Chapter 9
As the Quidditch World Cup finals drew closer, Harry spent more nights than anything with Draco and Scorpius. At this point in time, he slept in Draco's bed more than his own, which was perfectly fine with him. More often than not the bed was used strictly for sleeping as Harry was exhausted. Draco loved waking up to Harry wrapped around him, and the mornings without Harry soon began to feel... off.
Harry's team had made it into the Quidditch World Cup officially, and knockout rounds were set to begin soon, leading Harry to be exhausted. He hadn't been run this hard in a long while, and he was feeling the effects of it. It was another night Harry had snuck away to the Malfoy residence, and he could admit he wasn't doing well.
Scorpius could tell, so he cuddled up on Harry that night, sandwiched in between Harry and Draco. The weight was comforting, and soon enough Harry fell into a restless sleep.
Harry woke up from a nightmare, the taste of blood filling his mouth from where he had bitten his tongue to keep from screaming. With shaking movements, Harry removed himself from the bed and entered the bathroom. He hasn't looked this bad in years, he reckoned, and made his way down to the kitchen. This is where Scorpius finds him an unknown amount of time later, still shaking as he mechanically made cookies.
"Harry, you're shaking. I'll get you a jacket."
He had come downstairs to get a drink of water, and that's where he found Harry. Going back upstairs, Scorpius woke up Draco.
"Daddy, Harry's cold, he's shaking. Can I give him one of your hoodies?"
Fumbling across the dresser, Draco grabbed his wand and accioed a hoodie for Harry.
"Thank you daddy."
Draco was almost fully asleep once more when he bolted upright. If Harry was cold and shaking, he would've felt it. He also should've felt Scorpius get back into bed. Sliding on his slippers, he tentatively made his way downstairs where he heard a quiet chatter.
"Are you okay Harry? You don't look okay," Scorpius asked, eyes bright with worry.
"I just had a bad dream, is all. It happens sometimes Scorp."
"I have those dreams sometimes too. What are yours about?"
"Usually my parents."
"Oh," Scorpius replied quietly.
Draco had told him just enough of the Potter's story that Scorpius, even at his young age, could tell what the dream was about.
"How can I help you feel better?"
"You should get back to sleep love, I'll be okay."
"But then you'll be sad and alone."
"I usually am," Harry replied with a quiet laugh.
"You're never alone when you have me and daddy. I'm going to read you a story. That will make both of us happy," Scorpius said stubbornly, going to the living room to grade their latest story.
"Fuck," Harry whispered, gripping the counter tightly beneath his fingers.
"Darling?," Draco called tentatively.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"
"No, but you should have," Draco chided gently, wrapping himself around Harry. "You know that I'm here for you. You're not a bother."
"I haven't had the dream in awhile. It just caught me off guard, but I should've been expecting it with how I've been feeling lately."
"Tell me what I can do to make it better."
"I just need you."
"How do you need me?"
"I just need you with me. Supporting me. Holding me. Loving me."
"I can do that my darling."
"Harry, I found a story. I'm going to read it while you and daddy finish the cookies."
"Okay love bug."
Scorpius ended up falling asleep slumped on the table, face down on the finished book.
"Let me get him to bed."
Once Draco returned, Harry was pacing across the kitchen.
"Talk to me my darling."
"I... I didn't want to do it like this."
"Do what like what?"
"Come outside with me? Just to the backyard."
Harry led Draco outside to lay on a blanket beneath the stars.
"Draco, my love. The past months I've spent with you are the best months of my life. You make me laugh, you make me feel loved, and you feel like home. I love you. I am in love with you Draco Malfoy, and I always want to be. I did this without you, but I never want to ever again. It's still early for marriage so that's not what this is yet, but it's a promise to you. I know we joked about this, but... here."
"Harry Potter, I'm in love with you too. After Astoria, I never thought I would find someone to stick by my side. To stick by me and my son. I never thought it would be you. I hoped. Merlin had I hoped when I was younger. I can't even count how many times you've saved me," Draco responded, before he even opened the box that Harry handed him.
