This is the song I used in the big fight. It comes in a little later, but feel free to listen to it while you read!
I took a deep breath as I stood outside the cave. I didn't have anybody to back me up now. Zephyr and Aquarius with their mates had left to try and talk to the other Ventil tribes, and Ela and Cephas had left early on to better scout out Ramos' potential plans. My friends and sister may have been waiting down in the dark for support, but I knew; it was all up to me to make the Earth Ventils see reason. This is fine, I told myself. I'm fine, I can do this. I'm not alone. I'm okay, I can do this. I'm not alone.
Maybe if I repeated that mantra enough my brain would start to believe it.
I stepped inside, instantly feeling the influx of magical energy. My hair returned to its natural shiny black color with a magenta sheen, and my eyes flashed a brilliant pink. Instantly, my soul felt rejuvenated as the constant flow of magic filled my veins once more, arcane power pulsing in every pump of blood throughout my body. However, I felt like a stranger in my own body as a dark lock of hair fell across my vision; as if here I was the imposter, and the outside was my true home. I didn't have the time to sit and ponder my fear, however. I had a duty to fulfill, a new pack to protect, and I was going to see my sacrifice through to the end.
As I descended down the all-to-familiar tunnel, the familiar scent of wet stones and petrichor permeated my nose. I pushed past the curtains of moss and ivy growing in the tunnel sloping down, down, down into the underground, cutting through the earth in unnaturally perfect circles human hands could never replicate. I stepped around the occasional stray animal bone and arrowhead, being careful to not catch my protruding bits on the debris and alert anyone to my presence.
My friends soon came into view a few moments later, Cephas and Ela hovering by a curtain of moss and moonflower that would open up into the main area of my den. "It is time," Pythia hissed, golden eyes glowing like ichor in the darkness. Ariadne nodded her agreement, and Cephas peeled back the layered curtain to reveal the familiar cavern larger than anything I ever had or would see.
My den was spectacular; there was no getting around it, it just simply was. An enormous abyss lay behind the natural barrier of flora, so cavernous and dark a creature unaccustomed to living in perpetual darkness would be rendered blind, were it not for the gentle glow of gigantic flowers and clinging vines dotted around the bottom and creeping up the smooth and gently-sloping walls, along with the vision lights—now known to me as pixies, as my friends had called them—buzzing near the top.
It was a 300-foot drop to the bottom of the cavern, with a gently sloping path curling around the edges to provide safer access to those without wings and to the hundreds of personal dens through dark holes embedded in the walls. Peering out into the darkness and letting my senses adjust to it once more, I could see where the path would end and open up into an even larger cavern where the Arenam lay. I could hear the echoing voices of thousands of Ventils below me, the volume amplified by the acoustics of the cavern and the quiet the space entailed; someone must be challenging Ramos for the title of Alpha, then.
I shivered with horror at the idea of my brother and Alpha in the same line of thinking, but had no time to dwell on it. Meloetta was waving to us from further down the pathway, ducking halfway into a den as we came down the walkway.
"Are you ready for this?" Ela asked the moment we were out of sight, amber eyes glowing with concern in the dark. "I have to be," I said, head ducked down towards the ground. "I don't have a choice. I need to face him; it's the one chance we've got."
"Then we must go."
Everyone nodded in agreement, and I looked around the many faces there, desperate to memorize every detail of my friends. The many shades of oranges and reds in Meloetta's hair, the color of fallen leaves in the height of autumn. The way Pythia's hood fell across her head in such a manner she had no need for hair. Ariadne's gentle smile, the small peek of fang over her bottom lip. Cephas' crazed mane of orange hair, unable to be flattened, mottled skin forming patches of tan and creamy white. Ela's golden eyes framed by endless green braids, holding the experiences and passions of a Ventil much, much older than she appeared to be.
I felt tears stinging at my eyes as I took in each and every one of them. My friends, my family...then, I realized there was one person, perhaps the one I was dreading the most to say goodbye to, that was not among them. "Where is Raven?" I asked, an icy boulder forming in the pit of my stomach.
Ela's eyes widened in fear as she looked around, everyone searching for a face that had never been present. In their own defense, the mission ahead of us was so all-consuming, I too had missed this critical detail. And yet, I could not help but be angered, paired even more so with the fear that twisted like a sharp knife into my chest. Raven was so skilled at sneaking around; it was a talent, a gift to be able to utilize to her advantage. Paired with her penchant for helping others, and the nigh-impossible task before me...
