Chapter 6
{Merry Christmas, I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!}
The match was brutal, to say the least. The weather had been awful, and it reminded Harry of that fateful match in third year. He won, but not without injury. A bludger had hit his broom right as his fingertips grazed the snitch. He caught it off course, but ended up getting the wind knocked out of him, resulting in a slowed descent. If it wasn't for the poor weather conditions he would have been fine; he hadn't realized how close the ground was until it was too late. All he could do was cover his head as he made impact, his broom too damaged to do too much in terms of a safe landing.
He was looked at by a medic, given a healing potion for his fractured arm, and sent back to his hotel room to rest. Harry had hoped to have gone home right after the match, but he knew traveling with a recently healed injury could prolong his healing time, so he begrudgingly went to bed, sleeping through the night.
In the morning, he traveled home, dropping his things off and checking his mail. His healer had instructed him that she would be coming over to take a look at him properly and not to move. Groaning, Harry sat with his head in his hands, waiting for the inevitable. All he wanted to do was see- "shit," he cursed aloud, jumping up and fire calling Draco immediately.
"Harry! Thank Merlin."
"Are you both okay?"
"Potter, we should be asking you that. We're fine. Are you?"
"I am. Nasty weather is all, I have lowered visibility on a good day, yesterday was unmatched weather wise. Reminded me of... you know the day I'm sure. My healer is on her way to make sure I'm alright. I just wanted to check in. I should have yesterday but the potion made me so sleepy- I'm sorry."
"We're just glad you're safe."
"Is that Harry?!," came a yell, followed by thundering footsteps.
"Hey love bug."
"Harry, you're alright! We were so worried, daddy was pacing-"
"We were both worried," Draco interrupted Scorpius, "but glad you're okay now."
"The potions they gave me put me to sleep. I'm sure they did it on purpose, they know I don't rest like I should."
"When's your healer coming?"
"She'll be here any time I suppose."
"We're coming through," Draco decided.
"You don't have-"
"Stand aside Potter."
With a sigh, Harry got up and out of the way, dropping onto his couch. He admired the way Draco elegantly entered the room, with Scorpius following suit.
"Careful Scorpius."
"Can I hug you?"
"Of course you can. Come here."
Scorpius wrapped himself around Harry, burying his face in his neck.
"Everything is okay. Really, it wasn't that bad. Quidditch should have better weather related rules is all."
"We're having a sleepover. Daddy told me it was okay."
"One of these days you'll be able to plan for our sleepover, yeah?," Harry joked, pressing a kiss to his head.
Harry opened his other arm, and Draco carefully folded himself in the space next to Harry, leaning against him and closing his eyes.
"You won't break me," Harry promised.
"I know. You refuse to die," Draco whispered in Harry's ear.
"I found something worth living for."
The floo flared up, and his healer stepped out.
"Hello Harry- oh, you have company."
"Good morning Athena. I'm in the best hands over here."
"Now I can make sure my care instructions are actually followed," she commented, looking at Draco.
"They will be. Go on then Potter, we'll be in the other room."
Draco gathered Scorpius into his arms and carried him into the kitchen so that Harry could have some privacy.
"You are aware that I can travel to your matches with you, correct?"
"I don't like-"
"To disturb me, yes I know. You are allowed to take up space, you do know that right?"
"Oh, Harry. I hope that Mr. Malfoy can help you see that."
"He has."
"So, are you two...?"
"Not yet," Harry replied with a grin, hugging his knees to his chest. "We're taking things slow, especially with his son, who I absolutely adore. But I finally feel like I have more to my future than quidditch."
"That's wonderful Harry. You deserve to have that. Let's get you checked out now. I will be attending more away games now. After what you told me about what that one professor did to you, I hesitate to leave you alone without proper medical care."
"They gave me something to make me sleep after, I wasn't a fan."
Clenching her jaw, Harry closed his eyes as he felt her magic wash over him. She mumbled to herself as she looked him over, jotting some notes down with a wave of her other hand.
"You just need to rest and you'll be alright. Everything is healed, you just may feel a bit tender. Mr. Malfoy!," she called.
"Mr. Malfoy, please ensure that Harry rests. No strenuous activity."
