Draco had been surprised to find a letter from Potter the next day. He had said he would send one, but the whole encounter hadn't felt real. Even more surprising was a package addressed directly to Scorpius.

"My star?"

"Yes daddy?"

"It seems that Potter is now your number one fan. He sent you a package," Draco told him, an eyebrow raised.

"He told me he would! Thanks daddy!," Scorpius replied, snatching it out of Draco's hands and running up to his room.

It was only at bed time that Draco learned just what exactly the package contained. On his nightstand, Scorpius now had a framed photo of a young Draco and Harry, smirking and tossing insults to each other by the looks of it.

"I remember that day," Draco said with a soft smile, tracing the bottom of the frame with a fingertip.

"Will you tell it to me as a bedtime story?," Scorpius asked.

"If you tell me what else was in that box of yours."

"Some more pictures, and a new jersey! It's the brand new one that won't even be out for another month! Can you believe that?"

"We should write Potter a thank you letter then, shouldn't we?"

Scorpius gasped.

"I've forgotten my manners!"

"You were excited my star, it's okay."

"I can't sleep until it's written!"

Scorpius had ended up sleeping in Draco's bed that Saturday night, too excited and full of energy to be left alone. Draco woke up to Scorpius starfished on top of him, and he laughed quietly.

"Good morning my star."

"Good morning daddy. We see Harry today!," Scorpius announced with a gasp.

"You're quite taken with him aren't you?"

"Daddy he's so nice! And he gets sad and has accidental magic like me. And, and he makes you happy! Even if you get nervous."

"When did you get so perceptive," Draco muttered, shaking his head.

"You said it makes a good Slytherin, and a good seeker."

"That it does my star, that it does. Let's get you some breakfast before we get ready, yes?"

"Yes! Will you wear your jersey?"

"It's complicated to wear it out of the house Scorpius. You know Potter and I do not have the best past. I'll let you draw his number on my cheek though yeah?"

"Yeah! It feels like my birthday," Scorpius said with a giggle. "We should bake Harry a cake! And we can have cake and ice cream here! Is that okay daddy?"

"If he's not busy. We'll have to pop to the grocery store though," Draco warned.


Draco found grocery shopping to be quite calming. He liked the anonymity of it, as well as the sense of control gained from the act. Scorpius was always well behaved, knowing Draco would let him pick out one thing he really wanted. Today's choice was sparkling apple cider, which Draco and Scorpius would share on special occasions. The choice left him wondering what exactly his son was planning.

"What should we have for dinner?," Draco asked Scorpius.

"Pasta! And the bread with the green stuff!"

"The fresh herbs?"


"Don't think that I don't know you're up to something Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy," Draco warned, pointing a finger at his son.

"I just want a tasty dinner."

Scorpius of course, also wanted his dad to be happy. He thought Harry Potter was the key to that. Harry also wasn't very happy, so Scorpius thought they could make each other happy. That would make him happy too, and wouldn't three happy people be so nice? He thought so.

Draco had implemented a lot of trial and error to become competent in the kitchen. Nothing tasted quite as good as home cooked meals, and he wanted to feed himself and Scorpius tasty, nutritional meals. And Potter too, if the sly looks from Scorpius were anything to go by. That just meant Draco had to work twice as hard to impress.

The bread and cake were made, and dinner had been prepped to the best of Draco's ability before it was time to go.

"Are you excited daddy?"

"I'm excited to see you happy my star."

"Let me draw the number now!"

If Scorpius had asked Draco to wear his jersey one more time, he almost certainly would have cracked. It's crazy how much control his son had over him.

The look of awe on Scorpius's face as he entered the stadium rivaled the way Draco used to feel when it was him playing a match at school. Draco allowed himself a brief moment to mourn what could have been, before redirecting his energy into bringing Scorpius and himself to their seats. They quite literally had the best seats in the whole stadium, and Scorpius couldn't stop jumping up and down.

"Daddy look there he is!"

Sure enough, Harry Potter was flying circles around the pitch, warming up and waving to fans. Upon a second lazy loop, he spotted Draco and Scorpius. Harry flew fast and precise, stopping right in front of the two men. Holding his hand up, he let Scorpius give him a high five.

"Stay here after the match yeah? I'll come and get you."

