Chapter 4
{I'm so busy, I apologize for the sporadic updates but this is what we have to deal with for the foreseeable future.}
Harry had never meant to fall asleep, especially in such a compromising position. Doing so meant he and Draco had been woken up to an indignant gasp from Scorpius, with no time to recover from their positions.
"Daddy! Harry! You had a sleepover without me?!"
"You know how you fell asleep when I was carrying you around the store last night?," Harry asked, turning his head to look at Scorpius from where it rested on Draco's chest.
"Your daddy and I were talking last night, and it was so boring without you around that I just fell asleep."
"Auntie Pansy always says I'm the life of the party," Scorpius agreed, nodding after briefly hesitating. "I better be invited to the next sleepover," he warned, small hands on his hips.
"Of course love, we can plan a proper sleepover next time."
"We have to because you're not even wearing pyjamas! I'll plan it out," Scorpius decided, turning on his heel and making his way back upstairs.
"I feel as if I was just insulted, but I don't know how," Harry mused, finally detaching himself from Draco.
"Boring conversation, really Potter?"
"Was I supposed to be honest? Oh good morning Scorpius, I poured my heart out to your dad last night and I felt so safe that I fell asleep?"
"My back is fucked up now," Draco changed the subject with a grimace, and Harry frowned at the popping noise as Draco sat up.
"Lay on your stomach."
"Breathe in. Breathe out-"
Draco hissed at the popping sound, but immediately felt better as he stood up.
"Oh. Oh wow."
"You're welcome," Harry replied as he wrapped his arms around himself and cracked his back over the couch's armrest.
"Is that what they teach you in training?"
"I don't like people I'm not comfortable with touching me. I learned how to do this safely when my healer isn't around. She has a wife and kids at home so I don't expect her to travel around with me."
"You can crack my back anytime, Merlin."
Harry snorted at the potential double meaning to the statement, and Draco flipped him off, only putting his hand down as Scorpius came back down the stairs.
"Is it breakfast time daddy?"
"It is. I just need to take a quick shower and change my clothes."
"I should-"
"Stay for breakfast," Draco cut Harry off. "I'll just be a few minutes."
"Come on Harry, I'll show you my new books!"
"I would love that Scorp."
Draco came down in what was most certainly not a quick amount of time, to breakfast on the table, and Scorpius on Harry's lap as he animatedly read him a book.
"This is my favorite part," Scorpius interrupted his storytelling to inform Harry, who nodded very excitedly, before resuming his reading voice.
Draco could fall in love so easily like this.
"And then- oh daddy is here! It's time for breakfast. I can finish reading the story to you after breakfast," Scorpius promised.
"Thank you, love."
"Potter, did you want something to change into?"
"I'll take a shirt if you don't mind."
"Of course, I should have offered earlier."
"I'll be right back Scorp, thank you for reading to me," Harry said sincerely, placing a kiss on his forehead.
"I'll read to you all of the time. It makes me happy."
"You being happy makes me happy."
"Then you'll always be happy," Scorpius promised, hugging Harry tightly.
"Draco, he's so wonderful," Harry said quietly once he was in Draco's room.
Draco started at hearing his given name being spoken so casually.
"He's my everything you know. I just want to do right by him and Astoria."
"You are. I think he could effectively be the new Minister of Magic," Harry teased, accepting the shirt from Draco and turning around to put it on.
"I think the Malfoy's will do well to stay out of politics from now until the distant future."
"That's fair. Too much corruption in the ministry for sure. I didn't want to be a part of that anymore."
"I always wondered...," Draco trailed off as he turned around to see Harry wearing his shirt.
"Wondered what?," Harry asked obliviously, attempting to fix his hair in the mirror.
"Why you never became an Auror?"
"I've fought enough battles that weren't my problem to begin with. I was tired of always being surrounded by death. I never had time to figure out what I liked, what I was good at. It was a fluke what happened with us and Neville. I like quidditch, I'm good at it, I figured what else is there? Regardless of what I do, people will be watching. Most of the match headlines overshadow anything else that I may be photographed doing. Might as well give them something to look at."
"It sounds lonely," Draco replied quietly, a frown on his face.
"It was."
