Lone Wolf Mission! Terminate all Targets!
Another trip to a digiverse that needed help. Solisamon gathered Angoramon, Aliana, and Mummymon to assist her. The terrified expression on her facr caused worry to build in their hearts, especially since Solisamon did NOT tell them the reason at all. Her body still trembling like a leaf since she had came to get them. Like she had witnessed something truly horrorifyimg in whatever verse that had called her. The haunted look in her teal eyes meant that the three of them were in for a grave surprise.
Like the three of them weren't already having their own problems to deal with!
Though the three hoped this would provide a distraction from what a certsin digimon had done to each of them. That digimon just so happened to go by the name "Shiramon". Her lastest attempts to aid them had l resulted in fail. Each getting highly upset or disappointed in the wolf assassin.
What could this sweet hearted digimon ever do to upset the ones she loved? Well everyone makes mistakes but this seemed to take the cake. The raspberry cake of anger that was decorated in the cherry red icing of rage and sprinkled by the sugary decorstions of disappointment.
Each happened within the same month of one another. Seems like Hiro attraction to trouble had been given to Shiramom in that sole month alone. Mistake by mistake, causing her to completely upset the ones she never thought she could. Faces of disbelief which quickly escalated to mad were on each digimon at one point. Those darts of rage were each shot at the dartboard of Shiramon heart.
While Mei was away on a week long trip with her Uncle Duri and cousin Mirei, Shiramon stayed with her adoptive father till the tamer returned. Mummymon had been working on a medicinr for seven months straight. A mecidine that could cleanse one's body of violent toxins from spores spreaded by plant digimon. Shiramon had gotten him the final ingredent since it was in an area that Shiramon knew better thsn most. Pollen from a flower in the digital world that was similar to the one on Palmon.
On sight alone, it was far from impossible to tell the flowers apart. Though Shiramon could easily find them. Her visor could scan the difference between the two. However it was really her sense of smell that helped locate the flower. Though it seemed that something was wrong about the flower since it caised the mecidine mixture to become a foul smelling green.
Possibly one of the few timed that Mummymon yelled at her so severly. Going as far as to halt any vidits to the hospital unless it was for medical needs.Not flinching from the tears that flow down behind the visor that the assassin wore.
Yes he was being harsh. Though his medical knowledge was one of the main ways that he could help friends and fellow paitents. New forms of medicines greatly aid him in his career as a doctor. Losing a cure felt as if he had failed several paitents he could've treated later on. Though it was a great pain to yell at his youngest bint.
He hadn't hear much from her since. Not really getting his usual calls to see how he was doing. Starting to miss the dear voice of his bint.
Angoramon had gotten upset with Shiramon as well. A fellow book lover digimon at the gathering had given him something. They had managed to acquire a rare copy of "Thy Curse of One's Heart" a book that Angoramon has been dying to read. Searching for months for any type of copy of the finest work of the "Sun Novelist" early books.
Even his tablet could not find the story of a creature who has been cursed to never find love as no one would love it's monstrous appearance. Though in realty it was not the looks that prevented the creature from finding love but rather their hesitation to make the first step.
Finally he had an actually copy in his hands ready to read. Shiramon had been learning how to make tea with Floramon at the time. Wanting to suroise him with a tea of her very own design. How does she surprise him with said tea? By getting it all over his RARE IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND BOOK that he just got. She seemed to have accidently tripped as she was trying to avoid two Potatomon playing tag. Leaving the book ruined! Pages beyond any hopes of repair.
May be the first night that Shiramon went home alone from a meeting. Well maybe someone took her after he gave her his angeriest glare and flew home. Not having seen her since that night. He wanted to cool down before he went to talk to her.
UGH!!! Why did it have to be a rare book?! Thank goodness that Bokomon did not know, otherwise Shiramon may be a digitama once again. Though it seemed like she did regret the mistake. Recalling the faint promises to make it right.