As another deafening cheer echoed from beneath our feet and caused the stone to vibrate, chills raced over my skin as ice spilled down my spine. "No," I gasped in alarm, the sickening realization closing up my throat.
I rushed out of the abandoned den and lifted into the air, tucking my wings as close as possible to myself in order to fly at a speed impossible to humans. As I came down into the open cavern below me, I choked in horror at the image once again burning into my mind. Ramos, standing tall and victorious, a bloody wound from small claws on one side of his neck, holding a limp figure by the wings as she dangled lamely. What a crime it is, attempting to murder your Alpha, he sneered, voice amplified to be heard everywhere as he eyed her like a piece of meat. An act without pride, nor dignity. Your death shall be a slow and painful one.
My vision tunneled. Everything else was irrelevant; the movements of the crowd in the background, the cries for blood and justice, the Karil holes surely whistling in anticipation for their next meal. All I could focus on was the way Ramos' hand rose, almost in slow motion, reached for her neck, and the way Raven turned ever-so-slightly away from him, too weak to fight back, and whimpered, clear as day to my ears.
I don't know whether or not I had screamed it aloud or in my head, but the next thing I knew, I was dive-bombing Ramos with the fury of a supernova, knocking Raven out of his claws and sending us both spiraling down into the center of the Arenam. The Ventils around us went wild with their fervor, snarling and yipping in delight as we crashed, tumbling heads-over-tails before coming to a stop separately.
The Arenam floor was on a completely separate plane from the one we had just been in. It was infinitely large, infinitely tall, and seemed to grow and change to fit the needs of whoever had dared to enter it. I remembered, as a young pup, venturing into it once and remembering the way layers of mist hung heavy thick around me, forming a maze I was barely able to escape.
Immediately I was up and ready, hoping that his bulky, monstrous form would aid me in my endeavor. I was shocked to see he had risen just as quickly as I had, solid blue eyes flickering over every inch of me. Ramos, to his credit, looked as if he had seen a ghost, and the shock on his face gave me yet another boost of confidence. Miss me? I taunted, readying a fighting stance, calling on my magic to aid me—
—and there was nothing there.
My breath caught in surprise, gaze darting down to my hands, decidedly not glowing a familiar magenta color. Have you been gone so long you've forgotten the most basic of Ventil laws? He sneered, taking an intimidating step forward as a sick grin wound its way across his muzzle. Magic is forbidden in the Arenam. You cannot rely on your tricks to save you now.
Ice cold fear trickled down my spine, sending chills down my back as Ramos took another step that seemed to shake the ground. Eclipse...? I whispered, my heartrate picking up speed along with my breathing. Our plan will succeed, she said firmly, and limbs were pulled taught as an invisible puppet string forced me into a more confident pose. Defeat Ramos. Weaken him. Bide our time. Do it for our daughters, our mate. Our family.
I snarled as a new surge of determination rose up, pounding in my ears and thrumming through my limbs. Try all you might, Sister, Ramos sneered, both hands on the ground as he prowled closer, beginning to circle. You will lose; it is inevitable. I will relish spilling your blood across the Arenam.
I followed suit, the both of us now walking in a wide circle, slowly growing closer. What is my blood shed. when it is your corpse that will be reduced to Karil meat when this is over? I snarled.
I admire your moxie, Sister, but it is in vain. He stopped, leering up at me from his place low to the ground. Surrender. Cower. Beg for my mercy, run away and never return, and perhaps I will let you live.
A goddess does not bow to the weak, nor does a tree to the wind. I will never surrender.
Then you have chosen to die.
With a mighty roar, Ramos reared up, head thrashing like a wild animal, before charging at me at frightening speed on all fours, the intent to rip into my throat clear in his murderous blue eyes. I answered in turn, baring claws and teeth, before charging at a full sprint towards him.
We clashed in the middle, his giant claw swinging at me as I barely dodged to the right, desperately flapping my wings to gain elevation. He screamed in frustration, leaping up and snagging my ankles, dragging me back down to the ground as I howled in pain, beating the air violently. I scratched at his vice grip around my legs, painting criss-crossing lines of red across his gnarled fingers. He let go of me with a snarl, dropping the ten feet onto the floor with a thud, prowling and watching me, building up the power for another jump.