"Harry hurry up, I want to finish the story! Please!," Scorpius added quickly after calling up the stairs.
"Was," Harry replied with a soft, fond smile that made Draco smile shyly back. "You both make me feel like I have a purpose again. It's nice, to feel wanted because of who I am, not what I have to offer."
"I'll let you know if you have culinary skills to offer," Draco teased, bumping his shoulder against Harry's. "Come along, before my son accuses me of having bored you to sleep again."
"For the record, I did enjoy our talk last night."
Draco didn't know what warmed his stomach more, Potter's kindness or his warm and fluffy pancakes.
"Do you feel spontaneous today?," Harry asked suddenly.
"I prefer to plan my day," Scorpius responded politely.
"What are you offering?," Draco asked, a glint in his eyes that spurred Harry on.
"Spend the whole day with me."
"You can't get enough of me can you?," Draco teased, leaning forward in his elbow.
"Never," Harry replied, winking cheekily.
"Yes! Can I fly? Can I daddy please?"
"I'll think about it."
"So you'll come?"
"Yes we will, thank you Harry," Scorpius replied politely, finishing his pancake.
"I guess that settles that then," Draco replied with a fond eye roll and a snort. "I have to get Scorpius ready, we'll see you in half an hour?"
"Perfect. I'll do the washing up."
"You made breakfast, I've got it. See you soon Potter."
"Remember, clothes you don't mind if they get a little messy," Harry called over his shoulder as he made his way into the living room.
Harry most certainly didn't double back and wash, dry, and put away all of the dishes. Draco definitely wasn't flustered and feeling incredibly fond when he found out. Scorpius wasn't even going to pretend that he wasn't planning on how to get Harry to take his dad on a real date.
Scorpius had a feeling today was going to be the best day ever. He woke up to Harry having spent the night, even if Scorpius couldn't take part in the sleepover, and he got to help Harry make breakfast. Then he got to share his books, and now Harry will take him flying again!
Harry met them outside with a fond smile on his face.
"Hi Harry!," Scorpius greeted happily.
"Hello love, welcome to my home."
"Wow indeed. This isn't what I pictured," Draco remarked, looking up at the large home.
"It's much more modest on the inside," Harry promised. "I just needed space. Come in."
"Thank you for having us, this is for you."
"Is this you implying I have poor taste in drinks?," Harry teased, accepting the bottle of wine from Draco.
"We both know the answer to that one."
"Is that a shirt you wouldn't mind getting dirty?," Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I figured I could borrow one of yours," Draco replied airily.
"We'll take the tour upstairs then. I believe I promised Scorpius my books."
"I'm so excited!"
"We'll read some books, go flying, go out for some lunch, it'll be a good day."
Scorpius sat in front of Harry's bookcase while Harry grabbed a shirt for Draco to borrow.
"Now we're even."
"Can I borrow these two books? And we can read this third one please?"
"Sounds perfect Scorp. Shall we head outside now?"
"Yes please!"
"I take it back," Scorpius said ominously, the hill in Harry's backyard resembling a mountain to the small child.
"I can't believe you've never rolled down a hill."
"That sounds dangerous. And dirty."
"How about I roll down it first, yeah?"
"I guess so Harry," Scorpius replied with a wrinkled nose.
He watched with a raised eyebrow as Harry laughed as he practically threw himself down the hill.
"Is he okay daddy?"
"That's just Potter for you," Draco answered with a sigh.
"Was he always like this?"
"He was more like how you found him in the park. He didn't have a very good life love, he gets lonely sometimes... like..."
"Like you do. It's okay daddy, I know that doesn't mean you love me any less. You just need big people's company sometimes."
"I'm so blessed to have you Scorpius, I hope you know that."
"I do know."
"Well?," Harry asked with a grin.
Draco wrinkled his nose and removed a leaf from Harry's hair.
"I don't think I can do that alone."
"I'll hold you, I promise I'll keep you safe."
"One time," Scorpius said with determination.
"We've got a little Gryffindor over here," Harry teased.
"My son will excel in any of the four houses," Draco dismissed Harry's attempt at riling him up.
"I fully believe that. Ready Scorp?"
"As ready as I can be."
Scorpius laughed and squealed with joy as he and Harry rolled down the hill. It was almost as much fun as the big slide at the park.
