Chapter 11
The rest of Harry's days in the off season were filled with love and laughter. He had never "gone off the grid" before, but he loved it. Those who needed him knew where to find him and that was that. Scorpius was practically attached at his side, and Harry honestly didn't mind that he and Draco rarely had a moment alone... much. Any time they could find to be alone was filled with giggles and sweet touches.
They visited so many sights Harry had only dreamed of seeing. He oftentimes found himself speechless, just taking it all in. Draco took it in stride, talking enough for the both of them. Narcissa visited for a few days, watching Scorpius so that Harry and Draco could have some alone time.
Harry made sure to show his appreciation to Draco, constantly proclaiming his love and taking Draco apart slowly whenever they had the chance. If they weren't in France, Draco never would've let Harry out of their bed.
The only true destination Harry had in mind for their trip was the Pont des Arts, and Draco only fell impossibly harder. Harry had woken him up with pastries from the place Draco had mentioned liking offhandedly to Harry one time, and they had fed each other while cuddled up together in bed. Then, Harry had placed his hands over Draco's eyes and brought them somewhere. Turning Draco around, Harry had given him a box.
"What's this?"
"Open it and find out."
The soft gasp made Harry's heart soar, and he held Draco tightly as he fell into his arms.
"I love you so much."
"You're my everything Draco. I always wanted to do this with the person that I loved one day. You're my one and only, and I would be honored if you would help me find a spot to put our lock."
Draco would never forget the feeling of their intertwined hands throwing the key over their shoulders and watching it sink. His thoughts oftentimes reverted back to the box, nestled safely in his drawer at home.
Of course, Draco had thought about proposing in France. Harry had looked so beautiful, illuminated by the Eiffel Tower, and while he was confident Harry would say yes even if Draco proposed in a toilet, this wasn't what he wanted for his soon to be fiancé. Harry deserved a location with sentimental meaning, connecting both himself and Draco to the spot.
It was obvious really, when Draco thought about it. All he needed now was a date to do it. That was easier said than done. Perhaps, Draco was putting too much thought into this, and he was ruining it for himself. Sighing, he tugged his hair with his hands before stepping into the floo and calling out his location.
If Molly Weasley was surprised to see Draco, alone in her home, she didn't show it.
"Hello Draco dear, let me get you some tea."
"Thank you Mrs. Weasley."
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Molly?," she asked, clicking her tongue at him and ushering him into her kitchen.
"I'm sorry, Molly. Is Mr.- Arthur around?"
"He's out in the garden. Shall I fetch him?"
"If you don't mind."
Draco sipped on his tea quietly, lost in thought to the point where he didn't notice the Weasley's had returned.
"Is everything okay?," Molly asked gently.
"Hmm? Oh yes. I... I would like to propose to Harry, and I'm asking for your blessing."
"Oh Draco!," Molly gushed, hugging him tightly. "Do you know when? How? We must get started on the engagement party Arthur-"
"Molly my dear, slow down. You haven't even given him your blessing yet."
"Of course you have it! There's going to be so much to do..."
"I'm trying to make this perfect for Harry. He always tells me that he never thought he could have this, it needs to be perfect. It has to everything he deserves, everything he's ever dreamed of."
"I don't want to get ahead of myself here and impose my ideas onto you. What is your heart telling you?"
"I already have the location planned out, I've had the ring for months, it's custom made. I just don't know if he would want his family there when it happens or if he'd rather it just be us and then we meet up with all of you someplace after."
"That depends on what kind of involvement you want. We could be nearby so as not to impose on the actual proposal. Oh this is so exciting! Another one of my children is getting married. I still remember the first time I helped him find the platform..."
"What I do know is that I want Scorpius to be a part of it. I still have so much planned, it has to be absolutely perfect."
"Harry loves you as you are Draco. He doesn't need perfect, he needs you. Have Scorpius only with you, that's all the family you need for the big event. Your mother and I can handle the engagement party."
"My mother has had my engagement party planned since I was born," Draco replied with a quiet laugh. "Please add some life into it."
"We're so happy for you both. Let us know when you have a day, we'll take care of the rest."
The day came later rather than sooner, and Draco was getting frustrated. Any time that he thought could work led to poor weather conditions. He could only randomly surprise Harry with flowers so many times before he caught on.
"What is up with you lately my love?," Harry asked one night after another failed attempt.
"Nothing is working out the way that I want it to!"
"Things often don't Draco, sometimes we have to make the best of our poor situations. If it starts to rain, dance in it. If you come to a hill?"
"Roll down it," Draco replied automatically, laughing after Harry began to.
"I love you. If I can do anything to help with how you're feeling, let me know."
"You're here. You know how detail oriented I am, I just get stuck in my own head sometimes."
"And what a pretty place to be that is."
Draco swore to himself that no matter what, his next proposal attempt would be the one.
It came two weeks later after a long bout of rain. Making good on his word, Harry had brought Draco and Scorpius outside to jump in puddles, sing, and dance. With Harry around, Draco would never take himself so seriously again. He needed that level of balance in his life.