Then there was Aliana. Shiramon had been trying to hang out with her more. Making up for the years of lost time that they were merged together. Never considering one another of anything except a body snatcher. Shiramon wanted to change that. To deepen their bonds as siblings to be the strongest it ever could be. Overcoming any problem they faced as family. It had gone well at first, but soon Shiramon could not give Aliana any free time. As if she wanted to hang out everyday with nothing better to do. Soon Aliana got extremely annoyed and yelled at her younger twin. Demanding to know if having some time to herself without being bothered was too much to ask for. All her sister seemed to be doing was causing trouble to her.
That actually made her sister cry that day. Rushing out of the hospital without a word. It had been a few days since then. Aliana was unsure how to approach Shiramon. Making the conversation that would hopeful lead to an apology. "When the time is right" was the issue that Aliana struggled with.
Soon the the small group arrived into what looked similar to their very own digital world. Mummymon and Angoramon having visited to gather ingredents once. A forest of lushy and thriving foliage where many forest digimon would live in.
No trouble so far by which their eyes could see. Strange since Solisamon still trembled before them. She could have witnessed a scene that had already passed.
That was the conclusion till they heard that life pleading scream.
"HELP ME! HELP ME! SOMEONE ANYONE HELP! SHE'S BACK! SHE GOING TO KILL ME! PLEASE ANYONE! ANYBODY HELP ME! PLEASE BY HOLY DIGIMON HEAVEN PLEASE HELP!!!!" Solisamon pushed them into some bushes to not be seen. Not so eager to help the voice as she normally would be.
A Pomumon rushes out as the little struggles to find a play, any place to hide. Frantically searching for any kind of place to hide their presence. Though before it knew it, a figure pinned it down and looked ready to end it.
Angoramon gasped and immediately taked the figure off, giving the young Pomumon time to escape. Though once he got a good look at the figure....
All color fled his face and made him see why Solisamon was so afraid.
"Is that...?!" Aliana froze. Unable to believe the trust before her very eyes.
"N-no....impossible! This can't be...!!" Mummymon struggled to hold in his emotions from the sight before them.
There was a blank face Shiramon. Though this verse version of her was like a complete rewrite. Her expression as empty as a blackhole. The visor different from the usual one she wore. A dark red tinted glass one with dark grey metal frame. Looked like one a kilker robot wore when it was hunting for humans. She wore a dark red suit that was tight around her body. Synthesized of numerous zeros and ones like itself was a living digital program. Silver kunai were at in a large cross like pattern in front of her chest. Each holding a feeling that one does not want to be close to one of those. Let alone being stabbed by one. A real assassin uniform fitting one of Shiramon skills.
So why does it feel like it's still what made her, the Shiramon everyone knows and love?
"Shiramon what are you doing?! Why are you hunt-" Angoramon narrowly evaded a kunai to his chest when Shiramon kicked him off her. Front fliping back a good distance from them.
"Target escaped. Analyzing new threat. Beast Type data being. Identification number:A56-M78. Termination rate: Zero percent. Processing to eliminate" Like a switch had been flipped, Shiramon swiftly dashed to Angoramon. Ready to end him with a kunai to the neck.
Aliana managed to halt this by summoning her twin shot guns and drawing her attention to her.
"Hey! You know he isn't a threat! What is up with you?!" How could Shiramon ever think to attack her husband.
Different verse ornot, Shiramon never attacked a digimon or human that did not pose a threat. One of the many sacred rules that she had made for herself. Even if the Wrath Sin code took over, she followed those rules to keep herself from becoming a true monster.
"New data being detected.
Type is Demon. Identification number is unknown. Unique code is show. Orders are to terminate as sokn as possible" Her voice was so blank that it might as well be one from a machine. A cold one that's only purpose was to follow orders.
Who was giving such orders was the real question! WHAT IN DIGITAL NAME DID THEY DO TO THIS VERSE SHIRAMON?!
