictures but who knows?
Izuku P.O.V.:
I woke up and really didn't want to get up. There was this suuuuper comfortable and warm pillow I was hugging and never wanted to leave. I yawned slightly and opened my eyes only to immediately shut them due to the sun coming through the window. Then I realized something was up.
'Wait, why is the sun up... and WHERE IS MY ALARM?' I sat up and stretched, looking around. I was slightly panicking until I recognized the room; I was in the common area. I heard the elevator ding and looked over to see Kaminari and Sero literally running out, but they stopped once they saw me on the couch.
Sero's eyebrows scrunched up. "Hey Midoriya, why are you and Todoroki still here? it's like, 8:45." My eyes widened realizing how late it was before processing the whole question. "Wait, Todoro..." I looked down and saw what- or who- the 'suuuuper comfortable and warm' pillow was. "oh." Kaminari and Sero exchanged glances before jogging out with a quick bye, leaving me to deal with... Well this.
My cheeks were now blazing as I slid off of Todoroki's lap. 'I WAS ON HIS LAP OH GOSH AHHHHH-' "Hey Midoriya, what's going o- wait are you alright?" He said, interrupting my thought process. He must've noticed my blush "O-oh heeey T-todoroki! I was just- Ah we're late, I gotta go get ready b-bye!" I ran off leaving Todoroki confused, mentally face-palming myself.
"Way to go Izuku, agh..." I sighed realizing it was weird to talk to myself and pressed my floor button. One the ride up I was thinking of how to explain myself to Aizawa.
Once I was in the school building it was already 9:15. I ran with the slightest help from my ice side (ice skating through the halls is actually quite fun). As soon as I made it to the class they were in the middle of a lesson. I walked in and Aizawa was facing the board. "Problem Child what's the excuse? This is the first time you've been late."
"U-uh... I forgot to set my a-alarm and it t-took me a while to g-get here..." I scratched the back of my neck out of embarrassment and he just sighed. "I'll excuse you this once due to the fact that this is the first time of you being la-" Suddenly Todoroki entered behind me, knocking me off my balance. "Midoriya!" He reached out and grabbed me by the waist hoisting me back up. I rushed back to by seat trying to keep my head down to hide my blush. 'We gotta stop meeting like this...'
The bell rang at the end of the day and I sighed in relief, gathering my things. As I was getting the last of my books I felt someone repeatedly tapping my shoulder, assuming it was Uraraka or Iida, I rolled my shoulder to get their tapping to stop. "Give me just a sec." After my bag was over my shoulder I turned around only to meet the gaze of Mina. "Oh hey, what's up?" I asked, walking past her hoping she'd follow. No one was left in the classroom so I sped up trying to meet up with the rest of the class. I heard Mina catch up to me and huff.
"What was this morning about? Ya know, with you and Todoroki on the couch?" I suddenly stopped in my tracks and looked at her. "Oh gosh, how many people saw?!" I asked worriedly. She stepped out in front of me and rolled her eyes. "Oh I don't know, like the whole class I think?" Then she got the 'lightbulb' face, uh oh.
"Midoriya, you're going to ask Todoroki out today, I almost forgot to remind you!" She exclaimed. A light blush spread across my cheeks as the thought dawned on me and I ran my hand donw my face. "I don't know if I'm ready for this..." She put her hands on her hips and donned her stern face, Mama Mina incoming.
"Izuku Midoriya, we talked all about this and you are not going to back down. I need this ship to sail and so do the readers!" Wait, what are readers? Ship... are there Pirates involved??? "Now young man, you are going to go out there and achieve your goal, ya hear?!" She yells, startling a few students passing by. I mumbled out a 'yes ma'am' before walking away, trying to get back to the dorms as quick as possible.
