Chapter 2
"PEOPLE DID WHAT?!" I shout. Nearly running my hands through my hair, but manage not to. Arden, Devil and Luka just got back. Luka just told a story of which I couldn't believe. Shit!I should have skipped, I could have protected all of them! Luka flinches from my reaction. "Sorry." I add, my talking speeding up as I spiral.
Standing outside of Arden's house, all of us are here.
"Dendrobatidae, don't worry about me!" Luka replies, cutting me off. Trying to calm me down.
"I will always worry about you! That's just who I am! So shut the fuck up and let me worry!" Pausing I gasp for air. Fear putting her hand on my shoulder. "Also, did you just call me the scientific name for a poison dart frog?"
"Yes, and since you literally screamed what. I guess I'm gonna have to tell you again. So people chased Arden and Devil, tried to kill Devil, then I fought them off." It stated as if it were a day of school or something. Yawning, they just stand there.
"So, first... You come out to your parents, who did not accept you, then your father chased you into a forest and continued to chase you to the point where you jumped off a goddamn CLIFF. "
Cutting me off Luka states. "I took a wrong turn okay?"
"No. Not okay. YOU JUMPED OFF A FUCKING CLIFF. And also dont interrupt me when im being parent mode... not like your parents we hate them...They're fucking shit bags, whom have no personality. Anyways, so after you jumped off a cliff, you were thrown into a river, then into a lake?" Luka tries to speak, but there's no stopping me when I'm spiraling. "It's not an actual question. So then, your father caught up with you after you got out of the lake, then two extra footsteps joined your father's? Again not a question. Then after you passed some ruins... I don't think I've ever seen any 'ruins' before. " Using air quotations while saying ruins. "Then a person wearing a white mask jumped down from trees, holding a GUN. I swear, you are gonna get killed one of these days." Pressing my face into my hands. Forgetting about my black eye,causing pain. I quickly remove my hands, hair still covering it.
"Wait. I am? Yay!" Luka cheers. Fuck. I need to protect you guys better. I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough.
"What- wait no! No dying!" Finally realizing what e said. Everyone else is silent. It's just me and Luka talking.
"Wwwwwwhhhhhhhhyyyyy nnnnnnooooottt?...." they state in a whiny voice.
"Because I said so."
"But you're not the parent of the group."
"I'm dating the parent of the group." Giving Fear, a kiss on the cheek.
"And I'm non-sibling with the parent of the group... Wait, am I the uncle?.... *gasp* me and dylan are the gay uncles...." Are conversation continuing for a while. Fear, Arden, Devil and Dylan only jumping in to add to our chaoticly fucked family tree. None of our actually related though.
Slowly, the conversation became a recap of me, Fear, and Dylan's day. Though I deliberately left out the part about me getting into a fight. My stomach slightly hurting and black eye covered. After a while, Dylan looks at Luka concerned.
"Um...... You ok?" He asks, to which Luka responds with an evil grin. "Oh, Kai? Wait, oh no." Saying oh no, in a sarcastic tone.
"Hey I take offense to that!" Lu- Kai one of Luka's altars states, dramatically placing his hands where his heart is. Noticing Kai, Arden turns to him. Joyfully gasping.
"KAI. HELLO." A big smile on her face.
"Hello my friend."
Cutting in Devil states. "Oh, Kai's here? Cool... So back to the conversation. After a while of talking I zone out a bit, leaning on Fear. Only to catch attention Dylan asking Kai something.
"Where are you to going?" Apparently Luka and Arden were sneaking away from the conversation.
"Video games." He states. Nodding in reply Dylan joins back into the conversation, while Kai and Arden go and play video games. After about ten minutes, we decide it's time to head back in. Following Fear, my phone starts ringing. It's mom. Fuck.
"I gotta take this." Fear nods and heads inside. Answering the phone, I hold it up to my ear. "Hey mom!"
"What happened today! I got an email from the principal saying you go into a fight again?! Give me one good reason why you shouldn't come home this instant!"
"Mom, me getting into a fight had nothing to do with Luka, a kid was getting picked on and I couldn't just leave it alone! I tried to deescalate the situation but it didn't work. Also, one guy was a perv and tried to grab my ass, of course I fought back!"
"Fine, but try to stay out of trouble. All of this goes on your permanent record you know."
"Sweet, it'll say that I stand up for the little guys? Awesome." I state sarcastically.
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah, I know... Well since you're here can I give you a status report?"
"Sure." Telling her the entire day, except for the stuff that Luka told me recently. I update her on the latest. Then tell her goodbye and head down stairs with the others.
"What took you so long Froggie?" Kai asks. Sitting down beside Fearie, who was on the ground beside him.
"I was calling mother dearest." Instantly they all knew what took so long. We play video games for a while. Me and Fear cuddling. Eventually sie fell asleep, and soon my eye got droopy as well. As I drifted off next to her...
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