Sudden Urges

Forgive me for any errors. It's late and I'm tired and I updated twice today. Enjoy and vote and comment. No one commented last time and I actually was looking forward to them. I was a little upset, but hey what else can I ask for. I guess nothing much. Thanks for the feedback ((sarcasm intended)) I hate to be rude, but I'm not trying to be. Forgive me. I'm cranky right now. Enjoy please


We were in the back of the car still when I had this sudden urge. I looked around and started panicking.

"What's wrong Fee?" Bella asked as I continued to look around.

"I need a piece of paper and pencil fast. Hurry!!" I yelled. This have never happened to me. It only happens when I'm around Michael.

"Where is it? I need paper and pencil now!!"

"Okay, here! here!!" Bella screamed and I looked at her. I snatched the pencil and paper from her hands and quickly wrote.

"What are you writing?" Scott asked. Tears flowed from my eyes as I looked at him.

"My feelings."

It was true. Everything I felt, I was writing down. The only escape I had. What I wrote, read this:

I always knew that love would come find me someday but never did I know it would be you who was headed my way.
you caught me off guard and took me by surprise but you simply captivated me, the same way you do when I look into your eyes.

It's true that every good and perfect gift is from above, you were presented to me as a beautifully packaged gift full of humor, talent, intelligence, beauty and love
"It isn't finding the perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly" we all have our flaws but when I view you through my eyes, perfection is all I see.

From when you laugh to when you're upset, I still love the little things you do especially hearing you laugh and seeing your nose wrinkle up the same way mine does too
Coming into this relationship has been hard at time but we've made it through
I know as long as were on this journey together, there's nothing that we can't do.

Sometimes I wonder if what we had was too good to be true too scared to get my heart broken and scared of loosing you
But in the end, I trust in the author and perfecter of what I believe
because what we ask for in Him, we in return shall receive.

"Where your treasure is, your heart will be also" is how the saying goes
I may not know what tomorrow may bring, for God is the only one who knows
the one thing I do know is that you are my one and only a treasure in my heart that I want to devote my whole life to completely

I know I don't need to prove my feelings to know they're true because what I've known in my past, doesn't come close to the experience I shared with you.
I've had the experience of being in relationships before however, this is the first time I've been truly happy...I couldn't ask for anything more
it's an honor to know that I was once yours, as you were once mine and I trust God that he'll bring us together in His beautiful time

For now, I'll be waiting patiently for that day when we'll be together
that precious moment in time when I'll say "it's you that I want to be with forever"
God made everything beautiful, precious and new just as beautiful and precious as the day will be, when I look into your eyes and say not only "I Love You", but the words: "I Do"

I slowly stopped writing and looked up. Everyone was starring at me.

The feeling came back again and I looked at Bella.

"I need another piece of!!" She quickly tore out another piece of paper from a notebook she was carrying and I took it and wrote again.

It read:

How could I be so stupid
To let you slip away
I had you in my arms
But I let you slip away

I want you back
But now it's too late
I've already said goodbye
And now love had turned to hate

I want to go back in time
And fix all that was wrong
Change all of my regrets
So we didn't fight as long

The regrets are what messed it up
And they were all my fault
I was so immature
I should've acted like an adult

I broke my own heart
When I walked out on you
Now it's too late
And I can't undo

I still love you
But nobody knows
We are no longer together
Because of what I chose

It was a bad decision
And now I want you here
Never far away
Always near

So please take me back
And catch me when I fall
Cause I need you right now
More then anything at all

"Bella, paper. Hurry.." I spoke again. These emotions are getting to me because I cannot seem to stop.

Again, I wrote:

My life was complete, but now it's not I lost it all because I fought. He made me alive, now I'm dead. Was once laying there crying in my bed. Life is worthless why should I try? All I want to do is lay here and die. It had only been two weeks, but that's all I need to get a last chance before he leaves. One last chance to turn it around. Hoping he won't turn me down. All I want to do is hold him tight, and make his dreams come true tonight. That once and for all I can make him happy, instead of screaming, yelling, making life crappy. I'm sorry for what I have done, this is coming from my heart. I'm just asking for a brand new start. For you are my life, without you I'm nothing. So give me one last chance, and I'll make it into something. I love you too much, I can't let you go. So look into my eyes and say "I love you so"...

