A Moth is invited to attend the Prestigious Honnōji Academy?!
Life is pretty good, ya know? 'Studying abroad' in various countries (really, just an excuse to hunt Life Fibers around the world), hunting down the clothing worshiping minions of COVERS for sport, eating their tasty Life Fiber suits. Yeah... things are pretty good... too good. It's getting easier to find prey every day, and no matter how many COVERS agents I take out, there is always more! It makes my skin crawl, they way they worship clothing like that. Life Fibers aren't the ultimate life form jackasses, I'm living proof of that!
The Apartment I've been staying at was recently raided, and I don't much like getting mail bombed, so this will be my last day in Italy. Shame too, Italian threads really give the Life Fiber a good kick, like an expertly sauced pasta... wait, is that racist? I hope not. Wait, if I'm an alien lifeform, is it even possible for me to be racist? Hmmm...
Suddenly, I hear a distant cough of cordite as a sniper takes fire at me. I catch the bullet between my fingers and inspect it. Looks like a... .270 Winchester?! What the fuck!? I feel insulted! I could have just let that hit me and been on my way! I flick it back at the sniper, hearing the glass of his scope shatter as the bullet passes through it. Well, that's what I get for standing around on an empty street, thinking to myself like a jackass. I headed into an alleyway in case his friends brought real guns to the fight. Probably not, but can't make their job too easy, right?
As I walk into the alley, out from the shadows step a group of well dressed goons. Their friends fill in behind me to block my escape. Well, cards on the table, I could just... ya know, fly away. But these men got paid good money to get their teeth kicked in by me- I mean to try and kill me. Don't want them to walk away empty handed right? And if I break their hands, they ain't really empty.
They all rush me at once. Because clearly these are tactical geniuses. However will I match them? Oh, wait, by being awesome, that's how! In a flurry of kicks too fast and sudden for their eyes to really track, I launch most of the small fry away from me. The suits these guys are wearing barely have any Life Fibers in them. They might as well be ordinary humans.
Goon: "Impressive. Let's see how you handle a real challenge, 'Moth'!" A bigger, bulkier guy steps up to me. Judging by the smell of his clothes, that suit is about 10% Life Fibers. And, like the others here, Italian made too! Nice. I did just eat but... I could always eat more. He throws a punch at me, and, being the good sport that I am, I let him hit me square in the face. There is a loud bone cracking sound from his hand. As for me? Didn't hurt, or even mess up my hair.
He pulls his hand back, clutching it in pain. Goon: "What the hell?! What kind of uniform are you wearing?!" I smirk at that. (Y/N): "Just a cheap suit." I slam my fist into his stomach, lifting him off the ground. (Y/N): "Yours looks much tastier, mind if I take a bite!" I open my mouth and unfurl my long, needle-like tongue, stabbing it into his uniform, and curling it around the Banshi. I then whip my tongue around, pulling the Banshi, and the rest of the uniform, into my mouth. The distinct taste of a fine marinara fills me, as the dumb goon drops to the ground, naked.
The other goons in the Life Fiber uniforms start to panic. "What the fuck!?!" "Did he just fucking EAT HIS SUIT?!?" "What kind of monster is this?!?" You'd think that COVERS would tell the agents and assassins they send after me about who I really am, but 1. I'm not entirely sure they know the answer to that question and 2. Even if they do, my existence as a Life Fiber predator throws their whole 'clothing is god' idea into question.
I simply smile, and say "Wanna see why they call me 'The Moth'?" I then lunged at them, eager to get at their life fibers. I don't even remember how i kicked their asses; it was that easy.
After sucking up the remaining Life Fibers, I'm about to summon my wings, when I hear someone start to approach me from behind. (Y/N): "You aren't nearly as sneaky as you think." The footsteps stop. A breathy male voice responds. ???: "You seem amazing at fighting clothing. Almost as if you had evolved to hunt it." I smirk; I think I found a guy with an actual head on his shoulders instead of a hat rack. (Y/N): "Yeah, maybe..." I turn to face him. (Y/N): "Who wants to kn- Why are you naked?!"