"Can I play in the next match?"
"I'll reevaluate you beforehand. Honestly, I think the team's other seeker should get some playing time anyway. You're always training so hard, you need a break."
"After we win the cup."
"You say that every year," she replied with a fond eye roll.
"We'll take care of him, don't worry."
"I'm sure that you will. I'll see you in a few days, Harry. Be well."
"Send everyone my regards."
Harry moved to get up when she left, but Scorpius crawled into his lap, causing him to remain seated on the couch.
"What's up love bug?"
"Not you. You need to relax so you can be better," Scorpius chided, "so I'm keeping you on the couch."
"But then how can I give you both your gifts?"
"Gift?," Scorpius asked with a gasp.
"Oh hush. I remember our conversation Draco, but I had to."
"And there's a gift for me too?," Draco asked, biting back a smile.
"Only the best."
"I suppose I'll allow it this time."
"I'll be right back Scorp, then I won't leave the couch until you say so," Harry promised.
"I feel like I'm being bribed, but okay."
"I mean I can keep it-"
"No no! You already brought it all the way over here. It would be a shame if it went to waste."
Harry's laughter followed him down hallway.
"I really love having him around daddy. Not just because he buys me things sometimes. He's just so... nice."
"He is, isn't he my star? Always thinking of others. That's why we're going to take care of him today."
"We should take care of him every day."
"He's so stubborn, we have to do what we can. That's why you're going to distract him while I start dinner."
"You're so Slytherin daddy."
Laughing, Draco picked Scorpius up and hugged him tightly.
"Scorpius, for you."
Draco was okay with the small bag, but his jaw dropped as Scorpius removed a massive golden snitch plush from the bag.
"Thank you Harry! I'm going to sleep with this every night!"
"Draco, for you."
He eyed his bag suspiciously as he began to pull things out. His favorite, very expensive wine, his favorite also very expensive chocolate, and flowers. Blushing, Draco looked down and ran his fingers over the petals of one of the flowers.
"Well, aren't you sweet."
"I try," Harry replied with a grin, satisfied with the reaction to his gifts. "Now, as promised, I will not leave this couch again," he continued, dropping onto the couch dramatically.
"I have a gift for you too!"
"Oh love bug you didn't-"
"Shhh. I made it while watching the match, it'll bring you good luck. Daddy charmed it for me and everything. Hold out your arm and close your eyes."
Doing as told, Harry felt something slide onto his wrist. Opening his eyes, he smiled and ran his fingers over the bracelet.
"Thank you, I'm never taking this off."
It was done in silver and green, and read "follow the stars." He looked at Draco, a knowing look in his eyes.
"It's waterproof and everything," Scorpius promised.
"I mean it, I'm never taking it off. Now, what shall we do that doesn't require me to leave the couch?"
"We can watch another Disney film! You can pick."
"Why thank you love bug. I think we should watch Aladdin now. Would you like a story first?," Harry asked, watching Draco attempt to sneak into the kitchen. "This way your dad can watch with us," he whispered loudly.
Giggling, Scorpius nodded and ran to the bookcase while Harry's grin directed at Draco bathed him in warmth.
Days like those were Harry's absolute favorite, and as the days passed he felt himself more and more grateful for them. They attended every match they possibly could as Harry and his team battled their way to the quidditch cup finals. Scorpius was doing such a great job with photography that he was the team's newest celebrity, and he beamed with pride when he was awarded his own honorary team locker to keep his camera equipment, right next to Harry's.
Harry was in between matches, preparing himself to go out with Ginny for a catch up lunch, when everything changed. He was receiving a fire call, and he grinned when he saw it was coming from the Malfoy residence. The grin immediately dropped from his face when he saw it was Scorpius alone.
"Is everything okay?"
"Daddy is sick, and I think he needs help. Can you come over?"
"I'll be there in 15 minutes Scorpius."
It was times like these that Harry was glad he was skilled at wordless and wandless magic. He packed two bags as he firecalled Ginny, hoping she hadn't left yet. Harry was taken aback as she answered and he heard loud music playing.
"Did I get the date wrong, or were we meeting for lunch?," he asked in confusion.
