War, Aftermath, And Sorrow

Percy's POV

I was trudging through Tartarus, Annabeth by my side. Neither of us speaking, wanting to save what little bit of energy we had left. Following the River Styx, we were making our way to the heart of Tartarus. That's when suddenly, I was thrown forward. I hit the ground hard, pain searing through my back. 

Annabeth screamed and ran to my side. I got up wearily to see something I wish I didn't have to in this place. Standing over where I was thrown from was Perses. He had a cloak that covered most of his face but I could see a vicious grin on his face, he laughed darkly,  his voice resonating throughout the cavern loudly,"If it isn't the mighty hero of Olympus. I must say, I never thought I'd see the day you were stuck here. Too bad this will be your last day."

He then charged me at alarming speeds, I had barely enough time to block it. He then went into a flurry of attacks, throwing me onto the offensive. He feinted a blow towards my head which I went to block but he kicked me in the chest. I went flying back and landed in something that somewhat cushioned my fall. Unfortunately, it was the Styx.

Pain seared all throughout my body as the Styx burned away my soul and body. I tried to think of a mortal point and what would bind me to mortality but I couldn't. Suddenly it all stopped. I looked around and saw Lady Styx glaring at me."So, you got my blessing once but you lost it, and now you try again? You dare insult me?" She said deadly calm. 

I gulped, thinking about what to say next, knowing very well my next moment could be my last. "L-Lady Styx," I studdered out,"I mean no disrespect. I was, well in simple terms, Sparta kicked into your river. I had no intention of getting the blessing again. I do not need to get it, just let me live. Please." I begged.

She seemed to ponder this for a second."I will, but you will carry my curse. On one condition." I groaned inwardly but nodded nonetheless. "You will not know where you're mortal spot is. Now leave!" She ordered and before I could argue I was spat out of the river.

I landed on the bank of the river, my skin red and steaming. I looked up and to my horror, saw Annabeth fighting  Perses one on one. I sprinted over, drawing Riptide and jumped up, stabbing him in the back and severing his spinal cord. He screamed in agony, falling to the ground. I stabbed him in the chest repeatedly, and his image started fading in and out. 

Once he was fully gone I felt a surge of power in me. I didn't understand so I just focused on the spoils he dropped. It was a sword, that I found out after a few minutes of playing with, could change into any weapon I wanted. 

I looked to Annabeth and she gasped.  "Percy, your eyes." I have her a confused look and looked at myself through the reflection on Riptide. I myself gasped. Red streaks swirled through my sea green eyes, making it look almost like lava.

After getting over my initial shock I returned Riptide to its pen form and my new sword turned into a black band with red streaks on it on my left middle finger. We started walking again, but more alert.


We were stumbling along the banks of the Styx when we saw an old man. He had long white hair and a white scratchy beard. He had horizontal lines going across his body. Scars. Annabeth inhaled sharply, a sign she knew who this was. After a minute though I too realized, and drew my new sword. 

"Kronos." I spat. He smiled weakly. "Grandson," he said,"I have a proposition for you." I kept my sword hilt tightly in my grasp, ready to run him through at a moment's notice. I nodded, motioning for him to speak. "I am sorry for what I did. I feel terrible about everything. I shouldn't have done that to my own kids. I deserve what I got. But I want retribution. And I need someone to give it to me. I want you to be the new time Lord." My jaw dropped.

"Percy this could be a trap," Annabeth said. I shook my head. I had this feeling, and I knew it wasn't. I stepped forward. "I accept." I declared. He smiled weakly before summoning his Scyth, and handed it to me."Use this, it's stronger than any other weapon, it'll make me or any other immortal fade." I smiled sadly at him, feeling bad for him. Sure he tried taking over the world and all, but now he regrets it and wants me to kill him.

"Any last words Grandfather?" I asked and he grinned." I forgive all my children, except Zeus. Tell him I said he's a prick." That caused all of us to laugh. After we stopped laughing he nodded and I stabbed him in the stomach with his scythe. Blood trickled out of his mouth and his image faded in and out. "Goodbye." He uttered out and disappeared. I felt a surge of power, like the one I felt earlier but stronger. I realized I just got my time powers. Then a thought occurred, since this happened to Perses earlier, does this mean I also have his destruction domains? I'll have to figure that out later. I looked at my reflection in my sword and saw my same eyes. Except my pupils were gold. I looked to Annabeth and grinned.

