Chapter 10
{One bonus chapter to follow, but this is the end! Thank you all for reading}
Quiet mornings in bed with Draco, and sometimes Scorpius, were what Harry lived for. Waking up, knowing that he's surrounded by the people he loved made everything worth it. Draco woke him up much more gently than Harry's alarm ever could. Oftentimes Harry would wake up to Draco's hands running through his hair, caressing his face, or wandering elsewhere while he covered Harry's face in soft kisses.
It was the day of the Quidditch World Cup finals, and Harry woke up to find Draco on top of him, a grin lighting up his face.
"Are you ready to win the cup for me my darling?"
"I have my good luck charm, of course I'm ready."
"I'm going to make sure you're nice and relaxed before you go. You're in for a big day today."
"It's nice to have a family to celebrate all of this with for once," Harry admitted, kissing down Draco's neck.
"Forever Harry. Win or lose, we're so proud that you've made it this far."
"I've got my stars to guide me, I'm not worried. I'm just ready to have some time off. The three of us can go anywhere."
"We'll start with the vacation house in France and go from there," Draco promised, leaving a trail of kisses down Harry's jaw.
"You speaking French is going to be the death of me," Harry replied with a sigh.
"I need to be able to have an advantage somewhere over you."
"You can just look at me and I'm putty in your hands. Scorp has your eyes, I'm doomed."
"As if I wouldn't do absolutely anything you asked of me in a heartbeat."
"I'd burn down the world to keep you warm," Harry replied earnestly, caressing Draco's face.
In that moment, Draco knew that Harry absolutely would do anything he asked, and anything to keep him safe. Draco pitied the poor fool who dared to cross him when Harry was around.
"I know you would. The feeling is mutual. Anything at all for you and Scorpius."
"We're going to have a good life Draco, the three of us. Hopefully more," Harry said wistfully.
"I'd like another someday. When Scorpius is older."
"If I have one that's biologically my own, I swear to you that I will not treat Scorpius any differently."
"I don't think you would, not even for a second Harry. You know what it's like to grow up like that, and you would never do that to our son."
"Never. He'll be so loved every single day of his life that he'll be sick of me."
"He absolutely adores you Harry, as do I. I do have to say I'm going to miss some of the posters he's been taking down to replace with actual photos of you."
"I can make you some... special posters if you'd like."
"Oh, I'd like," Draco replied with a grin, tangling his fingers in Harry's hair and pulling him up to connect their lips once more.
"Daddy, Harry, are you awake?! It's game day!," Scorpius called as he knocked on their bedroom door.
"We're awake love bug, you can come in," Harry replied, rolling out from under Draco.
Scorpius threw himself up onto the bed and Harry caught him in midair.
"I'm the luckiest person in the world, win or lose."
"You'll win," Draco and Scorpius chimed in sync.
"Well, it's settled then. I'm winning."
And win he did. The match was long and grueling. As much as Harry loved looking at and showing off for his family, he knew that the pitch needed his complete focus. It would be all too easy to get distracted, resulting in serious injury. The only thing worse than being injured would be putting the burden of taking care of him on someone else.
Draco and Scorpius ended up sitting with the whole Weasley family during the match. Rose and Scorpius had become fast friends after that first dinner with the Weasleys, quickly bonding over their shared love of books, and many more dinners had followed in the time since. As time passed, Hermione and Draco got on like a house on fire. She was a frequent visitor at their home, always picking Draco's brain when she needed another point of view on Ministry business.
George and Draco had also built a tentative friendship, constantly talking about new ideas and products to improve the shop, and it warmed Harry's heart at how well Draco fit into his life, like he was always meant to be there.
"You're like the last piece that I've been missing to complete the puzzle," Harry had murmured to Draco one night.
This resulted in Harry getting a puzzle piece with Draco's initials (written in Draco's handwriting of course) tattooed. Harry was waiting for the day he could add a P to the "DLM", and then he truly would be complete.
As it began to rain during that final match, Harry heard a collective groan echo across the crowd. He snorted, wondering how they would feel to be up here in his position. A golden glint had him flying in the opposite direction, and soon the threat of the weather fell away. It was just him and the snitch, with the other team's seeker a thought in the back of his mind, but never forgotten. She was great, a faster flyer than Harry was even, but for the first time since Harry started playing professionally, he needed the win. He knew it wasn't right, but he correlated being able to win with how worthy he was of having his family. Harry Potter had something to prove, and he'd be damned if he left someone or something as trivial as the weather take that away from him.
The match lasted hours, how many, Harry couldn't even tell you. Compartmentalizing was what he tended to do best, and he was in the zone. He refused to even look at where his family was, knowing that just one small distraction could throw him off his game. Another flash of gold, and Harry was off.
