Chapter 7
It was a few nights before their date when Harry was surprised with someone coming in through his floo. He had just gotten home from a late practice, and everything hurt. The weather had been poor once again, and Harry was getting tired of this.
He was doing his stretches when he felt the wards bend, and he was confused. Very rarely did Harry get unannounced visitors.
"Harry?," he heard his name called, broken by a sob.
"Scorpius?! Where's Draco?"
"I don't know. I-I couldn't find daddy," he wailed.
"Let's get you back home, love bug."
"But daddy isn't there and I had a bad dream!"
"Your snitch plush is there though yeah? Come on, we'll have a sleepover. Do you want to help me pack a bag?"
Scorpius nodded, massive tears still running down his face. Harry didn't ask what the bad dream was about until Scorpius was safely tucked into bed, Harry behind him, holding Scorpius to his chest.
"You," Scorpius replied with a sniffle.
"Me?," Harry asked incredulously.
"It was bad weather and you had practice and last time you got hurt. Daddy tried to firecall you but you didn't answer."
"I'm sorry Scorpius, I got home late. I've been meeting with my healer more to make sure I'm taking better care of myself. Tell me what happened in your dream, then I'll tell you about practice okay? I'm here, I'm in one piece, and I've got you."
"It was worse because daddy wasn't here. My imagination wasn't nice to me."
"My imagination hasn't been nice to me either. I understand."
"You do?"
"I do. I used to get these very bad dreams and visions when I was younger."
"How did they go away?"
"I told myself I wasn't going to let fear control me anymore. I still get them sometimes, I won't lie to you, but they happen so much less frequently now. Now, if anything happens, I touch this bracelet and remember that I'm loved by you and your dad. Love conquers all. And you know what?"
"You're my love bug, and that means you can conquer all too."
"Thanks Harry. I love you."
"I love you too Scorpius. Let me tell you what actually happened at practice okay?"
Draco's heart was silently breaking in the doorway. He had run out to do a quick errand after putting Scorpius down for bed. He hadn't been gone more than 15 minutes, and he was crushed. Pansy was supposed to pop over to watch Scorpius, but she was nowhere to be found. He only hoped she had left upon Harry's apparent arrival. Harry looked up and met Draco's eyes.
"Now that we're both okay Scorpius, we do have to talk a little bit. You know that I love you and you're welcome at my house any time, but you can't just disappear without letting your dad know."
"I couldn't find daddy. I left a note."
"Okay, I'm glad you left a note at least. You know how you were worried about me? That's how your dad would feel about you Scorpius. Might be time to get some landline phones," Harry mused, looking at Draco for confirmation.
"Daddy, you're home! I'm sorry that I left, I was scared."
"I'm sorry my star, Auntie Pansy was supposed to stop by to watch you so I could run a quick errand. Did you see her?"
"No, I didn't."
Harry also shook his head, holding Scorpius all the more closer.
"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"
Scorpius nodded, burying his face in Harry's chest.
"Harry too?," he mumbled.
"Harry too, if he'd like."
"Come on love bug, let's get some sleep yeah?"
"Yes please."
When Scorpius was asleep on his chest, Harry carefully rolled over and grabbed Draco's hand.
"Don't. It's not your fault Draco."
"Pansy said she mixed up the times. I shouldn't have left him alone-"
"Draco, you thought that you had someone you could rely on. He would've come to see me anyway. He had a nightmare that I was hurt because of the weather. I shouldn't have talked to him about those things."
"You handled everything as best as you could Harry."
"So did you Draco. Come here."
Draco cuddled up to Harry as best as he could without disturbing his son.
"I'm used to the nightmares you know. They still happen sometimes for me. The only difference is, mine are things that have happened that I can't change. Visions Voldemort put into my head. Things I will never be able to unsee. Having this now makes it feel like I've won. I sacrificed everything for everyone else, and now I finally get to have what they have."
"I have them sometimes too. I can't even entertain the notion of dreamless with Scorpius. I just don't want to feel guilty anymore. This will not happen again."
"You couldn't have predicted the nightmare Draco. Honestly, you weren't gone that long anyway. I calmed him down and then brought him right back."
"Thank you for treating him like he's your own," Draco whispered. "That was my biggest fear with starting a new relationship."
