A Special Day for a Composer
Today was a special day in the agency.
Reiji was cooking a lot of delicious food while Akira[1], Fuyumi's best friend and also the junior of Ranmaru, was hanging up decorations and such.
Ai was helping out with the decorations.
Camus was only sitting and sipping his tea calmly, not really doing anything.
Mika and Mich[2], Fuyumi's twin cousins, were debating on what gift they were going to go with.
Ranmaru came in a few minutes after and just looked at everyone, confused on what they were doing. "What's up with everyone?" Ranmaru asked to Ai, who was the closes one next to him beside the double doors.
Ai blinked at him and rose an eyebrow. "You didn't know?" He questioned him.
"Know what?" Ranmaru questioned back.
"RANRAN, YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!" Reiji suddenly appeared in front of him. Ranmaru jerked back and glared at him.
"I said, know what?"
"You didn't know, RanRan?!" Akira appeared beside him while Ranmaru jumped a bit and looked at her as his eye twitched.
"KNOW WHAT?" Ranmaru growled clearly frustrated on him having to repeat thrice.
Camus sighed and looked at him with his usual straight look. "It's Yukimura's birthday, you idiot."
".... Wasn't that suppose to be tomorrow?" Ranmaru asked as he looked at them. Everyone stared at him for a moment before sighing. The rocker blinked as sweat rolled down his cheek.
"It's today, dumbass!" Akira said as she threw a shoe at him, which in the process Ranmaru got himself a headshot.
Ai jabbed his side while wearing an annoyed face.
Reiji flicked his forehead afterwards while pouting at him. The rocker jerked back a bit.
"OI!" Ranmaru glared at them while growling.
"That's for forgetting her birthday!" The trio said at the same time.
Camus watched them from the corner as he sipped his tea calmly, staying away from trouble.
"Instead of asking questions, why won't you just help me cook?" Reiji offered him an apron.
Ranmaru sighed and he snatched the apron as he started wearing it on him. "Fine."
"YEY! RANRAN IS GOING TO HELP MAMA REI-CHAN COOK!!" Reiji exclaimed as he sprinted off back to the kitchen. "Shut up." Ranmaru rolled his eyes and followed him from behind. Before going, Ranmaru gave Akira a small kiss on the cheek.
"Akira! Reiji-senpai! Ai!"
Reiji went out and blinked when his name was called. Ai and Akira did the same thing.
"That was Fuyumi!" Mika said as he stood up from his seat.
"I hear footsteps! She's coming here!" Mich panicked internally. "W-What are we going to do?!"
"Someone needs to distract her!" Mika flailed as he panicked along with his twin.
"I'll do it." Ai said as he approached the door.
Meanwhile, Fuyumi was at the other side, already in front of the double doors as she turned the handle with a soft click, indicating it was open. She was about to push it open when Ai, on the other side, swiftly closed and locked it.
"Huh?" Fuyumi blinked a few times as she tried to open it. "What? This was open a second ago."
"Done." Ai said as he turned his back from the door. Reiji sweatdropped at him as he let out a nervous laugh. "That was... a good idea, Ai-Ai..."
Fuyumi looked at the door and she took a deep breath.
"That would hold her for a mome--"
The others watched as Ai got hit by the door as they cringed a bit. Looks like Fuyumi kicked opened the door.
"A-AH! FUYU!" Akira quickly jumped in front of her to block her view as she was sweating. "W-WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE?!"
"Oh, Akira." Fuyumi looked at her. "There you are."
"A-Anyways, is there anything you need, Fuyu?" She asked nervously as she continued blocking her point of view.
"Yeah, about today..."
Everyone looked at her as they went suddenly in full panic. Did she figured out the surprise party?!
"... Have you seen Shouta? Today's the day I'm going to bring him to the vet. Is he here?" Fuyumi asked as she took a step aside while Akira blocked her once again.
"Sh-Shouta? Ohhhh, you mean the dog? The model dog? Yeah... Uh... I think he went outside...! He was chasing a squirrel a while ago!" Akira stuttered as she started sweating even more.