I ducked away from him again, successful this time, then dive-bombed him as he fell back to earth. I slammed into his back, pushing and sending him into the ground chest-first with a sickening crack. He screeched, hands reaching back for his attacker, but I had already danced away. He rose to all fours, shaking the dust from his furry shoulder blades, huffing and snarling as he charged again. I tried to dodge again, to the left this time, but he had anticipated it.
Razor sharp teeth buried themselves in my right shoulder, and I screamed as Ramos went down, bringing me down with him as he rolled. He ended up on top of me, not quite straddling due to his strange leg structure, snapping at my face with his gigantic, contorted jaws. I screamed again, slashing and clawing at his muzzle, kicking wildly at his barrel chest with both feet.
He roared, snatching one of my legs up in one gigantic hand, dragging me up, up, up over his head and slamming me back down onto the ground. My shoulder and leg made a sick cracking noise as they made contact with the ground. I could barely process the noises of pain I was making before I was being picked up again and smashed into the dirt in the same manner. Over and over, back and forth, my bones slowly being broken into bits and pieces, before Ramos sent me flying back into a wall.
I gasped at the shock, pain blooming under every inch of my skin. I immediately started choking, coughing up sickening red liquid that splattered over my legs and jeans as I hunched over, hacking. My lungs felt like they were inhaling sand, my heart pounding in my throat and ears. My face stung like fire from the scrapes from Ramos' teeth, shoulders refusing to cooperate and allow my hands to reach up to check the damage. My leg was already turning purple with bruises, my ankle twisted at a funny angle and knee not quite in the proper place.
You have made a mockery of yourself, Sister, Ramos sighed. I gasped, startling at the realization that he was right in front of me. He knelt, grasping me by the throat. My breath cut off and I scrambled for breath, hyperventilating with the lack of air. Your death will be one without honor. A waste of magic. A waste of Her gift.
He flung me to the side again, sending me tumbling over and over as I rolled to a stop. Now, let's finish this, he roared, and the crowds of Ventils above went wild, cheering and roaring with approval, stamping their feet and clapping hands. I groaned, curled in the fetal position and struggling to unclench my aching muscles, to push myself up to face Ramos as he stood above me. Preening. Gloating. He knew he had won, and that it was only his desire to show off that stopped him from delivering the killing blow.
In my final hour, I reverted back to my most basest of instincts. The one instilled in me from the moment I was born, wrought throughout every Ventil that knew themselves to be one. In desperation and on the verge of death, I did the only thing I knew I could do, and perhaps the last I would ever do. I opened my mouth and began to sing.
Some days....it's hard...to see... I whispered, voice hoarse and shaky as the rest of me, the notes barely audible as anything but a wheeze. What are you doing? Ramos asked, laughing condescendingly and almost in disbelief. You know that your singing is pointless now. You have no magic to draw from!
If I was a fool...or you...a thief... I croaked, slowly dragging myself upwards as my bones and body screamed in protest. Onto my hands and knees, then sitting up, then shakily stumbling to my one good foot, limbs sagging with pain and fatigue.
Made it through the maze...to find my— My voice broke off halfway through the phrase to gulp down a raspy breath of air, the rhythm disjointed and painful as the shocks of it racing through every bone in my body. Ramos howled with laughter, and soon the Arenam's spectators joined in, along with a growing chant along the lines of Feed Her! A sacrifice must be made! They are hungry! echoing through my ears and into the ground I stood on.
This is pathetic, he said, crossing his arms, a smug look perched on his face as he grinned down at me sadistically. YOU are pathetic. Stop wasting my time, and die already.
I barely saw him moving before he was in front of me, one giant claw raised ominously, ready to strike me down for good. And yet, he paused. I could see beads of sweat trailing rivers down the crevices of his face and head, his arm trembling with effort, and yet he still did not move.
Made it through the maze to find my one in a million~~~ I began again, stronger this time, rising to my feet without the trembling of weakened muscles. I locked eyes with him, his filled with a growing confusion and—fear. Yes, it was definitely fear that was taking over his gruesome face, contorting it in a way I had not seen for years.
What...is this? He asked, breathing heavily as he tried even harder to break from the force holding him in place. And now you're just a page torn from the story I'm living... I put a hand on his chest and shoved lightly. His body went flying backwards at the speed of a bullet, finally stopping as he crashed into the wall of the Arenam, chunks of stone falling with him.
