Chapter 3: The Big Problem...
Flopsy: Welcome to the third Chapter! This is Christmas Day that I'm starting this AFTER THE LAST CHALLENGE FOR CHRISTMAS! I'm tired so I'll jump right into it! Hope you guys like! :D
Alicia's Point Of View...
My goodness! Yesterday was awesome! After Sister, Emma and I ate pizza (which I payed for making sister mad!) I headed back home and set up a small sleeping bag on the floor. I was wearing my big black night shirt that read "It's too a.m. for me" in green, along with flowing pants, with my hair tied up in a messy bun. I stretched and decided to get up and do something.....NAH. I flopped back down onto my sleeping bag and sighed. I looked at the boxed around me......dear lord........I have to get started on unpacking SOME stuff....I should probably change though.....wait...what time is it? I reached for my phone and checked the time....10:27 a.m.?!?!?! WHAT?! Normally I would wake up WAY earlier than that! Like....7:00 a.m. early! I rolled up my sleeping bag and put it away.
I stripped my clothes and put on a sweater that had the letter "F" on it with the colors of blue and light purple, fluffy pants that had blue stars over white, and fluffy slippers. I stretched and yawned. stove isn't working since I moved in YESTERDAY. So I can't make anything to eat......BUT! I heard there was a Panera that was close that delivers! YES! Wait....whats the number for Panera? Uuummmmm.....maybe CJ would know? No......he's working and I don't want to bother him while he's at work......Maybe Carter would know? But he's probably doing something with Emily.....maybe Emma? Sister? They're probably doing something too....along with Presley.....hmmm.....just then the door bell rang. PERFECT! I'll ask them! I rushed over to the door and opened it, only to be greeted with a blast of cold air! JEEZ! I looked again and I saw Carter.
"Oh! Carter! Good Morning!" I said happily while rubbing my arms. He was wearing a wholly hat, a wholly scarf, black fur coat, pajama pants that had skulls on it, and hiking boots.
"Mornin'! Are you busy today?" Carter asked while blushing a bit.
"Hmmm...well I was going to unpack some stuff...why do you ask?" I asked.
"I was hoping we could hang out today. And I could probably make up for the incident yesterday by helping you unpack..." Carter said. Oh right....the incident....his little sister came while he was introducing himself to me and she decided to play 'Hide and Seek' in my house. Carter and I searched and found her. But he found her in the HOUSE basement. I searched the backyard basement and I only found a prank from the FORMER OWNER OF THIS HOUSE!
"Aww that's sweet of you Carter! But...what about Emily?" I asked.
"Oh my friend Lilyana is watching her. She's a great friend of mine and Emily loves playing with her." Carter said.
"Oh okay! Well come on in!" I said as I stepped out of the way while he walked in. He took off his boots and coat to revel a long sleeved black sweater and red and black striped socks. I closed the door and walked into the living room which is filled with boxed and my sofa placed just where I wanted it! Thank you movers! I opened a box that had kitchen stuff in it. Alright! "Carter! Can you take this box to the kitchen please?" I asked as I handed him the box.
"Sure!" Carter said. He walked into the kitchen and started putting the kitchen stuff in drawers and cabinets. I pulled another box close to me and opened it. More kitchen stuff. I set the box on a table close to the kitchen. I opened another box and....more kitchen stuff! Plates in this one. Cups and Mugs, with glasses in the other one. "Ugh Alicia?"
"Yes Carter?" I asked.
"Are you hungry?" Carter asked as he came into the living room.
"I am actually how did you know?" I asked happily.
"I could hear you stomach growl all the way from the kitchen." Carter said. I heard my stomach growl.
"Do you know the number for Panera delivery?" I asked taking out my phone.
"Yeah. Good choice for breakfast!" Carter said. I handed him my phone and he tapped the numbers for the delivery. I guess they picked up and they asked what we would like to order. "What do you want to order?" Carter whispered to me.
"Broccoli Cheddar Soup." I whispered to him.
"One bread bowl Broccoli Cheddar Soup and One bread bowl Mac & Cheese please." Carter ordered. After a minute he said thank you and hung up the phone.
"Alright. The guy said it would take about five minutes to get here." Carter said.
"Wait...wouldn't they have to make it first? That would take more than five minutes." I said.
"Well they would have it pre-made and then deliver it." Carter explained.
"Oh...but wait....what IF they made something and it went bad? Then they would throw out perfectly good food!" I said.
"True. Well I guess they don't think well." Carter said. "Anyways, they said that it'll cost $11.28." I quickly grabbed my bag and opened it and pulled out fifteen bucks.
"Alright!" I said as I held the money in my hand.
"Why are you paying?" Carter asked.
"Well I don't want you paying!" I said as he ruffled his hand through his pj pockets.
"Oh shoot..." Carter whispered to himself.
"You don't have your wallet do you?" I asked. He shook his head.