Fuyumi rose an eyebrow at her. "But I already checked outside and I couldn't find him." She took another step to the other side.
Akira blocked her again. "Y-Y-YOU DIDN'T LOOK HARD ENOUGH!"
Fuyumi looked at her suspiciously before shrugging him off. "Well alright..." She said as she turned around. "I'll go look for him again." The rookie started walking out as the others in the room sighed in relief.
"That was close." Reiji said as he closed the door and folded his arms behind his back. "We should hurry up and finish before Fuyu-chan gets even more suspicious."
Akira gave a thumbs up before going back to decorating. Ai nodded and looked at the side as he sweatdropped when he saw Shouta getting tangled in the streamers. The android sighed as he crouched down and helped him get untangled. "When will you stop playing with streamers?"
Shouta barked as he licked his cheek.
In the hallways, Fuyumi's ears perked as she heard the doggie bark. "Shouta?"
"SHE'S COMING BACK!" Reiji signalled as he flailed his arms.
"Shouta!" Fuyumi called out as she turned her heels and started coming back.
"Sh!" Ai shushed at Shouta.
Shouta barked once again when his name was called.
"Shhh!" Ai shushed at him again.
Fuyumi came back in and Akira swiftly blocked her view again. Ai quickly covered Shouta up with a blanket.
"I heard Shouta." Fuyumi said as he looked around but Akira kept on blocking her vision.
"Shouta is not here!" Akira said as she smiled nervously.
"Woof." Shouta barked under the blanket but it was a bit mumbled. Ai looked at him and shushed him before looking at Fuyumi to avoid suspicion.
"I heard a woof." Fuyumi said as she looked towards Ai but Reiji quickly went in front of Ai. "Shouta, are you in here?"
"Woof!" Reiji synced with Shouta, trying to hide. "I-I was making dog noises...! B-Because... Uhm... Uh... I-I was..."
"He was practicing for a play because he's playing as a dog." Camus added as he sipped his tea calmly.
Reiji looked at him as he sweatdropped but went with the flow. "R-Right! Woof! Woof!" The brunet forced a grin while he began sweating.
Fuyumi stared at him before nodding. "Well... Good luck with the play. I'll go find Shouta then." She said as she walked out, going back to find the little dog.
"Good luck finding him!" Reiji waved while smiling. He turned to Camus with his eyebrows furrowing. "A dog in a play? Really, Myu-chan?"
"You're welcome." Camus said as he ate a piece of shortcake.
Ranmaru came out of the kitchen while wiping his hands on the apron. "You know you guys could have just gave Shouta to her since she IS going to the vet which means she's going out and that leads to us with no Fuyumi in the Master Course."
Everyone looked at him before facepalm-ing.
"Why didn't we think of that?" Ai said as he sighed and picked up Shouta. "Well... I better give Shouta to Fuyumi before she starts panicking and crying."
"Alright, Ai-Ai. We'll finish up the rest here~"
Ai nodded at him before walking out. He looked at Shouta. "You're getting heavy. What has Fuyumi been feeding you?"
Shouta just looked at him and licked his cheek while Ai smiled down at him.
Fuyumi let out a tired sigh and plopped down on the couch. "Where is he?! He could be anywhere!!" She thought as she messed up her hair in frustration then sulked. "Ahhh... I feel like crying..."
Ai finally found her and let Shouta down. He motioned for the puppy to go and Shouta nodded then started running towards her. He jumped on the couch and crawled go her lap.
Fuyumi blinked at the warm sensation on her lap and looked down. "Shouta! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" She picked him up and hugged him.
Ai smiled at the sight and approached her. "Otanjoubi Omedetou, Fuyumi." He kissed her forehead softly.
"Oh, Ai." Fuyumi voiced out as she blushed but then she blinked in confusion. "Eh... Come again? Who's birthday?"
The bluenette stared at her blankly before answering bluntly. "... It's your birthday, Fuyumi."
Fuyumi stared at him before bringing out her phone and checked her calendar. Ai facepalmed at his girlfriend before sighing.
"Oh... I thought it was tomorrow..." The composer muttered as she hid her phone back.
