Chapter 5
It was a few days later, and Harry was busy getting ready for his away game. His bags were... mostly, okay partially packed. He was daydreaming, hanging partially off of his bed, when the floo startled him so badly he fell off and landed on the floor.
That was where Ron found him, a bewildered look on his face.
"Alright there mate?"
"I was lost in thought, you just surprised me is all."
"I figured you'd barely be packed, and I needed to hit the shops. Fancy coming with me?"
"Always. It's not because you know I'm making a big dinner to use up what's in the fridge right?," Harry teased.
"Well, that always helps," Ron jokes back. "I feel like I haven't spent time with you in ages, I wanted to make a stop before you left."
"You know you're always welcome. Where are we off to?"
The day was so refreshing, and exactly what Harry needed. They had joked, laughed, and goofed off as they went from store to store, even stopping at an old hangout spot for lunch.
"Are you staying for dinner?," Harry asked as they walked into the next store.
"Rain check? Mione is expecting me back."
"I'll add that to your list of rain checks," Harry replied with a sigh, grabbing a toothbrush off the shelf and dropping it into the trolley.
"I'm sorry mate," Ron replied with a wince.
"I'm glad we at least got to have lunch together."
"I know I've been busy lately, I'll be better at making more time for you."
"You have your family Ron, I understand-"
"Harry. You're my family just as much as they are. Please don't forget that. You're still my brother, whether you ended up with my sister or not."
"Not. Definitely not. And I would appreciate it if she stopped trying to set me up on blind dates. Thank you though Ron."
"Ah, that's why she's been complaining. You stood her up last time."
"Because she doesn't respect my boundaries," Harry replied with a huff. "Honestly, if she hadn't set my last surprise date up as if she and I were meeting, maybe she'd see me more often. I can't-"
"Oh no," Ron whispered, eyes wide in horror as soon as his eyes fell upon the small blonde child.
"Scorpius, manners," Draco warned as Scorpius ran across the aisle and threw himself at Harry's legs.
"Absolutely not," Ron whispered once again, staring at the scene in shock.
"Well, hello there Scorpius," Harry greeted with a grin, picking the child up. "Fancy seeing you here Malfoy."
"Please, you know I shop here, Potter."
"I guess I'm just lucky then," Harry teased.
Ron's choking sound brought everyone's attention back to their surroundings.
"Oh, hello. I'm Scorpius Malfoy."
Bewildered, Ron accepted the outstretched hand.
"Ron Weasley."
"Weasley," Draco greeted, tone neutral.
"You all call each other by your last names. That's funny. Harry, do you want to have dinner with us?"
"Scorpius, he's with someone right now."
"Oh, Ron already has dinner plans, so I'm free if the invitation stands."
"You're always welcome," Draco reassured. "See you at 5?"
"I'll be there. I'll see you soon Scorp," Harry promised, placing him back on the ground.
"Bye Harry. Nice to meet you Mr. Ron."
As soon as they walked away, Ron spoke up again.
"As if you obsessing with one Malfoy wasn't enough. Now there's two?!"
Harry heard Draco's quiet reaction from the next aisle over and he felt his face heat up.
"Ron!," Harry hissed.
"Don't 'Ron' me! What the hell Harry? When did this happen?"
"Fairly recently."
"I've neglected you so much that you've shacked up with the Malfoys."
"Will you relax? Draco is my friend, and Scorpius is a wonderful child."
"Now he's Draco? I'm going to be sick. Out of all of the men. Out of the whole world-," Ron began to rant.
"Ron, enough," Harry said evenly.
"I'm sorry mate. This is just... a lot to process. I trust your judgment but..."
"You don't know him like I do. We've talked."
"And no one died."
Ron immediately winced at the statement he just blurted out.
"Fuck, I didn't mean that Harry, I'm sorry."
"We'll talk when I'm back. Go home Ron."
"Be safe Harry," Ron bid him goodbye, squeezing Harry's shoulder.
Draco found Harry again in the ice cream aisle.
"What's your favorite flavor?"
"Rocky road," Harry replied, adding a carton to his trolley. "I like anything with chocolate."
"I'll have to stock up then, for your future visits," Draco replied, grabbing a few cartons.
"What about you?"
"I also like a rich, chocolate ice cream, but my guilty pleasure is cookie dough."
"What about you Scorpius?"
"Strawberry, just like mommy."
Harry felt Draco tense up, and he placed a comforting hand on his back.
"I'll keep some on hand for you. Any toppings?"
