When I woke up that morning, the first thing that made its way into my mind was: Good stars, my head hurts. Everything was a complete blur in my mind, and what made things even weirder was the fact that the voices weren't saying anything. Slowly, I got up and pulled myself out of bed. Yawning, I trudged out of the room and down the hallway to see seven tired, injured and angry faces leering at me from the lounge and kitchen.
Claire was sitting on the couch while Douxie wrapped her arm in a bandage, which was bent at a funny angle. He himself looked tired and drained, and sank into the couch cushions when he was done tending to the female. Archie was snoring, stretched out on the kitchen counter. Jim was holding a package to his chest, hissing when it brushed up against a certain part of his ribcage. When he turned, I could see two bite marks imprinted into the flesh on his neck. Steve and Toby were nowhere to be seen, and Krel....
Krel had definitely taken the worst of it. He as well had a bite mark like Jim's, but there was an angry, red mark all around his throat that looked like fingers had burned themselves into his flesh. Then, it all came back when Archie deadpanned, "Enjoy your night on the town?" The rain lashing my face, the fire and smoke surrounding the clearing. The dagger-
Gasping, I reached for my back and was astounded to find a bandage wrapped around my stomach and spine, stopping the wound from bleeding. "You have a lot of explaining to do," Krel glared at me from across the couch, and I dropped my gaze from his, flushed red with embarrassment. I certainly hadn't forgotten the way I'd cried hysterically into his chest and fallen asleep in his arms. "Yes," I agreed miserably. "I do."
"First of all, we need some questions answered," Douxie said, voice strained with anger. I don't think I had ever seen someone so angry and keeping it in. "What in the name of the seven rings was that?! You attacked Krel, deactivated Ricky and Lucy, destroyed the choker and almost set the blooming woods on fire!!! Jim was almost turned into a pancake, Claire was nearly squeezed to death, Toby was flung into the sky, and to top it all off, you nearly disintegrated Krel again!!!"
It's time to tell them, Scales insisted. There's no way you can make them forget about this. "I know," I whispered to the voices.
"What?" Jim asked.
"I know," I repeated, stronger this time. "Insanity has a reputation for being....extreme."
"Wait," Archie stopped everyone before they could speak. "You remember what happened? You know what that....thing, was?"
I nodded. "You want to know what she is?" I murmured. Everyone nodded hysterically. "You use this device to tell stories, correct?" I asked, walking over and placing a hand on the TV. "Well, yeah, but what does that have to do with some freaky-deaky bat lady trying to kill us in the middle of the night?" Claire asked.
Willing myself to summon magic, I let it spread down my arm and my hand started to glow magenta. The TV started making weird noises, and after a lot of voices chanting in Ventis, it slowly faded to project the image of my mind for all to see. "Let me show you what she is, and why she is inside me," I said, and the screen changed with my words as I began to tell a story.
"Once, a long time ago, when Time was young and the universe was but a child, Ancient Magiks flowed freely throughout space. It was bound by none, free to create chaos and spread harmony as it wished. Until, one day, it pooled and created her: Eclipse, the First Ventil. She was the Alpha: Mother of All.
For centuries, she floated alone in the dark. Until, one day, she became restless. She required something else: A light, to stop her endless night. So, taking the raw magic from around her, she created our world, Earth. She pinched the ground with her fingers to lift and create the mountain ranges. When she tilled the ground with her fingertips, trees and grass sprung up, creating forests that cloaked the world in a blanket of fertility. Upon seeing her creation complete for the first time, her tears of joy fell and became the oceans and rivers. The light of joy she felt inside basked the planet in a golden glow of pride.
Although she now had something to look after and care for, she found her planet lacking; it was as silent and cold as the rest of the cosmos. So, taking a handful of seaspray from the ocean, soil from the earth and clouds from the top of the skies, she did something no one else had done before.
She created life.
The Three Goddesses, they were called. A trinity of the first Ventils to walk on Earth: three sisters who would bring life to this empty world.
The eldest was called Ela, the mother of nature, with hair the color of the treetops and skin like the ground her roots stretched beneath. Her eyes shone with amber luster, and hid the many secrets of the forest.
From her hair came songbirds, filling the forests with their beautiful symphonies. When she sang, her notes lured animals from their hidden dens to join in the splendor of the world above. Everywhere she walked, flowers grew in her wake. She had the ears of a lynx and the tail of a scorpion. It is said that the very presence of her muscular lioness paws shook the ground whenever she walked.