"Harry, are you ready to go?," Draco called.
"In a minute my love! I'm just finishing up the picnic basket."
Draco had ideally wanted to control everything, but he knew if he didn't allow Harry to make the picnic as usual, he would be suspicious. Every detail was meticulously planned, right down to the clothing choices. Something nice but not too nice where Harry would be suspicious. On date night they often picked out clothes for the other, so that was nothing new.
"Is Scorp ready?"
"Coming Harry!"
He came downstairs, barely able to conceal his giggles, knowing what was to come.
"What's got you in such a good mood, huh love bug?"
"I just love being outside!"
"Look what you did to my introverted son."
"I get to test out the new film that you got me too! I'm so excited."
Of course, Scorpius would be the one taking photos of their special moment. They had a video camera set up and everything. It would be as close to perfect as Draco could get.
"I do love that park," Harry said fondly.
"So do I," Draco agreed. "I love that it's within walking distance."
"I love that it's what brought you back to me," Harry replied, moving in to kiss Draco softly. "Shall we?"
"We shall."
Harry had absolutely no idea that the proposal was coming when it did. He had for sure thought that Paris would be the place, and was only very mildly upset when it didn't happen, until he realized Draco knew him well enough to know that something public like that wasn't what he necessarily wanted. In reality, all he wanted was Draco, the semantics weren't as important.
"Oh Draco, the lights in the trees? These are beautiful."
"Only the best for you my darling. My star, will you help me with the picnic blanket?"
"Of course I will daddy."
"Aww, you even set the blanket up by the bench," Harry said with a grin, turning around to place the basket down.
"Yes Drac-oh."
Harry's hand flew to his mouth to cover a gasp when he saw Draco down on one knee, a ring shining inside of a golden snitch in one hand, and a bouquet of sunflowers in the other.
"Harry Potter, from the first day that I met you, I knew there was always going to be something between us. As the years went on, I constantly found myself drawn to you, and I would do anything in my power to get you to notice me. You know me better than I know myself, and that thought used to terrify me, but now it's such a comfort to know that I have someone who completes me to come home to every day. You make even the mundane things worth doing when you're by my side. I never knew that something as simple as grocery shopping could be so much fun.
Once you met Scorpius at this very bench and walked us home, I knew I was done for. You found your way back into my life, and I wasn't going to let you walk back out of it. Finally, we had the time to cultivate the friendship, and then the relationship that we deserved. You treat Scorpius as if he was your own. Harry, you love us both unconditionally, and there is nothing I want more in this world than to call you my husband. Will you marry me?"
"Yes, I'll marry you. I love the both of you so much. Oh Draco, you've taught me what it was like to finally live my life the way in which I wanted to live it. You're both my home. This is everything that I've ever wanted," Harry replied with a sniffle, wiping his eyes as Draco slipped the ring onto his finger.
"Harry you're officially going to be my daddy too!," Scorpius cheered, joining the embrace.
"I love you so much, love bug, and I would be honored to officially be your dad. I don't need paperwork to tell me what I've known in my heart for months. You're ours."
"I'm so glad you said yes."
"Was there ever a doubt?"
"Not even once."
"And the ring box..."
"When you gave me this winning golden snitch, you told me you gave it to special people. I saw it fitting that I used it to hold your engagement ring."
"You really thought of everything," Harry murmured, pulling his fiancé in for a soft kiss.
"I have a gift for you too!," Scorpius announced.
With a blinding grin, Scorpius handed Harry a wrapped box. Harry's jaw once again dropped as he removed the gift from the box. Inside the box was a Malfoy-Potter jersey, with Harry's current quidditch number on the back.
"Is this an official jersey?"
"It is," Scorpius announced proudly. "Do you like it?"
"It's perfect. I can't wait to wear it. I think this is the perfect way to announce us when the season starts, what do you think, my lovely fiancé?"
"Go big or go home," Draco replied with a fond smile.
"Can we eat now?," Scorpius asked, peeking into the picnic basket.
Harry kept staring at his hand the whole night. Draco would find him with his hand raised, watching as the light reflected off of the emeralds and diamonds, a soft look on his face.
"Do you like it?," Draco asked, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist as his chin dropped onto his shoulder.
"I keep waiting to wake up," Harry replied quietly. "This is everything that I ever hoped for, and I'm scared it's going to be ripped away from me."
"I promise you that we are not going anywhere. Let's head up to bed my darling."
"I thought you were going to propose in Paris you know," Harry spoke, his head on Draco's chest as their legs tangled together in bed.
"I thought about it. It didn't seem like the right time or place. I wanted the location to be meaningful to us, but there were so many times where you were doing something that I almost blurted it out. There are multiple small moments every single day where I find myself falling more and more in love with you Harry."
"So that's why you were all in your head huh? I had wondered if it was something like this. I thought about proposing to you on so many occasions but I didn't want to push you. I told you we'd move at your pacing, but there's nothing I want more than to be married to you."