With one last sheet of paper, I wrote it all out. Hating my decision in the end. I looked up as Bella, Cassidy, and Avery were reading my last three poems I had written. I took a piece of paper and began my last one.

My hardest decision:

I admit I made a mistake
Overstepping some boundaries
Which made me look fake.

I always said I would never do the things I did, and that is the reason it is so hard for you to forgive.

It's been so long,
So many times we said we'd try
Only to turn around
And make each other cry

Remember how it was when we first started out,
So much alike, we shared every thought
We fell so fast, maybe fell in love too soon
Made a huge decision that now we cannot undo.

I admit my mistakes but can you admit yours,
I have paid for what I've done
as you have paid for yours,
so why is it like this,
we can't even talk.
You call me a liar and say you don't care
All the while my love for you is still there

I never meant to hurt you,
never wanted to cause you pain
Since you left me two weeks ago
My life hasn't been the same.

I owe you so much,
I have so much to prove to you
So I will end this with the hardest thing I'll ever do,
Goodbye baby...I will always be in love with you.

The car pulled to a stop as I place the pencil in the seat next to me. Bella took the paper I had just got done writing on and read it as I wiped my tears.

When she was done she looked at me.
"Fee, are you sure you want this?" The guys began to read the poems and when they all were done they looked at me shockingly. I didn't answer Bella's question, instead I got out of the car.

Everyone else did the same. They all gathered around me and just stared. I pulled out my compact mirror to look and see how bad I messed up my make up. To my luck, it wasn't that bad. All I had to do was wipe the tears from my eyes.

"You ready to get your daughter?" Avery asked. I looked at her and smiled as I began to carefully wipe at my eyes to get the tear stains away.

"Yes, I'm ready." I nodded and started to walk up to the door. Everyone followed as I knocked.

"One second" I heard Stacey say. It sounded like she was on the stairs. I sighed politely and waited.

Stacey opened the door and smiled at me just as Michael asked "who's at the door?" Stacey let us in and we walked into the family room.

Michael entered slowly and looked at all of the people standing in his home.

He smiled and stuck his free hand out to shake theirs. He had carried Serenity down with him.

"What are you guys doing here? It's great to see you. Haven't seen you all in a while. Well except for Cassidy, Avery, and Bella. Saw then at the hospital about two weeks ago. What are you all doing here?" He hugged and kissed Bella on her cheeks last. "Come to see the baby Serenity---" he stopped talking once he laid his eyes on me.

He just started at me, not being able to speak a word. He looked from my feet all the way you to my face, but slowly when he got to my upper thighs.

"What is this?" He finally asked not taking his eyes off of me.

"We need to talk" I said lowly. He looked at everyone as they stared at us both.

"You guys can go up to your room. We will wait down here. We won't leave you Fee. We promise." Cassidy spoke as she picked up her crying child.

"Okay," I looked at Michael. "Lead the way" he stood there and watched me for a second as I looked down. He turned on his heels slowly and walked.

I looked up and at Bella. "I hope this works." She smiled at me and touched my shoulder.

"It will. Take these poems with you and let him read them. He needs to know how you're feeling since you won't verbally say them in English." I looked at her and knitted my eyebrows.

"How'd you know--"

"I've been your best friend forever Fee, I know you." I smiled and hugged her as I turned around. I whispered "wish me luck" and headed towards his bedroom.

Here goes nothing.


As fee walked up the stairs and they heard the door close, Scott was the first to speak.

"Do you think they will ever get back together?" Bella looked at him and hit him upside his head.

"Boy, you are trifling. Can you give it a rest. Damn, they just broke up and you already hitting on her."

"Didn't have to hit me. I was just asking a question bean head."

