Once again, I have used music to write this scene. Except this time, I actually wrote the whole thing around this song; it'll make sense if you listen to it at the same time. Enjoy!
We made our way to Area 49-B on Krel's hoverboard; I was incredibly uncomfortable the entire time, scared I would fall and brutally injure myself as I looked at the trees speeding by us, but I endured it so we could travel quickly.
More Ventils in Arcadia? This doesn't make sense, I shook my head. First the Cougar in the woods, then the Shark loitering outside of the Water Ventil's den, now this...what is going on?
I wish I could tell you, Eclipse sighed, and for once, she sounded worried. All I know is that you must get these Ventils to tell you what is going on. I nodded, and Krel turned to me, confused. "Conversation with Eclipse," I supplied, and he nodded, turning back to keep his eyes on the road.
The minute we arrived at the base, I staggered along after Krel while I grew accustomed to walking on solid ground again. I barely had the time to admire the base's exterior—little huts scattered around, composed of stormy gray walls and roofs made of metal—before Krel was hurrying me towards the largest building in the back.
My friends and the other Ventils were already there, pacing nervously in the room I remembered so vividly from my time in the tank. I noticed it, sitting harmlessly empty across the room, glowing a faint orange. I couldn't help but growl a bit when I saw it, but a hand on my shoulder from Krel made me keep walking.
When the team saw Krel's Akiridion form next to me, they paused in confusion, the other Ventils getting into defensive positions, but once Krel let them know what had happened, they relaxed. "So I assume you got Toby's texts, right?" Douxie asked, and we nodded.
"Have you seen any of them?" I asked, hopeful; maybe it was someone I knew, and it would be easy to convince them to talk to me about what was happening.
"Not yet," a voice from behind us said, and I whirled around at the sight of the shiny shirt man once again. He jumped back when he realized who I was, trembling behind his clipboard (as if that would protect him if I decided to attack). His hair had grown back nicely from where I had torched it off; I could barely see the handprint shape anymore. When he noticed the other Ventils, he turned a lovely shade of white and nearly collapsed, if his trembling legs were anything to go off of.
"Sargent Costas, this is Lunalis," Archie introduced me, and I gave a curt nod, eyes narrowed. He shakily waved back, before standing upright again and consulting his clipboard. "We've got at least seven of them in there—"
"SEVEN?!" we all shouted at once, and I turned pale. There were never large groups of Ventils allowed outside of the den at a time; the most permitted would be a mere three, for hunting. The only reason I could think of more was if they were searching for something. Or someone.
My knees felt weak as Costas read off the rest of his report, but I barely focused on that. They had come; the Ventils in my pack had come for me. I was a danger to everyone I knew and loved. I would have to leave. I—
Krel, sensing my rising anxiety and tension, wrapped his arms around me and squeezed; it felt so like Araidne's hugs, I was torn between comfort and more stress. "Right now, they're hiding in a mist just like...uh, Lunalis, here," Costas explained, voice shakier when he mentioned my name. "We haven't sent in soldiers to investigate, because...well, you know how much trouble she was. I don't want to risk lives."
Ah, yes the scientists; I'd forgotten about the ones who had encroached my prison unannounced. In my own defense, they knew they were dealing with something dangerous; it was their choice to bait the Ventil, and the Ventil was not amused. "A wise choice," Insanity purred. "For once, you've made an educated decision."
"We need to go in there," I blurted out, and everyone immediately stared at me.
"Something is happening," I continued after a beat of awkward silence. "Something involving the Ventils. Groups of this size aren't allowed outside the den, unless they were searching for something very important. I think...I think they meant to find me."
"That is true," Scales said, serpentine tongue flicking out of his mouth. "Something feels off; I can taste it in the air."
"So, what do we do now?" Claire asked.
"We pummel the answer outta those weird wolf ladies," Steve shouted, brandishing his axe. "Steve, you do remember that not all Ventils are wolves, right?" Douxie asked.
"Actually, we have reports one of them looked kinda like a spider," Costas added, and the blood visibly drained from Steve's face. "Never mind, then," he squeaked.
"We need to convince them that we mean no harm," Jim said, thinking.
"We'll probably need to speak face-to-face with them, then," Krel said. "It worked with Lunalis; it will probably work for them as well."
"Maybe we could bribe them with some Nougat Nummies?" Toby supplied, and everyone gave him a look.
"I should go in there." Everyone turned to me, and Krel shook his head.