"Oh, Harry. This... this is beautiful. I don't know what to say."
"That you'll let me put the bracelet on you. That I can spoil you, and Scorpius with your permission. That you'll let me kiss you."
"Yes, to everything. I thought you were joking about the bracelet..."
"I told you, I like you wearing my name. We'll give the Prophet something to talk about."
"Can I persuade you to wear a 'property of Draco Malfoy' shirt?," Draco asked, playing with Harry's fingers after the bracelet was secured to his wrist.
"I will wear whatever you want my love."
"Come to bed with me darling."
Once in Draco's room, Harry watched as he locked the door and leaned against it.
"You said you'd wear whatever I want?"
"I may start to regret that, but yes."
"What if I want you to wear nothing at all?," Draco asked, taking a step towards Harry.
"I'd say that I'm severely over dressed and that I think you could help me out with that."
"I haven't... you know... in a long while."
"I haven't either. It's been years, and even then it was only a few times before Ginny and I broke up for good. I've never with a man."
"That's so hot that I get to be your first in a way," Draco admitted, removing Harry's shirt. "We'll just talk each other through it yeah?"
"I love that I can be so honest with you. I love you."
"I'll never tire of hearing you say that Harry."
"I'll never tire of saying it. I love you."
Harry proved that statement to be true as the majority of the words that left his mouth as he and Draco tumbled into bed were "love." Harry felt all of his problems wash away; all that remained was Draco.
Draco was so kind, and so loving, fussing over Harry this way and that once it was over. They shared a quick shower afterward with languid kisses, and Harry thought about the stark contrast between the beginning of his night and the end.
"So," Harry asked, tucking Draco into his side once they were amongst the clean bedsheets, "did I meet your hopes?"
"You said you hoped I had a very big problem. Do I?," Harry teased with a grin.
"It was sufficient."
"Sadly I'm not bigger than your ego."
"You looooove me," Harry sing songed, covering Draco's face in kisses.
"I do," Draco agreed with a sigh. "I love you a lot. This was the best though. I'm glad we can laugh through things like this. It makes it better. With you, I don't think anything could be bad. You understand me so well that I don't even need to use words. We just have such a special connection and I'll cherish that forever."
"Forever," Harry agreed, finally falling into a peaceful sleep.
Draco stayed up a bit longer, contemplating when he should ask Harry to move in with him and Scorpius.
"There's no time like the present," Draco thought, running his fingers through Harry's hair.
It was decided then, he would ask Harry tomorrow morning over a wonderful breakfast.
He did end up asking Harry the next morning, but not in the way he intended. Both men had slept in that morning, and when he woke up to begin breakfast, which was more like an early lunch honestly, Scorpius was meticulously buttering pieces of toast.
"Good morning my star."
"Good afternoon daddy."
"What're you up to?"
"I figured you and Harry needed to sleep more so I'm making food!"
"Well, that's very kind of you Scorpius. Can I ask you something?"
"You can make the bacon," Scorpius replied with a nod. "I'll get the fruit."
"Do you remember how I had mentioned asking Harry to move in with us?"
Scorpius stopped buttering the toast with a grin.
"Did he say yes?"
"I'm going to ask him this morning. You're sure you're okay with it?"
"Daddy, Harry makes us both happy, and we make him happy. I think it's perfect! Besides, he spends most of his time here anyway, so it makes sense. He can use his house as a vacation house like ours in France!"
"How should we ask him then?"
"I know just the thing," Scorpius replied with a grin.
Harry woke up, immediately tensing up before he remembered last night's events. Today was definitely a day for him to stay home and relax. If anyone had a problem with that, they could try saving the whole world at 17 years old and get back to him. He had sent work notice before the cookies last night that he wouldn't be going in, and that was that.
Dozing off again, Harry was woken up to someone crawling into bed with him. Opening one eye, he grinned as he saw Scorpius peeking at him.
"Good morning love bug."
"Good afternoon Harry."
Laughing, Harry tucked Scorpius into his side.
"Good afternoon Scorp."
"We have a surprise for you."
