Chapter 2: the reunion
A/n: alright here is the next chapter to this story, but before it begins I looked through the comments and see that people wanted Nyx which will be the only other Queen's blade girl in the harem, but I'm not adding the nun girl. also Nyx will get a different staff that will be much more powerful than the living tentacle staff. now with that settled let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
as we stand with the view of what I can guess is probably the castle of the Vance family in the distance. it was high noon and Leina is still wearing my coat to cover herself up while I still have an under shirt and the rest of my clothes.
Y/n: so I'm guessing that's the castle of Vance?
Risty: that's right. the Count Vance is the aristocratic ruler of this region. *to Leina* in other words your back home.
Leina: let me go. I don't want to go home.
Y/n: why is that?
Risty: can I ask you some thing? why's there a reward of 300 gold coins for your return?
Leina: I don't know and I don't want to know.
Risty: what about you kid? any new memories pop up in that head of yours?
Y/n: sadly no, but.... this region does seem familiar to me.
Risty: well if your in a familiar place then a memory or two should pop up for you so that you can remember your past or at least your full name. *to Leina* normally a father wouldn't put a bounty on his own daughter is odd to say the least.
Y/n: you can say that again.
Risty: I feel sorry for you.
Leina: you do? then release me and Y/n.
Risty: hehe, I'm not that sorry for you plus Y/n doesn't remember his name so until then he's with me.
Y/n: do I get a say in this?
Risty: *playful tone* nope!
the way she said it was enough to make me laugh a bit and continued to the castle during the walk I couldn't help but look at Leina like I've seen her some where before, but I can't place my finger on it. soon we were standing in front of the castle entrance with the bridge up preventing us to enter.
Risty: I think it's time I got paid! I have something that would interest the Vance family! granted that she's a little worse for wear, though...
Y/n: blame that pink slime girl that melted her clothes.
the draw bridge then comes down as we walk ahead to see a blonde girl around Leina's age running up to us. I got a closer look to see that she is wearing some kind of armor that resembled that of a large cat.
girl: Leina!
Leina: Elina!
Elina: I'm sorry I couldn't find you.
Leina: it wasn't my intention to come back.
Elina: still sister, this is heartrending! *looks at Leina* why are you dressed like that? what's with the coat? I'm the only one who's allowed to touch you and now you've been defiled!
Leina: I haven't been defiled.
Elina: *sees Y/n* [why does he look familiar] it was you wasn't it!
Y/n: nani?
Elina: you must've defiled my poor sister! *points her spear at Y/n*
Y/n: look I haven't done anything like that. her clothes were melted by a creature named Melona with some aorta liquid.
Elina: likely story ruffian!
Y/n: do I look like one? -_-
Risty: enough already. how about you pay up?
Elina: *to Risty* shut up, dog.
Risty: what did you say?!
Elina: remember your place, commoner. and I'll be taking the h/c haired boy to the dungeons.
Y/n: why me. -_-
3rd pov
from above the same blue haired angel named Nanael manages to reach the same place as the group below her.
Nanael: all right! looks like they're gonna fight! *reaches for a book* it's an angel's job to manage and monitor the Queen's Blade's battles and find the Prince of Blades for him to watch. *looks through a small book* it sure was embarrassing, screwing up at the very start. now let's see... the red head is Risty, Benevolent bandit of the wild. says here she's a pretty strong fighter. the other one is Elina, Captain of the Vance guard troop. she looks like in top form, now that the battle is about to begin! *sees Y/n* huh is that? *looks through the page to fine Y/n's name and description* now way! it's him!
Elina: we have no money to pay to dogs. so I'll overlook your rudeness if you leave immediately and give me the h/c boy.
Risty: *smirks* oh, so is that how it's going to be. let's make it 3000 gold coins, instead.
Y/n: *whispers to Leina* this is getting ridiculous.
Leina: *whispers back to Y/n* yeah.
Elina: *get's in a battle stance* are you threating the Vance family? you must not value your life.