"Absolutely not. They are expecting you!"
"I'll hide my wings and ears the same way I did in school," I said, taking his hands in my own. "They won't know it's me; my Ventil form is much different than my human one. I can convince them."
Krel still looked unsure, and I sighed. "Do we really have a better idea?"
"Alright," he said after a moment, and I could feel his fear. "Please be safe."
"I will be," I smiled. "Don't forget; I have a vengeful goddess in my head. If anything, they should be fearing me." Krel gave a weak chuckle, before releasing me to stand in front of the glass.
It felt strange, climbing into the same cage I had once called home, however brief a time it had been. The mist swirled and tickled my face, pleased at the presence of another magic user. I sighed as the coolness soaked into my skin, dampening my hair and making a chill run across my body.
With the help of Ela, I had changed my tongue back to my native language. Krel had expressed his goodbyes through a hug, his words now confusing to me. I had cast an illusion over myself, to appear human; just an added measure of security. I made my way to what I hoped was the center of the enclosure, walking through the foggy barriers as if they were just that. Now, I just had to wait for the other Ventils to take the bait.
Disgusting, a voice soon hissed, making me flinch; it sounded as if it came from high up in the corner of the cage. You dare disgrace our presence by setting foot here, human?
I can smell it on her, another whispered, this time close by my ear. It took all my willpower not to flinch. The magic, in your body...it flows throughout you like a great river. I could feel them circling me; specters, hiding just out of reach in the thick folds of mist blanketing them from my sight.
I come here with a purpose, I said loudly, pushing all fear out of my body (knowing and feeling how scared Krel was was not helpful in the slightest). I need to know why Ventils have been coming to Arcadia.
HAH, a large voice boomed, and the looming presence of several somethings fled; clearly, this one was in charge. You take us from our woods, throw us in a cage like one of your tame little pets, and expect us to reveal our secrets to you? The voice was feminine. All of them had been so far, yet this one dragged out her "s"'s in a low, rough drawl.
Please, I asked, switching tactics to diplomacy. My friends and I are in trouble.
What does it matter to us? A fourth voice chimed in—this one sounded significantly younger than the rest, a bit higher pitched than the others. We do not care if you savage humans are exterminated.
This is no ordinary human, the leader shut her down. She has magic. Powerful magic. I bit back a shriek as something cool and slick flickered against my elbow. It retracted just as suddenly as it had come, and I kept my eyes on the patch of fog it had come from. It lingers on her skin like a noxious odor, the voice sneered, and that's when I realized she had licked me.
She speaks our tongue as well, yet another voice purred. She seems surprisingly competent, considering.
I am competent enough to hear perfectly well what you say about me, I snapped, and the cage fell silent for a moment. Then two. You will tell me about why you are here, and in return, I will assure your freedom from this place, I said when there was no more protest.
How do we know you do not intend to use this information against us? The leader hissed, her voice seeming like it was barely a foot away. I remembered such a similar conversation, oh-so-long ago, in quite the opposite position. Oh, how the times had changed. I guess you're just going to have to trust me, then.
Or, we could just kill you now, yet another new voice purred, and I tensed. That would send the humans a perfectly clear message, don't you think?
You have a point, the leader mused, and my blood ran cold. Clearly, diplomacy wasn't working.
If you kill me now, you will never be free from this prison, I yelled, in a last attempt to sway the other Ventils to my side. Your death will only be the first of them all, one of the familiar voices spoke. Perhaps we will pick off that dark-skinned male you take such an interest in next. My breathing shallowed, and I felt magic rushing into my palms through my fingertips. I would kill you all before I allowed that to happen, I growled.
Then it seems we have a mutual agreement.
Before I could ask what that meant, a shadow lunged from the mist and tackled me to the ground. Acting on pure reflex, I slashed and clawed at the figure who had grabbed me, who was now snapping at my neck. I struggled to push her sharp teeth away from my throat, jabbing and kicking until my hands connected with something soft; with a hiss, she retreated into the shadows, leaving nothing but a few cedar hairs sprinkled around.
Eclipse, lend me your strength, I snarled as a shadow rose up in front of me, easily eight feet tall. I felt magic suddenly surge through my veins, a silent agreement from the goddess inside me. I threw up a shield of magenta, just as the Ventil struck. She hissed as her face bounced off the magical barrier, and for a split-second, I thought I saw a cobra-like hood attached to her.