"Do you now?," Harry asked, rolling over to greet Draco with a smile.
"We do. Now close your eyes and hold out both hands, palm up."
"Now open them," Scorpius instructed.
Opening his eyes, Harry looked down at a tray of food.
"Thank yo- oh. You- you want me to move in?," Harry asked in shock, reading out the message that his breakfast spelt.
"We do," Draco replied gently. "We don't need an answer right now-"
"Are you kidding me? Yes! Of course I'll move in with you. You're going to make me cry. Come here, both of you. My boys."
Holding one in each arm, Harry knew this was where he wanted to be. Where he needed to be.
"I love you both, so much. Compared to yesterday, this is a dream."
"Daddy, we need to get a pool now because Harry loves to swim."
"I've always wanted a pool you know," Draco mused.
"Done. I'll take care of it."
"No, no. I've got it. It helps with the muscles from practice anyway so I'm sure I'd be using it the most."
"We're going to be insufferable, because I also love to spoil my boyfriend. I can see it now, we'll keep the economy afloat ourselves."
"You're official, yay! I'm going to have two daddies and everyone is going to be so jealous of me," Scorpius said smugly.
Laughing, Harry just held Scorpius tighter, allowing the happy tears to flow for once.
"How can I bribe you to help me pack up my things?"
"By giving me your book collection," Scorpius replied simply.
"Easy to please you are. You would love Mione's house, I think we'd lose you in the library."
"That sounds wonderful."
"You know what else is wonderful? This breakfast. Let's eat and figure out what we're doing with our day hmm?"
Draco was in awe at how quickly Harry was able to pack up and move his things, especially when magic was barely even used. He didn't have much in terms of clothing, choosing to leave a few things behind just in case he needed to stop by for something. The majority of the furniture was left behind. All that was really transported were his items of sentimental value.
"I'm taking you shopping. Merlin, the chance to dress you up Harry," Draco murmured, pulling Harry in for a kiss.
"I would let you. We can match if you want. You'll come to all of my boring quidditch events?"
"We'll be at every single one."
And so time went, with the family quickly adjusting to their new routines. It was seemingly an ordinary sunny day when Scorpius approached Harry in the living room, rocking on the balls of his feet.
"Harry, can I ask you something?"
"You can ask me whatever you want Scorpius."
"Even if it's a something that will make you sad?"
Frowning, Harry pulled Scorpius onto his lap.
"Even if it's something that will make me sad. What's wrong Scorpius?"
"It's about my mommy," he replied with a shaky breath.
"What about her?"
"Is she with your mommy now?"
"I'm sure she is love bug. Both of our moms are watching over us."
"How do you know for sure?"
"I... was able to see my parents when I was 17. I... when I died, I saw them, and my godfather, and my favorite professor who was friends with them all. My father told me that he would be with me until the very end, and he was. Your mom will always be watching over you no matter what. She loved you so much Scorpius, I know that for a fact.
I may not have known her well, but even from looking at pictures, I can see parts of her in you. You have her kind smile. From what your dad has told me, you also have her sense of humor, and you have her kind heart. Those are important traits to have."
"What do you do when you miss them?"
"I go visit them. I tell them about what's been going on, even if they already know. I plant some flowers, I eat with them, things like that. Sometimes I see something that reminds me of one of them and I'll just talk to them out loud, because I know they can hear me."
"Mommy loved butterflies. Whenever I see one I say hello to it because she told me she would send me butterflies to say hi and that she loves me."
"Whenever I see deer I think of my parents," Harry replied with a sad smile. "My dad's patronus was a stag and my mum's was a doe. I see them sometimes when I go visit their graves. If I see a black dog I think of my godfather. It just feels good knowing that they're watching still, even if they're not here like you and I."
"The next time you go, can I help you plant the flowers? And maybe we can put flowers by my mommy?"
"Of course you can come with me. I'll talk to Draco about the flowers, yeah? My friend Neville works at a greenhouse, we'll get the prettiest plants and flowers we can find."
"Thank you Harry."
