Chapter 1: Welcome to Queen Street

Flopsy: Hello my little bunnies! Welcome to a new story! Some Magic maybe!! But I'll be adding made up characters and real friends in this! :D Hope you guys like! 


Alicia's Point of View.....

I woke up to a sudden halt of the moving van. I shot up from my sleeping bag and looked around to only see boxes and boxes of stuff from my old neighborhood. I finally got enough money from my job at Barnes and Nobles to get my own house and higher a moving van. Of course my mom was saying "You won't last a day in a house on your own." She just wants to change my mind about leaving. Well! I didn't work! I'm not a child anymore. I'm fourteen! I mean...I'm a teen! Not an adult...but I can still take care of myself! I packed my sleeping bag and put it into a random crate. I then opened the back of the moving van and shielded my eyes from the light with my hand. I took my hand away. W-wow....I stepped out of the van and looked around. Beautiful houses and flourished land. I looked to the right and new house. It looked like it has a garage, a I danced around happily because this is AMAZING! Okay! OKAY! First thing of order! Explore my house while the movers unload my things! 

I was wearing my bunny sweater since it was cold, along with some woolly pants and slippers. I moved my hair away from my eyes and adjusted my nerdy glasses. My dark brown hair that looked black was an inch under my shoulders. I walked on the pathway to my house. I noticed blue flowers and lavender flowers along the pathway. I bent down and smelled them...mostly the lavender. I love the scent! I then came to the door and inserted the key into the slot and turned it to the right. Once I turned the nob, I came to the doorstep and looked at a side table and there wasn't anything on it. I was looking around for any pranks. The last owner was a prankster. And the movers warned me that the prankster said that he left a "surprise" for the next person who lives I have to watch out. I closed the door and walked a bit further. To my left was a big room where I'm guessing that was where the living room would be. In front of me was the stairs to the second floor. To my right was a hallway with different doors. I went down the hallway and came to another room that looked smaller than the others. I'm guessing this is the kitchen. There is an opening over the stove, sink, and counter. Through that opening was a large table which is the dining area. Cool! I noticed a door leading outside from the kitchen. Once I opened the door, I came to porch with a table outside that had an umbrella open over it. Its winter and this is still out? I walked down the porch onto the grass and saw a hot tube. Oh WOW! I never had one before! I then heard my door bell ring. OH SHOOT. I ran to the door but calmed myself down before I answered it. There was a window next to the door so I didn't want anyone looking at me like I look messy. I want to make a good impression! I put on a smile and looked through the window. I saw a girl in a light blue sweater with a heart on it, same type of woolly pants as me, and blue wool boots. She had green eyes, and medium length blonde hair. 

"O-Oh! Hello there!" I said with a smile. 

"Hi there! I heard you're a new resident on Queen Street! Welcome!" The girl greeted. I smiled happily.

"Thank you! I can already this is a great neighborhood! My name is Alicia and its nice to meet you!" I said holding out my hand for her to shake. She held it and shook. 

"Thats a nice name! My name is Emma. I lived here alone ever since about a year ago. I'm thirteen years old." Emma said. WOW! SO I'm not the only young one in the town that lives alone!

"Nice to meet you! I'm fourteen years old and I live alone too!" I said. I then noticed that the movers already brought everything in. 

"Oh wow! Hmm...well since you're not fully settled in yet, how about you come over tonight?" Emma asked. Well I don't really have any food yet....AND! I don't want to be rude and turn her down. 

"Sure! What time?" I asked. Emma started thinking. 

"Hmmm....maybe seven o'clock? Is that alright with you?" Emma asked. 

"Yep! Perfectly fine!" I said happily. 

"Great! OH! soap opera will have a new episode tonight....I hope you don't mind but I'll be watching something called "Minecraft Diaries"?" Emma said. Wait...WHAT?! SHE LIKES THAT TOO?!

"Wait you like Minecraft Diaries?! Me too!" I said.

"OH Awesome! This will be great! I'll see you later!" Emma said as she ran back to her house. I waved bye. She seems really nice-wait......WHERE DOES SHE LIVE?! I FORGOT TO ASK!!!!! DARN IT! I went back in my house. I shook it off. Later! I'll ask around later! But I'll explore my house a bit more. I ran back to my backyard and looked around. After I walked to the grass I looked at the hot tub and smiled. I can't wait to get in it! I then looked at the porch and saw some doors in the floor against it. What could be in it? OH WAIT! I know this! There's doors in the ground for a reason! Its when tornados or twisters came around. People would go in it and wait for the tornados and twisters to pass. I was about to open it but I then thought about something....wait.....tornados and twisters don't come around in these parts.....why would this be here? What if the owner was a maniac and done some weird stuff in there?! No no no no NO! I backed away from doors and shook my head. I ran back inside and got scared. NO WAY AM I GOING IN THERE! I walked into the narrow hallway and open a door on the left. I then turned on a light and saw stairs going downwards....I'm guessing that's the basement.....great. WELL NOT GOING DOWN THERE. I turned off the light and closed the door. I then heard the door bell ring. 

