Chapter 3: Y/n's and Leina's journey begins
A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, now I'm not going to keep you waiting let the chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
Me and Leina were following Risty, but I soon noticed that we ended up in a familiar path with an archway. I wasn't the only one to notice this as well, Leina notices this as well and is probably thinking what I'm thinking.
Leina: We're here?
Y/n: Yup, the place where we encountered that Melona woman... And the place where I woke up.
Risty: What's the delay? Come on you two.
Leina: Oh, sure.
Y/n: right behind you.
We both run up to Risty to catch up, once we do so we get a view of the land scape that has a wall dividing the lands. The other side of the wall shows a small city with flourishing grass, while the side we're on is as barren as a dessert.
Leina: That must be the Great Wall, the entrance to the Queen's domain.
Risty: It doesn't look like Claudette's been back here.
Leina: Huh?
Y/n: Look at the flags on top. She's talking about that there's not flag that represents the Vance Family.
Leina: Oh, you're right.
Risty: You catch on quickly.
Y/n: *smiles* Thanks, but that doesn't mean we can let our guard down.
Risty: *teasing tone* Too quickly but jokes aside. We can do this the way we discussed.
Leina: I wonder if it'll work.
Risty: *digs through her pouch* Wanna try predicting it? If it's heads, we'll manage to make our escape.
Y/n: [I'm going to guessed that the coin has two heads on both sides. Since she didn't say or even mentioned tails.]
Risty then tosses the coin up which both Leina and Risty follow until it lands on the ground spinning, I look towards Risty to see that she has a confident smile on her face, while Leina has one of wonder curious on the outcome. I then look towards the coin to see that it has stopped spinning and lands on the "Heads" side of the coin.
Risty: Looks like we're in luck.
Y/n: *smirks* Are you sure about that.~
Leina: *picks up the coin* Hey, both sides of this are heads.
Y/n: [Called it.]
Risty: Nice, huh? It's always good luck.
Leina: Except, it's a fraud.
Risty: Keep it. Maybe it'll do you some good.
Leina: No, thank you. I don't need money from a Thief.
Risty: Money is whatever you make of it. That coin's a lot like you, right now. That's some wisdom from the Benevolent Bandit. It wouldn't hurt to remember it.
Y/n: Some wisdom indeed. But what of me? Any comparisons that you can make?
Risty: Hmm, to be honest. Yours is a mystery, since you don't have all of your memories at the moment. But the best way to describe you is that of a Wild card. *to Leina* Okay, fine. You can give it back once you're a full-fledged fighter.
Leina: You're making fun of me.
Risty: *laughs* No, I'm not. Now, let's go cross that Great Wall.
We then head towards the wall and let Risty do the talking, but I feel like we're being watched by someone. I look towards the windows of the upper floors, but due to the light of the sun I can't make out who could be watching through the window. Which I narrow my eyes and stare at the window with some suspicion.
3rd pov
As Risty, Y/n and Leina discuss with the guards stationed at the wall, in the upper sections of the wall where Y/n was looking, reveals Claudette looking at the three through the window and hears Risty mentioning Leina's last name.
Claudette: So, You'll only mention the Vance name when it benefits you? [While Y/n, he hasn't mention his family's name. But did looked directly at me.]
Back outside Leina was nervous to run into Claudette, while Y/n and Risty did their best to put Leina's nervousness at ease.
Risty: Don't be scared.
Leina: Ye-yeah.
Risty: These lackies can't do anything to you. As long as Claudette's not here, we're fine.
Y/n: She's right, but if anyone does think they have the guts... *focuses a little magic through his hand* They'll have to deal with me.
Y/n then looks towards the window for the last time, along with Leina following Y/n's gaze towards the window. But the two of them didn't look at the window for too long, as Risty calls for them to hurry up.
Risty: What're you two doing? Let's go.
Leina: Wait for me!
Y/n: Right, sorry.
Back in the room that Claudette is in, but only that she isn't alone. With her is a dark skined woman with green hair, red eyes, pointed ears and wears top layer of clothing with red gems in it and bottemless clothes with only a snake wrapped around her waist.