"We? Oh, yes! Lunch at 2 right?"
Harry was immediately suspicious and knew then and there he had been set up once again.
"Since it seems like you've forgotten anyway, we can just reschedule there. Something has-"
"You can't do that!"
"And why can't I? As I was saying, something has come up and I can no longer make it."
"You're absolutely impossible Potter!"
"Is the usage of my last name supposed to bother me? Malfoy would call me Potter all the time. I called to give you the courtesy of knowing I won't show up. I should've known you'd try to set me up on another blind date after I explicitly told you not to! You're supposed to be my friend, and I can't trust you anymore."
Ending the call, Harry made sure the wards were strengthened and closed so no one could enter his home. He made another quick firecall, shopped as fast as he ever had in his entire life, and made it to the Malfoy home in about 10 minutes.
"Harry! Daddy is on the couch."
Draco normally had a pale complexion, but he had practically no color to his face. Frowning, Harry walked over and felt his forehead. He was burning up.
"I knew you were hot Draco, but this is taking it to another level."
Draco's eyes fluttered open in concern.
"I'm here Draco. We'll get you feeling better in no time."
"Why are you here? You said you had plans with Weaslette."
"Plans change."
"But you're most important to me. I would drop anything and everything for you. I'm going to get you a cool washcloth and some water."
Scorpius followed Harry around, a frown on his face.
"Is daddy going to be okay?"
"He has a fever, that I do know for sure. He'll be okay though Scorp, don't worry."
"It's hard not to worry when mommy got sick."
"This is different than that okay love? I called my healer and she'll be here at any moment. We'll get him properly looked at, I promise. Would you like a hug?"
Nodding, Scorpius wrapped himself tightly around Harry as if he would disappear at any moment.
"I love you Harry."
Harry held on even tighter, feeling that love wash over him.
"I love you too Scorpius, so much. Everything will be okay. Can you bring your dad some water?"
"Yes I can."
"You do that, I'll grab the cloth."
When Harry came back, he was just in time to see his healer step out of the floo.
"Hi Athena, thank you for coming."
"Thank you for calling. Hello Draco, can you tell me what's bothering you?"
"My head, my throat. I feel like I'm burning up. My body hurts and I have all of these aches and pains."
"We'll get you checked out. Your little one too, just to make sure he stays right as rain."
She cast the necessary spells on both of them, and took notes as she went about. Athena talked everyone in the room through what she was doing as she did it, and that's one of the many things Harry absolutely loved about her.
"You have a case of the flu Draco."
"Absolutely ghastly," he muttered.
"I have some potions to help the cold move through your system, but I'm afraid it's one of those things you mostly have to wait out."
"How much do I owe you?"
"Absolutely nothing. You took care of Harry for me, it's time to return the favor."
"I... thank you."
"How's Scorpius?," Harry asked, lovingly ruffling his hair.
"He's alright, but he is more susceptible to the sickness because he's so young. I recommend him staying with a relative for a day or so to keep him from being further exposed."
"I have to leave daddy?," he asked with a frown.
"I'll stay with him Scorpius, I promise."
"Then you'll be sick."
"No, he won't," Athena commented, laying potions out carefully on the table.
"Harry's magic simply does not allow him to get sick. Ever. The most he's ever had is a headache. The bones are one thing, those being injured can't be magically prevented in the same way, but his magic protects his immune system."
"My upbringing," Harry explained with a shrug.
"Harry, I'm writing down care instructions for you to follow for the next two days."
"Give him this potion first, it'll help him to sleep the illness off. This dark blue one must be taken with food."
She went over some other information as she packed her things, being sure Harry understood his care instructions before she left.
"Shall we go see grandma?," Harry asked with a soft smile.
"Do I really have to go?"
"Your dad has to get better and he can't do that if he's worrying about keeping you healthy, love bug. Neither of us wants you to leave, but sometimes we have to do what we don't like to keep the people we love safe."
"Okay, I'll go to see grandma and grandpa."
"You're so brave Scorpius. Let's say bye to your dad now okay?"
"Bye daddy, I love you. Get better soon and let Harry take care of you so that I can come back," he instructed.
