Bio of an Alien Moth in Human form
(A/N) Yes, I know I don't normally do Bio's, preferring to weave the characteristics of the reader character into story exposition, but as I am making something up whole sale here, it would be vastly easier to explain it all up front.
Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Alias: "The Moth"
Age: 17 (at start)/ 18 (from the Sudden Death Runoff Election onwards)
Species: Quasar Moth (Human base)
Appearance: [(Human form) Adjust colors of eyes, hair, skin, and suit to fit your preference]
(Quasar Moth form)
(True Quasar Moth form?)
Notable Powers:
(Y/N), though appearing human, and supposedly born as one, is actually a Quasar Moth, the only creature in the universe that preys on Life Fibers. As such, he is not only far stronger and faster than humans, but is even able to outperform humans wearing Goku uniforms, and even Kamui! He is fully aware that he is an alien creature, as the hereditary memories of his true ancestors flows through him. He can normally sustain himself on human food, but, starting at puberty, he has had to consume Life Fibers to survive; this will last until the life cycle of the Quasar Moth is completed when/if he attains the True Quasar Moth form. His power grows with each Life Fiber he consumes.
In all forms: he can smell Life Fibers, able to pick out a single unique Life Fiber outfit amongst a crowd of millions, detect the Banshi thread with unerring accuracy, and can track a given Life Fiber for up to 36 miles (in human form; Quasar Moth form can track any Life Fiber on Earth). In addition, his tongue can unravel into a long, hooked needle, to plunge into uniforms, hook onto the Banshi of a Goku uniform (or other Life Fiber object or creature) and weave it into his mouth to consume it.
In human form: He has dramatically increased strength and speed, on par with that of a Kamui enhanced human, and reflexes more than fast enough to catch High Velocity rifle rounds with his bare hands. His skin is bulletproof enough to resist an anti-material round, and weapons made out of Life Fibers are especially ineffective against him. He can summon at will black Moth wings to fly. The wings do not obey physics as we understand them, enabling him to fly in massive windstorms, or on solar winds. He can flash his wings to cause a fear response in Life Fiber beings, although this fear can be overcome. He can shed dust from his wings that causes drowsiness in Humans and other animals. Though not a power unique to his species, he is also very charismatic.
In Quasar Moth form: His strength, speed, reflexes, and durability all exceed all known limits, and he becomes nigh unstoppable. Effortlessly outclassing both Kamui users and Life Fiber enhanced beings in all categories. His wings are always out in this form, and he can fly at incredible speeds. While his wings are spread, lesser Life Fiber clothing (2 star or lower) is paralized with fear, its users unable to move; three star and above Goku uniforms suffer a greatly enhanced version of the fear response, and even most Kamui and Life Fiber enhanced beings will instinctively flee his presence. The dust he can shed from his wings will instantly knock out any non-enhanced human that does not possess incredible willpower. His speed increases when in a vacuum, and, if he left Earth in this form, even at his slowest, he would reach Mars in under 3 days, and another star system in under 3 months. While in this form he can survive in the vacuum of space effortlessly and without a suit. His skin becomes armored and impossible to damage using modern technology, and he is invulnerable to Life Fiber weapons. He also gets an arm weapon that lets him pull out the Banshi of even the toughest Life Fiber uniform, and cut through steel like butter. The only downsides are that this form takes a lot of energy; he must eat a very large meal, at least 40% of which consists of Life Fibers beforehand or he will immediately begin to starve and will be forced to gorge himself to stay alive, and long term use of the form will require hunting Life Fiber Forms in order to sustain it. Secondly, his instincts in the form go on overdrive. While this does help him hunt Life Fibers and stay alive, it also means he has much less control over this form. Instincts such as 'Hunting', 'Chasing', 'Dominance', and 'Mating' are all extremely potent forces, and he often finds himself at their mercy in this form. He cannot attain this form until he hits the Adult Stage of the Quasar Moth Life Cycle on his 18th birthday, and he must spend a portion of that day in a cocoon, gestating his new form. (I hope nothing significant happens that day...)
In True Quasar Moth form: This form is the "end" of a Quasar Moths Life Cycle, (A Strange thing to say as a Quasar Moth that reaches this form is Immortal while they are in it). Its power is truly incalculable, and to attempt to describe it with mere words is an impossible task best left to madmen. This form can only be obtained if over 90% of the planet were covered in Life Fibers... but surely our heroes will keep such a thing from happening, and this form can be safely disregarded.
Personality: Being aware that he is, in fact, not only different from other people, but a genuinely alien life form in the mold of a human, he tends to be a bit of a loner. To offset his loneliness at being the only member of his kind on Earth, he tends to be flippant and act like he doesn't care. But truthfully, he is a sweetheart, that only wants to help people; deep down, he only wants to be loved. Voracious Appetite.
Likes: Strong Women, the Taste of Life Fibers (Italian suits are his favorite), 'Weird' people, When bad things happen to bad people
Dislikes: Life Fiber worshipers, Jag-offs
(A/N): This is a side project so don't expect updates to this story to be as frequent as my other stories. Check them out while you wait for this to update. Or better yet, read some stories from my friends A_Nobody209 and YoBoyMcFly
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