"Are we having an ice cream party?," Scorpius asked with a gasp.
"Are we Draco?"
"I suppose we are. But, I require pyjamas for the party."
"That can be arranged," Harry replied with a small smile.
"Sleepover ice cream party?"
"My star, Harry is leaving tomorrow for his match-"
"I could, if you wanted. I just need to finish packing."
"Did you even start?"
"Technically, I leave a bag packed. It's just things I use everyday that aren't packed yet."
"Stay the night then."
"No one gives me any time to prepare," Scorpius huffed. "I'll make do."
"I have no doubt that you will, love. I'll pop over when I'm done packing?"
"Please do."
"See you soon."
Harry wasn't the only one shaken up by the encounter. After completing their shopping, Draco brought Scorpius to another store.
"What're we doing here daddy?"
"I think Harry needs some cheering up. Let's get some fun pyjamas shall we?"
"Can I pick them out?"
"Of course you can, my star. We'll pick up some fun things to do as well."
Draco let Scorpius grab whatever he thought Harry would like. Sticker books, coloring books, new markers, and bracelet making kits soon found their way into the cart.
"Okay Scorpius, let's get home so we can have your bath before Potter comes over."
At his home, Harry was finally finishing packing up his things. He grabbed a second bag just for his sleepover with the Malfoys, figuring he could just leave it behind and come collect it the next time he was over.
He showered and packed up anything from the fridge he thought would spoil while he was gone before he made his way over.
As soon as he arrived, Draco pulled him into a comforting hug.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, Ron's just got his head up his arse, nothing new there. I'm sorry you had to experience that."
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't entertained. You were right though, now you do have two of us to obsess over," Draco teased, arms remaining wrapped around Harry's neck. "Makes me wonder how often you talked about me at school."
"Frequently," Harry admitted, gently caressing Draco's cheek.
"We're still okay though, right? This is okay?"
"More than. He'll get over it. I'm sure he's ranting about it to Hermione right now, and she'll tell him that he's starting to sound like me in sixth year, then he'll shut down and process.
I obviously hadn't been able to tell him yet. I wanted to tell them together but then Rose got sick and we never rescheduled. If he thinks I'm letting you and Scorpius go he's got another thing coming. I love spending my time with you both, and that won't change. I wanted to get to know you without something like this looming over us."
"If you think I would ever let you go, you've got another thing coming Harry."
"Don't let me go. Even when I eventually do something stupid and fuck things up."
"If you recall Potter, I'm well aware of all of your fuckups, I often made fun of them. I'm still here, despite the reminder on my chest that I almost wasn't," Draco joked.
"I have to be able to joke about these things. Merlin, if this had been a few years ago and we were talking about this I probably would've given you a matching set."
"I don't know how to talk about that without feeling like I'm guilting you into an acceptance of my apology."
"When have I ever done or given anything that I didn't want to do Harry? I told you, I want to heal with you. Talking like this? It's the first step."
"You are so incredibly special Draco."
"I know. Come along now, you're overdressed."
Harry could have cried as Scorpius presented him with a pair of pyjamas that matched his and Draco's.
"Do you like them?," Scorpius asked, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"I love them. Thank you Scorpius. I'm going to put them on right now."
"He seems happier," Scorpius remarked to Draco once Harry was gone.
"You tend to have that effect on people, my star."
"Because you raised me to care about other people like I care about me."
Draco absolutely melted, pulling Scorpius into a hug and peppering his face with kisses as his son giggled and squealed.
"Hey, save some for me," Harry teased, and wasn't he a sight in the silly dragon pyjamas Scorpius had picked out.
"In your dreams Potter."
"Sometimes," Harry mouthed back, winking as Scorpius threw his arms around Harry to kiss him on the cheek.
"Thank you love. At least one Malfoy has manners," Harry teased, kissing Scorpius on his forehead.
"Oh I have plenty of manners. Look at the beautiful new outfit I bought for you."
"Thank you very much. I look quite fetching I think."
"Very fetching," Scorpius agreed, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder.
"Oh, I brought some groceries that need to be finished up."
"You won't let me tease you for anything," Draco huffed, playfully rolling his eyes at Harry.
"You'll always have my hair to make fun of, no worries Draco."
"That's true."
"Daddy, I think you can fix it."
"Now there's an idea," Draco remarked, eyes sparkling.
"Yeah? You think so?"
"Are you challenging me Potter?"
"Maybe. What're you going to do about it?"
