Chapter 8 - The "Sink" Hole

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I awoke to the sounds of the usual pans thrashing and silver clinking against each other in the kitchen. The smell of food being cooked floating in the air managed to sneak under the little crack of my door . Inhaling the freshly fried pancakes that were ready to be served, I slowly stared up into the ceiling, wondering whether I should leave this comfy haven instead of flying out of bed to get ready for school.

My dim room showed no space for a single ray of day light. I always blocked my window but do occasionally open it when it rains. 

"Shit what time is it?" I jerked my hand grabbing my phone from the corner of my bedside table. The light shining through the screen partially lit up my dark room and my eyes glared then groaned at the time. 

It was already 5:30 in the morning and I knew I had to get up eventually.  

 As my thoughts started pooling into one enormous mess, I tried to recall the events the day before and remember why my head was blasting and my body radiating an eerie feeling that was building inside of me. I laid there, wrapped around me thick comforter as the same words just kept resurfacing.

"I hate my life." 

 Recently, my class has decided it was time for us to head out into another one of our fun class trips and obviously argued on a lot places until it was decided that we spend our money on the biggest mall in the country. In there, we planned to hitch on mind blowing rides that can twist your body around until it was 180 and throw you high up in the air through a 360 loop. Yeah, we were going to go on joy rides in the mall's Amusement Area.  

Throughout my school years I have always been excited for whatever trip it was that can get me out of school and I never missed any. Until now. 

"Pleasee, it's just this last one before I head for my finals," I pleaded which was super weird. I was never the type of person who'd have to beg desperately but since Diana and them were pressuring me, I had no choice. Their faces stayed grim as they continued cooking dinner. Not wanting to annoy them more after having a so called bad day, I stayed quiet for a while as visual images passed through my mind. There were my friends taking class photos and having the time of their lives before sinking into our worst nightmare, and then there was me. 

"You've already gone to that place before, isn't that enough?" asked Dad as he stirred the fried rice together, pouring chopped pieces of crunchy hot chicken meat with a pinch of salt and trickled soy sauce for flavor. The spice's aroma was invading every nook of the house and the team was just making it worse. It was turning very warm, as if the temperature was much higher than the outside and in no time I was sweating.

"Great," I mumbled wiping the droplets from my forehead and answered. "Yeah, but a lot of my friends might leave this year you know and it might be the last trip in Year 11."  My heart broke at the thought of this. I can barely tolerate them but they are special to me and not seeing them for a long period of time especially since we've all grown closer is...painful. 

"Sorry honey, but mom needs ya and this is not a good time to talk about you're needs of going to the same trip again. Think of it, you're saving 60 bucks and instead of spending them you can buy loads of things, like Amy's diapers with it," he explained rationally to me, as if I hadn't known that. I had my reasons this time. I was to exhausted to argue and just agreed to stay back. 

My parents have decided that it was time we rent a house that was much closer to school so it can save them time for work. And it was that very week that we were organizing the trip that we were packing and moving. 

I clearly didn't agree to this at all. Even my stubbornness and hard headed attitude couldn't save me this time. 

"You'll always be the black sheep of the family, because no matter what, that heart of yours will always be cold," came the statements I used to dread when I was a kid  and have often heard coming from my mom.

 That's what I hate about them. 

Adults just can't stop letting their blindness from taking over and think that they're always correct. Well, from this prospective yes, since they're more experienced and knowledgeable than us teens but on the dark side, they've got this serious amnesia issue where they forget how we can have rebellious personalities as well since we're still growing. 

I wasn't allowed or rather I was deprived of joining the trip this year as they desperately wanted me to come and help them with the move. They've already got everyone they needed so why me?

I had to babysit. 

And miss out all the fun just to sacrifice my time to this unpaid job. Well, not really. I would've gotten along with it if it hadn't been the fact that Diana was crying her eyes out as she wanted me to tag along since it might be the last year for most of us. I felt guilty of some sort but couldn't leave Amy and just run and have the time of my life. 