"Okay! I can't wait to watch you win."

"I'll do my best for the both of you yeah? Wish me luck?," Harry asked, looking at Draco with a grin.


With one last high five, Harry flew off into the stands to say hello to other children. Draco watched him with a soft smile on his face that was usually reserved for Scorpius.

Scorpius was absolutely invested in the match. He screamed and threw his limbs around and latched onto Draco, even going so far as to climbing on his shoulders at one point to watch Harry and take some pictures with his camera.

Draco couldn't even tell you how long the match was because he was just as invested as Scorpius was, calculating his own moves in his head. He answered any questions Scorpius had, and cringed when he saw how close some of the bludgers came to the other players, who seemed not to have noticed. They probably hadn't, Draco reckoned, because he too recalled being so focused on the match and trying to catch the snitch. His fingers were itching to get on a broom for the first time in years.

Finally, with a last burst of speed, Harry Potter won the match, and Scorpius screamed in Draco's ear. He couldn't stop chattering excitedly, retelling the match to Draco as if he hadn't even watched it. They watched as the stands emptied out, and Scorpius clapped his hands when he saw Harry re-emerge.

"Hey there Scorp!," Harry said cheerily. "I'm very sweaty but- oh," he finished softly, wrapping his arms around the child anyway.

"Harry you were amazing! You have to teach me that trick where you went upside down!"

"I'll teach you in a few years," Harry promised, ruffling Scorpius's hair. "Thanks for the luck," he said to Draco, grinning up at him.

Draco could only nod, stuck on the promise of "in a few years."

"Would you want a tour of the locker room once it clears out?"

"I can do that?," Scorpius asked in awe.

"It'll take some time to clear out, so we can always do that another day? I do need to shower though."

"Can you take me up on your broom?"

"That's up to your dad love, not up to me. We need to make sure you stay safe yeah?"

"Do you know the charms they use for children to keep them seated on the brooms," Draco asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Of course I do."

"This one time Scorpius, but you have to do everything Potter tells you okay?"

"Would you feel better if you cast the charms?," Harry asked, leading them down to the pitch.

"Yes, thank you. It's not that I don't trust you-," Draco hurried to add.

"No need. He's your son and you want to make sure he's safe. I'm the same way with Teddy. I won't go too fast, no crazy tricks, just a couple of loops. The minute you want us down we're there okay?"

"Okay," Draco agreed, alarmed at just how much trust he put into Harry Potter.

"You're sure you're alright with this?," Harry asked, one arm tightly wrapped around Scorpius.

"You didn't let anything happen to me the last time we were on a broom together. I trusted you with my life, and I trust you with my son's."

"Daddy can you take pictures with my camera?"

"Of course my star. Have fun."

Harry was true to his word. He kept one arm safely wrapped around Scorpius at all times. He didn't do anything without getting express permission from Draco, and Draco finally felt valued as a parent.

"Daddy, your turn?," Scorpius asked, clutching his camera like a lifeline.

"Oh no Scorpius-"

"You could, if you wanted to. I'll let you steer my broomstick," Harry offered with a wink, and Draco's face turned pink.

"Another time perhaps. You do need a shower if I recall."

"I'm holding you to that. Let me see if the locker room is empty yeah? Wait here."


"Yes my star?," Draco asked, picking Scorpius up.

"Thank you."

"Whatever for?"

"For bringing me to see Harry. I know you didn't really want to."

"It's not that I didn't want to Scorpius. It's like how grandma is with Aunt Andy sometimes you know? But things are okay, I promise."

"Oh, okay. That makes sense. We don't have to invite him for dinner."

"We made a very nice cake though didn't we."

"Did I hear cake?," Harry asked with a grin, popping his wet head out of the locker room door.

"Yeah! Daddy and I made a cake for you!"

"Did you now? Well, if it's anything like that biscuit that I had, then I'm in for a very good treat. You can come in now, I'll give you a quick tour."

Harry showed them around the space, and Scorpius couldn't stop giggling and asking questions. He liked how a lot of the lockers were decorated and asked to see Harry's.

"Oh, sorry to disappoint love, my locker is quite boring in comparison."

Opening the door revealed four photos on the inside. Harry and his parents, Harry with his godfather, Harry with Teddy, and Harry with Ron and Hermione.