"Well?," Draco asked, once again looking utterly fond.
"Your turn daddy!"
"Oh no it's not-"
"Scared, Malfoy?," Harry asked with a smirk that Draco would very much like to snog off.
"You wish."
"I'll hold you the whole way down."
"My hero."
"This is quite familiar," Harry teased, wrapping his arms around Draco and holding him close.
"If you want to cuddle Potter, all you have to do is ask."
"We'll get to that," Harry promised. "Are you ready?"
"I can't believe I'm doing this."
"I always knew you'd eventually fall for my charm."
Before Draco could retort, they were off, rolling down the hill. Draco landed breathlessly on top of Harry, practically nose to nose, who looked at him fondly.
"You have such beautiful eyes Draco."
Draco felt his face warm, but refused to look away.
"Thank you."
"Daddy wasn't that fun?! Harry, can we go again?"
"Of course we can love."
Harry absolutely loved being outside, and Draco had to admit that the sunlight looked good on him. He wished Harry would stop smiling at him like that, because Draco shouldn't be feeling this way. Not with Potter.
"Whatever you're thinking about, stop it. You're going to get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that."
"Daddy doesn't have wrinkles because he has a skincare routine," Scorpius piped up from the swing in Harry's yard.
"That's right, my star."
"Are you okay?," Harry mouthed, a frown playing at the edges of his mouth.
"Overthinking," Draco mouthed back with an easy shrug.
"Scorp love, I think your daddy needs a turn on the swing."
"I'll push you daddy come on!"
After spending some time outside in Harry's yard, they came back inside to move on to the next activity.
"Do you want options, or shall I pick?"
"Options please," Scorpius requested.
"Where should we go? We can go to the zoo, the aquarium, or a museum. I can take us on a drive and we can go on a walk and have a picnic lunch. We could go to the stadium and picnic on the quidditch field."
"Can we go for a drive? I like the stadium, but you shouldn't be at work on your day off," Scorpius chided.
"I know exactly where we can go. How about you pick a book for us love?"
"Can I bring my camera too?"
"Of course you can. There's a beautiful waterfall that we can picnic by. After we have lunch and explore, we'll come back here for some quidditch, a nap, and then dinner and a movie."
"I'll go find a book. Daddy, help Harry with lunch."
"You're my guest, you don't need to help."
"You mean like how I told you not to do the dishes? Please Potter."
"Guilty as charged."
"You're something special, do you know that?"
"I get told that all the time," Harry replied with a snort, shaking his head.
"You're special, but not for the reasons everyone likes to talk about," Draco said, a hand placed softly on Harry's shoulder. "You're just so innately good."
"I don't think so. I have a very bad temper, and my magic flairs up."
"Everyone has their moments, Potter."
"What kind of sandwich do you want for lunch?"
"I'm not particularly picky. We just don't like pickles. Cucumbers are fine though."
"What can I do for you?," Draco asked again.
"Stand there and look pretty."
"That comes naturally to me. Give me a challenge."
"Go for a fly with me."
"You asked for a challenge. We don't have to play a match, I just think it could be nice. I'll let you handle my broomstick."
"For Merlin's sake Potter I have a child," Draco hissed, face pink and eyes on the stairs.
"So you know what you're doing then," Harry replied with a wicked grin.
"Merlin and Morgana save me."
"I can save you, all you have to do is ask me nicely."
"Harry, I found a book!," Scorpius announced, coming back downstairs.
"Wonderful love, which one did you grab?"
Draco was concerned at just how quickly Harry could pivot from being extremely flirty to kind and caring. It was all the more dangerous for him.
"Brilliant! We can read the book, and then I have the film we can watch when we get back."
"Daddy! I told you to help Harry and you didn't help him."
"He did help me love, don't worry about it."
The wink sent Draco's way didn't go unnoticed by Scorpius. Finally, things were moving along.
"I'm ready to go," Scorpius announced, clutching his camera tightly.
"I'm just packing up the basket now, love. Can you grab the blanket hanging off the back of the chair by the door please?"
"Yes I can."
"I have the car seat already in for Scorp. It's Teddy's older one, he should fit."
"Thank you for being so considerate."