"Of course Scorpius. You can always talk to me about anything, even if it makes you or me sad. It's important that you talk about things that bother you so that they bother you less."
"Normally I talk to daddy, but I knew you would understand this better. I didn't want to hurt his feelings or make him sad."
"I promise that you can talk to both of us."
"I love having you here. Can you read to me until I fall asleep for my nap?"
"Your choice of story or my choice of story?"
"You choose."
After Harry chose a story, Scorpius curled up on his lap to follow along. Draco joined soon after, laying against Harry on his other side.
"Draco?," Harry began once Draco was cast asleep.
"Yes my darling?"
"Scorpius came to talk to me about something and I want to share it with you to make sure I handled it properly."
"He was asking me if Astoria was with my mother now. I told him that she was and they were watching over us. I also told him that he has some of her traits so she lives on through him in that way.
After that he asked what I do when I miss my parents. I usually go to their graves and plant flowers, I'll clean up and talk to them while I'm there. He asked if he could come with me next time, and if he could plant flowers for Astoria. I told him I'd speak with you about it seeing as it's not my place. I could get some nice plants from Neville. I was thinking something like a butterfly bush of milkweed to attract pollinators. Scorpius said Astoria would send him butterflies as a sign, so I thought we could do something to bring them in you know? I just don't want to overstep and-"
Draco curled his fingers in Harry's hair and connected their lips. Feeling something splash against his cheek, Harry pulled away to wipe the tears off Draco's face.
"I've got you my love," Harry promised. "Just let it all out."
"We are so lucky to have you."
"I'm the lucky one here. I went from having nothing to having everything in the blink of an eye. There's no pressure with the plants though, and I don't have to go with you."
"You're such a good dad, Harry."
"I wouldn't call myself a dad."
"That's how Scorpius sees you. He asked if he was getting another dad because you moved in. Don't forget that. Even if he isn't calling you dad, which I would be okay with, that's still how he sees you."
Laughing, Harry shook his head fondly as he looked at the sleeping child in his lap.
"I love him like he's my own."
"I know you do. It's okay for you to consider him to be yours, if that's how you feel. There's absolutely no pressure, and no timeline for how any of this is supposed to go. I love you Harry, we both do. Thank you for talking to me about this. It just further supports that I made the right choice."
"I'd snog you if our son wasn't sleeping on my lap."
Draco was only a tiny bit ashamed to rise to the occasion and snog Harry anyway after he called Scorpius "their" son. He did move Scorpius to the couch across the room though, he hadn't completely lost it.
"Shall I contact Neville for the plants then?"
"Please. You take care of that and I'll start dinner?"
"Brilliant my love. I'll come find you once I'm done. I'll have Nev send over a catalog too..."
Harry was in love, and Neville was absolutely gushing over it. They had kept in touch after school ended, and whenever Harry needed unopinionated third party advice, this is where he would come. Neville had done wonders with his shop, and his greenhouses were almost as impressive as the ones at Hogwarts.
The next week was when Harry had brought Draco and Scorpius to meet Neville in person.
"Harry! It's so good to see you mate. Malfoy, tiny Malfoy," Neville teased with a grin.
"Hello Mr. Neville, I'm Scorpius," he greeted, holding out a hand for Neville to shake.
"Lovely to meet you Scorpius. Just Neville will do fine. Harry tells me you like flowers?"
Scorpius nodded excitedly, and accepted the hand Neville extended towards him.
"This place is impressive."
"Neville's done wonders with it. It's a nice place to come and just be, you know?"
"You can start a garden at our house."
"Ours," Harry replied with a goofy grin, kissing Draco with a smile on his face.
"A pool, a garden, whatever else you need."
"I would love some fruit trees. I never got around to it at mine, but I know we can make something really beautiful together."
"We already have," Draco replied, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder as he watched Scorpius laugh and carefully pick up flowers.
"Would you ever want another one?," Harry asked suddenly, wrapping his arms around Draco's middle.
"With you, of course. Not right now obviously, but in the future. At least one more."
"This is one of the first times in my life I'm not scared of the future."