"I'm going to draw you a picture to put in there," Scorpius decided.

"Thank you very much Scorpius."

"Are you finished here then?," Draco asked. "I could... I could make dinner?"

"Oh, I don't want to put you out-"

"As if you'd ever put me out of my own home. Side-along?," Draco offered, holding out his arm for Harry.

"Yeah, okay."

Maybe Harry leaned in closer than necessary, and maybe Draco pulled him that way. Who could tell, really?

"Scorpius I'm going to run you a bath."

"But daddy, Harry's here!"

"And I'll still be here when you're done," Harry promised.

"Fine," Scorpius replied, spinning on his heel and turning dramatically.

Harry held his giggles in until he heard a door close.

"Oh Merlin, he really is like a tiny you. If he starts sneering at me and calling me Potter I think I'm going to piss myself."

"Please spare the carpet," Draco replied dryly, shaking his head.

"Thanks for coming out today Malfoy. I had a good time."

"As did I."

"Here, this is for you."

Draco raised an eyebrow as he held out his hand for whatever Harry had to give him. Confused, he held up a snitch in his hands.

"I don't understand."

"I get to keep the winning snitch from each match. I like to give them out to special people after each match sometimes. This one is for you."

"For me? Not for Scorpius?," Draco clarified.

"For you."

"Daddy, I'm ready!"

"Pardon me for a few minutes. Make yourself at home."

Harry couldn't help but smile once Draco was gone. Here he was, in the Malfoy's home, and Draco was going to cook him dinner. It was a stroke of luck that Scorpius had found Harry, and really, Harry had taken to the child so quickly. After looking around the living room, his eyes fixated on a bookcase against the wall and he began to read the titles. That's where Draco found him, flipping through a book he pulled from the shelves.

"Oh Harry are you going to read to me?," Scorpius asked.

"Are these wizarding stories for children? I haven't heard of any of these."

Scorpius gasped.

"I have to read you my favorite! Come and sit in the kitchen so we can keep daddy company while he cooks."

"Alright Scorp."

True to his word, Scorpius read Harry his favorite story very animatedly. His hands went flying and he gave each character a different voice. Harry was smitten.

"I think that's my new favorite story love."

"It's the best! What kind of stories were you told growing up?"


"Nah, s'alright. My family Scorp... they weren't the nicest people to me, but I found a new family. It was different for me, growing up. Like the muggle fairy tale Cinderella I suppose."

"You can be my family," Scorpius promised, climbing into Harry's lap and wrapping his arms around him. "I'll read you another story."

Harry was glad Scorpius kept his head in his book so he didn't see him crying. He was surprised when Draco came up behind him and gently squeezed his shoulder.

"Alright?," he mouthed.

Harry gave him a shaky smile in return, surreptitiously holding Scorpius a little bit closer.

Dinner was delicious, and Harry insisted on doing the dishes as a thank you, which Draco was very appreciative of. Scorpius was slowly getting tired, the excitement of the day starting to catch up to him.

"Let's get you to bed my star."


"Yeah Scorp?"

"Will you tuck me in tonight please?"

"I would be honored."

Harry sat on the edge of Scorpius's bed, waiting for him to be finished getting ready to sleep. With the utmost care, Harry ruffled his hair, tucked him in snugly, and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead before telling a story to lull Scorpius to sleep.

"Harry?," Scorpius whispered, so low Harry thought it was a breath.


"You'll come back?"

"I'll come back as long as I'm welcome. Goodnight Scorp."

"Night," Draco watched from the doorway with an utter look of fondness on his face.

Nodding his head to the doorway, Harry took the cue and followed.

"Well Draco Malfoy, you really know how to wine and dine a guy," Harry said with a grin, propped up in the kitchen doorway.

"Technically it was sparkling apple cider," Draco replied with a quiet laugh and gentle shake of his head.

"I could definitely use sparkling to describe today."

"Thank you for coming. It meant a lot... to us," Draco said carefully.

"It meant a lot to me too, even to be invited. I know it's because he's a fan and all that, but-"

"No, not entirely. Our first encounter after all of these years was pleasant, I didn't mind a repeat performance. He doesn't even let Pansy tuck him into bed you know. He was a right nightmare if I was out too long. Now, I don't get out very much. After Astoria... he's my whole world now."