"I've got to keep my number 1 fan safe huh?"
Draco wondered how Harry would feel if he knew that Draco had been his number 1 fan for years. He didn't think his son even came close to Draco's own levels of infatuation.
"I trust you to do so, for the both of us."
"We're not going anywhere crowded, don't worry. I don't want the media in any of your faces."
"That's very considerate of you. I don't care much about myself, it's Scorpius that I don't want exposed to any of that. He knows enough about you, but he doesn't know everything."
"Understood. I just don't want you thinking I'm ashamed or anything. People take things like that the wrong way sometimes. I'm not always protective in the obvious way, and sometimes people get hurt because of it."
"It'll take more than that to drive me away, Potter," Draco promised.
"I don't ever intend to drive you away."
"Good. Now that that's settled, let's go. I'm a busy man Potter."
"And I appreciate that you make time for me."
"Stop being sweet and fight back will you?," Draco huffed.
"What, do you want me to push you against the wall and pull your hair?"
Scorpius walked in chattering about the blanket, but stopped in concern at his dad's sputtering.
"Are you okay daddy? Does Harry need to give you CPR?"
Harry laughed loudly and shook his head.
"Do I take your breath away Draco?"
"I'll take away yours in a minute," he muttered, face burning.
"I'd like that," Harry mouthed.
When did Potter get so smooth? Draco would have remembered if the other man had this much charisma. No, Potter had grown up.
"Let's go Scorp."
"I'll carry the picnic basket."
"Are you sure my star?"
"I'm strong daddy, I've got it."
Draco was thankful that Harry was versed in wordless and wandless magic because he didn't want to offend Scorpius by casting a lightening charm.
"I've got the cooler."
"What can I get?," Draco asked.
"The door behind me."
Draco scoffed but did as told.
"Thanks beautiful."
"Next time I'll close you in the door," Draco threatened, hiding the fact that he was melting at being called beautiful.
Harry put everything in the back, opened the door for Scorpius and secured him in the car seat, and then opened Draco's door for him once he double checked that Scorpius was strapped in properly.
"Thank you."
"Any time."
The ride was filled with Scorpius asking many questions about how the car worked, Harry, quidditch, and singing along to whatever songs came on the radio.
Draco watched as Harry visibly relaxed when he got out of the car sometime later.
"This place means a lot to you."
"It's my escape. I suppose now it's ours."
"How long is the hike?," Scorpius asked, staring up at the trees.
"To where I want to go, about 15 minutes. If you get tired, I'll carry you."
"I can make it."
Scorpius did make it, but he also made the walk closer to an hour because he kept stopping to take pictures and ask questions on all of the flora and fauna. Harry humored him, answering things to the best of his ability or promising Scorpius they could research it later, while Draco had an ongoing internal battle to not kiss Harry.
Harry didn't even realize he was doing anything special to make Draco feel that way, and that made it worse for Draco. He knew it wasn't all an act, Harry genuinely loved Scorpius like his own, and he thought maybe Harry could care for him like that too.
Obviously, Harry already did, and Scorpius knew that as he kept insisting that Harry and Draco take many photos together. The photos got progressively funnier, with Harry wanting to make Scorpius laugh, but also keeping Draco as close as possible. Scorpius couldn't keep his giggles in as Harry picked up Draco and carried him over a puddle as if it was a large body of water.
"Fond" was the only way to describe how either man was feeling, but "enamored" was very quickly becoming a contender. Harry took the camera from Scorpius and made sure he was taking photos of Draco and his son together. Moments like these should be preserved as best as they can be.
Finally, they arrived at the waterfall and Draco's breath hitched at the view.
"This is such a beautiful view."
"Isn't it?," Harry asked with a grin, looking at Draco.
"Potter, if you're looking at me I'm going to gouge your eyes out."
"It's worth it if you're the last thing that I see."
Any retort Draco was going to give faded away as he noticed how close Harry was standing to him. Instead of verbally replying, he just grabbed Harry's hand and held it in his own.
"Oh," Harry replied softly, looking down at their conjoined hands as his face heated.
Draco thought this reaction was very interesting. It seemed words didn't affect Harry much, but actions definitely did. He remembered what had happened when he brushed against Harry at the store, and filed that information away for later. Two can play at this game, and Draco was not a quitter.