Claudette: All this, just to leave her birdcage...
elf woman: Sorry you have to do this for me.
Claudette: I belive the count's order is to bring Leina back home. Why're you letting her go?
elf woman: I have an idea. Would you mind not issuing orders?
Claudette: I'm not ordering you!
elf woman: I'm Echidna, the Veteran Mercenary. I agreed to this job, but how I handle her is up to me.
Claudette: How you "handle her"?
Echidna: Yes, and that little bird looks positively delicious.~
Claudette: *mutters* What a fool.
Echidna: Though, I do have to ask. What of the young man that's with her, does the count want him as well for marrying his daughter?
Claudette: That young man's name is Y/n L/n. But for him, that is a more complicated question. Even due to his current role of "That" tournament. Along with him having no memories of his role.
Echidna: I see, so... *smirks* I can have a little fun with him.~
This ticked Claudette off and she draws her sword at Echidna, aiming it near her neck. but the said elf woman doesn't do a thing and just smirks, knowing she gotten under Claudette's skin.
Echidna: Touched a nerve there.~
Claudette: If you so much as even leave a cut on him, I will make you regret it.
A/n: Note she's not a yandere, just protective.
Risty's pov
Once we were finally able to get pass the wall without trouble, especially for Leina to be out of Vance territory. While for Y/n I can see that he is looking around, with a neutral expression which I guessed is due to possibly traveling often when he did had his memories.
Leina: Yes! We finally made it out of Vance territory.
Risty: You sound like a little kid.
Leina: Thanks, Risty. You pulled this off.
Risty: I sure did. Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?
Y/n: I'm good, it's just... This place seems familiar, almost like I was suposed to meet someone here.
Risty: Any idea who?
Y/n: No, not yet. But should we go to an inn to rent out a room?
Risty: *smirks* You've read my mind. And who knows you could share a room with me and Leina, if lucky a bed with one of us.~
Leina\Y/n: *blushed* Risty!!!!! That's too forward!!!!!!
Risty: *laughs* Kidding! Just wanted to see both of your reactions.
After that little fun for my part, we head to an inn to rest for the night. Of course, I ended up getting two rooms one with two beds for me and Leina, while Y/n gets a room with a single bed and paid his part of the room cost. Once that was done, Y/n was in his room which is luckily on the same floor. While Leina and I are in our room with the said Vance sitting on the bed stretching her arms out.
Leina: *sigh of relief* I'm so tired.
Risty: We'll stay here for the night. Now, come on.
Leina: Huh?
We leave the room to see Y/n exiting his after settling in, then we went off to the market area to gather supplies for the journey ahead. Once there we walk by a fruit stand, which Leina was the first to act once she saw the fruit on display.
Leina: Hey! this fruit looks good. *picks up a melon and holds it to Risty* Here, Risty.
Risty: *rubs the back of her head* For journeys, you need small food that'll keep well. It's pointless if it's so heavy it tires you out.
Leina: Oh, I thought it would be good for water content and sweetness. Oh well.
Y/n: Hey, at least you thought of having something to rehydrate yourself.
Risty: *brings out a something square wrapped with cloth* Here. It's dried meat. That works the best.
Leina gives it some thought, then after we taken care of food and drink supplies, we went to a clothing store mainly to find something to keep the heat of the sun off oneself. Leina then picks out a large white cloth and asks what I think.
Leina: This one?
Risty: No.
Leina: Really? But white repels sunlight, and it's light enough not to wear me out. Besides, it's cute.
Risty: And easy to see, for your enemy.
Leina: This really isn't easy.
Y/n: Of course, it isn't. Nothing in life is going to be easy, hell. Take it from me, a guy with little to know memory is easy prey to take advantage of.
Risty: He's got a point. But it does looks like you're putting some thought into it.
This brings a small smile to Leina's face, which I don't need to see that it got Y/n to blush. Which does mean he is easy to tease once in a while, but after that we head to a small dinner and further discuss more along with getting a bite to eat.