Mummymon could sense that this would not end well. He knew how skilled his bint was in their verse, but they were in this Shiramon playing field. Ready to kill them like they were simply targets to her was already terrifying. There best course of action would be to retreat and find out information. Then and only then could they help out this digimon.
"Snake Bandage!" The wrapings moved to grab Aliana and Angoramon to his side. He then stared back at the Shiramon and sighed in sorrow. "Just wait a bit long. We will save you my dear bint"
Hearing the beloved title of "daughter" caused this world Shiramon to freezes. Clutching her head like that mere word triggered something.
Mummymon was about to say more but stopped. Using this opportunity to escape to safety with the group. Mentally vowing to save this verse of his daughter.
After recovering from whatever had made her freeze. The verse Shiramon could see that the new targets had fled. Normally her orders were to dismiss and pursue the other digital beings that she was reprogrammed to kill. Yet for once she ignored those orders which had been wored into her mind.
New Objective: Locate new targets and assassin them. Save Identification Number: M9087-M2334 for last. Learn what the word he used to immoblize her meant. To learn why a sense of familiar lingered in that mere word.
The group managed to find a partially destroyed lab of some sort that could provide shelter. Even answers to what was going on in this verse. Mummymon making sure that no injuries had been taking during the almost deadly encounter with this verse Shiramon.
"Strange lady.....made Shiramon into monster....we in ....Terminator Digital World..." All that Dolisamon managed to speak as her body shook even more violently than it did before.
Only one human female came to mind when it came to manipluating digimon for her own personal benefit.
This had her name all over it! Just what did this so called "Brilliant genius scientist" do this time?!
Aliana got the computers to start up again. Low and behold, this lab belonged to one Mrs. Azami. There were some files. Luck was on their side since it seemed that the files were still accessible.
Dumb girl forgot to lock her files. That is literal science genius 101. This may be one of her flaws to why she was such an amateur!
They started to watch one of three files.
"Log 4-216. Seems like the proof I have gathered to be a famous scientist had been foiled by some annoying peace loving data hippies! They had stolen the one thing that could expose those foul MONSTERS to our government! Those MONSTERS will be the destruction of us if we do not take action! Which is why I plan to make one of their own kind into a Terminator! I dub this "Project:Lone Wolf". Mainly due to my newest specimen being a wolf." The screen showed Azami showing off Shiramon floating in some sort of floating high tech prison.
Solisamon gasps and ran to Angoramon for comfort. He soothed her as he continued to watch the videoes fo himself. Rage bubbling more as he witness Shiramon pleading for mercy while Azami rewrote her code by each numberal digit. JUST HOW HEARTLESS COULD ONE HUMAN BE?!
"Aliana, remeber how I told you not to under no circumstances ever harm a human?" Mummymon face darken ashe watched his bint suffer in agnozing on the screen.
"Yeah?" Aliana cracked her knuckles. Looks like she needed to pay another dose of PAIN to Azami. Only this time it would be through her skull!
"I lifted that rule in the case of this hideous creature who believes she is a GOD" He got out his Obelisk, ready to put his "Paitent" out of their miserable excuse for a life.
"Oooh~ I am going to ENJOY this" Aliana always did wonder what it would have felt like to kill a human as evil as this one.
"So we are going to put her to sleep?" Solisamon asked. Innocently thinking they were going to give this "Azami" person a long restful nap.
"Yes. A VERY LONG nap" Angoramon patted the little one's head. No need to ruin her innocent mind.
The next video showed Shiramon having her emotions and memories sealed away or permentantly removed. Azami claimed that they were not needed since data was not alive. Only existing to serve the masters that give it orders.
Mei and Hanuel would have made this woman disappear off the face of the earth. Probably get a medal for it too!
Mummymon was ready to shoot the ceiling out of anger. Destroy the very place that brough his daughter pain. Though he would save his strength to punish the one responsible instead.