"Oh come on....Okay, I'll be right back. I'm going to run to my house and grab my wallet. DO. NOT. PAY." Carter said as he put on his boots and jacket and ran across the street and then started running left and then turned right and disappeared around the corner. I closed my door and shook my head. Carter is really nice! But! I'm still paying no matter what he says. I went back to the table that I set the box on and brought it into the kitchen. I brought the other box in and set it on the counter. I opened a drawer and saw that Carter had put the spoon, forks, and knifes away. I closed the drawer and took out the glasses, mugs and cups and started putting it in the cabinets. I then started putting the plates in the cabinet next to it. I put the empty boxes back in the living room and looked at the other boxes......dear lord.....I had ordered new furniture along with new stuff for my room. Hopefully CJ helps me assemble the furniture together....just then I heard the door bell ring. That's probably Carter. I got up and opened the door to reveal....not Carter. The guy had black hair that was an inch away from his neck, blue eyes, a green shirt that had the word "Panera" on it, black pants and sneakers. He was holding a bag that had "Panera" on it. He was looking down at a check book. I already had my fifteen bucks out and ready to give it to him.
"Hi there. You ordered a bread bowl of Mac & Cheese and a bread bowl of Broccoli Cheddar Soup-" Before he finished, he looked up at me and it looked like he went into a daze?
"Yep! My friend Carter ordered but he had to run home to fetch something. So its $11.28? Right?" I asked holding out my fifteen bucks with a smile. He was still staring at me. I waved my other hand in front of his face and he snapped out of it.
"O-Oh....*ahem*......Sorry beautiful! I was just staring at your gorgeous eyes." The guy said as he leaned on the door. Was he.....flirting with me?
"U-Umm....I'm sorry but uhh....what...did you call me?" I asked. He was smirking now.
"Beautiful. But I called your eyes G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S." He said with sweet smile.
"U-Umm....N-not to be rude....but.....did you come here to flirt or do your job?" I asked putting my hand on my hip and held out the fifteen bucks again.
"OH! Well I got caught there! Haha. Sorry. $11.28 beautiful!" The guy said as he held out his hand all gentlemen like with a bow. I turned around a laughed SO HARD.
"Haha! Alright Casanova! Here ya go!" I joked. He took the money all sassy like and gave me the bag. Why....does this remind me of someone....?
"Casanova? That's something I have never been called before!" He said with a smile. He then held his hand out. "Sorry for hitting on you like that. My name is Trevor. I actually live right next to you." He introduced himself. I took his hand and shook it.
"Nice meeting you Trevor. My name is Alicia. I just moved here." I introduced.
"I can tell. The prankster that lived here shot fireworks into my backyard while I was in the hot tub.....I'm SO glad he's gone....but I feel bad for the neighborhood that he went to.....he probably will make a lot of people mad..." Trevor said. Oh god....the prankster is REALLY, REALLY Hardcore in his pranks....
"Oh god....I'm so sorry that happened to you." I said.
"Ah it's alright! At least I didn't get hurt. My brother was throwing pebbles at the guy's house and cracked five of his windows." Trevor said.
"Well...brothers look out for each other!" I said happily.
"True! But I'm sorry beautiful, I have to get going to my job...I hope I get to see you again." Trevor said ashe held my hand and kissed it. I blushed and laughed. He's a nice guy!.......but also a Casanova-wait........Casanova? LAURANCE! THE CASANOVA IN MINECRAFT DIARIES. HOW ON EARTH DID I NOT REALIZE THIS EARLIER?!?!
"See ya later Casanova-I MEAN....Trevor." I said politely. Trevor's cheeks became a light pink and he laughed. He waved bye and got in his car and started the engine. He looked like he was about Carter's age! He then drove away. I was about to close the door we someone slammed their hand on it to keep it open. I looked at the person and it was...C-Carter....
"You. Payed." Carter said. I held up three fingers to his face.
"Three words Carter. I. Wanted. Too." I said happily. Carter entered the house and closed the door. I handed him the bag as we walked into the kitchen.
"Alicia....Let me make up for yesterday please!" Carter said.
"You already made up for it!" I said taking out the bread bowls and putting them on separate plates and brought them to the table. We started eating and having conversations for like....what? ten....fifteen minutes? Then Carter's phone started ringing. Carter answered it and looked at me. He then held out the phone to me. I took it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Alicia? HELP ME." It was Trevor!
"W-Wha....What's wrong?!" I asked
"There's a girl here that SNUCK INTO MY CAR AND STOWED AWAY TO PANERA WITH ME. AND SHE CLAIMS TO KNOW YOU." Trevor said. I think he was going to say something but someone took the phone out of his hand.
"Hi Alicia! I'm at Panera!" Wait....EMILY?!?!?
"EMILY?!?!?!" I asked nervously. Carter started chocking on his Mac & Cheese.
"W-WHAT ABOUT HER?!" Carter asked.
"GIMMIE A SEC!" I said. "Emily! Why are you there?!"
"I'm playing hide & seek with Lilyana!" Emily said. Lilyana...? Just then the door bell rang. I signaled Carter to get it. Once he went and opened it. A girl with light blue hair, purple eyes, cat ears, and a light blue tail. She was wearing a black fur coat, a lilac dress under it, fluffy black pants, and winter boots. She looked like she was crying.
