Chapter Nine - Wrong Decision

Genya's pov - 8:30pm

It was already pass Muichiro's decision time but I still kept waiting. Suddenly, I heard my phone buzz. I looked at it and saw a text from Muichiro that said "Can I decide tomorrow?" Second later it was another text, but from Kanao that said "So? What did he say? I am getting impatient" First I answered Kanao that he didn't, that he's asking for more time to think about it. Kanao immediately answered with "Absolutely not! I want to know now!"

I sighed and texted Muichiro that I need the answer now. It took him a while before he answered. The text only said "You, I pick you"

Muichiro's pov - Next day

It was around 7am when I nervously waited for Tanjiro to come. I was worried how he would react about that thing with Genya. Soon I heard a knock on the front door, as I stood up and got closer to them while the fear of telling him just raised. The thing I feared the most was, what if he gets mad? Or if this will affect our friendship somehow...

As I slightly opened the door I peeked outside to see Tanjiro there. I opened the door wide and silently said "Come in". Tanjiro came in and began to take off his shoes as I closed the door. We walked to my room in complete silence and the only thing could be heard was our footsteps.

We got to my room and both sat down on my bed. Tanjiro finally decided to say something.

Tanjiro : So? What happened yesterday? Why were you crying?

I pulled my hands closer to my body and tried to keep tears from coming. I took a deep breath and stared.

Muichiro : I-I.. I was outside with Genya-


Tanjiro yelled out in panic while grabbing both of my hands. I quickly shook my head and said.

Muichiro : The day went fine... until he told me that he needs to talk to me about something private.. so I followed him somewhere where he told me that... t-that.. he l-loves me.. and can't live without me... I thought I would maybe j-just pretend... so he won't do anything to himself but then... he said that.... he wants me to stop talking with you...

I stopped and looked Tanjiro in the face. He looked shocked. He didn't say anything so I decided to say something once more.

Muichiro : I had time to pick until yesterday... I said I picked Genya because I was worried he would do something to himself... but I don't want to stop talking to you... y-yesterday I didn't know w-what to do I just.. I-I..

I didn't finish the sentence. My voice was getting more shaky and I stuttered more by each word I said. Tanjiro sat closer to me and put his arm over my shoulders. Before he managed to say anything I laid my head on his shoulder and said.

Muichiro : I-I just... don't k-know what to do...

I wasn't able to hold the tears back anymore. Tanjiro noticed and pulled me into a hug.

Tanjiro : It's okay, don't cry... As I told you. Genya is a horrible manipulator. There is a higher chance that he's just manipulating you.... but if you think he's not joking... What do you want to do?

Muichiro : Maybe just... pretend? That I like him... a-and talk with him in school?

Tanjiro : So.. you won't talk with me?

He said and pulled away from the hug.

Muichiro : I-I...

New tears build up in my eyes and later slit down my cheeks.

Tanjiro : It's your choice. Now let's go, so we're not late.

Tanjiro said waking up from my bed clearly upset. He walked away from the room as I grabbed my bag and stood there for a second thinking "Did I make the right choice?"

Tanjiro's pov

When I and Muichiro got to school the first thing that caught my eye was Genya already waiting for Muichiro in front of the school. I just walked past him and looked behind me one more time. Genya ruffled Muichiro's hair before pulling him in a long kiss. I froze and just stared at them. It felt like years before Muichiro pulled away. He then noticed me staring at them. I just turned around and speed walked away.

I got to class and immediately dropped at my seat. Mitsuri turned to look at me and said.

Misturi : God, what happened to you? You look like you've seen someone die. Also, where is Muichiro? *gasp* D-Did Muichiro d-

Tanjiro : No Mitsuri no one died.. Muichiro is just with Genya..

Mitsuri : GENYA?!

She yelled while standing up from her seat. People in class looked at her and started laughing. Mitsuri's face turned all red from embarrassment as she sat down.

Mitsuri : G-Genya? Are you serious?

Tanjiro : That's a long story.

I said as Mitsuri looked at the doorway to the classroom. There was Genya and Muichiro. Muichiro was ready to go to class but Genya pulled him closer and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. Muichiro just smiled before walking to class. Mitsuri just stared at him with her mouth wide open. Muichiro sat down next to me and laid his books on the desk.

Throughout the lesson I couldn't even look at Muichiro without having this feeling in my stomach and chest. It was a horrible feeling... every time I just saw him in the corner of my eye the pain just got worse. It was like someone was stabbing my chest and stomach mindlessly over and over again.

When the lesson ended I immediately left the classroom. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. I felt a soft touch on my hand as I quickly turned to look at what was it. It was Muichiro who tried to grab my hand but failed. He stared into my eyes before looking down on the floor and puling his hand closer to his chest. I sighed and quickly walked away from him and headed to the rooftop to get some fresh air. I opened the door to the roof and sat down on a bench. I took a deep breath and looked at the ground. "Why does this hurt so much... he's just pretending that he likes him..."

While later someone opened the door to the roof. It was Nezuko. She saw me and immediately went to me. She looked sad or... worried, I wasn't sure. She sat down next to me and asked "Are you okay?"

Tanjiro : yup just fine...

Nezuko :... Are you sure? You look sad.

Tanjiro : I-I am fine really... It's just... I needed some time alone to get my thoughts together...

Nezuko :... I saw Muichiro kissing Genya... is Muichiro Genya's boyfriend?