The second eldest was Zephyr, the guardian of the sky. She had hair like that of a soft, summer breeze, and eyes that held the intensity of a thundercloud. She was the one who blessed the creatures below with weather. Whenever she cried, her tears would resonate with the clouds around her and in turn make them rain. If she were angry, the earth would be plagued with endless blizzards and howling winds.
She was the master to the gates of the planet itself; no one could pass beyond the borders of Earth if she forbade it. She had iridescent, kaleidoscope wings like a butterfly's, that whenever the sun shone brightly on them, they would cast a shower of rainbow lights on the world. However, she had the fiery temper of a dragon, and whenever she was truly furious she would spew lightning from her hands, creating thunderstorms that plagued the earth.
The youngest was Aquarius, the goddess of the sea. She had seaweed hair that flowed gently in curls like the ocean's current, and eyes that embodied the power of water itself. Her voice was unlike that of any other creature alive. So sweet and powerful, the mere sound of it coaxed the most wild and exotic colors of life to burst into existence under the water.
She, unlike her sisters, had very minimal animal pieces of her; webbed fingers and toes with dagger-sharp nails, an ethereal fin that ran down her spine, exotic patterns and stripes that adorned her face and limbs, nothing more. But, it was the sound of her singing that truly made her a monster.
It was so appealing, so addictive, she found she could bend people to her will at the promise of more of her voice. So, she would appear and coax unsuspecting animals into the water, where she would then drown them while they were hypnotized in their drunken state. Their skeletons decorated the ocean floor in a grotesque display of her trophies.
She had the ability to influence water, though she never could quite control it the way her sisters could master their elements. She could summon ripples in a pond without much thought, and change the entire flow of a waterfall if she tried hard enough. But she never could quite tame the powers of the ocean; it was just too much for her."
"While that sounds like a really nice story, we want to know what that thing was that attacked us last night!" Douxie yelled, finally losing it.
"Have patience, human," Ela purred from my mouth, making the others jump. "Lunalis hasn't even begun her story yet."
"What was that?" Krel gasped, everyone shooting up from their seat.
"That was-"
"We're here! We're here!" Toby cut me off by bursting through the front door, accompanied by Steve. "Sorry we're late! Nana made me fold my laundry, and then I had to find Sally-Go-Back's bike for Gnome Chompsky's special date night with her, and then-"
He froze as soon as he saw me, and before I could blink he had his hammer out and was charging me, screaming a war cry. Out of impulse, I immediately froze him in place, magenta magic surrounding him in a stasis spell. Howling in rage, Steve charged in right behind him, and I almost froze him too, before Krel leapt up and grabbed my arm.
Hesitating, I slowly let the purple magic in my hand dissipate into wisps of smoke and dropped Toby on his rear. After two seconds, I realized Krel still had a grip on my wrist. Wriggling out of it, my face heated up with embarrassment. Archie then proceeded to debrief the others about what I had just told them. After he was finished, everyone settled down and got comfortable around the TV, and I continued on with my story.
Where was I...? I wondered.
You were explaining how Aquarius couldn't control the full powers of the ocean, Cephas reminded me.
Oh, yes, thank you.
"Eclipse cared for her creations as if they were her own flesh and blood. She called them her daughters, and they loved their mother with everything they had to give. Eventually, more and more Ventils came and populated the world, for reasons I am uncertain. Perhaps a small part of Eclipse's mind willed them to appear, but at any rate, they had been created.
Soon after they began to show themselves, Eclipse made it known to all that her daughters were to be the rulers of their respective tribes, and it was then the three became known as the Alphas of their worlds.
Eventually, as the centuries passed-"
"Wait, centuries?" Steve interrupted me. "That's, like, a bajillion years!"
"Must you interrupt the story for something as pointless as that?" Douxie rolled his eyes. "Moving on with the story....
Eventually, as the centuries passed, the sisters and Eclipse both grew more distant, each caught up in their own duties as their lives progressed. Eclipse knew that her daughters were growing up, but everything was fine....wasn't it?
Well, it wasn't. As Eclipse had predicted, her daughters were growing up. They were exploring the boundaries of their kingdoms, expanding and growing their separate packs. And then, one day, something happened that changed Eclipse's life forever. Her eldest daughter, Ela, had found a mate.