"I love you my star, so much."
"Now, while you're there...," Draco missed the ending of the conversation as Harry picked his son up and took him down the hallway.
As the potion took effect and his eyes fluttered shut, he hoped nothing bad would be happening.
"Now while you're there, you can make him a get well soon card. I think he would love that. I just have a few questions for you about your dad while we pack..."
It was times like these Harry was grateful that Scorpius loved to talk. He learned a lot in a short amount of time.
"Okay love, we'll apparate there yeah?"
"Wait, my new snitch! I need it to sleep."
With the snitch tucked under one arm and Scorpius tucked under the other, Harry heavily exhaled as the Manor came into view. They were greeted at the door by Narcissa, who simply raised an eyebrow.
"Harry, how nice to see you."
"Hi grandma! Daddy's sick so Harry brought me here so he can take care of daddy and keep me healthy."
"Won't you come in for a moment?"
"Of course. Come on Scorp. Show me your room and I'll drop your things off yeah?"
Narcissa followed as Scorpius told Harry all about his room.
"And I have this massive poster of you on the wall!"
Harry barely stifled his laugh, but Narcissa did chuckle quietly.
"You are my number one fan."
"Perhaps number two," he heard Narcissa murmur.
After placing Scorpius's things down, Narcissa led Harry back downstairs.
"How is my Draco?"
"He has the flu. I had my personal healer come in and look both him and Scorpius over. She recommended Scorpius get out of the house for a day or so to keep him healthy since his immune system isn't as developed. I need to head back now, the potion should be taking effect and I want to make sure Draco is okay."
"Thank you for caring for my family. Take these with you."
"They care for me just the same. Send my regards to Lucius," Harry said with a cheeky grin, apparating away to the sound of Narcissa's laughter.
When Harry got back, Draco was sleeping on the couch. Covering him with a blanket, he got to work on making Draco's favorite soup, and then some homemade bread.
He checked in intermittently, preparing Draco a light lunch for when he woke up. Once the soup was on the stove, Harry grabbed Draco's to do list off the fridge and began to complete tasks on the list. When he heard stirring, he made his way back to Draco, sitting next to him on the couch.
"Hey," Harry said gently, "how are you feeling?"
"Like shit," Draco replied with a sniffle. "You're still here."
"Of course I'm still here, there's nowhere else I'd rather be."
"You don't have to stay."
"I want to stay. Let me take care of you Draco. I even made you lunch."
"You're not leaving either way are you?"
"Nope. You're stuck with me love. Eat up, drink some water."
Draco was glad he was already too pale to flush even more at Harry calling him love. That nickname was reserved for his son, not for him.
"This is the only time I won't be arguing with you," Draco muttered instead.
"I'll cherish these moments then, just like I do with the rest."
"Oh fuck off."
"You're so feisty."
"I'm sick and my child isn't here, I'm allowed to be," Draco said indignantly.
"Who said I didn't like it? Can I do anything to make you more comfortable?"
"Tell me a story?"
"What about?"
"Anything you want to share."
Snuggling up with his blanket, Draco listened intently as Harry began to share parts of himself that very few people were privy to. As his eyes began to close once more, Harry gently caressed his face, lulling Draco further into sleep. Harry watched him for a few moments, being sure he was asleep before he picked back up with the to do list.
By the time Draco stirred again, it was time for dinner and his second potion.
"What have you been up to all day?"
"Taking care of you," Harry replied, getting Draco some soup. "Where do you want to sit?"
"The couch."
"I'll get you some more water."
"Did you make my favorite?," Draco asked quietly.
"I did! I hope you like it."
"Thank you... no one..."
"I'm more than happy to," Harry responded kindly, pressing a kiss to Draco's forehead. "You're still a little warm, but you're getting better. Fever is close to breaking. Eat some soup, and then take this potion when you have a few bites down."
Draco couldn't remember the last time he was this loved and cared for, and he pushed down the tears that were threatening to come forward. He must've been a small child, only a few years older than his Scorpius.
"After this, I'll run you a bath, yeah? I got you one of those fancy bath bomb things you like."