"He's going to make you even prettier!," Scorpius announced, clapping his hands.
"Thank you, love."
"Can I read you another story Harry?"
"Of course you can, Scorp. Which one?"
While Scorpius ran off to get a book, Harry pulled Draco into another hug.
"Thank you for this, I needed it."
"Anytime Harry."
"Lots of people say that, but you actually mean it."
"Of course I mean it. We both like having you around. It doesn't feel as if anything is missing anymore with you around."
"I guess I just needed to follow the stars to bring me home."
That line did earn Harry a lingering kiss on his cheek. If Harry was expecting it, he might've turned his head just that much more.
"I'm not much for lines, but that was the best one."
"I have the book Harry!"
"Is it still considered a line if I mean it?"
"You're going sweet on me Potter."
"Oh, we're way past 'going' Malfoy. I'm quite enamored."
"Here it is. I wanted to read this one that I borrowed from you."
Draco was filled with so much love while he cooked in the kitchen, listening to Harry and Scorpius taking turns reading. He couldn't help but feel Astoria had a hand in putting Harry back in his life, and he sent a silent thank you up to her, knowing she was watching down on them.
"Is Mr. Ron your best friend Harry?," Scorpius asked suddenly.
"He's more like my brother, but yes he is."
"You're my best friend. Is that okay?"
"Of course it is love. You can have more than one best friend too. Ron's married to my other best friend Hermione. They have a daughter around your age, Rose, and I'm her godfather."
"And you're Teddy's godfather too."
"How did you meet Ron and Hermione?"
Draco loved listening to Harry tell his version of events. Every new piece of knowledge Harry shared, Draco tucked away in the corner, let's be honest it's more like a half, of his brain dedicated to him.
"The first time I met Ron was on platform 9 ¾. I actually met his mum first. I didn't grow up in the wizarding world, and my family dropped me off at the platform and drove away before I could ask for help. I heard Mrs. Weasley and she showed me how to get onto the platform.
Ron sat in the train car with me after that, and we were fast friends. He was my first ever friend, you know. Then Neville another good friend of mine, you'd like him he knows loads about plants, lost his toad named Trevor, and Hermione came into the train car asking if we'd seen him or not.
We didn't become friends with Hermione until Halloween of first year though. She's so smart, but especially at that age she could come off as too much. She had something to prove.
Then, there was the troll incident. Here's what actually happened that day which caused Slytherin to lose the house cup..."
Draco gave up pretending that he didn't care what was being said. He was always curious as to what had happened that night.
"I suppose I can forgive you for that after finding out what actually happened," Draco said with a dramatic sigh, draping himself over Harry.
"Wow Harry, you lived an exciting life."
"I would say exciting just about covers it, yes," Harry replied with a laugh, ruffling Scorpius's hair.
"Will you tell me a new story every time you see me?"
"Of course I can."
"I never knew about Professor Quirrell though. Even after...," Draco remarked.
"That was his whole point. He didn't want people to know. Everyone overlooked him, even me. I thought Snape was him."
"Yeah, I can see why. He was ghastly towards you."
"What ended up happening to him?," Scorpius asked curiously.
"Well, umm, a lot of these stories don't have happy endings Scorp. He just kind of... disintegrated."
"With my hands I suppose. Or my mother's love that I carried. I don't know, it just hurt him when I touched him. I didn't even try to do anything on purpose, I was just protecting myself. I was all alone, which is a theme in most of these stories. I had people to help get me there, but in the end, it was just me."
"I won't let you be alone anymore," Scorpius promised, climbing into Harry's lap.
"Thank you love," Harry said kindly, kissing the top of his head.
"We'll have so many sleepovers, it'll be so fun! Daddy can I show Harry what we bought today?"
"Of course my star."
"Come on Harry!"
Draco thought it would be a quick rummaging of the bag, but 10 minutes, and then 15 passed by and he was starting to get suspicious. Listening carefully, he could just make out the sound of quiet giggles. Creeping up to the door to his son's playroom, Draco remained hidden in the doorway as he took in the sight before him.
Harry was sitting on the floor, glasses folded carefully next to him, and Scorpius was in his lap. Upon closer inspection, Scorpius was... decorating Harry with stickers? Harry who's eyes were closed and a blissful smile was on his face.
"Turn to the right please."
"Like this?"
"A little more... perfect. I'm giving you two stars. One for me, and one for daddy."
"Those will be my favorite stickers then."
"Now it's my turn for a sticker."