"Yeah, so you can have her to yourself?" Bella retorted and raised her perfectly arched right eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"I can always piece back together a broken heart.." he smirked and Bella scoffed.

"Dude, chill out. She's taken regardless, even if she and Michael aren't together. They are still connected one way or the other. And y'all can thank Serenity for that." Avery spoke up as she intervened in the upcoming argument.

"Exactly, so in the words of Michael Jackson: 'Beat It'" Bella said as she got all in his face.

"You know what, I'm telling my momma on you." Everybody laughed at Scott and he flopped down on the couch and folded his arms together.

"No girl will ever want a mommas boy. Your so childish." Avery and Cassidy giggled as they heard him curse under his breath.

They all stopped talking when they heard Sofia moan slightly and then curse at Michael, calling him all types of names.


When I closed the door, Michael gestured for me to sit on his bed. I did and watched as he put Serenity down in her rocking seat.

"What do we need to talk about?" Michael asked. I looked up to him in his eyes for the first time and glanced at Serenity.

"We need to talk about our daughter."

"What about her. She's fine. There's nothing to discuss." He sat on the floor by her rocking chair and rubbed her hair.

I sighed. "Michael, I want to take her on a trip to Jamaica with me and everybody else that's downstairs."

"No. She won't be going anywhere with you, and that's final." I looked up at him as hurt filled my eyes. Then I remembered Bella's words this morning as they echoed in my head.

"If I can recall, she is your child too Fia, you two did have her. It takes two to mingle. You do have a say in this. She's not only his child."

I let her words play for a good minute before I stood up and slowly walked over to him.

"Michael, she is my daughter as well as she is yours. We made her together. We made love together and created her. Not you by yourself Michael. WE!!"

"Stop yelling, she doesn't need to hear that." I groaned loudly and pulled at my hair.

"Michael, why are you doing this to me. You can't do this. You have no power over this." I finally spoke after pulling my hair.

"You lied to me. You went as far to say that this child, Serenity isn't yours. Now imagine if she was old enough to understand what was going on. She would hate you as much as I do."

"She wouldn't because she's understand why I did what I did. You don't hate me Michael."

"Yes she would, and how do you know I don't hate you?"

"Because you LOVE ME!! You love me to death!!"

"Well guess what, if you hadn't already realized. I died two weeks ago and so has our love!!"

I looked at him as I could feel a knife stab my heart and twist.

I wiped my tears and headed for the door. Michael sighed and watched me.

"Fee, stop. I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." He apologized.

I looked at my hand as it was on the doorknob, then I suddenly remembered why I came here. I didn't come here for Michael.

I let my hand fall from the knob and turned to look at Michael with my toughest and most confident face ever.

"Michael, I didn't come for you. I came for my daughter. She will be going to Jamaica with me and any and everyone else that is downstairs and is tagging along with us whether you like it or not. If you won't hear me out every time I try to explain, than here," I tossed him the papers with the poems written on it and he caught them. "Read them. Maybe you'll understand my pain."

With that I grabbed Serenity and walked out of the room, of course with Michael hot on my heels.

I went into her room and laid her down in her bed. I grabbed one of her baby suitcases and started to pack some of her things. Michael closes and locks her door as I'm folding up her nightwear and putting her diapers in a separate bag.

"She's not going anywhere Sofia. And I mean that."

"She is Michael, and I promise she's going to have the best time of her life. Face it Michael, she needs me in her life. You can never replace me. No one will stand in your heart the way I do. No one will understand the little things you do. I will because I love you. I've always loved you. I can't--you know what, I can't deal with this right now. I am not about to argue with you in front of her."

I picked her baby bag up and pulled it up and over my shoulder. I began to pick her up when Michael grabbed my wrist tightly. I looked at his hand then up to him.

His eyes glowed red hot and mine enlarged.

"L-let me go M--Michael" I stuttered putting Serenity down to loosen his grip on my wrist.

"She's staying with me Sofia."

"Let me go Michael. I'm not playin' with you." I stated as I let the baby bag fall to the ground. "Let me go right now."