"I set up the blanket!," Scorpius announced proudly, breaking them out of their reverie.
Instead of releasing Harry's hand, Draco tugged him gently and led him to sit on the blanket. Scorpius sat across from them with a bright smile on his face.
"What's for lunch?"
"I have different types of sandwiches, some pasta salad, some crisps, and some fruit. Help yourself to whatever you want, love."
"Thank you Harry."
"Anytime Scorp."
"I like that I get to see you so often," Scorpius continued, choosing a sandwich. "It makes me happy."
"Well, it makes me happy too."
"When can we see you next?"
"That depends on when you're free. You have my practice schedule. I live a fairly mundane life."
Draco snorted into his bag of crisps.
"You? Mundane? I'll believe it when I see it Potter."
"Spending time with you both and volunteering are the least mundane parts of my existence. The world is saved Malfoy, not much else for me to do on that front. I play quidditch, I work out, I train, I fetch groceries from the store. What else is there?"
"I think he needs a hobby," Draco whispered to Scorpius, who nodded solemnly.
"It's okay Harry, I'll find you something to do," Scorpius promised.
"I'm sure you will."
They ate in relative silence, and once they were done, Scorpius stretched out on the blanket with the book Harry had given him.
"Can I read to you?"
"Of course you can."
Harry dropped down right next to Scorpius as he began to read. Draco copied Harry's actions on the other side of his son, and followed along with the book as Scorpius read. After some time, he hooked his ankle around Harry's with a smile, feeling Harry's gaze upon him. Only when he looked up a few minutes later did he see the permanent soft smile on Harry's face.
Upon the story's completion, Harry packed everything up so that they could walk down to the waterfall. Scorpius was amazed, and stared up at it in awe.
"We were all the way up there?," he yelled to be heard over the waterfall.
"We were. Isn't it beautiful?"
Call Draco a hypocrite, but he nodded as the light reflected off of the water and shone across Harry's face.
They continued on with their hike, Harry showing them his favorite spots. Scorpius was getting tired after the excitement of the past few hours, so Harry carried all of their picnic materials while Draco carried his sleeping son back to the car.
"I should have you tire him out for all of his naps," Draco joked as he saw Scorpius peacefully asleep in the rear view mirror.
"Honestly I would love to. Then once he's asleep, we get to spend some more time together."
"Time together doing what exactly?"
"Oh there's lots of things we can do. Whatever the mood strikes us I suppose."
Draco just hummed noncommittally.
"When's your next match?"
"There's an away game on Friday and a home game on Sunday. Sunday's game determines if we advance or not."
"Not particularly. I like to think I have better spatial awareness now. I try not to take myself too seriously you know? At the end of the day, it's just a game. Obviously winning is nice, but it's not the end of the world if we lose, you know?"
"If only I had that mentality when we played."
"Did you ever want to be a seeker? Or was it just because I played as seeker?"
"It was because of you, I won't lie. I always loved the game, but I wanted to play as a chaser."
"Have you ever played as chaser?"
"No. I haven't been on a broom since..."
"It was hard. For me to get back on one I mean. The first time, I just about fell off. I could feel the heat, smell the burning, I could feel your hands gripping onto me. It took a lot to get back to this level."
"What changed? What made you pursue this?"
"Voldemort has taken so much from me. Flying was the first thing that felt like it was mine you know? Nothing was expected from me, it was something I was good at and it made me feel free. Whenever I felt like it was the end, I could go for a fly and forget whatever was bothering me. This was my choice.
Being an Auror, being involved with the ministry, politics, that's something that I was forced into because of a prophecy made before I was born. I refuse to be controlled by the ministry any longer. I wanted to do something with my life that makes me happy, fuck everyone else."
"What makes you happy then?," Draco asked.
"Flying. Gardening. Cooking for those that I care about. My family. You and Scorpius, even though you're starting to fall into that later category. It's mental how attached to you both I feel already. Is that crazy?"
"I don't think it's crazy. I didn't know something was missing until I found you again," Draco replied quietly.
He felt Harry grab his hand and intertwine their fingers.
"I don't quite know what I'm doing," Harry admitted.
"Could've fooled me."