Risty: One thing's for sure, I'm glad things have gone this well so far.
Leina: Me too.
Y/n: [Why do I feel like she jinxed it.] That maybe so, it's best to not let your guard down, even in a public area like this.
Risty: *smiles* You two are free to go where you want now, too. This makes us about even.
Y/n: *smiles* True, though I did enjoy getting to know ya, Risty.
Leina: Yes, and thanks. Where will you go from here, Risty?
Risty: Straight to the Queen's Capital, Gynos! But that sounds boring. Maybe I'll stop by the ruins of Amara in the desert.
Leina: Ruins of Amara?
Y/n: *mutters* Queen's Captial... Gynos...
Risty: That's right. People say they're haunted by the evil spirit of a cursed princess.
Leina: Sounds scary, but fun!
Y/n: *chuckles* You're too cute for your own good, Leina.
Leina blushed from Y/n's comment, but then ask if she could come with me. But I reminded her and Y/n about our agreement to go our separate ways, But then both me and Leina are distracted by a snake slithering on our table. Which makes both of us terrified of it, but Y/n seems unbothered by it for some reason. But the snake then passes us which makes me more relieved.
Risty: We might meet again on our journeys. *stands up* I'll pay for this meal and our lodging, as a favor.
Igo to reach for my pouch to pay for our meal, but I can't find it! I look to see that it is missing from my belt.
Risty: I've been robbed! My money's stolen!
Leina: *surprised and quickly stands up* Some woman just left!
Risty: that snake was hers!
Leina: *looks around* Uh, where's Y/n?
I look around to see he is gone too, then I look down at the table to see some money on the table which is enough to pay for our food.
Risty: [Did Y/n paid for this? Where did he had his money pouch?]
3rd pov
The woman known as Echidna stands a good ways away from the dinner, while her snake wraps itself around her waist. She smirks thinking she gotten the two girls good, but is impressed that Y/n was unbothered by her snake, but it makes no difference for her as her plan is already in motion.
Echidna: Shame, What I would do to see his reaction.~
????: That is going to be tough for you.
Before Echidna could react, a sword is aimed at her throat feeling someone behind her. Which Echidna glances back to see that it was Y/n, with his hood up glaring at the woman.
Echidna: My, this is interesting.~ It's not very easy to sneak up someone like me.
Y/n: One of the reasons why I don't let my guard down. Now your going to tell me, what Claudette has paid you to do and don't think of using your little pet snake.
Echidna then looks down to see that, Y/n has his free hand clenched around the snake's head while the said reptile struggles to get out of his grip. This makes Echidna impressed on how Y/n caught her, which makes the said elf woman smile knowing that she could have some fun with Y/n.
Echidna: Your sharper than you look, I can almost see why Claudette has her sights on you. But since your the first to catch me off guard, I'll indulge you in the reason.
-back with Leina and Risty-
Back in the girls room, they were lucky that Y/n has paid for their meal due to Risty's coin pouch being stolen, but have no idea where Y/n is. Leina thinks that Y/n is after the pouch stealer, while Risty sits on one of the beds unbothered by their predicament.
Risty: Possession is nine tenths of the law. I was careless for letting her take it.
Leina: Risty...
Risty: *smirks while looking at a poster she found* Looks like this place turns into a gambling den at night.
Leina: A gambling den?
Risty: Which means their safe would be loaded!
Leina: You shouldn't steal!
Risty: We can't get out of here if we don't have money. So much for journeying.
Leina: Then we'll both work for it.
Risty then shows the poster she was looking at, which has a picture of two women in a ring in posing for a fighting tournament. Which Leina looks at the poster with interest and curious in her eyes.
Leina: What's this about?
Risty: Prize fighting.
Leina: You mean we can earn money?
Risty: Yeah.
Leina: Alright, I'm going to enter! Risty, promise me.
Risty: Huh?
Leina: We'll use the money I win to continue our journey together.
Later at night in the place where the fights happen, Leina is in the ring with another female fighter both wearing an outfit that leaves little to the imagination.