I heard more than saw the next one, footsteps moving quickly behind me. She darted around the shield, squeezing between the gaps and latching onto my back. I bucked and snarled, managing to shove her off of me, sending a blast of magic her way. A high-pitched shriek made me wince with guilt; I had hit the young one.
Another growl from behind me snapped me out of the brief daze, and I turned quickly. Throwing up another shield, this time a full bubble around me, I took the time to quickly scan the situation I was in. The other Ventils were lingering, just inside the fog as to escape my vision; I could feel their presences drawing nearer, hesitant to attack again.
I also felt my illusion fading, my tail and wings growing once more, teeth sharpening into something much more animal. My strength was challenged, magic being pulled in two different directions at once; one side to my disguise, the other to the shield held up around the other Ventils.
You need to choose, Eclipse voiced my internal conflict. You can focus on maintaining your disguise. I shall fend off the other Ventils.
No, I countered, wincing as a hard bash to my shield made it flicker slightly. We need to keep these Ventils alive. We need their cooperation in order to learn about the threat.
At the rate they're going, I highly doubt civil conversation is an option, Eclipse noted after another harsh hit to my bubble made me sink to my knees, sweating with the pressure. Fine, then, I relented, releasing my hold on my illusion. Instantly, my teeth sharpened, true ears reappearing, and my wings surged outwards, brushing the edges of my bubble. With a mighty flap of my wings, I pushed my bubble out, forcing the other Ventils back along with their mist.
There; I've chosen, I huffed, still on guard, despite not seeing any of them. Are you happy? Eclipse just hummed indifferently, and before I could question why she had given up so quickly, a small weight slammed into me, sending the two of us sprawling on the floor. Rising with a groan, I felt my heart stop as I laid eyes on my attacker.
TRAITOR, she screamed, and I choked back a hysterical sob. Hair like periwinkle flowers, tangled around her head in a rat's nest that stuck up in places like a baby bird's downy fluff. Raggedy clothes hung from her bony arms and hips, skin so pale it had never been touched by sunlight. One eye that sparkled the color of clear skies and robin's eggs, the other a dull, lifeless white, marred by scarred tissue that formed the line of jagged claws.
Before I could do anything—cry out Raven's name, plead with her to stop, sink to my knees and beg her forgiveness—she launched herself at me, adamant on tearing out my throat. I let her approach, fighting spirit gone; I would not hurt my sister. Not again. Never again.
What a surprise, Eclipse noted, as I quickly sprung away from Raven, who turned sharply to wheel back towards me. It seems your little Raven has finally grown a spine.
Do not speak of her, I shouted in my mind, narrowly dodging claws that ripped my shirt. You have no right to ever say her name!
Again and again and again, she turned on me, relentlessly swiping and snarling at me. When she scored a hit to my face, I recoiled with a hiss, my cheek stinging. Using her tail, she swept me off my feet, and the air rushed out of my lungs as I hit the hard, concrete floor. I cried out as she tackled me, blows raining down on me as she screamed.
Get up, Eclipse shouted, as I half-heartedly shielded my face from her attacks. A fist to the nose, and blood dripped down my face. Another harsh jab caused my lip to burst open with a stinging pain. I said get up! You are willing to let her kill you just because you feel sorry for her?! STAND UP!!!!
I deserve this, I whispered, over and over, like a mantra; I deserved this. The pain, the suffering. I had left her to fend for herself, all alone, while I frolicked above with the humans. No older sister to guide her, to spend time with her. I deserve this, I repeated, tears rolling down my face as she pummeled me into the ground.
Get up, Lunalis, Eclipse ordered as my vision blurred. You need to get up. GET UP!!!
No, I whispered, delirious, unaware that her fists had long since stopped beating me into the concrete floor. I deserve this. To die for what I did to her.
Don't you understand?! She yelled, voice verging on hysterical as shadowy figures began to hover over me. If you die now, you will never solve the problem! Think of your friends! Your family!
I left my family, I said weakly, not even reacting as a pair of beady yellow eyes swam in front of me. What about what you told Krel, back at the Mothership?! She was grasping at straws now, desperate to get me to do something, say something. Why do you care? I whispered as a familiar snake-like hood fanned out in front of me, white fangs glistening in the limited light of the cage.
I could hear fists pounding on the glass behind me, muffled roars and screams of protest from my friends. My friends... I murmured, watching as her mouth opened impossibly wide in a terrifying hiss. Oh, for the love of me! That is ENOUGH!!!
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