Nanael: great! here we go!
what Nanael doesn't know is that dark clouds were covering the sky with thunder and lightning that catches her attention. Y/n look's up to see the clouds roaming in and a bit of Nanael's angelic glow in the sky, but then a bolt of thunder struck between Elina and Risty making those on the ground cover their eyes from the dust and Nanael being knocked back. Risty and Y/n looks to see another red haired woman with a sword over her shoulder approaching them.
red haired girl: Elina, pay her and please don't threaten a member of a family that has good relations with the Vance family. or are you trying to disgrace our family's name?
Elina: Claudette... I'm sorry my sister, but what do you mean a member of that has good relations with ours?
Claudette: looks at the boy's eyes closer. don't they seem familiar to you?
Elina walks up to Y/n getting a closer look of Y/n's eyes seeing the silver color which then makes her eyes widen knowing who it is.
Elina: oh no Y/n! I'm so sorry!
Y/n: um what?
Elina: here let me help you out of those ropes.
Elina then cuts the ropes around Y/n's arm the young man was surprised at Elina's switch and personality as to Leina was. once the ropes were off he moves his hands around a bit then turns to Elina.
Y/n: sorry if this sounds rude, but how do you know my name?
Elina: uh? what do you mean?
Y/n: well... I kinda have amnesia. it happen when I woke up and encountered Melona just before running into Risty and Leina.
Claudette: I'll fill you in later. first that matters of the one that brought the two of you.
Risty: *get's up* I'm glade somebody here is reasonable.
Claudette: you earned this *hands Risty the bag of gold coins* you've returned her and a little extra for bringing an important guest here. *grabs Risty's wrist* but your also wanted for being a thief.
Y/n\Risty: what?/nani?
then a jolt of electricity runs through Risty's body shocking her to unconsciousness Y/n wanted to help her, but Elina shook her signifying that it's not worth it. the guards then took Risty to a cell while Elina brought Leina to her room while Claudette brings Y/n to a guest room.
Claudette: a pair of clothes will be brought to you in a bit for the party.
Y/n: okay, but how do you and Elina know my name?
Claudette: the reason is that you are the son of L/n family as one of the members was the previous winner if the Queen's Blade tournament. giving you the appropriate title of Prince of Blades. the L/n family have been friends with the Vance family meaning that you would sometimes visit here as a kid.
as those words left Claudette's mouth Y/n puts his hand on his head getting a memory flash of a kid version of himself with Elina, Leina and sometimes Claudette. as the memory flash stopped Y/n understood what she meant and nod to Claudette. as the said girl left the room to see Leina Y/n sits on the bed letting what he heard sink in.
Y/n: so my full name is Y/n L/n the Prince of Blades huh. *get's an idea* wait...
he stands back up with his hand out as crystal particles come from the ground and form various weapons around him.
a/n: like this
Y/n: woah...
he then hears a knock at his door and stops what he's doing making the weapons vanish from around him and opens the door to see a maid presenting a suit.
maid: here is your attire sir.
Y/n: thanks.
-timeskip to the party-
as a party was going on inside Leina was outside on a balcony on her lonesome not really enjoying the party.
Leina: they're all selfish. no one cares about my feelings. except... Y/n it's been so long since I've seen him and he was right in front of me the whole time. he's grown since then. *blushes a bit* and was more handsome.
????: Leina.
Leina was brought out of her thoughts as she looks behind her to see Elina with drinks and wearing a red dress.
Elina: don't look so downtrodden it break my heart seeing you like this.
Elina then approaches her sister from behind trying to help Leina feel better and not sad.
Elina: I know, let's go sneak off somewhere.
in a fountain a familiar pink slime girl forms her head to see Leina and Elina out of their sight while seeing a party on the inside.
Melona: *mutters* I've found you Leina, but I wonder? where's the cutie?
????: you two enjoying the night sky?
Leina and Elina both turn to see Y/n entering the same balcony in his attire for the party and seeing the girls in their dresses.
A/n: this is what your wearing just not with the butterfly knife the hat is up to you to keep or not.
Y/n: wow, you two look nice in your dresses.
Leina: *smiles at the compliment* thanks Y/n your not bad yourself.
Elina: I'll say.~ [man if only if he wasn't going to be married off to the winner of the Queen's Blade.]