Aliana looked almost ready to be Malicemon again. Willing to let the demon use her in order to make the woman suffer hell.
Angoramon had an unreadable expression. Though are the scariest times since no one is sure what is being planned on the inside.
The last video, Aliana did not play since it was probably going to give Solisamon nightmares. This new Terminator Shiramon had killed about twenty nine percent of the Digital World population. Family and Friends were the first to go. Seemed like Azami did not want any loose ends to ruin her work.
"After we save the Terminator Shiramon here, I am going to personal give that scientist a visit"Angoramon spoke calmly yet gave off a raging red aura that matched the intensity of the sun.
"Oh for sure!"
Aliana and Mummymon were definitely on board after seeing all the torture Shiramon had to go through here.
"Targets located. Commence Termination of all targets" From the shadows Terminator Shiramon came. Ready to clear her objective.
"Shiramon listen!" Angoramon spoke as he dodged and blocked all physical strikes. "You can not let yourself be Azami dog any longer! Please... You managed to overcome Malice, HIM, and so many other threats!You are far too strong to lose to some amateur like her!" Though his words fell on deaf ears.
Come on! Azami couldn't have remove alk of Shiramon! There is just no way!
"Come on sis! You never give up on anything! You fought against so many threats that pthers felt were hopeless. Helped people who though they were incapable of changing. Like me, you never stopped reaching out. I want to return that gesture by bring back the REAL you!" Aliana covered Angoramon so Shiramon could listen to her.
There were absolutely no sights that Shiramon heard any of that. Though her movements did slow down a bit.
"Shiramon is really good friend! Helps take care of Solisamon and gives really good hugs. Even lied to Hiro when giving Solisamon extra carmels. Please come back and be with friends again!" Solisamon begged. Barely lifting up her sword in time to block a barriage of kunai hurled her way.
Shiramon paused just for on second. Hesitating to throw that last kunai. As if something in her mind was compelling her, pleading with herself not to do this. Not being the attack dog that she had forcefully been reprogrammed to be.
Mummymon ready Obelisk to shoot at Terminator Shiramon, having a clear shot. Though memories of his own dear bint filled his mind.
Wulfmon coming into his life
The first coffee Shiramon ever introduced him to. Later on getting him hooked to the stuff.
The times Shiramon would gather him ingredents. Even if she came back all injured. Just getting the request item was enough to make her happy.
These precious moments made him put his gun down. He can not do this. Terminator or not, this was still his bint that was made into some twist item of war. All that made her a sweet were all got into this dhell of her former self. Even so....
He could NOT nor WILL ever hurt his dear bint.
"ERROR...ERROR...OVERLOAD...OVERLOAD....Dad....I....am..sorry..." Blood leaked from under the visor. "Sis.....Angoramon.....Solisa....make pain stop...." Terminator Shiramon was asking them to end her.
Not being able to live with the guilt of what she had been forced to do. Watching it all unfold without being able to stop it. Having every urge to fight back snuffed out like a flame on a candle.
"NO! SHIRAMON FRIEND" How could anyone ever ask Solisamon to do such a terrible thing.
It went against the very "Pure" attribute that she held.
"Sis..." Aliana did not want her sister to suffer, but killing her was not something she ever want to do.
This can't be how it ends! NO! NO! DAMN YOU AZAMI! WHY DO THIS?!
Angoramon fell silent as he walked towards Terminator Shiramon. "Close your eyes. Let me free you from the suffering" He removed the accursed visor from her. Crushing it into bits of un repairable pieces.
There he could see the dullness of the once beautiful grey eyes that he fell in love with. This Shiramon had went through days no weeks, years of suffering under Azami orders. Losing all that made her the cute lovable wolf she was. Only breaking free just to ask to be stop for goid. Knowing that any moment that Azami could control her again.
Angoramon kissed her forehead to sent her off. Then gave her a crushing bear hug that silent her for good.