"Hmm... there's so many choices. I think... a scorpion for my Scorpius. My little scorpion I reckon."
Scorpius giggled and allowed Harry to carefully place the sticker on his cheek.
"Your scorpion?"
"It sounds similar to your name."
"Absolutely not Potter," Draco deadpanned, stepping through the doorway.
"But daddy I want a nickname."
"I'll come up with something else then."
"You already call him love," Draco argued.
"Love bug then," Harry decided. "Scorpions are kind of like bugs," Harry whispered, winking at Scorpius.
"That's better, I suppose. Just don't go getting any crazy ideas for my name."
"Oh I've been brainstorming, don't worry that pretty little head of yours."
"When it comes to you, I'm always worried, Potter."
"That... yeah that's fair. Sorry."
"It comes with the relationship I suppose," Draco replied, shaking his head.
"I think you need some stickers now," Harry mused, sticking a heart shaped sticker to Draco's cheek.
"Take this lightning bolt one! Then you and Harry can match!"
Draco's mouth dropped open in horror, and the room was filled with silence until Harry started laughing hysterically.
"Scorpius! What do I say about talking about people's appearances?"
"That if it can't be changed in a few minutes it should be ignored," he recited, not getting the point of this conversation.
"Can Potter change that?"
"Well nooooo, but that's what he's known for. Isn't it Harry?"
"That's not the point Scorpius, it's impolite."
"To be fair, you've called me Scarhead for years," Harry interjected. "Really, no harm done. Just be mindful of others in the future, okay love bug? Not everyone gets to have as many cool scars as me."
"There's more? Oh, I shouldn't ask that. I'm sorry," Scorpius said bashfully.
"There's loads, that one is the most famous of course. There's scars on my arms from growing up. Scar on my hand from sixth year. Multiple scars on my chest from seventh year. Personally, I think the chest scars are cooler than the one on my forehead, but I don't go flaunting those. No one else needs to know."
"Daddy says scars mean you survived."
"That's quite literally what the one on my forehead and the second one over my heart means."
"The second one?," Draco trailed off, sparing a glance at Scorpius.
"Yep. I've officially escaped death twice. The last time I uh... you know... should I even be talking about this right now? I don't think this is an appropriate conversation for a child."
"Wait... you actually died?," Scorpius asked in a small voice, looking up at Harry with a hurt expression.
"I did, but I'm still here now and that's what matters yeah?"
Scorpius sat on Harry's lap and placed his hand over Harry's heart with a wobbly lip.
"Shh, it's okay Scorpius. I'm basically invincible at this point."
"I would hope so with how clumsy you are," Draco interjected, trying to steer the conversation back to a lighter territory.
He should have interjected earlier, it was his own fault. His curiosity had once again gotten the best of him.
"Can I?..."
"I don't want to make you more upset Scorpius."
"I need to see."
Harry looked to Draco for an answer, an unreadable expression on his face.
"It's your body Harry, whatever you're comfortable with."
"You're sure Scorpius?"
With a sigh, Harry undid the buttons on his shirt, just enough for the horcrux scar and the remnants of the killing curse to be seen.
"It's not pretty, but I survived. I'm here. It's okay."
"I'm so glad you're here," Scorpius said with a sniffle, throwing himself at Harry.
"I'm glad to be here."
Draco saw the surprise flicker on Harry's face at his own admission. That was something Draco understood all too well.
"Do you want to know another Harry Potter secret?," Harry asked Scorpius suddenly.
"I can keep a secret."
"I have a few tattoos."
Scorpius gasped and immediately wiped the tears from his face.
"You do?!"
"I do. Would you like to be one of the first people to see them?"
"I won't tell anyone I promise."
Harry finished unbuttoning his shirt and let it fall from his shoulders. Draco couldn't look away even if he wanted to. With Scorpius on his lap, Harry explained his tattoos and let Scorpius trace them.
"Do you plan on getting any more?"
"Eventually I want a full sleeve. I always keep them covered when I'm out and about. Not to sound paranoid, but if anyone is trying to impersonate me they won't know about the tattoos. The snitch is fairly common, but obviously the rest are more personal."
"Which one is your favorite?," Draco asked curiously, fingers twitching.
He was itching to touch.
"The lilies with the stag for my parents turned out quite nicely. I'm extremely fond of my mischief managed tattoo. That one means a lot to me, I had the handwriting from the parchment copied, I think that was Remus's handwriting, and it has some very intricate charm work. The footprints turn to paw prints for my godfather as well."