And all I gave you is gone~~~ I sang, walking slowly towards him as he struggled to get up, wheezing in pain as bones had surely cracked from the impact. What is this..? He repeated, watching my approach with eyes growing bigger and bigger. How? This...this is impossible...
Tumbled like it was stone~~~ Ooh~ I kept walking, vision tingeing a deep and majestic blue before returning to normal. Thought we'd build a dynasty that Heaven couldn't shake....thought we'd build a dynasty like nothing ever made...
As I approached his broken body, still lying crumpled on the ground, he stilled, looking into my eyes—or, rather, the empty, star-filled vacuum where they should be—with pure terror. Thought we'd build a dynasty forever couldn't break...up.
I knelt down, placing a hand on his forehead. He struggled vainly, trapped underneath the rubble his impact had caused. While he snarled and snapped at me, I opened my mind the way I had all those months ago, and let my memories flood into his mind.
The scars...I can't...reverse, I kept singing, while I made him experience every terrible thing he had ever done to me in excruciating detail. He felt the pain of spells snapping and crackling against his feet, singeing them to the point he could not walk. He felt the agony of a smaller creature picking microscopic flint shards out from where they had buried themselves deep in his wings and back, hands skimming over raw wounds as they went. When the more it heals...the worse...it hurts.
He heard jeering and booing, large tails sweeping his feet out from under him whenever he tried to dance, to sing, constantly striving to do better, be stronger, so that the merciless abuse would just STOP. Gave you every piece of me, no wonder it's missing~~
He remembered trying to bond with faceless older siblings, who constantly shoved him back and pushed him down. The very same ones who had scarred and beaten and scratched and yelled abuse and hurt him the way he had hurt me. Don't know how to be so close to someone so distant...
And all I gave you is go-one~~~ I finally retracted, gazing down at his shaking form. Once I had removed myself from the experience, I could hear his whimpers of pain, the shaky sobs as he shivered. Tumbled like it was sto-one, oh-oh-o-oh, ooh~
I offered a hand out. He stared at it, eyes darting wildly from my face to the hand. I slowly placed it on his own gnarled one, helping to pull him from the rubble as if he were weightless. Thought we'd build a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake, thought we'd build a dynasty like nothing ever made~
I moved my hand down to his forearm, an almost lightheadedness filling me. I felt ethereal, powerful without boundaries, and Ramos knew it. He was frozen stock-still, unwilling to move, eyes following my every move. Thought we'd build a dynasty forever couldn't break...up. I looked up into his eyes again, and I saw a sparkle of something in them, and my heart swelled with hope. Please, I whispered. Fight. Save our people. Save our life.
The energy in the Arenam had died down suddenly after I had made Ramos watch my memories, everyone waiting in silence. His chest heaving, his eyes shifted from my touch, so gentle and cold, to my face, which was brimming with tears. Then, in slow motion, I watched whatever empathy he might have held in his eyes die out, as his gaze hardened and he attacked.
With a rabid snarl, he threw his arm back, launching me into the dirt. I gasped as that heady feeling immediately flew from me, scrambling to my feet as it did so, the spectating Ventils roaring to life again. I braced myself, opening my eyes as I readied for the attack that never came. I did a double take as I took in the sight before me.
It was me, and yet it was...not me. I was flying—no, floating above the ground, arms hanging casually by my side with my wings extended. My eyes were dark pools in my head, an endless vacuum of stars and galaxies I felt I could swim in. Ramos was moving, but incredibly sluggishly; so slowly, in fact, I barely realized he was moving in the first place. And I was still singing, seemingly in normal time to my ears, though I could not see the mouth on the other me moving. The same chant, over and over.
It all fell, it all fell down, it all fell down...
And then there was a Ventil standing directly in front of me. There was something off about her; something totally and ineffably out of my reach, that I could never place it with a name. The way I could not remember what sort of Ventil she was, features constantly fluctuating and never solidifying themselves as facts in my mind. I could not remember what her hair was like, or the color of her eyes. How she seemed forever youthful, yet simultaneously held herself with the wisdom of someone older than time itself. Who...who are you? I asked, though the answer was already known throughout every fiber of my being.