Leina: so Y/n, do you remember anything?
Y/n: yeah. just a small portion though. one that involved us as kids.
Elina: *smiles* I'm happy to hear that it would've made me sad if you forgot those times.
Y/n: yeah, but I still don't know why I woke up under and over pass.
Leina: I'm sure that will come in due time.
Y/n nods to her and chats between the two sisters until they left the party Elina took Leina to her room while Y/n goes to his undoing the tie. while in Leina's room Elina was doing Leina's hair while promising to make a different man regret marring her sister while Elina still has a soft spot for Y/n. as Y/n got his usual outfit back on, but missing the coat piece he hears a tap at his window to see it's Risty motioning to follow him.
Y/n's pov
me and Risty were on the roof hearing the bell ringing meaning they now know that Risty escaped her cell. which I was surprised she did after being shocked by Claudette we arrive at Leina's room window and I noticed that she has a bag with her.
Y/n: what's with the bag?
Risty: I'll tell you later.
Leina then opens the window allowing both me and Risty to enter Leina's room, but I'm still curious about the bag.
Leina: what are you two doing here?
Y/n: beats me, Risty just motioned me to follow her.
Risty: shh.
we then hear a knock at Leina's door making Risty hide since the guards are after her and I'm just a guest here. the door opens to reveal Claudette entering Leina's room.
Claudette: pardon for the intrusion. *sees Y/n* Y/n? what are you doing in here?
Leina: oh I asked him to come here cause I wanted to give him his coat back and catch up since it's been so long since I've seen him.
Claudette: oh.
Y/n: so what is it?
Claudette: a thief broke out of our prison and is hiding inside the castle. I'm here instead of Guard Captain Elina... so I can protect the next head of our family.
Leina: there's no need for that. I have Y/n with me and shouldn't you be more concerned about the Count's safety than about mine?
Claudette: he was the one who ordered me to guard you.
Leina: father ordered that?
Y/n: well logically a father would be more concerned about their children.
Claudette: he's right about that. *sees the curtians behind Leina*
Elina: Leina! are you alright? *sees Y/n* oh Y/n your safe too, but why are you here in Leina's room?
Y/n: Leina wanted to return this to me *show Elina his coat*
Elina: *looks at Claudette* Claudette? what're you doing here?
Claudette: *turns to Elina with a smile* I'm doing your job by order of the Count. but it looks like we're at a stalemate now. *walks away* I'll be back.
Y/n: [no doubt she knew Risty was here, but why didn't she expect me of helping Risty?]
Elina: just as long as you're okay. Y/n can I trust you with my sister's safety and do you have a weapon?
Y/n: I can do that, but for weapon well... *summons the same sword he used on Melona* I'm pretty sure I can handle in that department.
she nods and closes the door I let out a sigh since Claudette was really intimidating with her stare and I would not want to fight her if she controls thunder and lightning. Risty then get's out of hiding and brings out some kind of armor from the bag.
Risty: this is for you.
Leina: what is it?
Risty: a token of thanks for you saving me just now. thank you. if your going to be fighting at least wear armor when you go out to fight devils.
Leina: *looks at the armor* this is a family heirloom... so you are a thief.
risty: I'm not a thief. I'm the benevolent bandit of the wild I told you that before it's not the same thing.
Y/n: plus Risty's attire is more so on the speed side than stealth. not that she's bad at stealth just she leans on more so on speed and strength.
Risty: that's right. but before I forget.
before I know it Risty kissed me on the cheek catching me off guard and jump from the action as she let's out a light chuckle.
Risty: that's your token of thanks for saving me.
she then leaves through the window leaving the armor in the room as I see Leina look at it which I can guess what she wants.
Y/n: you want to leave this castle don't you?
Leina: yes. I want to show my strength as a warrior.
Y/n: well that is up to you. as for me I need to remember what happen before coming here and the only way to do that is outside of the castle.
Leina: so will you come with me?
Y/n: *smiles and puts on his coat* you got it.
I turn around so that Leina can put on the armor and I heard her use the sword to cut some portion of her hair.
Leina: okay. I'm done.
