Chapter 4: The Helpers (Part 1)
Flopsy: Welcome to the fourth Chapter of Queen Street! :D And I'm SO HAPPY! Today I gave royalsister and MusicalMorgan305 there covers for new books! I already read Morgan's first chapter of her new book! She modified the cover a bit but I'm proud of myself for drawing something like that! :D Go check out her new book! I don't think Royal did her book yet...oh well! Flopsy shall wait patiently! ONTO THE CHAPTER!
Alicia's Point Of View...
Ughhhhhh my head was spinning....I opened my eyes and was facing the ceiling....right.....still no bed. Great. After I left Trevor, Carter and Lilyana apologized for causing a ruckus yesterday...but hey! At least I finished my soup! And I gave Carter his unfinished Mac & Cheese Bread Bowl....I hope he finished it.
I sat up and moved my blanket around with my legs. I decided to sleep on the couch this time. I wore my black Dragon Ball Z tank top that had a big villain on it named Frieza, my fluffy blue pants that had snowflakes on them. Last night I put my hair up in a messy bun. I turned on my phone and saw the time was......ah! 9:30....not bad but I could still do better...I saw that I got an unread message an hour earlier from CJ.
8:30 a.m. sent from CJ's Cell
Yo Bun Bun! I'll be over in about an hour. Bringing your favorite Panera soup!
I laughed and shook my head playfully.
9:30 a.m. sent from Alicia's Cell
Okay! Just woke up and tired as heck. Bring extra muscle!
I laughed. If we're going to get everything unpacked, CJ might need to bring the guys. I then remembered if CJ brings Dante and Nel, they'll know my location.......oh dear......I know those two have a crush on me and that's....not good. They're four years older than me! I think of them as friends not.....lovers!..................................wait.......I now know what it feels like to be in Aphmau's position in Minecraft Diaries.......dear lord. I heard a "bing" noise come from my phone.
9:34 a.m sent from CJ's Cell
Look outside your door Bun Bun. Who's the guys?
Who's the guys? I put my fluffy bunny jacket on and got off the couch. I took a big stretch and cracked almost every bone in my body. Ahhh that felt good! I shuffled to the wall that separates the living room from the door way. I peered my head around the corner and saw two boys. Its.....Carter and Trevor! Oh wow! Why are they here? I looked out of the living room window and saw a car in the driveway. It it was....CJ! He was in the drivers seat and next to him in the passengers seat was Jackson. I saw a certain blue haired guy and fire red haired guy point to the window I was looking out of from the back seat. I waved and went to the door. I slipped on some slippers and opened the door.
"Mornin' Alicia." Carter greeted.
"Hello Beautiful." Trevor greeted in a sweet tone.
"Good Morning both of you! Why are you guys here?" I asked.
"To make up for yesterday." Carter said scratching the back of his head.
"You said I'm welcome at your home anytime." Trevor said. True. I didn't think he would come TODAY.
"Um guys can help!" I said with a smile.
"But there's people in that car over there that are looking at us." Carter said pointing with his thumb over his shoulder.
"I'll handle that! You guys come on in!" I said moving past them and walking down the stairs into the drive way. I smiled as CJ came out of the drivers seat. I ran to him and hugged him. His muscular arms wrapped around me and he smiled.
"Hey Bun Bun!" CJ greeted. He was wearing a button down jacket that had black fluff in the inside, and black and blue striped pants and snow boots. His hair was covered by his beanie and he wore his glasses but I could still see his amber eyes clearly. He uses them to see at far distances. The three other boys stepped out of the car.
Jackson (the one sitting in the passengers seat) through CJ his car keys. CJ caught them swiftly. Jackson has brown hair being covered by his J-Pop beanie and brown eyes, a gray jacket with a matching scarf, black creepypasta pants (Eyeless Jack masks all over them) and black snow boots.
Dante and Nel got out from the back seats and shut the car doors. Dante has blue hair down to his shoulders. He had green hazel eyes. He wore a black and white hoodie that had ear phones in it. In his pocket was his phone which had the cord connected to it. He wore blue cargo pants and blue sneakers.