"You're just pretty when you blush. I've always liked getting a reaction from you. It's more than that to me though, I hope you don't think that-"
"My son adores you Harry. You're so good with him, and it's not because you want to get in my pants. You value him as his own person, not as an attachment of me. It's hard not to... feel things."
"Yeah, things summarizes everything pretty well," Harry replied with a quiet laugh. "I just want to work through everything together though. I'm glad that we're on the same page. I'd like to spend some time together, without Scorp, maybe cook you some dinner? Whenever you're comfortable, I know you don't like leaving him with others and he's not fond of it either. I just want to make my intentions clear."
"I'll talk to him. I don't think he would mind if he was promised a sleepover."
Draco could barely contain his giddiness. Was Harry really hinting that he wants to take Draco out? He couldn't believe that the other man could share any semblance of his own feelings.
"I quite enjoyed our last sleepover, back pain aside. It doesn't have to be soon though, I like spending time with both of you. Realistically, I know we still have more things to talk about and work through."
"I'd like to get back on a broom. Just not with Scorpius around. I'm afraid of what kind of reaction I may have."
"I'll be there for you," Harry promised, squeezing Draco's hand in his own.
"I know you will be. You've already proven that."
Once back at the house, both men let Scorpius nap a bit longer. Draco was sitting on Harry's kitchen counter with a glass of wine watching him begin dinner preparations.
"Are you sure I can't help?"
"I'm positive. I invited you over. Besides, your company is more than enough."
They continued to talk about whatever came to mind until Scorpius woke up.
"Harry, may I show you my photos from your game name?"
"Of course you can love, just let me get this into the fridge."
"Prepare to be amazed," Scorpius promised.
"I'm amazed enough that you want to take pictures of me at all. I'm sure they're great."
"You're my friend, of course I want to take pictures of you. Why wouldn't I? Don't your friends take pictures of you?"
"I don't have many pictures of myself at all, love," Harry admitted.
"Well, I'll change that. I'm just getting started but I'll be better with more practice."
Harry didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't high quality photographs.
"Scorpius... I... these are fantastic, love. The Prophet wishes their photos came out at as well."
"Well obviously I only showed you the good ones," Scorpius rattled on, unaware of Harry's feelings. "I didn't bother with the very blurry ones. And I took some of the other players too, even if you're my favorite."
"Does it mean I'm narcissistic if I think I look good in these photos?," Harry murmured to Draco.
"It means that you have functioning eyes, Potter. You're finally seeing what the rest of us see. Come on, let's watch that movie, yeah?"
"Yeah," Harry replied absentmindedly. "Scorp, do you wanna grab the tape? It's upstairs on the shelf next to the bookcase."
"Okay! Only if you show me which photo of you is your favorite when I come back."
Without a question, it was the one where Harry was waving and grinning at the camera after he had noticed it pointed at him, with the photo ending in a laugh when Draco had pulled a face at him.
"Draco, these are..."
"You look like you've never seen a photo of yourself before."
"Not one taken with innocent intentions. I don't have any photos of myself between the ages of 2 and 11. These are a gift."
"Oh Harry," Draco said softly.
Debating with himself, he threw caution to the wind and pulled Harry into a hug.
"If you asked, Scorpius would love to keep taking photos of you."
"I would compensate him for his work."
"Potter, you don't have to-."
"It can get put away for the future then. Tickets to all future matches will be free. This is the legacy I want to leave. Coming from nothing, defeating the odds and becoming something more than what I was forced to be. If someone else controlled my narrative, I would be an Auror, and I wouldn't be happy. I wouldn't have a chance to find new happiness with..."
The "you" was heavily implied, and Draco just held Harry tighter.
"Found it!"
They pulled apart, and Harry picked up his favorite photo.
"Scorpius, can I trouble you to take photos at every match you come and see? I would-"
Harry was cut off by an emphatic scream of "YES!" and Scorpius throwing himself at Harry.
"Pay you of course," Harry finished as he caught Scorpius. "And free tickets for you and your dad, with VIP passes."
"Malfoy," Harry interrupted with a fond eye roll. "We're doing this right. The next home game is on Sunday. I'll see you there then?"
"We wouldn't miss it for anything," Scorpius promised.
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