Kirishima P.O.V.: (this POV will be short, just bear-bare, whatever, just deal with it)
Nearly everyone was back in the dorms now and I was sitting on the couch hanging with Bakubro and Kaminari. Well, it was more like I was hanging with Kaminari and Bakubro was chilling beside me. "And then this random kid came up to me and was all like 'Hi, welcome to Chili's' and then just walked away and I was all like 'whaaaaat???'" The Angry Pom next to me glared at Kaminari before grumbling to himself, returning to whatever he was looking at on his phone.
"What was that Bakubro?" He looked at me. "I was just complaining to myself how fucking weird you shitheads are. Got a problem with that?!" We both sweatdropped at his comment and continued talking until the front doors of the dorm burst open.
"IZUKU MIDORIYA GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!!" I heard the all too familiar Mama Mina shout as Midoriya ran past the living area into the kitchen to find Uraraka. "Uraraka shield me!!" She giggled and shook her head. Now most of the class was watching the scene unfold. Mina stomped up to Izuku and grabbed him by the ear, dragging him off to the elevator.
"Mina- ow ow ow!" He sent pleading eyes to everyone and we all were suddenly very invested in our phones, a few others snickering at Mina's motherly actions.
Izuku P.O.V.:
Mina had dragged me to my room and plopped down on my desk chair, me sitting on my bed. "Dude, you need to ask him out, because if you don't I will zap you." She pointed to her little earphone jacks she got from Jirou. I sighed, creating little snowflakes at the tips of my fingers while talking.
"I have always kinda known that this day would come and I'd have to 'confess my feelings' or something like that, but it's never really felt real... What if he rejects me and I make a total fool of myself and it's just awkward between us for the rest of our lives?? What if I ruin our friendship and he bullies me and I-" She cut me off. "Sweetie, would you do me a favor and just shut up for a second?" My eyes widened as she grinned, twirling her extended earlobe around her pinky.
"You have got to be one of the sweetest guys I've ever met, of course besides Kirishima, but that's not the point. The point is how could he say no to you? You are charming and funny and- coming from a flaming lesbian- quite good looking. And, even if he has the audacity to reject you, he'll have all of the girls in the class, and most likely a few boys, on his back like a leech, taking all happiness out of him." I was now blushing out of embarrasment. "Now, Get your ass up and moving. you remember the plan?" I clasped my hands together and nodded. "Great! I'll leave you to it then, toodles!!" She pat my head before skipping out my dorm's door.
~~~It's now 5:45 -In the book- Le time skeep
'I can do this, right? Yeah, I'll be fine. It's not like I'm asking the most good looking dude in UA out on a date! BUT IT IS AHHHH-' Ding!
The elevator doors opened and I took a deep breath and exited into the living area. Some of my classmates had gone to their rooms or were out eating or something. I saw Todoroki sitting at the dining table looking at his phone and checked the time. 'It's now 5:50, oh goodie...' I took another deep breath and headed over.
I tapped his shoulder and he set his phone down looking at me. "H-hey todoroki, could you meet me outside in a bit? I need to ask you something." He sat quiet for a second then nodded. "do you want to meet out front or back?" I smiled fighting my blush down. "F-front will be f-fine. I'll see y-you in a bit?" He nodded and I scurried off. As I passed the couch Mina and Momo gave me a thumbs up and I gave them a shy smile. Once I was outside I sat down on the front stairs and opened up Instagram and scrolled through a few things.
"Midoriya?" I jumped slightly at his voice but smiled when he sat down beside me. I tried to slow my heart as I got ready to ask him out but my thoughts were racing. 'HOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAP'
"S-so I've known you for almost a year now and I w-was wondering if..." I looked up and made eye contact through my severe blush. "...You'd like to go on a date? Like with me?"
Hello my little broccolis! I've been gone for like a month now and yeah I know not many people are reading my story but it still hurts my heart that I haven't updated this in forever. But a lot has happened in the past month/almost 2 months that I've been gone. My best friend's dad passed away so I went up to Kentucky for the funeral, that was heart wrenching. Also I have been dealing with some personal drama with my emotions and such, damn you feelings.
Have a great day/night/whatever and I'll see you next time.
~ Deku
Words: 2000
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