"He's amazing Malfoy, really."

"Hard to believe he came from me huh?," he asked with a laugh. "Wine?"

"Please. As soon as he walked up to me, I knew he was yours. Then he handed me that flower, and suddenly I was in your house and looking at quite an impressive collection."

"It's hard to say no to him sometimes because I'm doing the work for two. Pansy gets a right kick out of it though because of our history, and Father looks almost gleeful every time Scorpius goes on one of his famous rants. He is cherishing that he's the only one who knows your favorite flower."

"Your father is... gleeful?"

"Yes, he says it's karma for how many times I complained about you at school," Draco drawled, rolling his eyes as he took a sip of his wine.

"Ron might proper kill me when I tell him I was here."

"Is that so?"

Draco thought he and the Weasley's had formed a tentative agreement to let bygones be bygones.

"He knows once I start talking about you, I won't stop. Now I have two Malfoy's to talk about you see," Harry replied with a grin, taking a step closer to Draco.

"Scorpius is quite taken with you."

"Oh, he's not the only one taken. I hardly talk about my life but he asks one question and suddenly I'm baring my entire soul."

"He gets that from his mother. Astoria was my best friend, and he was the best gift she gave me before she passed. Don't let his cute demeanor fool you though, my star is quite the handful."

"Scorp had to get something besides his good looks from you hmm?"

"Perhaps you've had too much wine," Draco mused, not wanting to read any more into the situation.

"I've had one sip," Harry retorted, taking another step closer.

"You don't strike me as a drinker."

"I'm not."

"Then why did you accept?"

"If you like it, it must be good," Harry replied with an easy shrug. "Besides, it would be quite rude of you to kick me out before I finished my drink, and you have proper manners."

"I don't recall ever sharing my proper manners with you," Draco challenged.

"I'll win you over yet Malfoy, mark my words."

"I don't understand you Harry Potter," Draco replied, making his way to the living room and perching on one end of the couch.

"What is there to understand?"

"Why are you really here?"

"For starters, I have a soft spot for children. My childhood fucking sucked, so if I can create a good core memory for a kid to hold onto, then I'm going to do it. Your kid however, noticed I was sitting on a park bench absolutely miserable, so he brought me a flower. Then he kept calling me 'Mr. Harry' and talking about how he wanted to be like me when he grew up. Not because I saved the world, but because he liked watching me play. He doesn't see me as savior of the whole bloody world, he sees me as a quidditch player, and that doesn't happen.

And then there's you... You've always captivated me you know. I practically devoted my sixth year to watching you, because suddenly your attention wasn't solely on me anymore, and I didn't like that. Do you know what I found to be most interesting though?," Harry asked, leaning forward as his voice lowered.

"What would that be?"

"That despite my invisibility cloak, you were so in tune with me, that you knew I was there in that train car with you. Ron can't even tell, but yet you could. So clearly, some of these feelings were mutual."

"Perhaps," Draco said airily, taking another sip of his wine. "I used to find you infuriating."

Harry was surprised that this time it was Draco who moved closer. Now, their knees were touching.

"You don't anymore? A pity, I'll have to try harder."

"I think you could get back to that level, with time."

"I hope that's an invitation to see you again, because I would like that very much. I could cook you both dinner at mine?"

"I might like that."

"I'm free on Wednesday and Friday," Harry offered.

"Which day do you prefer?"

"I'd like to see you again on Wednesday."


"Brilliant." Harry finished his glass of wine and stood up. "Any food allergies or preferences that I should be aware of?"

"Scorpius will eat anything with chicken, and he's not a fan of spicy food."

"Noted. Thank you for having me Malfoy."

"You're welcome anytime Potter," Draco said kindly, allowing a soft smile to grace his face.

Draco reached out for Harry's wine glass, but Harry had other ideas. Grabbing Draco's hand, he pressed a kiss across his knuckles before handing the glass over.

"I look forward to getting to know you even better on Wednesday. I'll owl you the details. Enjoy the rest of your evening Malfoy."

"Goodnight Potter," Draco replied, a soft blush on his cheeks as he watched Harry disappear into the night.

Draco would truly be putty in his son's hands after tonight.

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