"I'M COMING!"  I shouted. I ran to the door and fixed myself up again. I looked threw the window and saw a boy about sixteen with dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, leather jacket, Slipknot shirt (which is a heavy metal band), jeans, and creepers (a type of shoe). His hair was an inch away from his shoulders. "Oh! Hi there!" I said. 

"Hey there. I heard that someone new was moving in here." He said.

"Yep! This neighborhood is pretty cool so far! I love this house too!" I said happily. Why did he blush a bit? 

"I'm glad you like it here. My name is Carter. I live in the house behind the one across from you." He said pointed to the house. I could tell that the tree house belongs to him.

"Oh cool!" I said. He nodded and smiled. 

"Yep! I'm a sixteen year old that lives with my six year old sister." Carter said. 

"Aww that's sweet!" I said. 

"I didn't really choose to live with her. My parents said that shes going to live with me because they're to busy with stuff." Carter said. 

"Oh. Well how is it living with her? If you don't mind me asking." I asked. 

"Its alright. Living with her is.....kind of a pain. I have to make food for her, control her tantrums....and she loves to play hide and seek...ugh...." Carter said. 

"Well....that's how a kid is supposed to act!" I said. He nodded.

"Yeah....but it gives me headaches sometimes." Carter said.

"I can only imagine." I joked. He looked at me and smiled.

"Haha. Yeah...welp! I just wanted to say Welcome into Queen Street! There's a lot of people here that are really nice so I'm sure you'll make great friends already!"Carter said with a smile. 

"True! I already made one today!" I said. 

"Really? Who?" Carter asked. 

"Her name is Emma. She has blonde hair." I said.

"Oh Emma! Yeah I know her. She lives with her younger sister. Her name is actually Sister." Carter explained.

"Oh nice! I also heard that there was a girl who is a professional instrument player?" I asked. 

"Oh yeah! Morgan! Musical Morgan. She lives across from you. Right now shes at a concert playing for cancer children." Carter explained. Awwww how nice! 

"Awww that's sweet! I would love to meet her." I said. 

"Shes a fun gal to be around. I remember sometimes when she would be home, she would be outside playing her violin. My little sister and I would be listening from our tree house." Carter explained. 

"That's cool. I listened to her violin once on the internet and it was beautiful." I said. 

"Yep. Well I don't mean to be rude but I have to get back to my little sister-" Before he could finish, a little girl with dirty blonde hair in a ponytail came up behind him and tugged his jacket.

"Bro! Lets play hide and seek!" She said. 

"W-Wha- EMILY! I told you to wait-" 

"You're it brother! I'll be hiding!" The girl I think who's name is Emily ran into my house and was already out of sight. 

"EMILY!" Carter shouted. I stepped out of the way and he came in. "UGH!!!! EMILY COME OUT RIGHT NOW!" She didn't come out. 

"Um?" I said quietly. Carter then looked at me and scratched the back of his head nervously. 

"Shoot....I'm so sorry. THAT was my little sister Emily. Once again she LOVES to play hide and seek...I don't mean to cause this much trouble...." Carter apologized. 

"Its alright...but I guess that's a kid." I said. Carter ruffled his hair more and then sighed. 

"Okay. Look. Please help me find her. I promise if you help me find her then I'll make it up to you." Carter requested. I smiled. 

"I'll help you any way! You don't have to repay me." I said. 

"Thank you so much.....ugh.....I don't know your name?" Carter said. 

"Oh sorry! My name is Alicia! You can call me Al or Ali." I said. 

"Well okay! Thank you so much Alicia. I'll search downstairs you search upstairs." Carter directed. I nodded and he walked around on the bottom floor. I walked up the stairs that were in front of me and looked around at the top. I saw five doors and a door at the ceiling. I'm guessing that's the attic. I went into the first door on the left and came to a bathroom with a toilet, a tub and a shower combined, two sinks, a cabinet over the sink, and a closet across from the two sinks. I looked into the closet and saw it was empty. I looked in the shower and tub and saw nothing. Okay so she isn't in here. I walked out of the bathroom and closed the door and went into the next bathroom. It was the same as the last one. Still no little girl in it. I then went to the third room and came into a master bedroom. I opened the closet and saw nothing again. There was a bathroom with a shower and bath combined, a sink next to it, toilet, and a closet by the window. I opened the closet and there was nothing once again! Same for the tub. I exited the bathroom and closed the door. I went to the closet in the master bedroom and opened it. I came to a big closet. Wow there is a lot of room in here! And also nothing! I closed the closet and walked to the window in the master bed room. I got a better look at Carter's house. It looks really cool! I think I would make this my room. I left the master bedroom and looked into the last two rooms. I'm guessing they're guest rooms. I checked the closets and under the beds that were already there. Natha. No little girl. After I left the rooms and went down stairs, I saw Carter looking in the bathroom that was next to the stairs. 