That was too much for Draco, and he just managed to put his soup down before he burst into tears.
"Draco?," Harry called in concern, pulling the shaking man into his arms.
"I'm a failure," he whispered, clenching his hands into fists.
"Absolutely not. Draco, I admire you so much. You're so incredibly strong. I'm not here because I don't think you can do this on your own. I'm here because you don't have to do this on your own," Harry stressed, grabbing Draco's hands in his own.
"Just because you're a single parent does not mean anyone will look down on you if you ask for help. No one will think any less of you. I agree that normally you don't need any help, Scorpius is so wonderful and that's because of you, but I think we can make an exception when you're sick. If you're not doing this for you, then think about how him spending the night with your mother keeps him from getting sick."
Logically, that made sense and Draco released a breath.
"I don't deserve you."
"I don't deserve either of you. I was so lost before you. I had no direction, and I felt like I was wasting my life, looking for something greater. You're my something greater. Draco, we deserve each other," Harry pleaded.
"I just can't help but feel this way sometimes."
"It just means you're concerned with how you're doing. There's nothing wrong with asking for help, love. I know you're a Slytherin and that you're prideful and used to taking things on on your own because you think asking for help makes you seem weak. You're strong, and you're brave, and there is nothing wrong with asking for help.
Do you think I would have called you for help after my injury if we didn't have plans that day? If I knew you weren't watching and had no idea what was going on?"
"No, because you're a self-sacrificing git," Draco retorted with a sniffle.
"Exactly. That's a part of me. I don't know how to ask for help, I just know how to give it. If you think I'm being overbearing and my savior complex is kicking in then you need to tell me. It's not something I can just shut off, no matter how much I try. It's something I actively work on each day, and sometimes I don't realize when I've crossed the line."
"I'll always tell you," Draco promised, burying his face in Harry's chest.
"Don't be embarrassed about this later. I love that you feel like you can open up to me. It's okay to feel like this, and it's okay to express those feelings. You don't always have to be strong around me."
"Take everything you just said and apply it to how I feel about you."
Harry laughed, cuddling Draco closer to his chest.
"I simply cannot with you sometimes, Malfoy," Harry said fondly. "Finish the soup I made for you."
"It really is quite good. Thank you."
"Any time."
"Are you sure you're okay though? You seemed a bit... off when you arrived. I don't remember much honestly it's quite hazy, but you looked peculiar. More so than usual," Draco teased, leaning back into Harry.
"Ginny," he replied with a huff.
"She didn't."
"Oh she tried. She's having some sort of party right now which made it even easier to tell I was being set up."
"It's not healthy for an ex to be that involved in someone's love life."
"That's what I'm saying, but everyone thinks it's fine because of my 'best interests.' As if anyone has ever asked me what I wanted."
"What do you want?," Draco asked, looking up at Harry's face.
"I'm happy with this. Granted I prefer you when you're healthier, but I wouldn't trade this for anything."
"Not even a date next weekend? A proper one?," Draco asked carefully.
"Are you offering?"
"Just answer the question Potter."
"The only date I would ever want to go on is one with you," Harry replied, grabbing Draco's hand in his own.
"Good. Now you can tell She-Weasley to back off because you have a date."
"I was going to tell her I'm seeing someone but I can't trust her. Knowing her she'd make me 'prove it.' You deserve more than that."
"So do you."
"You know Draco, I think I'm starting to believe you."
"I knew my charm would work on you eventually."
"Draco I was obsessed with you for years," Harry deadpanned. "Like, unhealthily obsessed to the point where I think I knew more about you than myself."
"Obviously it was mutual. Imagine if I actually hated you and I had to deal with my son's obsession. I can rarely ever say no to my son. He's my everything. I'd give the usual disclaimer but..."
"But you're a package deal and he always comes first, as he should."
"I didn't think this would be so easy," Draco replied quietly, curling up into Harry and beginning to doze off.
"You're worth the effort Draco. You both are."
Harry was starting to think that he himself was worth the effort too. It was amazing, he thought as he closed his eyes, just how much the Malfoy men had been able to do for him in a relatively short time. He slept with a smile on his face, dreaming of many different scenarios for his date with Draco.
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