There he was, this buck ass naked blue haired man. There was, at his feet, the uniform of what looked like a school teacher. I turned my head to the side and put up my hands to avoid looking directly at him. It's bad enough that I see naked guys when I eat Life Fibers, I do not need to see that shit out of nowhere.
???: "I represent a group that fights for the freedom of man to be his unadorned self. I fight for Nudist Beach. We're Nudist Beach. It is the name of our organization. Nudist BEEEEAAAACH!" I blink in surprise. (Y/N): "Why is that not the dumbest name for what is technically a terrorist organization I've ever heard of?" ???: "We are not-" (Y/N): "I'mma stop you there chief, don't care."
I start to walk away. ???: "WAIT! You'll want to hear about this if you really do feast on Life Fibers!" I keep walking; what could this naked weirdo offer me. ???: "There is a School in Japan where nearly every student has a uniform with Life Fibers in it!" That catches my attention, but I keep on walking. I'm not just gonna join up with the first anti-COVERS group that sends a naked man my way. (Maybe a naked woman, but not this guy; I like his enthusiasm but, no.) ???: "There are even some students with uniforms that are constructed of 30% Life Fibers, and they have their own on site tailor!" I stop dead in my tracks and swivel around to face him. (Making damn sure to maintain eye contact.)
(Y/N): "Bullshit!" The man looks me in the eye, and with a swift motion of his foot, pulls out a card from the pocket of his jeans (which are still on the floor) and tosses it to me. On it, it says "Honnōji Academy". Wait... I heard of this place before. The school on the island, where the Student Council President rules both the school and the city below. This does lend credibility to his words.
(Y/N): "Alright... What's your game, nudey man?" ???: "Nudist Beach fights against the tyranny of the Life Fibers, and I, Aik-" I hold up one of my fingers, as I smell something in the air. (Y/N): "Shut up. Sniff-sniff. You smell that, playboi?" We're being watched. I whip my tongue through the brick wall of the building to my left, hooking onto the Banshi thread of the suit I smelt, and pull the dumb spy through the wall.
(Y/N): "Well well well... A fly on the wall, eh?" The terrified and naked goon simply shivers in fear, a headset on his head relaying information back to some unknown master... But, it's not any model I've seen from COVERS... and this guy is way too young to be in the workforce. Why, he looks a little younger than I am!
???: "That is a student from Honnōji Academy. A member of the International Espionage Club if I'm not mistaken." Wait, WHAT?!? (Y/N): "Great, now I have to attend to see what other kinda weird shit they got at this academy." I gently kick off the headset and smash it. I toss the kid some money to get some new clothes then turn back to the man. (Do not look down!)
(Y/N): "Alright, I'm sold. I'm in, but stay the hell out of my way, please. I don't need to worry about you and your weirdo friends getting hurt in the collateral." The man nods. ???: "We shall meet again, at Honnōji, (Y/N) (L/N)." He knows my real name!? He quickly got dressed and fled the alley before I could snap out of my shock.
Well, If I'm going to Japan, I better pack my stuff before the next raid on the apartment happens. I summon my wings and take flight. I feel like my life is about to get very interesting.
Satsuki POV
Inumuta: "And that's the last of the feed before the agent was found and the camera destroyed." I stared at the handsome face of the newest potential ally against the Life Fibers frozen on the screen. He's very clearly not human, and it seems my mother's belief that Life Fibers are the ultimate form of life in the universe has just been disproven.
Inumuta: " I don't like this, we know far too little about him."
Gamagōri: "He certainly seems like a trouble maker!"
Nonon: "Shame he's some kinda freak; otherwise he's hot as hell."
Uzu: "Heh, seems like he'd be fun to take on in a fight."
Satsuki: "Gamagōri, send out an invitation to him as soon as he arrives. I want him in this school as soon as possible." The others looked a bit shocked at my sudden decision. Gamagōri: "Y-yes, Lady Satsuki." I smile; this year will certainly prove interesting.
To be continued
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