I turned around to see that Leina's hair is shorter and the armor she wears is a metal chest plat with greaves on along with brown wrapping around her arms and shoulders.
A/n: that's what she wears sorry I couldn't use the full image cause I'm not sure if it'll get flagged or deemed "unsafe"
Leina: so how do I look?
Y/n: ready for the world.
we then heard tapping from the window to see that Melona was outside of the window looking right at us.
Y/n: you have got to be kidding me. -_-
Melona: where are you two going, Leina? I wouldn't want you two to leave me behind.
her eyes glowed as she smiles I was quick enough to get in front of Leina and summoned a wall of crystalized weapons as an explosion came out blocking some of the damage. but Leina was knocked down from the blast as I was on my knees, but can still fight while Melona stands in front of us.
Melona: I told you, no humans ever called me a monster and lived. I'm here to kill you Leina, as promised.
I stand back up and summoned a crystalized axe from the ground and materialized into physical form.
Y/n: sorry, but your going have to go through me first.
Melona: *giggles* oh don't worry we'll have our fun soon.~
she then used some sorta projectile form her breast forcing me to block and evade some of the projectiles since my clothes are resistant to the liquid that melts things and clothes. me and Leina see that the roof looked worse for wear as Melona jumps to the roof that we were on.
Melona: there's no where left to run. what, you want to fight now? you didn't even stand a chance last time. while for you cutie *points to Y/n* our fight was interrupted last time, but not this time.~
she then makes a reenactment to what happen to Leina when they first fight, but I then threw my axe at her while she just let it go through her body since it was made of slime. but I used that to my advantage and warped to my axe appearing behind her I grabbed my axe and swinged at her while she made a sword redirect it away from her, but I followed up with another swing cutting her a bit and making her jump back as the cut instantly regenerated.
Melona: got to say not bad for catching me off guard, but it's going to take more than that to beat me. *turns to see Leina wetting herself* did you wet yourself? oh, too bad, but your cornered now.
she then walks towards Leina, but I charged at melona for another swing to hit her, but she ducked and made me go over her. I slid a bit nearly making it to Leina's side I look at Leina to see that she was embarrassed at what's happening.
Y/n: don't let her get to you Leina. we have got to find a way to beat her.
Leina: *stands up* I know, but how?
Melona: you'll die if you fall, Leina. but I don't want the cutie to fall so please watch your step.
I took a glance at Leina who looked at the roof that we were standing on slightly taking a notice of something about it. I looked back at Melona to see her walking up to us while slightly following Leina's sight to see that the roof looked like it could crumble at any moment.
Leina: I've got places to go once I beat you, monster!
Y/n: [Leina you clever girl.]
Melona: did you called me a "monster" again.
Melona was about to step on the part of the roof that would crumble beneath her, but stops for a second. until Leina taunted her by calling her monster making Melona's anger get the best of her and step on the part that Leina wanted and threw her sword in between Melona's feet. making the roof beneath her crumble and making Melona tumble a bit as she then sprayed some of the melting liquid in the air to fall down. Leina then charged at Melona wrapping her in a bear hug catching Melona off guard then as this happens parts of Melona's body starts to grow bigger like a balloon I run up to wrap my arm around Leina and threw my axe outside of the castle walls, but Melona's body then explodes knocking me and Leina into the water.
I wake up to see that me and Leina were on the ground near the water as she wakes up too from the explosion.
Leina: oww... that hurt.
Y/n: tell me about it and that was reckless of you to do that.
we look up to see Risty sitting on a box in front of us with a smile on her face which I guess was watching over us.
Risty: hi. you two okay?
Y/n: could've been worse, but Ill live.
Leina: Risty? I think so.
Risty: good. you have my armor to thank.
Leina: that's true. but Y/n did help me in the fight with Melona.
Risty: I saw nice move with the way you fight.
Y/nL thanks.
Risty: so uh, what're you two going to do now?
Leina: I'm planning on going on another journey.
Y/n: I'm tagging along with Leina in hopes to find my memories.
Risty: then here's the price for your... huh where is it?
y/n: oh you mean these? *brings out Leina's and his coin pouch*
Risty: hehe, clever kid clever.
to be continued
A/n: done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.
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