"CARTER! I'M SO SORRY! I lost Emily!" She said.
"Lilyana! Its okay! I think I know where she is...." Carter said with a serious face. I went back to the phone and sighed.
"Hello?" I asked.
"I got my phone back....Do you know her?!" Trevor asked. It sounded like he was trying to contain her.
"Yes! Emily in my friend's little sister." I said looking to Carter who was comforting Lilyana.
"Alright. Please come and get her! Hurry!" Trevor said as he hung up. I gave the phone to Carter.
"She stowed away in Trevor's car without him knowing while playing hide & seek with Lilyana and now shes at Panera." I explained.
"You have to be kidding me......." Carter said ruffling his hair.
"I'm sorry....Hi my name is Lilyana Isabella Meadow.I'm thirteen years old and Carter hires me to babysit his little sister." Lilyana said.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Alicia. But I think I can introduce myself later because we have to get Emily." I said. Carter took some car keys out of his pocket.
"Come on. Let's head to my house and I'll start up my car." Carter said. I put on my jacket and fur boots and took my bag with me. My phone is in it....oh god Emily went to far this time.... We walked quickly to Carter's house and it looked like it had two floors. It was a light brown. I sat Carter dash over to his car and started it up. I sat in the back seat while Lilyana sat in the passengers seat and Carter sat in the drivers seat. Once we took off, we passed by houses on Queen street. We eventually came to shops and stores. We passed stores like Walmart, stop & shop....OH! Olive Garden! He then turned a corner and came to Panera's parking lot. Carter parked and we all got out. I saw Trevor inside by the door holding Emily over his shoulder. Wow hes muscular a bit. The three of us entered and turned to Trevor.
"THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE." Trevor said putting Emily in Carter's hands and hugging me.
"I'm so sorry the trouble Emily caused you." Carter apologized while putting Emily down and telling her to wait. She can see that Carter was mad. She was just looking down sad.
"Well that doesn't matter anymore." Trevor said pouting.
"How come?" I asked.
"I got fired." Trevor said. My jaw dropped along with Carter's jaw and Lilyana's jaw.
"I'm so sorry. This is my I hadn't agreed to play hide & seek with Emily....this would've never happened...." Lilyana said looking down. Carter tapped Emily's shoulder and motioned her to apologize. She stepped forward to Trevor and Lilyana.
"I'm sorry I got you fired mister....and I'm sorry for worrying you Lilyana..." Emily said with a sad look.
"Its alright....just don't do that again..." Lilyana said hugging Emily.
"Its......fine. I'm sure there's other jobs out there." Trevor said. Carter led Emily and Lilyana out to the car. I was then left with Trevor as we walked outside.
"Sorry Trevor....we didn't mean to cause you so much trouble..." I apologized.
"It's not your fault. Kids will take fun to far sometimes and what they won't know is how bad it will effect others around them." Trevor stated as he leaned against the wall. He sighed and frost came out of his mouth. I guess its getting that cold....
" costed you getting fired." I said.
"Yeah....I'm going to have to find a new job. Do you think they'll hire at Pizza hut?" Trevor asked with a smile. I giggled.
"I'm sure they will." I said happily. Trevor blushed and hugged me.
"You know....I didn't mean to come off as a Casanova earlier." Trevor said.
"I know. You're a pretty nice guy." I said happily. "Now! I have to get going. You're more than welcome to come to my house whenever."
"I'll be sure to help you unpack your stuff soon." Trevor said. I smiled and waved goodbye to him. I got into Carter's car and we drove back to Queen Street. Dear lord today was tiring.....wait.....
"*GASP*" I gasped.
"What?!" Carter and Lilyana asked.
"Carter! Our Soups! We didn't finish them!" I said.
"OH NO!" Carter said with a pouty face. Lilyana looked...displeased?
"You guys....were having soup together?" Lilyana asked looking at me while her cat ears drooped down.
"Yeah. We ordered Panera from that Trevor guy." Carter said.
"Oh...I see." Lilyana said. Wait....she got sad once I mentioned having soup with Carter.....does she like Carter? I moved closer to Lilyana and went to her ear and whispered.
"Don't worry! Carter and I are just friends!" I whispered. Thank god Carter had his music on from the car's radio. He didn't hear it! I saw Lilyana's ears perk up and she blushed and smiled. So she does like Carter! Haha! Nice Lilyana. I noticed the moon was out in the daylight. Nice! I sat back and took out my phone and put my earphones in. I started listening to King Harvest- Dancing in the Moonlight.
Flopsy: Chapter three is done! Lilyana7777 wanted to be in Queen Street and so I said yes! I'M SHIPPING LILYANA WITH CARTER!!!!! Hmm what would the ship name be? #Caryana or #Lilyer IDK!!!! Leave a ship name for those two! Cuz I love it so far! (once again another long chapter!!) Hope everyone likes! Flopsy over and out!
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