She looked amazed at the sight. "Percy, your eyes are beautiful" she gawked. I smiled and started walking, still holding the scythe.


I heard the sound of swords clanging and grunts of pain up ahead. I ran over the hill that was in the way and saw Bob fighting some other titan that I don't recognize. Annabeth and I sprinted over, but I beat her there when she was about half way. She caught up to me panting, she should really run more. It was only a half mile I thought. 

I ran in just as the Titan just was about to stab Bob, his sword seemed to slow down and I tackled him just before it connected. Now, him being larger than me made it hard but I managed to pin him down. I threw a heavy handed punch right at his face but he moved his head to the side and bucked his hips, throwing me off balance and pushed me off of him.

"So if it isn't Perseus Jackson? The hero of Olympus has come to help this worthless Titan defeat me, Pallas? The Titan of Warcraft?" He bellowed out and laughed. I growled and uncapped Riptide then summoned my new sword I got from Perses, I think I'll call it Hurricane, and made it look exactly like Riptide. I charged him and went into the offense, hacking and slashing at him, but I couldn't land a hit.

He slashed at my head and I want to block with both swords but the power behind the block alone made my swords go flying from my grasp.

I took out backbiter, which I had dropped next to me in favor of my swords. It was a little long for me but I could still wield it. He looked at the weapon in shock before his eyes narrowed. He slashed at me with his blade but I swiped it aside. He was thrown off balance so I did an upward slice, impaling him through the stomach and lifting him into the air. His image started flickweing in and out and soon I had absorbed his essance. I felt myseelf grow a few inches, I was now probably about six foot four and my overall muscle mass increased. I rushed over to Bob who was panting on the floor. We might get out of here after all...

(I don't want the chapter to be too long soo i'm skipping  to the middle of the battle with Gaea)


I was fighting Polybotes with my father when a scream pierced the battlefield. I turned to see what it was when my blood turned cold. I saw Gaea with her sword through Annabeth's gut. Forgetting about the battle, I sprinted to her side. 

I dropped to the ground and cradled her head in my lap, stroking a few rogue strands out of her face. "Annabeth, stay with me. Don't give up." I sobbed out, not bothering to try and hold my tears back. She reached up and cupped my cheek with her hand.

"Seaweed Brain," she choked out,"It's my time. I love you, but don't wait for me, move on. Please. For me," she started into a fit of coughing before drawing her last breath. I gently laid her head on the ground and stood up.

"Aw, look at this! The so-called hero of Olympus reduced to a crying mess!" Gaea cackled. I clenched my fists so tight my knuckles turned white. "You will pay for this Gaea!" I growled. She laughed. "And how do you plan on making me do that? You're worthless. Powerless." 

I trembled with rage and let loose a feral scream. The tides started smashing against the shore violently, the ground started shaking, and mini hurricanes started forming, taking out groups of monsters. 

Everyone was wide-eyed at this show of power, whether of fear, awe, or shock depended on the person. Everyone struggled to stand and Poseidon tried to calm down the waves and stop the earthquake but to no avail. 

Water flowed into my hand and formed into an identical shape of Riptide. I willed it to turn into ice and stalked towards Gaea, the grass wilting from the sheer power of my aura. Any monster stupid enough to come close was slaughtered by my swords.

Gaea stood there, paralyzed in fear. "Still powerless now bitch?" I chuckled out darkly. She gulped then got into her battle stance. She sliced at my head but I ducked and stabbed her in the stomach. She stumbled back, ichor pouring out of her like a waterfall. 

I pulled backbiter (which was now strapped to my back) out. She looked at the weapon in fear. I made a slice for her head which she tried to bloxk, but it was too late. Her head was severed from her body. The earth shook violently but suddenly stopped. Gaea layed on the ground, dead. But then her body shimmered and disappeared out of existence. 

I fell to the ground in pain, it felt like my whole body was burning up. Right before it got too much to bear it stopped. I stood up and looked around the battle field. Everthing was destroyed and no monsters were left.

Many people died today. Including my Wisegirl...

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