Leina: *mutters to herself* I can't afford to be embarrassed... I'm here to make money!
She tries her best to ignore the announcer, who comments on Leina's breast and butt to stay focused on her opponent. while inside the ring is a liquid like substance that only reaches, both fighter's feet. while in the stands Risty watches the fight, but unknown to her Echidna appears from the shadows of the stands with her usual smile.
Echidna: Are you concerned about her?
Risty: It's you again!
Back in the ring, the bell sounds off and starts the fight between the two fighters with a brown haired woman motioning Leina to make the first move with her finger.
brown haired fighter: Come on, newbie!
Leina charges at her, making both fighters start with the crowd going wild from the action going on between two women. While in the stands Echidna now stands next to Risty leaning against the railing, while Risty keeps her eyes on the elf woman.
Risty: Why would you be interested in people with no money?
Echidna: Whatever do you mean?
Risty: What's done is done, and I'm not complaining. Just get lost, unless you know were Y/n is.
Echidna: You sure are a good sport. As for the young man who got the drop on me, he's meeting with someone else. But he did snatch your coin pouch back, so to expect him to return it to you. Or is all the money here your true concern? ...Risty, Benevolent Bandit of the wild?
This Catches Risty's attention seeing that Echidna knows who she is, while back in the ring Leina's opponent moves to the side evading Leina. But Leina uses the liquid substance to her advantage, splashing it on her opponent who uses her arm to block it. But this leave the female fighter wide open for Leina to get behind her opponent and push her to the ground, landing face first in to the liquid substance.
brown haired fighter: Y-You bitch!
Leina: *confident smile* [I can beat her.]
Meanwhile with Risty and Echidna, the elf woman lead the bandit into a room where the heads of the fights keep the cash that their customers had paid for. Which Risty is surprised at the load of cash she is seeing, while Echidna is indifferent and keeps her calm expression.
Risty: There's quite a bit of money here! Just the way I like it!
Echidna: It's just pocket change. By late nightm there'll be dozens of times this amount...
Risty: So what do you want me to do?
Echidna: *giggles* I'm glad you don't beat around the bush. It's about little miss Vance...
-small time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/n and Chibi Leina sleeping under a tree, with a Chibi Nanael in the sky being jealous and a Chibi Herrscher of Sentience lurking in a bush-
After Leina had won her fight against her opponent, she baths herself in a bath to clean off the sweat and liquid substance off of her. While Risty is leaning against a piler just above the small steps.
Leina: Did you watch me, Risty? I earned the money, just like we promised.
Risty: I didn't promised anything. Besides, five gold coins doesn't amount to anything. Earn about a hundred, and then you can talk big. Apparently the prizes are bigger late at night.
Leina: I...
Risty: You have to decide.
Leina: I'll enter. And I'll win!
Risty: Good answer. Now Risty, Benevolent Bandit of the Wild, will give you a tip.
Leina: A tip?
Risty: Make your escape before you die. Got it? That's battle know-how.
Leina: I already know that.
Risty: Good for you. Best of luck.
Leina: Risty...
Leina's pov
After cleaning myself in the bath, I return to the fights at late night and placed the coin that Risty gave me.
Leina: Here's my entry fee, one gold coin. It'll be mine again, soon enough.
After some time I was now in the ring that was being filled with oil instead of mud, that I was in during my first match. I was in a different outfit that was embarrassing to wear, but still showed some of my skin.
Leina: It's oil?
announcer: Here's what you've been waiting for! Our next challenger, Leina! She's today's hot topic and hot newcomer! Her opponent, the undefeated king of the ring, Echidna!
I look right at my opponent, who was a dark skinned elf with a snake wrapped around her lower area. But her name, I feel like I've heard of her before or at least by someone else only by a different title.
Leina: [Echidna... She looks strong. Can I win this? I've done well so far. I have to win!]
Echidna: You're cute when you try to intimidate.
I go to make the first move, but due to how slippery the oil is makes it hard for me to get my footing down and fall on my butt. I hear the crowd laughing from me slipping along with the announcer warning to watch my step, then Echidna presents her han to me to help me up.