"Nothing?" He asked. I shook my head. 

"Nope. I'm guessing you haven't found her either?" I asked. 

"Correct....Do you have a basement? Or anything like that?" Carter asked. 

"Yeah I do but I haven't gone down it. There's also another place in the backyard which is like a basement." I said. 

"Alright. Can you lead me to the basement?" Carter asked I nodded and led him there. I opened the door and turned on the light. "I'll search down here and you search the other basement in the backyard." Carter said as he walked down the stairs. Oh great. I didn't object because I didn't want to sound like a wuss. I ran to the backyard and found basement #2........*snicker* Haha! #2. I laughed internally. I mean....this basement can't be THAT bad! Once I opened the doors-OH MY GOD!

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" I screeched. I jumped back HOW MANY FEET?! My face was plastered with horror. I stumbled over a rock and fell on my butt. I scooted away until I had my back to the tree. OH GOD WHY WAS THAT THERE?! WAIT. THE OWNER BEFORE ME! HE SAID HE LEFT A SURPRISE! 

"Alicia! Are you okay-" I heard Carter ask but when he saw what I saw, he yelled along with Emily. "WHAT THE-" 

"HE IS SUCH A PRANKSTER!!!!" I shouted as I pointed to the shutter doors. Carter picked up a thick branch the must have fallen and swung it at the prank. The prank thingy was a "Jeff the Killer" poster that was set up right so once you opened the shutters, you OF COURSE GET FRIGHTENED. Carter walked over to me and patted my back. He helped me back up and I dusted myself off. DEAR LORD THAT SCARED ME SO MUCH. 

"Well that was....unexpected....also I found Emily in the basement in the house." Carter pointed out. 

"I-I'm.....*huff* glad....." I wheezed.

"You alright?" Carter asked. 

"Y-Y..*Huff*....NOPE." I said. Carter patted my back. 

"Well that's done now." Carter said. I nodded. 

"Yeah...I'm glad you found Emilly though!" I said with a smile. 

"I'm glad too. That reminds me, Emily. You're grounded." Carter said facing me and smiling mischievously. 

"Okay!" Emily said as she marched happily away. I looked at Carter giving him the "That's it?" look. He put his finger up and got ready to say something.

"AND I'M CHANGING THE WIFI PASSWORD!" Carter shouted with a smirk. Emily then looked at him and made a sad look. 

"B-BUT CARTERRRRRRRR!" Emily pouted. 

"NO BUTS! GO WAIT AT THE DOOR FOR ME NOW!" Carter commanded. Emily stomped to the front door with a sad face. Carter and I looked at each other and smiled. 

"So is that how you keep her in line? By changing the Wifi password?" I asked. Carter nodded. 

"Yep! I know that if I take her computer, her phone, anything that can access the internet...she'll always find another way to get back on the internet! So I change to Wifi password along with changing the password on her phone and computer." Carter explained triumphantly. I clapped. 

"Smart thinking!" I said. Carter stepped back a bit and bowed a couple times. 

"Thank you very much!" Carter said playfully. I laughed. "Well I should get going. Thank you again for helping me find her. I'll try and make it up to you some how." 

"I said you didn't have to make it up to me at all! Its alright!" I said happily as we walked back into my house. He blushed. 

"You're to sweet." Carter said with a smile.

"Aww thank you!" I said. I opened the door for Carter and Emily and waved goodbye to them as they walked back to there house. I smiled. Well...I made two new friends! Urk....three I should say....the sun was already starting to go down....OH SHOOT! I should have asked him where Emma lives since he knows her! DARNNNNN!!!!! I know she lives somewhere to right of my house.....Okay.....I found my box of all my clothes and accessories in the living room. I put on a flowing strapless blue dress that went down to my knees. I put on light blue leggings and black fur boots. I then put on a fluffy black jacket and a light blue bunny hat. It was one of those hats that had long ends and at the ends were pockets. I then grabbed my bag which had my drawing stuff in it along with my IPod with my Dargon Ball Z cover that flipped open and close. I hooked it close and put it back in my bag. I then stood up and found my key to my house. I turned off all the lights in the house and opened the door. I was then blasted with cold air. I fixed my nerdy glasses and went outside. I closed and locked my door. Before I started moving, I put my key away along with plugging my earplugs in. I started playing "Nightcore - Coming Home" Hopefully I find Emma'a house soon! 


Flopsy: WOW! Okay this has to be the longest chapter I have EVER written! New Flopsy record! WOOP WOOP! Okay! First Chapter of Queen Street done! :D YAY! I hope you guys like it so far! I also want to thank you guys for thirty followers! I'm so Happy! YAYYYYYY!!!!! I'm going to call my followers "Bunnies" So thank you for thirty bunnies! Means a lot to me knowing that there are people who like my creativity! :D Flopsy over and out!

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