On a lovely afternoon in the Master Course, the Quartet Night were writing lyrics on some solo songs that their composer had composed for them. Right now, the only one's that were writing were Ranmaru and Camus. Ai wasn't writing yet because he couldn't think of what kind of song that he wanted to write. Reiji, on the other hand, was having a hard time writing his lyrics while he balanced his pencil on top of his lips and staring at the empty paper.
"Augh! I can't think of anything!!" Reiji whined as he messed up his hair in frustration. He looked at Fuyumi and pouted at her. "Fuyu-chan~ Can you help me with the lyrics~?"
Fuyumi looked up from her notebook to look at him and just laughed. "Alright, Reiji-senpai." She stood up and walked towards the brunet and started helping him out with the lyrics. Unknown to her, Ai kept glancing at her every now and then while he tapped his pencil on the paper.
Seconds later, Fuyumi's phone rang. The composer looked down and looked at the brunet. "Hold on. I gotta take this." She brought out her phone and walked out of the room.
When she left, Ai sighed and looked down. Noticing his friend's down look, Reiji got up from his seat leaving his unfinished lyrics and went straight to the bluenette. "What's wrong, Ai-Ai~?" He asked as he looked at the Ai's paper and saw nothing was written yet which was... kind of odd.
Ai looked at the brunet and looked back down on the paper then let out another sigh. "... I feel like making Fuyumi a stupid person." He quietly said as he tapped his pencil on the table.
Reiji blinked and tilted his head. "But didn't you guys agreed that Fuyu-chan is a stupid person?"
Upon hearing this statement from the older teen, Camus choked on his tea while Ranmaru choked on his own saliva. Ai looked at him with an annoyed face. "Do you really have to remind me that?"
"That was before!" Ranmaru said as he sighed.
"We left that behind us." Camus said as he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.
"I mean, she's very clueless that I'm an android, Reiji." Ai cleared out while Reiji just formed an 'o' shape mouth as he nodded at the younger teen.
"So you're afraid that she... won't accept you?"
Ai nodded slowly as he looked at the other direction. "Not only that..."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
"When I talk to her, my chest tightens. I actually don't know what feeling is this every time I talk to her." Ai said slowly as he looked at Reiji, trying to find answers from him.
"Well, aren't you two together...?" The brunet asked confusingly. "I mean you two looked like you are."
Ai blinked and tilted his head. "Together...?"
"You know..." Reiji said as he raised two of his fingers on both hands. "Boyfriend." He moved the right finger in the middle. "Girlfriend." He moved his left finger close to the other one and intertwined them together.
Ai stared at him with a straight face. "... You know having an intimate relationship is forbidden in the dorm." He stated nonchalantly.
"Are you two secretly together then?" Reiji asked as he placed his chin on his palm.
Ai stayed silent before sighing. "Fine. You got me. We are dating."
"Aha! I knew it!" Reiji exclaimed as he squealed like a fangirl. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe this is happening! Ai-Ai is growing up so fast~ AH! But, you guys better be careful, okay? You don't want to get caught."
"I know that. But I am still learning about love..." Ai said as he trailed off form his words. "Love is still not in my data."
"Oh, I've got an idea on how to help you with that!" Reiji said as he took out his phone and started recording Ai. "Talk about Fuyu-chan for me~ Tell me about her~"
Ai looked at him with a deadpan face. "She's clumsy."
"Go on. Let all the things you think of her."
"She's a crybaby, claustrophobic, too scared to cross the streets..." Ai continued as he stopped for a moment before his eyes softened a bit then he leaned his cheek on the palm of his hand. "... but she never looked back on the negative sides, she's positive, her smile fits her, a hard worker, a cheerful person..."
"Uh huh~" The brunet hummed happily on seeing Ai smiling a little while he was drifted into his thoughts while he continued recording his reactions. "How about what she looks like?"
"Small... Midget." His face quickly went to a straight face but then his smiled curved up a little. "but cute to be honest..."
"A-And... pretty..." Ai finished as a blush formed beyond his cheeks. Unknown to him, the others were watching him with smirks. Reiji stopped recording as he grinned at him.
"Got it! Now watch this!" The brunet exclaimed as he played the video in front the android's face.
"Wait... You were recording that?!" Ai looked at Reiji with an irritated look.
"Just watch it! Until the end!"
Ai watched the video of him expressing his thoughts and noticed at the end that his cheeks turned pink. Reiji noticed that Ai found something and grinned.
"So what did you notice?"
"My cheeks turned pink..."
"And what is that~?" Reiji continued asking him questions as Ai looked at him a bit suspicious but nonetheless answered.
"What causes it~?"
"According to my data, blushing can either be a sign of having a fever of one self's getting sick or..." Ai paused for a moment and looked up to the ceiling a bit like a floating thought appeared on top of his head. "When... I was talking about Fuyumi?"
The brunet nodded enthusiastically at him.