Nel went and stood next to CJ and smiled at me sweetly. Nel has red, orange, and yellow hair that looks a lot like Cadenza's hair from Minecraft Diaries. Nel had blue eyes and he wore glasses over them. He wore a black jacket that was similar to Dante, only Nel isn't listening to music. He wore pants that had Attack on Titan chibis all over them along with wearing matching sneakers.
"Hey guys! I'm so glad you guys came!" I said happily still in CJ's arms. When I asked CJ to bring extra muscle, he did it! The four of these boys have been working out at the gym ever since they were in sixth grade. They had ladies drooling over them ever since then! They all developed muscles and eight pack.
"You told me to bring extra muscle!" CJ said as he let go of me and pointed to the guys who started flexing their muscles. I was ready to burst out laughing!
"Thank you guys! Now make yourselves at home!" I said leading them into my house. I already saw Carter and Trevor pulling a big box that had the word "Bed" on it to the stairs with ease.
"Who are you guys?" CJ asked stepping in front of me. Oh no....protective CJ has entered! GREAT.
"Oh. I'm Carter. And that's Trevor. We're new friends of Alicia's and we decided to help out!" Carter said with a smile.
"And who might you four be?" Trevor asked in a foul tone. My eyes widened and I looked up and CJ, Jackson, Dante, and Nel. They don't look happy.....
"Better watch your tone buddy." CJ said smirking.
"U-Ugh....Alicia? Would this happen to be your brother?" Carter asked. Trevor then dropped his tone and looked surprised and nervous at Carter and I. I pushed the boys out of my way softly and faced towards Trevor and Carter.
"Guys. The guy with tanned skin and really dark brown hair is my brother. The other three are his friends along with my friends." I said. I saw Trevor's jaw drop and he looked scared a bit.
"You're Alicia's brother?" Carter asked. CJ nodded.
"Yep. Pleasure to meet you Carter. Bun Bun told me a lot about you. You seem like a nice guy." CJ said as he shook Carter's hand while narrowing his eyes towards Trevor. Dear lord CJ....
"Are the girls coming?" I asked. 'The Girls' consist of a four girls which is me, Angie, Rachel, and Jamie. Jackson and Dante are the two older siblings of Rachel and Jamie.
"Nope. Angie has to work at her job in McDonalds, Rachel is working her part-time job, and Jamie is watching the little ones." CJ said. The "little ones" are their three children. The first born is Jemma. A little blonde baby girl who is a year old. Then there are his twins! Samuel and Rockwell! But they don't look like it....Samuel has blonde hair and blue eyes and Rockwell has dark brown hair that looks black and brown eyes. Samuel is a minute older than Rockwell. And they are so cute!
"Awww....I was hoping they would be coming over..." I said with a pouty face.
"Hey! They said that they promise they'll visit soon! Dante said as he patted my head. I smiled but CJ gave a glare are him. It was basically a " Do not touch her" glare. Overprotective brother much?
"Well! Since you guys are here, you guys can-" Before I could finish, I heard the door bell ring. I went over and saw Emma, Sister, Presley, and Lilyana. "Oh hey guys! What are you doing here?"
"We wanted to help you out by unpacking some of your stuff!" Emma said.
"Plus I get to know you a little better." Presley said with a smile. I looked at Emma who was staring at CJ who came behind me.
"More friends of yours?" CJ asked putting his arm around me.
"Yep! Emma, Sister, Presley, and Lilyana!" I said pointing to each one.
"Nice to meet you girls. The more hands the better." CJ said. I smiled and nodded. The more people the better! What could possibly go wrong?
Flopsy: OMG I AM SO OFF TASK! I really wanted to get this chapter up, then start working on the part for Kingdom City. But so much stuff has been happening! Good things! Not bad things! And we're trying to get everything up as soon as possible. We're close to hitting 50 bunny followers! Yay! And like I said, I'll do a Q&A in my new little book called "Ask Us! :D" along with starting a new book of me and my best friend! I decided which book I'll do the Q&A on! Along with what book I'll do once we get to 50 bunnies! Thank you all for reading this chapter! Flopsy over and out!
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