Twisting, turning, and even flying upside down at one point had been worth it. If it wasn't for the weather, Harry would have even stood up on his broom to achieve his end goal. It was bad enough that at the last minute, he threw all of his weight to the front of his broom, giving him that final edge that he needed to end the match. Laughing, Harry threw back his head as he held the snitch up over his head. It was done.
Once he landed, he had more bodies thrown at him than he could count. His teammates were whooping and cheering, and soon enough Harry found himself going from the bottom of the pile to the top. It was there that he locked eyes with Draco, and Harry blew him a kiss. Harry's grin only grew as Draco fondly rolled his eyes and made a show of catching the kiss.
"Harry! You've won the cup, what's next for you?," he was asked.
"I'm going to spend time with the people that I love, and get some much needed rest. Thank you everyone for coming out, I'll see you next season."
Draco was waiting for him at the edge of the field, and Harry took off in a sprint, nothing else running through his mind other than the need to be in Draco's arms.
"My darling, congratulations. You've won."
"I won the minute you agreed to stay in my life," Harry promised, caressing Draco's face. "I'm absolutely disgusting-"
"You're mine, you're perfect," Draco promised, pulling Harry into a searing kiss. "I think we should shower together, what do you think?"
"Let me say my goodbyes," Harry replied with a grin.
It took much longer than Harry wanted, but he really was so grateful. He promised his team he'd see them at tomorrow's award ceremony, followed by the dinner and debriefing. Draco had graciously agreed to be his date, and Harry was so thankful to leave the planning and coordinating of an event like this to someone else for a change. As promised, Draco was taking care of him, and Harry was letting him.
Harry was surprised to see that Draco had brought them to Grimmauld Place for the promised shower.
"What are we doing here?"
"Being completely alone," Draco replied with a grin, tugging Harry along the hallway.
"I knew I kept this place for a reason."
After their shower, Draco was convinced that he should wear his Potter jersey more often with the way that Harry devoured him. They were laying in Harry's bed, limbs intertwined, and Harry sighed happily.
"My love," Harry said fondly, just because he could.
"We should head back to ours for dinner."
"Is there another cake waiting for me?"
"You know there is."
"I love you, and I'll never tire of telling you how much I love you."
"I think we'll be in the honeymoon phase forever," Draco remarked, running his fingers through Harry's hair and scratching lightly at his scalp.
"We spent most of our time together fighting, we have so much to make up for now."
"Being able to have this... I had given up hope, you know? After the arranged marriage went through I thought that was all there was for me. We learned to love each other, but it wasn't what I would have chosen for myself. I learned to be content with that. Scorpius is my world, you're my sun, and everything feels so vibrant now. Does that make sense?"
"It's like you've been going through the motions every day, not quite realizing it, and suddenly you've woken up. Your eyes are open, taking in common experiences again for the first time because now you have someone to share them with. I can't believe that you're real somedays, that you're mine. I didn't think I deserved this."
"You deserve everything Harry, and I'm going to give it to you darling," Draco promised.
"I actually believe you."
Harry couldn't believe just how much he was filled with warmth. All of his family and friends had shown up to support him, and Draco blended in seamlessly. He would however, always stand out to Harry. It was easy to pick his love out in a crowd.
Scorpius was running around with Rose, Victorie, and Teddy, and Merlin Harry was so fond he felt tears sting the corners of his eyes on multiple occasions.
"Alright mate?," Ron asked, gently bumping Harry's shoulder with his own.
"I'm just so happy, Ron. I can't even fathom that I'm not lying to you, or to myself right now. I always wanted what you and Hermione had, and I never believed that I could have it, but there he is."
As if knowing he was being spoken about, Draco turned his head and made eye contact with Harry, smiling softly at him. He tilted his head, a subtle sign of him asking if Harry was okay, and Harry nodded back before turning to face Ron again.
"It's about time someone takes care of you for a change. Even if he is a pointy git."
"He's not as pointy as you would think-"
"I'm going to stop you right there Harry, I don't need to hear that."
With a laugh, Harry threw his arms around Ron and pulled him into a tight hug. He didn't stop smiling once that night.
The next night, Harry was definitely out of his element. He kept fiddling with his cufflinks, and only stopped when Draco's hands rested upon his own.
"Relax my darling."
"I hate these things, you know that."
"All you have to do is stand there and look effortlessly beautiful. I'll handle the rest. I was born for this Harry, it's quite literally in my blood."
"Okay, I trust you."
They dropped Scorpius off with Narcissa, read him a bedtime story, and then arrived arm in arm to the ceremony. Harry hoped they were old news now, the pictures of him and Draco kissing having been plastered all over the wizarding world, but he wasn't that lucky.