It all fell...it all fell down, it all fell down, ooh~~
We do not have much time, Eclipse said, placing her hands on my shoulder with the grace and fluidity of a rolling wave, her skin bitterly cold to the touch. This window, the middle ground between our minds that you have opened, will not stay for long. You must decide now.
Whether or not you wish to become one.
It all fell, it all fell down, it all fell down, eyyy~
I will not last much longer in this plane, she said sadly, cupping my face with a hand. The decision must be made.
I...I am scared, I admitted, trembling as she reached out another pale hand to have my face in both hands.
You have nothing to fear, Lunalis, Eclipse promised me. You are the sun and moon incarnate, have the universe to wield at your command. You have traveled where no Ventil has ever gone before, reaching out to places even I would fear to travel. You have overcome so much more than anyone will ever know, and you are still fighting. You are all that you need to be.
It all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down~~~
I sobbed, nodding my head. Eclipse leaned in, to press her forehead to mine, and the feeling of her hands on my face disappeared. The moment she did, power—pure magic, like what I had tried to wield all those months ago when I first revealed myself to Arcadia, flooded through my veins and lit up my circulatory system in all colors imaginable. Only this time—oh, this time, I had it. Complete and total control, as the world sped up again and I found myself singing in time.
And all I gave you is gone!!!
Magic exploded from me, surging out in waves that made the entire den shake wildly, Ventils thrown from their places and screaming in fear. I could see and smell and taste and hear and touch everything all at once. I saw my sister and friends, who had followed me down into the Arenam; I heard the cries of a thousand warriors from a thousand tribes preparing for battle in a time long since past; I could smell the plasma from the aftermath of a supernova; I tasted tears, from when my children had been forced away in my mind, bodies taken from them; I felt the tingling feeling of first becoming sentient, experiencing everything and anything all at once.
At long last, a piece I had been missing all of these years had slotted into place. I was complete. I was whole. I was ONE. For the first time in my entire life, there was no uncertainty, no second-guessing my thoughts. My mind was clearer than the crystalline night sky, and brighter than a thousand suns. Reality called to me, physics begging to bend to my will, logic bowing in my grace and promised to fulfill my every wish. I was a goddess, magic from a thousand millennia ago made flesh, the purest essence of being.
Tumbled like it was sto-one, oh-oh-oh, ohhh, ooh~
Ramos started towards me, then gasped in alarm as he found he could not move. Glancing down, his feet had become encased in marble, which spread quickly up his body. Thought we'd built a dynasty that Heaven couldn't shake...thought we'd build a dynasty like nothing ever made...
"What trickery is this?!" he snarled, scratching his nails and yelping as they shattered against the solid stone. He kept trying in vain, red flowing from his fingers as he continued to scrabble against the stone replacing his flesh. Then, a new look of dawning horror came over his face as the marble began to encroach on his lungs. Thought we'd build a dynasty forever couldn't break up~
Panicking, he yelled as his nails clawed helplessly against the stone taking over his skin, now reaching his waist and completely paralyzing him from moving. Please, he begged, eyes widened with fear, reaching out to me as his chest became encased. Please, please—have mercy!!! He screamed as his arms became frozen in place, panicking and reaching outwards—towards me, towards help, towards safety from the prison I had now encased him in. I simply stared down at him, chanting like before, invoking more of my power as he continued to struggle, the marble reaching past his forearms, stopping his heart, and leaving his eyes for last, still sparkling blue with pure fear before being taken over by solid stone.
The entire Arenam was deathly still. Not one Ventil dared to move or make noise, even breathing a risk in the wake of such a terrifying defeat. Ramos' face was now etched in permanent agony, solid marble carved more perfectly than any sculptor could. Yet another punishment cast onto him from Eclipse, visible for all to see, his last tears still dribbling from the unforgiving stone.
Thought we'd build a dynasty forever couldn't break up.
I breathed heavily through my nose, the weight of what I had just done beginning to overtake me, sapping my limbs down and yet releasing a tension I had held for years. I had won. After years of abuse, years of constantly fighting back and never seeing a light at the end of the goddess-forsaken tunnel, I had found my way out. I was free, free from Ramos and his tortures. And yet...
With a wave of my hand, the marble dissipated like it had never been there. Ramos dropped to his hand and knees, breath rattling in his chest as he heaved for air, skin bristling against the air and shaking wildly. Why did you do it? I asked, the need for closure overtaking my rational thought. For years of my life you tortured Raven and I...and for what? Did you enjoy it? Enjoy watching your pathetic little sisters scream with pain when you made us your punching bags?