"Just hearing you say that...," Draco murmured, turning in Harry's grip to kiss him properly. "Let's get these plants so that we can go home hmm?"
Scorpius was absolutely fascinated, and simply did not want to leave.
"I can watch him for a bit if you like," Neville offered, winking at Harry.
"Longbottom are you sure?"
"As long as he doesn't mind helping me water some plants."
"I would love to! Daddy, Harry, can I please?"
"He's in the absolute best hands, it's up to you my love."
"Okay, as long as you behave my star."
"I will! I'll be the best."
"We have no doubts love bug."
Draco watched as Harry pulled Neville into a hug and whispered something in his ear. With a laugh. Neville goodnaturedly clapped Harry on the shoulder and shoved him away.
"I'll keep him entertained. Off with you both."
"What did you tell him?," Draco asked in amusement once they were home.
"That we're going to need at least an hour," Harry replied, kicking off his shoes with a grin.
"Oh, to sort out all of the plants we brought home?," Draco asked innocently.
"You can sort them out now if you like," Harry spoke over his shoulder, "I'll be in our bedroom, with much less clothing."
Draco heard the tell-tale sign of Harry's jeans hitting the ground, and that was all it took for him to follow.
"Hey you," Harry greeted teasingly, wearing just his t-shirt and boxers as he sprawled out on the bed.
"Did you plan this?"
"If I did, I would've had some candles lit for you. I knew he'd like the greenhouse, I didn't know he'd like it that much."
"We haven't had time like this in a long while. What shall we do with it?"
"Whatever you want, but I think you're a bit overdressed."
"Oh, am I?"
With a grin, Harry snapped his fingers, and Draco squealed as the air hit his exposed skin.
"Your clothes are folded nicely on the chair, don't worry."
"And why are you still wearing a shirt?"
"So that I can show you something."
"Would this be the reason you've deprived me of those abs of yours?"
"Partially. Come here."
Harry seated Draco on his thighs, and kissed him slowly and deeply. Draco's fingers snuck up the front of Harry's shirt, and he pulled away with a laugh.
"Okay I'll hurry up. You know how you and Scorpius both wear those bracelets I gave you? And how I wear this one from him?"
"Mhmm," Draco replied, nipping at Harry's neck.
"Well, I wanted something more... permanent."
Draco pulled away slowly, looking at Harry with wide eyes.
"What did you do?," he asked hoarsely.
Making sure Draco was settled first, he removed his shirt, and turned slightly.
"It's Draco, Scorpius, and Canis Major," Draco replied with a quiet gasp, running his fingers over the ink running down Harry's right arm.
"My stars to guide me home."
"This is why you had us draw them all those weeks ago."
"Guilty as charged. I needed to wait to get it until I had a big enough break so they could heal properly."
"I love you so much. I can't believe you did that. Permanent ink Harry, Merlin."
"Do you like them?"
"I love them, and I'm going to show you just how much I love them. Do you know what I'm going to do?," Draco asked with a grin.
"What would that be?"
"I'm going to take my time with you, and take you apart nice and slowly. Would you like that? Letting me take care of you like that?"
"Good boy, lay down for me will you?"
It was safe to say that hour became more like an hour and a half once they were done. Scorpius didn't even notice the difference as he was excitedly chattering on about all of the plants they'd seen and that Neville was now his other best friend, but Harry needn't worry as he would always be Scorpius's number 1 best friend.
"So I take it he liked them then?," Neville asked with a grin.
"Like you wouldn't believe. They're absolutely perfect. Thanks for everything today Nev, I really appreciate it."
"You forget that you're the reason I was even able to get this place. Paid back or not, you still have stakes here Harry. Don't be a stranger."
"You'll be at the final match right? I'm hosting a dinner once everything is over and done with, I'd love to have you."
"I'll be there."
"Neville, you can sit next to me!"
"That sounds perfect Scorpius. Make sure you save me a seat."
"I promise."
Walking out of the building with Scorpius on his shoulders and Draco's hand in his own, Harry felt invincible. No matter what the future held, it would be hard to beat this present moment.
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