"I love you both," Harry promised, "and I won't stop. Not for something like this. Now, let's get some sleep."
"I love you too," Draco whispered into Harry's neck.
After this encounter, Scorpius became a bit more... Harry didn't want to say clingy but really there was no other way to describe it. Harry loved spending time with both Malfoy men, but he missed those few fleeting moments of alone time he would have with Draco.
When imagining their first date, Harry hadn't dreamed of a scenario like this, but he should have been expecting it nonetheless. He arrived to the Malfoy home on time, there to wish Scorpius a goodnight before he and Draco were on their way. What he wasn't expecting was a temper tantrum from Scorpius, who was always very well behaved.
"Scorpius, is everything alright?!," Harry asked in alarm.
Harry just caught the small child as he threw himself at Harry.
"Scorpius, I told you that Harry and I aren't staying and you're going to have a sleepover with grandma," Draco said firmly.
"I don't want to!"
"My star, there is a time and a place for this, but it isn't here."
"I want to stay with you and Harry!"
Sitting himself on the floor, Harry opened his arms for Scorpius, who wiggled away from Draco and then crawled into his arms.
"Scorpius, this isn't like you," Harry said calmly. "Will you tell us what's bothering you please?"
"I'm scared."
"What are you scared of?"
"That something bad is going to happen."
"Why do you think that love bug?"
"Things have been really good, and that means that a bad thing has to happen. I'm scared to be left alone."
Harry closed his eyes, willing his emotions away. He knew this feeling all too well.
"Life is about intention Scorpius. Do you know what that means?"
"Like magic. You have to mean it and want it to have it."
"We need to have happy, positive intentions. I know what it's like to be scared of the good things. That if you're happy and you let yourself be happy it's all going to be ripped away from you. The biggest risk I ever took was saying no to the Aurors. School had just ended, I fought so many battles that weren't mine to fight, and I had no idea who I was.
Growing up, everyone thought they knew me before they met me. They recognized me by the scar on my forehead. They would compare me to my parents, who I barely spent any time with. I don't hear that I look like my dad anymore because I lived to be older than he and my mum ever were. I have to look into the mirror every day and live with the fact that the one thing I had in common with him will be gone one day.
My point is, I needed to figure out who I was. That was the scariest thing of all. Everyone knows Harry Potter, but who knows Harry? Harry Potter wins wars and fights evil and is a star quidditch seeker. Harry likes to sleep in on weekends when he has no practice, swim, and roll down hills. Do you know who knows that?"
"Me and daddy."
"Exactly. I was scared to let you both in because I feel like everything good that I ever get turns bad. But you know what? If I let that fear stop me then I never would've asked to walk you home. I never would've asked you to come to my match. I never would've said yes to going on a date with your dad. The highest risks yield the highest rewards."
Scorpius gasped dramatically and ran to his dad.
"Daddy it was a date?! You didn't tell me that!"
"I wasn't sure if we were telling you," Draco replied, trying to process all of the information that Harry had shared.
"I've been trying to have you go on a date for weeks! I ruined it."
"You didn't ruin anything, my star. I'm glad we could figure out what was wrong and making you upset."
"Lie in?," Harry mouthed, nodding his head at Scorpius.
Holding back a sigh, Draco nodded.
"We'll reschedule. Let me firecall grandma."
"I'm sorry Harry. I acted bad."
"You don't have to apologize for your feelings Scorpius. You weren't trying to be bad, you just need to talk out your feelings. I don't like hearing you call yourself bad, it's not true. Talking about my feelings is a skill that I'm still working on honestly too. You just need to let someone know when you're not feeling okay, alright?"
"So, what shall we eat then?," Draco asked, walking back into the room.
"What were you going to have?"
"We were going to try out that new Mediterranean place."
"You remembered," Harry replied with a soft smile.
"I'm sorry."
"Scorpius, it's okay, I promise. Come here my star."
Draco picked Scorpius up and grabbed a pile of takeout menus.
"You're important to both Harry and I. You're our top priority, so if anything is ever wrong we'll fix that first."
"I love you both. I'm going to go take a bath before dinner."
"You're okay on your own?," Draco asked skeptically.
Nodding, Scorpius made his way upstairs.
"I didn't even get to tell you how beautiful you look tonight. I brought you some flowers."