"You're sure it's okay?," Draco had asked again last night.
"Let them know that you belong to me, and I to you. Nothing they could say or do will come between us. They'll continue to make up their own stories. Our life together is on a need to know basis. The general population is owed nothing. If anything, they owe me the right to a quiet life. I think I deserve that. I'll just keep ignoring them like I have been."
This brought them to now, where seemingly every camera and microphone was aimed at them as they exited the provided car. Draco took it in stride, smiling and walking in front of Harry, pulling him closely behind, effectively blocking him from the media.
"Are you okay?," Draco asked, running his hands over Harry to make sure that he remained in one piece.
"I love you."
"I love you too. You're sure you're okay?"
"I have you with me, of course I'm okay. I can't wait to see the stunning photos of you that they took tonight."
"It's a shame they won't get any of us matching, but they don't deserve that anyway. Come along darling, let's pretend to mingle so we can get out of here faster."
Laughing, Harry pulled Draco in for a kiss before leading him to the dining room. Draco hadn't lied, Harry could tell that he was truly in his element. It was like getting to know Draco all over again. He carried himself well, made sure Harry always knew what was happening, and Harry's teammates loved Draco. He received many compliments on how lucky he was to have Draco, and he steadfastly agreed, with Draco preening under the praise.
As the night progressed, it was finally time to get to the awards recognition. Harry was growing restless, and as much as he loved seeing Draco dressed up, he was looking forward to undressing him even more. Of course, Harry was one of the last to be called up and recognized, and he couldn't wave off the chanting of "speech!"
"Alright, alright. I'm not much for words, so I'll make this brief. I started playing quidditch professionally because my knack for seeking was one of the first things that I discovered about myself. The reason as to how I learned this is in the room tonight, as my date. I'll admit, I found myself getting stuck in a rut earlier this year, wondering if I was still playing for the right reasons. I was going through the motions, questioning myself, my talent, my love of the game. I took myself too seriously, and equated my self-worth with how well I played. As seeker, some days were harder than others, knowing that more times than not, I was the determining factor as to whether or not we won our matches, despite how fiercely our beaters work to make sure I don't get knocked off my broom," Harry joked.
As the laughter tapered off, he looked directly at Draco.
"Draco, my love, having you by my side makes me feel like I'm 11 years old and I'm catching a remembrall all over again. You've reminded me why I fell in love with this sport in the first place, and you've reignited a passion in me that I thought I had lost. I know that no matter what happens in my professional life, I know that I'm a winner when I get to come home to you and Scorpius.
To my teammates, just because I get to show off at the end of the match does not mean that my position is any more important than yours. We win because we work as a team, and we take care of each other. I wouldn't be able to play as I do without knowing that you all quite literally, have my back. Here's to next season!"
Harry left the stage to cheers and whooping, which only increased when Draco pulled him into a long kiss, no words needing to be exchanged. Everything they felt towards each other was expressed in that sweet moment.
"Let's go home," Harry whispered against Draco's lips once the last award was given out.
"With pleasure."
"Oh, you can bet there will be pleasure."
Laughing, Draco shook his head in exasperation.
"Come on, you. Let's get going."
Once they arrived home, Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck.
"There's so much more I wanted to say about us, but I need to make sure nothing leaks you know? But I-"
"Shut up and kiss me," Draco murmured, tangling his fingers in Harry's hair.
"I wanted to do you justice-"
"Potter," Draco cut in in exasperation. "You told everyone that I make you feel like you did when you were 11. I know what that means, I remember that exhilaration. I was such a little shit, but that day holds one of my favorite memories. I can read into your words, I know what they mean. Now my winner, come to bed and claim your prize. If you feel that bad about what you felt you couldn't say, show me," Draco teased with a smirk, walking backwards and dropping his jacket onto the chair.
He kicked off his shoes, and removed his tie, teasingly leaving a trail for Harry to follow. When Harry saw Draco sprawled out on the bed, he jumped on top of him and started peppering his face with kisses.
"Harry! I'm trying to be sexy."
"You don't even have to try. Let me kiss you."
"You're ridiculous," Draco huffed, wrapping his legs around Harry and flipping their positions. "You're also wearing too many clothes."
"I know how much you like taking them off of me, I thought I'd let you."
"Well, in that case..."
Before Harry could blink, his wrists were secured to the headboard with his tie. He inhaled sharply, looking at Draco with wide eyes.
"If you won't give me what I want, then I'll simply have to take it."
"Have you been practicing?"
Draco smirked in response before settling himself in Harry's lap.
"Trust me to take care of you?," he asked instead.
Sparing a quick glance at his dresser, Draco knew forever would come soon enough.
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