Suddenly my mood changed immediately from sadness to anger. I clenched my fists and said with an annoyed tone.

Tanjiro : He's not his boyfriend. He's just pretending.

Nezuko : Pretending? What do you mean by that?

Tanjiro : Well apparently Genya is so in love with Muichiro that he can't live without him and Muichiro being Muichiro cares and worries about him so he decided to pretend to like him. Plus to make it all worse than it already is, Genya doesn't want us to talk with each other.

Nezuko : oh I see... but how could he be sure that Genya is telling the truth... that he's not just manipulating with him?

Tanjiro : That's what I said! Muichiro just doesn't trust m-

I didn't even finish and the door to the rooftop opened. Kanao walked out and saw us. She headed towards us before sitting down next to me and clinging to my arm.

Kanao : Hey Tanji! I wanted to apologize about yesterday and ask you if you want to spend lunch time together, just me and you! and maybe hangout after school too?

She said with excitement. "Well Muichiro will be with Genya for sure so I don't need to worry about him being alone..." I thought and forced a smile.

Tanjiro : Sure

Kanao : Yay! Thank youuu

Tanjiro : No problem...

Kanao's pov - 7pm

"Thank you so much for the day! I really enjoyed it!" I said holding Tanjiro's hand while blushing slightly "but you've been acting odd the whole day... is something bothering you?" I asked worriedly.

Tanjiro stopped walking and sighed deeply "well... it's about Muichiro" he said sadly. "what happened?" I said trying to sound sad but I couldn't help myself but feel annoyed. "Genya said he's in love with him and can't live without him... Muichiro was scared that Genya will do something to himself if he rejects him... so he's been with him the whole day because Genya doesn't want us to talk to each other..."

"I see... well you still have me" I smiled, Tanjiro smiled slightly and ruffled my hair. "yeah... thank you Kanao". I blushed and looked away "n-no problem T-Tanji haha".

As we walked I clenched my fists and thought to myself. "This won't be enough to make them stop talking to each other completaly... I have to do something... but what?"

Muichiro's pov - 1 week later

I laid in my bed staring at my phone. It has been a week since that incident with Genya and Tanjiro.... since then me and Tanjiro barely talked... he doesn't even wait for me in front of my house before school... with Genya it's different... he wants to be with me all the time... I did get to know him more and I am not that afraid to talk to him anymore... but there is one thing that still makes me uncomfortable.

Everytime we are with each other. He keeps hugging me... kissing me... even touching me around my body. I thought I would get used to it... but no... day by day I am getting more uncomfortable with things he's been doing. That's not the only thing that's bothering me... it's about Tanjiro too.

Before school, in school, after school... we didn't talk... It was like we didn't know each other. It bothered me.. a lot...

He's been hanging out with Kanao a lot too... I was glad that he's always with someone but... for some reason.. It still hurted. It hurted a lot... I wanted to be with him... I wanted to spend lunchtime with him... I wanted to talk and laugh with him... I want to be the one who's he with...

Suddenly I got a text from an unknown number. I opened the chat to see a really long text, as I kept reading I could feel my heart sink.

"Hi there Muichiro... There is something I need to tell you... so I've been in contact with Tanjiro for the past few days, he talked about you a lot... How he thought that you are a nice person that is just shy and needs someone to talk with.... let's just say that he doesn't think that anymore, since you started talking with Genya more than with him, his opinion changed on you.. In short he doesn't want to talk to you anymore, he doesn't have the heart to tell you or his own so that's why I am saying that to you."

"W-What?..." That's the only thing I thought before dropping my phone on the floor. I didn't bother picking it up... I just looked at the floor while thinking "T-That's not true! H-He wouldn't do that, he promised me that he will be my friend! That he will try his best to help me get more social! This is my fault! I should have known something like that would happen! I am so stupid!" I thought as I buried my face into my pillow and cried. I don't even remember the time when I cried harder than this.

Next day

I didn't want to go to school.. I really didn't.... but I wanted to try talking with Tanjiro and apologizing for everything and end this stupid thing! I really had enough of it, I didn't want to lose Tanjiro!... I wanted to talk with Genya about everything and finally say that I don't like him .....and continue talking with Tanjiro... and tell him about all that happened...

When I walked into the school and began to look for Genya. Some time later I felt someone hug me from behind, It was Genya. I turned around to face him and said "can we talk? in private?"I whispered as he looked at me confused but he agreed anyway. We walked into a room that was in the back of the school. It was a place where almost nobody went, only the janitor and a couple teachers went there after school and rarely during school.

We walked into the room and closed the door behind us. I took a deep breath and began to talk.

Muichiro : Someone texted me yesterday... about Tanjiro.. t-they said that he doesn't want to talk to me anymore a-and they said it's b-because of I was spending way too much t-ti-

Genya : You said you picked me... why did you change your mind so suddenly?


I yelled and tried to walk past Genya but he grabbed my hand and pushed me on the floor. My eyes widened as I immediately looked at Genya who annoyedly said,

Genya : I can't allow that... I am the only person you need. Tanjiro doesn't need you, you don't need him! He doesn't deserve you.. he doesn't deserve your kindness, your happiness, your cheerfulness... mainly your body...

He said as he slit his hand under my shirt. I tried to push him away but he laid me down on the floor and said..

Genya : You are so beautiful... I am sorry but I can't control myself anymore..

He said and stood up. He walked to the door and locked them.


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