"Thank you Harry, they're lovely. I wasn't able to appreciate it before, but you clean up very well."
"You're worth the hour I spent on my hair."
Draco winced, wrapping his arms around Harry and dropping his head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry."
"Draco, I know what I signed up for. I just hope I didn't overstep talking to him like that."
"Why are you so perfect? No one else is ever worried about overstepping or undermining my parenting abilities. You come in and you fix things in such a kind and caring way and then you always check in with me."
"Basic human decency," Harry waved off the compliment, pressing a kiss to the top of Draco's head.
"Don't undermine how wonderful you are," Draco chided, pulling back to look at Harry. "You're kind, you're caring, you're understanding, you're funny." Draco punctuated each statement with a kiss to a different part of Harry's face.
"Got anymore adjectives?," Harry asked cheekily.
"Annoying has crossed my mind here and there," Draco replied with an eye roll, wrapping himself around Harry again.
"All part of the charm, love."
"I should go change and check on Scorpius."
"Can I borrow some clothes?," Harry asked, gently nipping at Draco's neck.
"Of course you can," Draco replied, tilting his neck in hopes Harry would repeat his actions.
Neither man mentioned the fact that a portion of Harry's wardrobe stayed here, housed in one of Draco's drawers. Draco loved seeing Harry in his clothes. Especially when his shirts were very form fitting for Harry. He was a weak man when it came to Harry Potter.
"You look beautiful," Harry greeted, wrapping his arms around Draco's middle once they had changed.
"I looked more beautiful before."
"No," Harry hummed, looking at their reflection appraisingly. "Sexier? Yes. More beautiful? I don't think so. You're so soft when you're like this, I love seeing you this way."
"Joggers get you going Potter?," Draco asked with an incredulous laugh.
"I've come to realize that you in all forms is what gets me going. Doesn't matter what you look like, I want all of you all the time."
"I don't know how you can just say things like that."
"For the first time in forever, I actually know what I want. I'm making my intentions as clear as I can before somebody else wisens up and realizes how much of a catch you are."
"You don't have to worry about anyone else," Draco whispered, barely suppressing a shiver. "I'll be yours as long as you'll have me."
"And I'm yours. Even if we never end up actually getting to go out and all we do is plan days with Scorpius, that's enough for me."
"You're only saying that because you haven't gotten to kiss me yet. Soon, I want to do this properly, Harry. You're worth all of the extra effort. You're worth things being done the right way."
"Right is subjective, but if I start kissing you I won't be able to stop."
"I wouldn't want you to," Draco admitted, feeling his face redden.
"Go check on Scorpius, I'll order us dinner."
"You're so wonderful."
"I know," Harry replied with a grin, squeezing Draco's hip as he made his way downstairs.
They had trying moments sometimes, but Draco truly loved his son. Especially when, so distraught about ruining their date, that he wanted to be their server for the night. He insisted on doing everything himself to make up for the night, and Draco couldn't help but let his eyes well up with tears a few times.
Harry held his hand across the table the whole night, and even fed him bites of food. It was as close to perfect as Draco thought they could get. He had already changed the date and time for their reservation, but for now, he was happy with how things were.
"What do you say we invite our lovely server to join us for dessert?," Harry asked, caressing Draco's hand on the table.
"I would love that, but we don't have dessert."
"Fancy making a cake?"
"A chocolate cake?," Scorpius asked, peeking out from the kitchen.
"A chocolate cake sounds wonderful. What do you think, Draco?"
"Let's do it."
Draco didn't think he could be happier than he was right now, with his new little family, covered in flour and chocolate. He was proven wrong once again when Harry accepted his offer to stay the night, and they shared a bed, minus Scorpius. Harry completely covered Draco's body with his own, burying his face in Draco's neck.
"Okay?," he asked, lips brushing Draco's collarbone.
"More than."
"Goodnight Draco. Thank you for a wonderful date."
"I know it's not conventional, but I'm glad you still enjoyed it."
"I'd watch paint dry if it meant I got to spend the day with you."
Draco responded by pressing a kiss to Harry's forehead, and then drifted off to sleep, Harry in his arms. Walking up with Harry still wrapped around him made Draco's chest flutter. When Harry's alarm went off a few minutes later, he groaned and buried his face in Draco's neck.