Aliana shielded Solisamon from such a gruesome sight. Not fully able to take in such a sight as well. Wishing that all this was a nightmare, demanding to be woken up from.
Sadly....this was the bitter realty.
Mummymon looked down as tears ran down his bandage face. "Goodbye my bint....."
Solisamon cried in Aliana arms, not understanding why this happened. If only she known sooner....
Then prehaps a friend would not be lost today.
In a lab not too far away. A well dressed Azami was boasting to companies who were interested in financing "Project:Lone Wolf". Praising her for getting rid of the "Pests" that had been crashing their networks for weeks.
"Why thank you! Rest assure that "Project: Lone Wolf" will eradicate all those vile data monsters in record time" With that she ended the call. Her expression changed to a confident one.
"Hahaha! YES! YES! Finally I have fone it! Soon those vile creatures will all be extinct and I alone will be the one praised for doing so!" She did not notice that four shadows loomed over her.
"Monsters? I look into a mirror" Aliana spoke before slaming Azami into the ground hard. Tears down her face. "YOU CAUSED MY SISTER THAT PAIN AND WE ARE THE MONSTERS?!" Each stomp on Azami body only brought more frustration from Aliana.
"You turn my sweet baby girl into a killing machine all to prove our existence? You wanted us extinct? Let me show you YOUR DEMISE FIRST!!" Mummymon got out Obelisk and fired like crazy. Destrying more of the lab than anything.
Angoramon waited outside with Solisamon who passed out from crying so much. He was told to sit this one out since he already did enough.
A mercy kill, yet the sound of her body crushing in his arms.... The book ordeal was long forgotten at this point. Now all he wanted was to see his wife again. Just to hold her and apologize.
Not to ever lose her again. Not like this verse had to. He weeped softly as he could no longer hold in. Like a water balloon covered in small punctuation marks that did not break it but let the water leak out.
He just wanted to go home.....Back to his girl....
Shiramon sighed. She had really messed up. Her father, sister, and husband were all mad at her. All she was trying to do was help. Though all she seemed to do was make them mad.
At the moment she was rubbing her sore hands. Through a tiring search, she found a partly destroyed yet still readable copy of "Thy Curse of One's Heart". The pages were too damaged that turning them would have ruined. That left Shiramon spending the whole day wroting down the whole book word for word. Countless hours just to make up to Angoramon.
"Done!" Shiramon cheered as she lifted up her remake in pride. "Hope Angoramon likes it! Still need to make up with Abi and sis....Though they are probably still mad..." Her ears drooped slightly.
The babies comforted her with nuzzles. Trying to cheer her up the best they could.
"Awww...You all" At least they could never be mad at her.
Then the door slamed opened. Well it was kicked down by Aliana. Geez! That makes nine doors that have been kicked down this week! EVER HEARD OF THE DOORKNOB?!
"You all...I...I-I'm sorry that I am a screw up ...I ruined your days... I..I..." Four embraces held her as she teared up.
"I AM SO SORRY SIS!!! I love you soo much! If you ever want to hang out just call! I will literally drop anything for you! I'm the one that screwed up" Aliana sobbed hard. Never wanting to miss a single moment with Shiramon ever again.
Who needs alone time that much anyways?! She doesn't!
Solisamon just hugged Shiramon. Speaking so fast that it was gibberish in her ears. Awkwardly patting the little oni child back as she tried to process what was going on.
Had she miss something?
"Dad...I still destroyed your mecidine..." Shiramon still got flashbacks of how red Mummymon face got when his work went up in smoke.
"I can make a new medicine, sweetie. Though you are one of a kind, never can I have a daughter as sweet and kind as you" He held closer and kissed her forehead. "Never change.... You can come back to visit me anytime"
Angoramon saw the book in Shira hands. The title caused his heart to break slightly.
Cherish those around you cause their will be times where they may change or be taken away. Fight hard to keep those memories close. There can only ever be one of you
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