"Fuyu-chan + Blushing = Ai-Ai in love~!" Reiji chirped as he clapped his hands. "Simple as that~"
Ai stayed silent for a moment before a blush started showing off. "I see..."
Camus and Ranmaru just looked at each other and sighed. Reiji snapped a photo of Ai blushing on his phone as he laughed. "Also..."
The bluenette looked at him questioningly.
"Ai-Ai + Fuyu-chan = Mini Ai-Ais and Mini Fuyu-chans ♥!!" Reiji exclaimed.
Ai smacked his head in the process. Camus just sighed in disappointment while Ranmaru facepalm-ed at the brunet.
"You know very well that I don't have the biological system to create life." Ai stated as he glared at Reiji.
"That's why there's called adoption~" Reiji said as he chuckled. "So ready to tell her?"
Ai looked at him and sighed. "I'm not sure if I'm ready..."
"I've known Fuyu-chan for as long as I can! And a secret is being kept from her, she gets mad." Reiji said as he placed his hands on his hips.
"You've only met her last month!" Ranmaru added at the background. "Heck, we've even only met her last month!"
"We barely know her." Camus said as he sipped his tea.
"Don't ruin my cool, you two!" Reiji whined at them while the two just rolled their eyes.
"I guess I should tell her..." Ai said while he ignored the bickering that was taking progress.
As of cue, Fuyumi walked back in. "I'm back!"
"Weba, Usa-chan~" Reiji greeted her with a smile.
"Usa-cha...?" Fuyumi blinked at him.
"Weird nickname." Camus commented.
"Pervert." Ranmaru commented next.
"Mou! What's with you two ganging up on me?!" Reiji whined at them before a happy thought came through his mind. "Could it be... You two put your differences aside and became best buddies?!"
"No. We just don't like you." Camus shot back.
"That's the only thing we agree on." Ranmaru said as he stretched his arms and laid back down the couch.
"Ja jan..." Reiji sulked at the corner as he started drawing circles on the floor.
Fuyumi sweatdropped while Ai just let out a sigh. He looked at Fuyumi and took her hand. "I need to tell you something."
Fuyumi looked at him as Ai dragged her somewhere private. Reiji watched them from a far as he waved a flag with a #Aiyumi on it.
Ai came back and threw a stack of magazines at him then walked out.
"WAH!!" Reiji got hit by it. "Oh look! There's a recipe for cordon bleu in here!"
Ranmaru facepalm-ed again while Camus made an annoyed look.
Ai led Fuyumi to the piano room and looked at her very seriously.
"... Fuyumi..."
"Yes, Ai-chan-senpai?" Fuyumi asked him as she tilted her head.
Ai's eyebrow twitched. "Ai-chan-senpai...?"
"Hey! Its cute!" Fuyumi laughed at the nickname with a smile.
"... Fuyumi... This is really important so... Please don't get angry." Ai started slowly as he held both of her hands. "I..."
Fuyumi became a bit worried. "Ai, did something happened?"
Ai took a deep breath and looked at Fuyumi in the eyes. "Fuyumi... I'm not human... I'm an android. An idol robot to be precise."
Fuyumi blinked and looked at him with disbelief. "EHHHHH?!?!"
Ai felt a bit disappointed at her reaction. "I knew it... She won't accept me..." He let go of her hands and turned around.
"I'm sorry I only told you this now. The others know about it for a long time now and since you are new here... I think you should know..." Ai said as he looked down on the floor. "You have the chance to turn away right now, Fuyumi..."
Ai waited for answer but he heard none and thought that Fuyumi walked away when he started hearing footsteps. He suddenly felt arms wrapped around him from behind as he glanced over his shoulder. "Fuyumi...?"
"Idiot... I won't leave you..." Fuyumi said as she hugged him a bit tight. "I don't care if you're an android! You're the strict yet caring Mikaze Ai I love... That won't ever change."
Ai turned around and hugged her back. "And you're the Yukimura Fuyumi that always make me smile that I love..." He whispered softly as he kissed the top of her head. "Thank you..."
"Hm?" Fuyumi looked at him.
Ai looked at her as tears fell down from his eyes. "Thank you for loving me, Fuyumi... Thank you..." He kissed her softly as the other kissed back. After a few seconds, he pulled away and placed his forehead on hers. "I think I know what kind of lyrics I'm going to write... Will you play the song?"
Fuyumi smiled at him. "Of course." She pulled away and went to sit in front of the piano then played the song. Ai hummed and began singing "A.I" with a bit of passion.
When the song was almost at the end, Ai went to sit beside Fuyumi and looked at her softly.
"AIshiteru... Aishiteru."
Ai smiled at her and kissed her again.
I feel like I haven't updated in a while... • - •
Ahaha~ Today's chapter was inspired by Ai's song, A.I~ All I have to say that I love this song so much that it made me cry qwq
I hope you enjoyed it~ Next chapter might be another song reference because I love writing these kind of stuff XD
I might go with funny scenes the next time too :3
Until the next chapter~ Bye Bye~ ( ^ u ^ )>
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