"Really. Even forgetting your own birthday? You're such a dork." Ai said then he smiled as he sat down beside her and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Well... I guess that's why I fell for you, I suppose."
Fuyumi looked at him blushing pink as she looked down caressing Shouta's back. Ai smiled again before bringing out something. "Here. Your present." He said as he showed her a box.
She tilted her head at him because he was looking away and blushing a bit. Fuyumi smiled and giggled at how cute he was and accepted the gift. "Thank you." She said as she opened it now and brought out a stuff toy... of him? A stuffed toy Mikaze Ai that's dressed up as an animal? (A/N: Refer to the picture above :3)
Fuyumi blinked at it and looked at the stuffed toy then at Ai then at it again then at him again then--
"Just look at it closely." Ai ordered with his eyebrows furrowing. Fuyumi laughed a bit before looking at it closely. She noticed a small box in its hands. She blinked as she took it and opened it.
Inside was a ring.
Fuyumi looked at it then she turned her direction to Ai, definitely speechless.
Ai was blushing as he averted his eyes to the side and took the box and took the ring. "According to my data, this is a lovers' ring and ... and Reiji told me it was a good idea as a gift plus I have a matching one as well and all..." He said as he trailed off and took her hand. Ai looked at her and tilted his head while smiling. "May I?"
Fuyumi smiled back as her eyes softened. "Of course."
The bluenette slipped in the ring in her finger as he held her hand with the same hand with the matching ring on it. "Happy birthday, Fuyumi." Ai said softly as he placed his forehead against her. Fuyumi smiled at him brightly as Ai returned the smile with a warm one.
"Thank you, Ai."
Reiji cried tears of joy at the corner while he watched Ai and Fuyumi. "T-They're so adorable...!" He cried as he sniffed and blew on a handkerchief. "They're growing up so fast, Michy!"
Mich nodded in agreement beside him as she wiped a tear. "Fuyu is growing up so fast even I can't handle it, Reichy." She said as she smiled. "Oh, and also, Mika and I know what kind of present we're going to give her!"
"Oh? Really? What is it?"
"Well... It's..." Mich whispered into Reiji's ear as he listened closely before smiling.
"That's a great present~ Alright! Let's finish up the preparation!" The brunet chirped as he looked behind and gave a thumbs up. "I'm leaving the rest to you, Nacchan!"
Natsuki nodded enthusiastically as Reiji and Mich went back before running towards Ai.
Ai blinked as he started hearing running footsteps coming. Fuyumi looked at him questioningly because she was hearing it as well. "What is tha--"
Suddenly, Ai disappeared from her side as a color of yellow dashed passed her. Natsuki looked back to Fuyumi and smiled while running. "Sorry, Fuyu-chan! But I'm borrowing Ai-chan for a moment~!"
"O-Oi, Natsuki! What's the meaning of this...?!" Ai looked at him with an annoyed look.
"Sorry, Ai-chan! Rei-chan asked me to do this~"
Fuyumi watched them as they disappeared at the corner before laughing. She looked down and stood up, carrying Shouta in her arms. "Looks like its just you and me, Shouta. To the vet!" She said as she pointed towards the door and walked out while Shouta barked gleefully.
Later that night...
Ai's eye twitched in annoyance while Natsuki kept taking pictures of him, Reiji squealed on how adorable he was, and Syo was laughing out loud.
"STOP LAUGHING!" Ai flared at the blond while Syo showed no signs on stopping. The android looked at Reiji with the same annoyed look. "Reiji! What's the meaning of this?!"
Currently, Ai was dressed up in a suit which was normal but...
"Oh, you mean the bunny ears and top hat you're wearing?" Reiji said as he tilted his head. "Well... I thought it would have been cute if you wore them and plus, according to Michy and Mimi, Fuyu-chan likes bunnies~"
Ai twitched at this as he internally swore to double their schedules. Akira came up and patted his back. "Do it for Fuyu, Ai!" She said as she winked at him.
"She's coming!" Mika said as he closed the door. "Hurry hide!"