Cephas was his name, with tawny hair the color of a falcon and eyes like an evergreen. He was an Earth Ventil, like Ela, with the horns of a ram and the ears of a mountain lion. They loved each other dearly, and when Ela announced to her subjects that she had, indeed, found a lover, Eclipse grew darker. She feared for her daughter's well-being, and that fear only worsened as her other children followed the example of their elder sister.
The next one to find love was Zephyr, after meeting an exiled Air Ventil who could not fly. Her name was Insanity, and-"
"Insanity?!?!" everyone yelled the moment the word was out of my mouth. "As in Insanity-the-crazy-bat-fire-lady-who-tried-to-kill-us? That Insanity?!" Toby asked.
"If you let me finish, I can explain," I sighed, becoming fed up with being interrupted for the third time.
"As I was saying, her name was Insanity. She had been captured by humans as a young child and had become a Proditorus; one of the many Ventils that had abandoned their human nature altogether and had become something...new. Humans travelled from all over the world to see her tear grown men limb from limb, and became a sort of popular icon around the world.
After years of hardship from her captors, she escaped and roamed from place to place, killing unsuspecting livestock or humans that dared to stand in her way. She gained many nicknames throughout this time: Manananggal. Baba Yaga. Nasula Falaya. Wendigo. The Mistress of Death. She was feared far and wide for her vicious temperament, and she soon became the source of many superstitions.
At this time, many of Zephyr's people had gone missing when they ventured down from the clouds, and the other species of Ventils were afraid to leave their underground dens for fear of getting eaten. So, the Sisters took it upon themselves to search for the guilty creature and end the string of deaths.
Zephyr would have killed her, had it not been for the scars and skeletal wings she found attached to Insanity. She took pity on the creature, and decided that not even a Proditorus deserved to have their wings taken from them. For Ventils, to lose your animal is to lose your pride, your meaning as a Ventil.
So, Zephyr took the criminal back with her and eventually broke through to her. She taught her how to speak again, how to act around others. She even began to use her powers of fire again. To Insanity, Zephyr was a beacon of kindness for letting her live; So, in return for giving her a second life, she vowed to protect hers with everything she could in her power.
After Zephyr grew closer to her inmate, Eclipse was soon to focus all her attention on her youngest daughter, Aquarius, but even she soon fell victim to love's grasp. Her choice was the wildest and most unexpected of all, which in turn caused Eclipse to cast a spell that would seal the fate of Ventils forever.
Aquarius' love was an Air Ventil named Scales. He was a dragon, with claws and teeth like razors, and eyes of molten gold, like the treasures he was fond of collecting. They met when he fell victim to her charming voice, like so many others that night. And yet, some part of Aquarius let her take pity on the scaly specimen, and she let him live. Every night afterwards, he would purposefully fly over the ocean just to fall for her voice over again.
Eclipse was furious. She didn't want anything to change. She wanted her daughters to stay with her forever....and she was prepared to go the lengths to make sure they never left.
Summoning the magic from the furthest reaches of the universe, she stopped her magic from reaching the earth, cloaking the world in darkness. And, in the mere moments there was no light, Eclipse cast her spell.
When the shadows faded, the queens were gone. So were their lovers. They had vanished off the face of the earth, never to be seen again. Eclipse had banished her children to her mind, where they could speak with each other, but never see them. They could never hold their loves the way they used to, could never set eyes on each other again.
Without their leaders, the Ventil packs soon parted and formed packs of their own species, retreating into the underground. Eclipse was proud of herself for coming up with such a clever plan, but she soon realized the consequences of her actions. She could hear her children's voices, yes, but she could no longer see them. She could not comfort them when they were sad, nor truly see how unhappy they were. And, to make matters worse, she could hear the voices of her children's cursed lovers, calling out to their beloved for centuries.
Finally, she could no longer bear the pain of not seeing her children. Taking her eyes, one in each hand, she let what little light she still had flood into them, turning them into the Sun and Moon. Delicately placing them around Earth, she soon willed them to move, and with her job done, she let herself fade away into the cosmos, becoming nothing more than a legend for small children."
Hey Snowflakes! This was SO HARD TO WRITE, but I eventually got it done! Hope you enjoyed, and be sure to check out my Pokemon book, Project: Titans! I still haven't decided whether or not to keep it, and I'll need your guys' help to give me feedback. That's all for now. Peace out!
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