He just stared at me. I placed my hands on his and pried them off of mine.

I bent down to pick up her bag when I felt a tug at my hips. I was being backed into the front of Michael's body. I felt him.

I felt 'him'

"Michael, no. Let me go. We are not doing this. Let me go please."

He let me go and pinned me to the nearest wall. I breath out heavily as he was now face to face with me.

"You love me?" He asked and I swallowed my spit down my dry throat as I stared back into his eyes.

"Y-yes" I finally uttered after about a minute or two.

"Then, you'll let her stay with me and you leave forever."

I actually thought he forgave me for a second.

I stopped breathing heavily and just stared at him. He smirked and I scoffed.

"You're a bastard Michael. I guess I don't love you, because she is going with me. Bitch" I retorted, and with success I pushed him back, making him stumble and almost fall flat on his ass. I picked Serenity up along with her bags and carried them downstairs.

I was so close to the stairs when I felt a kiss on my favorite spot on my neck, making me moan. Michael turned me around and kissed me. I kissed him back, but then stopped when I felt him smirk.

I pushed him back and started to curse him out. Saying all types of evil and hatred word towards him.


They watched as they saw Sofia come down the stairs with Serenity in her arms. Scott of course was the first to help her with her bags. She looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Don't walk out of that door with my daughter Sofia." Michael said as he ran down the stairs and tried to catch up to Sofia.

"Oh Fuck You Michael. You're shit. How can you use the love I have against me. I will forever choose my daughter over you. Stupid prick. I hate you." She looked at everyone and they gasped.

Knowing that the only reason for the gasping was because of the change of her eye color, it was reddish brown, she spoke.

"Are we leaving now or what?" Everyone babbled before Justin, Lisa, Cassidy, John, Avery, Tyler, Scott, and LaVelle headed out of the house. And of course the babies as well.

Bella and myself stayed behind.

"Bella let's go. We have to go before the plain leaves." I stated as I walked to the door.

"Don't walk out of that door Sofia." I scoffed as I gave him the finger, and spoke

"Kiss my ass Michael."

I walked out of the door and got into the van. I made sure Serenity's car seat was strapped in tightly before placing her in it and strapping her in securely.

"Shit" I hissed. "I left my phone and keys." I looked around.

"Watch her for me. Don't let Michael take her out and I mean that or every and I mean everyone will pay. Hell will break lose in yah ass. I swear. So don't test it. Don't let him take her out." I stated to the whole car to any and everyone that was in sight and stared at me.

I got out of the car and closed the door, just as Bella was exiting the house.

"He is peeved. I wouldn't go in there if I were you." She warned.

"He's not gonna hit me, so I'm not worried about it." I point out as I opened the door and I bump right into his chest. He picked me up and pulled me over his shoulder, making me scream. He winks at Bella then closes the door after saying "this'll only take about an hour. Get your plane scheduled for tomorrow. We need to settle something."

I heard Bella giggle. She thinks he's playing...

"Don't Bella. Get him away from me." I said, well screamed. But he had already closed the door.

"Michael, put me down."

"No, I'm not putting you down until I get you on my bed." I suddenly froze and stopped talking as he walked up the stairs and we entered his bedroom.

"M-Michael, what are you doing. Leave me alone." I said as he closed and locked the door.

"No. I think maybe now would be a good time to show you my velvet room."

"Why--no Michael. I'm leaving."

"Yeah, ahead to my velvet room. Now, follow me."

I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"No. I can't." I snarled hoping it would irritate him and he'd let me go.

He suddenly picks me up and rushes to a door. It's locked, so he goes in his pocket and pulls out a key. He unlocks it and places me back on my feet.

All I could see is velvet. Everything is velvet. The lights were dimmed low. Romantic type.

"What is this?" I asked suddenly, and I could see Michael smile as he says.

"This is where you will be getting you rope burns, whippings, and bruises. Say hello and welcome to 'The Sex Room'"

I instantly stop breathing, next thing feeling his lips on mine.

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