"Every single time I wanted to propose it poured. I think the universe was sending me a sign that I needed to accept things as they are and adapt before I could learn to be happy. Thank you, for waiting for me. I wanted to do this for us."
"I'm just so incredibly happy Draco. The ring is absolutely stunning, I can't stop looking at it. It's perfect, and it means more that you designed it yourself. I drew up a few plans for an engagement band for you, but I think I want yours to be the same style as mine. Inverse the stone arrangement perhaps?"
"I'd like that. I want to design our wedding bands together. Perhaps a third ring, for Scorpius when he's older."
"Together forever," Harry promised.
"Let's get some sleep my darling, we have a busy day tomorrow."
"I can't wait to choose a date and become officially married," Harry said with a happy sigh into Draco's chest. "I love you so much. What kind of wedding do you want?," he asked, turning his head to look up at Draco.
"As long as you're the one I'm meeting at the altar, I don't think I care very much anymore."
"You strike me as someone who's had this planned for years."
"In theory. I did all of that required pureblood stuff when Astoria and I got married. I tried to never let myself want for what I couldn't have. We have so much time though Harry. I think that tomorrow, we should write down our top few choices so that we don't let the other sway us initially. Just to see what we think."
"I get to marry the smartest man in every room he steps into."
"I get to marry the most kind and loving man in the world."
"Don't one up me," Harry teased, his fingers ghosting over Draco's sides.
"Oh I can do more than one up you. My fiancé is not only kind and loving, but he's selfless. He's caring, he puts others' needs before his own, he's funny, a wonderful cook, the best seeker quidditch has ever seen, and he held the longest record for Witch Weekly's most eligible bachelor. He's also quite sexy, very talented with his hands, and mhmm. His mouth."
Draco let Harry cut him off with a searing kiss that very quickly led to Harry proving just how good with his hands and mouth he truly was.
"My fiancé," Harry whispered, gently nipping at Draco's neck.
"I love you. Welcome to the rest of our life Harry."
"I'm looking forward to it. The progression of time used to scare me. It was a reminder of everything that I was missing out on, how much others had accomplished in the same time period. I used to think so much time had passed, but on the contrary, we have so much time left."
"I'm so proud of you Harry."
"I'm proud of you too, Draco. We're going to be alright."
For the first time in his whole life, Harry actually believed the words that he was saying. It was all about intention, and his words would ring true.
Harry was getting used to being woken up by Draco's soft touches or Scorpius crawling into bed with them. Today it was the latter, and he was feeling so full of love he thought he would burst. The feeling only grew, and he cried more happy tears than he ever had in his life the day after his engagement.
The three of them had worn similar matching outfits to their engagement party, and Harry simply couldn't stop smiling. It may have been a tad cliché, but he thinks after the life he lived, he earned the right to be.
Draco truly had thought of everything. The party was wonderful, and full of family. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a bit worried that Narcissa and Molly would have gone overboard, but it was just the right amount.
Soon enough, Harry found a moment to pull Ron aside.
"Harry, I'm so happy for you mate. Truly, I don't think I've ever seen you this happy."
"I can't believe how happy I actually am Ron."
"You've found your Hermione," he replied fondly, throwing an arm over Harry's shoulders and squeezing.
"There's only one thing that would make me happier."
"And that would be?," Ron asked, pulling away.
"You being my best man at my wedding."
"I would be honored, Harry."
Harry sank into Ron's tight embrace, and that's how Hermione found them a few moments later, clinging to each other tightly and laughing over old stories.
"Escaping your own engagement party Harry?," she asked with a laugh.
"Just having a chat with my best man is all."
"We're so happy for you Harry."
"Draco and I aren't exactly having a traditional wedding, so, Hermione, would you like to be one of my groomspeople?"
"Oh Harry!"
Draco found his fiancé surrounded by Gryffindors a few minutes later.
"I take it they said yes?"
"I had no doubts. I still need to track down Neville."
"I'll walk with you, he's speaking with Luna and I haven't asked her yet."
Hand in hand, Draco and Harry made their way through the garden at a leisurely pace.
"Are you doing alright darling?"
"I'm at peace. Everything has finally fallen into place for me. I'm just so grateful for you, my love."
"I thought I was happy before you, but really I was just content and complacent. You came back into my life and restored the color to my world. Everything was so muted, but now it looks bright."
"We have a long, bright future ahead of us Draco Malfoy-Potter, and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together."
"Anything and everything Harry Malfoy-Potter," Draco promised.
This was the start of the new beginning both men had been waiting for since the end of the war. No matter what they put their minds to, they would be an unstoppable force, together. As their love continued to grow each day, soon enough their family would follow suit. Finally, Harry was reaping the benefits of the post-war world after sacrificing himself for the "greater good." Waking up in a loving home each day, he thought the past was worth it to be able to live in this present.
{A/N: thank you all so much for reading! This was initially a silly little story idea that I had but it's grown into such a sweet fic that it now sits in my top 3 of my favorite stories that I've written.
Yes, there is potential for a future wedding scene if everyone is interested, but for now I'll mark this story as complete.}
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