"Don't wanna."
"You need to get up my superstar."
"Your superstar? I like the sound of that," Harry hums.
"I'll make you breakfast. Go get ready for practice," Draco instructed, kissing the top of Harry's head.
"Can I see you again after?"
"I'll have to check my schedule," Draco teased, fondly ruffling Harry's hair, who playfully swatted his hand away.
"I'll be here anyway. I'll meet you downstairs."
Draco was a sucker for a man in uniform, but he loved how Harry looked in his quidditch uniform the most. It was familiar, and always resulted in Draco's stare lingering. Harry hid his knowing smile behind his tea cup. Oh what he would do to see Draco in his jersey.
After breakfast, Harry said his goodbyes, and quite literally spent practice with his head in the clouds. Practices were getting more frustrating. He knew the backup seeker needed more practice, but the team was also hesitant on putting him in. Harry didn't understand why, and was discussing it with Draco, hanging upside down off his couch.
"If you fall and hit your head I'm going to laugh at you," Draco warned.
"Draco I don't get it! Okay that's a lie, maybe I do, but it's not fair. Jones should be able to play more. It seems as long as I'm there he won't even get a chance to play."
"Have you considered... skipping a practice?," Draco asked carefully.
"I thought it, briefly. I signed a contract, I don't want to get in trouble."
"You practice on Wednesday right?"
"I do."
"Weather is supposed to be awful. Spend the day with me instead? That'll give Jones some practice, and you a break."
"Using yourself as a bartering tool are you?"
"Is it working?," Draco asked, leaning closer with a sly smirk.
If Harry wasn't upside down he would've kissed him.
"Let me help you then," Draco replied with a laugh, pushing Harry off the couch.
Harry didn't even have time to be embarrassed that he said that out loud because he was already on the floor.
Harry pulled Draco down with him, who cursed profusely at Harry's loud laughter.
"Daddy, Harry, are you okay?!," Scorpius asked, running down the stairs.
"We're fine Scorpius. I just fell off the couch."
"Daddy always said you were clumsy."
"You already said that," Draco teased, ruffling Harry's hair.
"I cannot stand you," Harry replied with a sigh, stretching out on the floor.
"That's why you're not standing," Scorpius chimed in with a giggle.
Sputtering, Harry grabbed Scorpius by the waist and picked him up, placing him on his lap.
"Who's side are you on here Scorp?," Harry asked with a dramatic gasp. "You're supposed to be my number 1 fan."
"I'm always on daddy's side."
"Well, let's see if he's on your side."
With a wicked grin, Harry started tickling Scorpius.
"Da-daddy. Help!"
"Oh, your daddy can take your place if he'd like."
"Daddy," Scorpius screeched, wriggling around in Harry's arms.
"Free my son at once!"
"Take his place then."
Scorpius couldn't even form words anymore, he was laughing too hard and moving around frantically.
"Okay! I concede."
Harry released Scorpius, who promptly crawled away, in favor of grabbing Draco. He wasn't expecting Draco to straddle his hips.
"This where you wanted me Harry?," Draco teased, placing his hands on Harry's thighs.
"Free my daddy!," Scorpius yelled, coming in swinging a pillow.
What happened after that was a blur, but there were way too many feathers for Draco's liking by the end.
"I'm not as fit as I used to be," he huffed.
"That's why you need to come flying with me."
"Soon," Draco promised.
"Alright my loves, I must be heading home. Practice tomorrow."
"Goodnight Harry, I love you," Scorpius said, pulling Harry into a hug.
"I love you too Scorpius, goodnight," Harry bid, kissing his nose.
"Let me know about Wednesday, yeah?," Draco confirmed, pulling Harry into a hug.
"Of course. Goodnight love."
"Harry must really like you if he calls you love," Scorpius noted, holding his arms out for Draco to pick him up after Harry had left.
"Good, because I really like him too."
"I'm glad that he makes you happy daddy. You deserve to be happy most of all."
"Thank you my star."
How Draco raised such an emotionally sound child he would never know. It was just another thing he attributed to Astoria, and he thought fondly of her once more.
"How about your bedtime story is one about your mum, yeah?," Draco asked, tucking Scorpius into bed.
"Yes please!"
"This is the story of the time you took your first steps..."
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