Mich gave Ai a big box before going for herself to hide. Ai blinked at it and looked for a place to hide but eventually he had no other place to hide.
Fuyumi walked in and saw Ai them blushed. "Ai?"
Ai flinched and looked at her. "O-Oh Fuyumi..."
"What are you wearing?" Fuyumi asked as she looked at him from head to toe.
"It looks cute on you!" Fuyumi said as she took a picture of him with her phone.
Everyone jumped out as confetti popped and the greeting banner came down.
Fuyumi had a startled look as she looked at them.
Akira quickly glomped behind her. "Happy birthday, Fuyu!"
Reiji hugged her while Ai eyed him carefully. "Happy happy birthday, Fuyu-chan!"
"Yeah... Happy birthday, kiddo." Ranmaru greeted as he crossed his arms.
"Happy birthday, Yukimura." Camus casually greeted her as he looked away while Mika nudged him and laughed.
"Happy birthday, Fuyu!" The twins greeted her as they smiled and grinned.
"Happy birthday, Fuyu-chan!" Natsuki cheered as he clapped.
"Yo, happy birthday!" Syo grinned as he waved.
Mika ushered Ai to move forward and so he did. Ai walked towards Fuyumi and handed her a box. "Again, Happy birthday. This time its from all of us."
Fuyumi looked at it and felt speechless yet again. How many times will she get even speechless in one day? She took it and opened it.
"A book?" Fuyumi questioned at them.
"Open it." Akira said as she grinned at her while Ranmaru placed an arm around her shoulders.
Fuyumi opened it and saw a lot of pictures of them through every page they spent together. At the very end, there were touching notes or letter from each of them, especially from Camus and Ranmaru. She quietly read them as she looked away.
Ai tilted his head. "Fuyumi?"
"Y-Yes...?" Her voice croaked as she sniffed and wiped of something. Ai blinked and chuckled at before patting her head.
The others smiled at her before she looked at them smiling back. "Thank you, you guys!" She beamed at them as Mika brought out a camera.
"Alright then! Fuyu and Ai come on! Its picture time! We'll do ours later~" Mika said as he adjusted his glasses. "The last pages of the book is blank because that's going to be the pictures for tonight."
"You better make it romantic!" Mich pointed out while Reiji fully agreed with her.
"Mich!" Fuyumi looked at her blushing a bit. Mich did a peace sign and grinned at her playfully.
"Well, we better get on with it so I can change my clothes." Ai said as he moved closer to Fuyumi and removed the bunny ears and hat.
"Okai, okai~" Fuyumi moved closer to him before smiling towards the camera. Ai smiled at the camera before looking at Fuyumi. He cupped her cheek and turned her head before kissing her.
At that moment, Mika already took the picture as he whistled. Reiji and Mich squealed at the moment while Akira squealed and shook Ranmaru back and forth, the rocker just made a straight face. Camus just watched but there was a hint of small smile on his lips.
Ai pulled away and smiled at her.
Fuyumi stared at him a bit speechless before flashing a smile.
Definitely, another night to remember. A special day for a composer.
Too fluffy? (つ﹏<)
Ehe~! I'm back~ Sorry if I haven't been updating recently but its Christmas vacation! Woohoo! Now I have more free time~
Oh, before I say some things, lemme just point out some important notes:
[1] Akira isn't my OC but my bestfriend's, Yuki-tan_16, OC. Her story with RanRan is pretty cute~ (^ω^)
[2] Mika and Mich, as I said, are Fuyumi's twin cousins. I haven't fully introduce them yet but I will in the future chapters(or even books). (✿ ' v ')
And that's it~ Anyways, back to I was suppose to say, I hope you enjoyed reading this~ Never knew it got this long o-o
On the side note, Right now, I'm just crying because STARMYU(or High School Star Musical) just ended and it was so cool~ I'm still hoping for season 2 so badly! SAME GOES FOR UTAPRI! I WANT THE NEXT SEASON ALREADY! 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。
Welp! I better stop there XD That's all I have to say! I'll see you on the next chapter then~
Bye bye~ Hope you have a Merry Christmas~!!ヽ(・∀・)ノ ☆
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