"Where's that one?"
"Lower, near my hip. The golden snitch tattoo was my first one. That one flutters about. Teddy loved to try and catch it when he was younger. Watching it used to be the only thing to calm him down."
"They're very pretty Harry."
"Thank you, love. Let's finish with the stickers yeah?"
Draco swore then and there that he would get to see that tattoo. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would be able to trace it with his fingers. If he was extra lucky, his tongue.
After dinner, Scorpius ended up using Harry's arms as his coloring book, intent on designing his next tattoo. The mischievous gleam in Harry's eyes had Draco worried to say the least.
"Harry, you look so pretty! Doesn't he look pretty daddy?"
"Oh, Potter is the prettiest."
"I actually think that you're the prettiest, Draco."
Scorpius captured Draco's blushing face and Harry's smug grin with his camera.
"Is this pretty enough for your locker?"
"I think it would be perfect."
"Absolutely not. Use one from our waterfall trip if you must."
"Oh, I must."
"Is it ice cream time yet?," Scorpius asked, spinning around in a circle.
Harry looked to Draco for an answer.
"Yes, I suppose it is."
"Ice cream and a film?," Scorpius pressed.
"You're getting spoiled my star," Draco tsked, giving in to the request anyway.
"I'm definitely not helping with that," Harry replied apologetically.
"We'll spoil you right back."
Really, Harry couldn't disagree with the statement Scorpius made. Especially not when he was wearing gifts from the two of them.
"I can accept that."
"Potter, your bowl is almost entirely toppings."
"Training is going to kill me tomorrow, but it was worth it."
"Don't say that!," Scorpius scolded.
"I'm sorry Scorpius, I'll be more mindful of my comments."
Full stomach aside, Harry woke up the next morning feeling on top of the world, even with Scorpius's hand on top of his face. Draco's hand somehow ended up on top of his, and Harry knew this was where he was meant to be. With a soft smile on his face, he closed his eyes again, not knowing Draco had been peeking at him. The knowledge of being the cause of the smile on Harry's face made him warm.
The next time both men woke up, it was to Harry's alarm going off.
"How long?"
"My port key leaves in an hour."
"So there's enough time for breakfast then."
"I can-"
"Get it next time. You've got a big day today."
"I'd rather be here."
"You're off to provide entertainment for the masses," Draco teased. "Come see us when you get back, yeah?"
"As if anything could keep me away."
Scorpius shifted, his arm dropping on Harry's face.
"He's the most peculiar sleeper."
"Wait until he ends up upside down and his foot is in your face," Draco replied with a snort.
"Scorpius, my star. Harry is leaving in an hour. Let's get up shall we?"
"Do you have to go?," he mumbled in Harry's chest.
"I'm afraid I do. It's just for a few days. You'll watch the match on the telly yeah?"
"Of course I will. I'll be wearing my new jersey and everything."
"Then I know I'll win."
"You're talented, you don't need me."
"It helps though."
"Let's get ready for the day then start breakfast," Draco instructed.
"I'll go get changed, I can do it myself! I'll meet you in the kitchen."
Draco watched with a raised eyebrow as the door closed with a wave of Harry's hand.
"Something you need Potter?"
"I know the curiosity has been killing you since last night," Harry replied, easily tugging the pyjama shirt over his head.
He carefully lowered the corner of his pyjama pants so that Draco could see the final tattoo.
"The charm work is exquisite I-"
Draco had to stop himself from reaching out and tracing the writing.
"Go ahead."
Harry's eyelashes fluttered shut as Draco's fingertips explored his skin, seemingly mapping everything out.
"Can I touch the other ones?"
Harry's response of affirmation came out as a breathy "yeah", and Draco had to bite back the smile threatening to take over his face at Harry's reaction to his touch. The giggle Draco released a minute later had Harry looking down and joining him in laughter, as Draco had pinned down the snitch with one finger.
His fingers gently traced the scar traveling down Harry's chest.
"I'm proud of you Harry."
"I wish more people told you that, you deserve to hear it. Come on, I'll send you off with a healthy breakfast, before your trainer forbids you from seeing me."
"Thank you. I appreciate you."
"There's much to appreciate," Draco teased as he walked out of the room.
"Hell yeah there is," Harry appraised, admiring Draco as he walked in front of him.
If Draco added an extra swing to his step, who could say really? He and Harry were playing the long game, and Draco would make sure that he was the only one Harry would be thinking of.
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