A roar had begun to slip into my voice, and Ramos recoiled at the volume. Readjusting myself, I straightened up and stared down at him coldly. Well? He was still silent; not contemplating, just blankly staring off into the distance behind me. I was about to speak up again, before a hoarse cough overtook his body, making him keel over before he spat out his answer.
Jealousy, Ramos said finally, his voice low and surprisingly timid. He stood, breathing deeply and stumbling as he rose, as if the rigidness of his stone prison still affected and hindered his movements. Even as a pup, I was jealous of your connection to magic. Your ability to use it, wield it, command it. Like....like it was nothing special. How you could cast spells that could burn this entire forest to the ground without any hindrance, how you could have taken over this den and become Alpha without a second thought....I wanted that power, that spark! And yet...it had scorned me. Eclipse had failed to give me the gift I so rightfully deserved, that I had worked for–!
No, Brother, I spoke, laying a hand on his one good shoulder. She did not fail you. I did not fail you. I simply saw that you were unfit to have such power. I knew how your nature would corrupt such a magnificent gift; how it could doom our entire species. You must understand.
I....I do not, he said finally, voice hoarse and barely audible as he backed away, letting my hand fall from his shoulder. Why? Why my sister? Why not me? Why must my hard work and achievements go to waste, while she lounges and frolics with her human friends as if she is one of them?!
You would do well to hold your remarks about my chosen form, I said, voice eerily calm as annoyance irritated my insides. And what was this work that would have granted you the honor of becoming my host? Was it the way you attempted to force my kin to serve your bidding? The way you struck a deal and trusted an outsider like a blinded bat? Ramos stayed silent.
Or perhaps it was the way you decided that some of my subjects were unworthy of the same respect you show to your Elders? I continued, voice like razors cutting through his resolve. Stop, he whispered. I cannot...I can't–
Was it the way you scorned the unspoken oath of family? The way you treated your friends? Your sisters? Your brother? I spat at him, and he collapsed.
Please, he begged, sobs wracking his wretched frame as tears began to fall in abundance. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I-I—
He was in hysterics, crumpled in on himself as he truly wept for the first time, letting the shame and the guilt from all of the years he had bullied Raven and I, the grief from losing Scorpio, and the pain from his broken body all condensed into one overflowing pent-up wave of emotion that threatened to drown him as it emerged in droves.
Rise, Alpha, I said after I had given him his time to release his emotions. Your goddess commands you.
W-what? He hiccuped timidly, raising his gaze away from his own claws and into the endless pits of my eyes. I..but I thought—
I call upon the ancient Magiks to request the aid of your leadership, I continued on, not giving him a chance to question. Do you accept this summon?
Ramos stayed silent, not moving a single muscle. The entire Arenam held its breath in anticipation, Ventils waiting to see what their leader would decide. Slowly, he rose to his feet shakily once more, brushing off the dirt off of his pelt and flexing his wings, sniffling and wincing as his bones creaked and his misshapen body tried to stand as straight as he could. Then, taking deep breaths, he bowed his head in submission, a closed fist over the center of his chest as his entire being glowed with the essence of his magic. I am ready and willing to serve, Goddess, he rasped.
Gently, I placed a hand on his brutish, frightful face. You are of little use to me in a broken form, I said, and I heard a faint whimper emit from his throat as I bent over his crooked form. I petted along the skin gently, the texture somewhere between human skin and that of a wolf's muzzle. It was somewhat unsettling as my fingertips traveled down his muzzle to stroke across a cheekbone. I humbly beg for your mercy, my Goddess, he whispered, shaking as I traced my thumb over his ruined face, tracing tear tracks down his jaw. Please, heal this wretched body so that I may best serve you!
I cannot reverse what was there to begin, I said, and Ramos whined pitifully. However...a change has been made. In here. I laid a hand over his chest, where his heart was pounding so loud I was surprised I couldn't hear it from across the Arenam. It was consistent and strong, thudding hard against my hand. Babump. Babump. Babump. Babump. Like the beating of a war drum, adrenaline pumping as he stood stock still, trusting in his faith in Eclipse. In me. Ready, and willing to serve my purpose.
Perhaps I can now help them all see that change...
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