Echidna: Here.
Leina: *takes her hand and stands up* Thanks.
Echidna: *chuckles* Stupid girl.
In an instant, she pulled me close to her and restricts my arms from getting free along with me grunting in pain.
Echidna: Oh yeah, I love that expression.
She then licks some oil off my face, which then I wrapped my arms around her and try to lift her off the ground. But that to proves some difficulty, as I only got her barely off the ground.
Echidna: Okay, and?
We then fall on the oil filled ground, with me on top of Echidna, while the said elf woman's body is submerged in the oil. But she seems unphased by my action, almost like she is toying with me.
Echidna: What'll you do next?
She then pulled a reversal move on me, by sliding from underneath me and putting me in a hold with Echidna sitting on my back and her hands on my chin.
Echidna: Now, let's get started. *licks her lips*
She then puts me into another hold, only this time she is gabbing my legs and still sitting on top of my back.
Echidna: How does this feel?
Leina: It-It hurts!
Echidna: Oh, I'm so happy you enjoy it.
I then hear the crowd call out to Echidna to finish me off, along with one random man to "strip me." which surprisingly Echidna released me from the hold and proceeds to scare off the amount of people out of the building, which also helps me to get my barring's again.
Echidna: Pardon the delay.~
Risty's pov
I knocked out the guards that were guarding the vault, which I'm able to take tonight's profits just like what Echidna said. As I was dumping the cash into a large pouch, I couldn't help but notice a certain coin in with the pile. I picked it up to see that it was the one with two heads, like the one I gave Leina.
Risty: Look what I found. I found a good-luck coin. I guess it's not the same one. It's been fun, Leina. I'm sure you'll get your lucky break, too.
????: So Your leaving her.
I turn and pull out my mace, only to see Y/n was standing in the doorway leaning against the frame glancing at me. I put my mace away, since Echidna did mention that she had already met Y/n, but I'm not sure if he is going along with her plan.
Risty: Y/n, where have you been?
Y/n: Just having a little chat with a certain someone. But you didn't answer my question, Risty.
Risty: Yeah, taking the cash and leaving. Why are you going to try and stop me?
Y/n: No, just debating if, I should give... *pulls out Risty's coin pouch* This back to you.
Risty: My coin pouch!
Y/n: Yup, the same one that Echidna stole from you.
Risty: Let me guess, you going to try to talk me out of Echidna's plan?
Y/n: Nope, just a promise. I have a feeling you, Leina and I will meet again, but I will stick with Leina during her journey. But do keep this in mind, *glares* don't try to walk out on someone who was looking up to you, "Benevolent Bandit of the Wild."
Y/n then tosses my coin pouch to me, but instead of catching it I simply stared at Y/n as he leaves along with the words he said. Then look at the coin with two heads in my hand, giving it a good look at it.
3rd pov
After Leina lost her match with Echidna and was given the antidote from her pet snake, Leina returns to the room that her and Risty shared. Leina was working up the courage to face Risty and opens the door expecting to see Risty in the room.
Leina: Risty, I'm back. I wound up losing, though. Risty?
Instead Leina was seeing an empty room with no one in it, expect for her bag on her bed while seeing the other bed having nothing on it. Leina walked up to the empty bed, with tears threating to come out of her eyes.
Leina: That's true, it wouldn't do you any good to travel with me. I'd leave me behind, too.
????: Leina...
Leina get's surprised and turns to see Y/n coming into the room, with a sympathetic expression on his face. Y/n then closes the door behind him, while the two didn't know that Echidna was listening in on the two out of sight in the hallway. Once the door closed, Y/n walked up to Leina and hugs her, which catches her off guard.
Y/n: Go on, Leina. Let it out.
Leina leans into the hug, while crying her eyes out with Y/n giving her comfort by rubbing his hand on the back of her head. Which Y/n was given flashes of memories of his childhood, doing the same with Elina, Claudette and a woman with long brown hair.
Y/n: [No matter what, I'll get my memories back and protect those I cherish.]
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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