" have to come! It will be our last trip!" she cried into the phone as I calmly tried to explain my situation to an overly flustered 15 year old teenager who's hormones were at their peak.

"Listen, I can't, I've already tried to discuss this repeatedly with them but they just wouldn't change their mind," I hinted her to just give up as I banged my head on my bed. 

"Pleasee," she begged with a serious tone. That was almost a first. 

"You try talking to them then!" I almost screamed into my phone sending her an ear splitting tone. 

But this so stubborn at times. She tried to persuade me again and just wouldn't give in that she can't do anything. 

So, I painfully turned her down, disappointing her and Naomi who said wouldn't go because she wasn't keen on trips like these. I just brushed those rubbished thoughts off her mind and managed to persuade her to come until I found out I was not going at the end. At least she could have fun, she didn't know that my plan got backfired and ended up having a great time although she did have a death note (*Anime Joke - Quoted - DP*) for me. I on the other hand was frustrated at first but had to let it go when I figured nothing good was going to come out of it. 

I hadn't gotten time to play with Amy for a while and spending time with her that day was a hectic job for me. I almost forgot how adorable and fun babies could be when you've got school to keep you busy until it reached your forehead. I was dissed off when I found out that it rained and I didn't have the chance to enjoy. I wouldn't miss the world for this as it rarely happens. 

Hours went by and I just couldn't stop thinking about how they were while I stayed home - well now in my new house. It was bigger and spacier than the previous house but it felt empty. That's until all the furniture were restored. 

"Yup, now it's like home," I huffed to myself as I placed my hands on my hips. There were still a few bunches of boxes waiting to be loaded and unloaded, so I spent the rest of the day helping out and gripped myself from exploding. I was impatient whenever I see that people are slow in things that were very simple. And right at that moment, I was impatient with myself. 

My room was just beside my parents and opposite was the living room. Although the house was large, it only had one bathroom. I didn't complain, as long as there is one I can live.

Approaching my arm filled mom who was busy instructing the movers, I asked if she needed and help and she just shook her head saying that the only job I had was to entertain my 1 year old sister. 

WiFi was my second option although I knew that I wasn't going to get any signals until we were done shifting. So I turned on my laptop and watched movies that I had downloaded when I was in a situation like this with a sleeping Amy cradled in my arms. I was glad that I didn't have to lift freaking heavy god damn boxes this time because the last time we shifted, my dad was away on a business trip my mom was extremely frustrated with the current house we've lived in for 5 years and one day we just suddenly moved. I was in charge of everything since everything was packed and ready to go. Literally, I felt like the man of the house - well woman but the point was it was freaking exasperating to carry the boxes and give out commands. 

The worst part ?

The movers that were hired had poor English and I struggled to keep it all simple. 

I would go like,"Put the boxes here, yes in that room, no please do not put it in there, no you are at the wrong place, keep your shoes - yes shoes out please..." As tiring as it was, I was very proud that I handled it solo all the while my mom was looking after my barely 9 month old sister. 

That was all in the past. 

I sprawled quickly across my soft midnight mattress, trying to get my back to stretch and relax while surfing through my phone. My job was almost done as babysitter of the day and my friends were probably heading back to school as it was 12:55 pm.

 The October weather was pleasantly beautiful, perfectly cloudy and not humid but cool. As I stared up to the blue crystal above my head, I started thinking about my future. As each cloud hazily passed by, I was venturing deeper into my thoughts and suddenly it just terrified me.

 I was growing so fast but I didn't wanna grow, I liked to stay my age, well actually I'd rather stay 16 forever although I was turning 16 next year, but the freedom I was going to have is going to be taken away by work,work and more work. 

"On the other hand you're going to earn money and see the world." spitted my subconsciousness.

 I rolled my eyes to the sky. As I walked into the open area, the fast moving wind surrounded me, causing my waves to fly around and didn't miss the opportunity to cover my face. It kissed my cold cheeks a hello causing me to shiver and dug my hands even deeper into my jacket pockets. 

Winter was approaching. 

"Yeah but I can't eat as much." I hissed a comeback and rolled my eyes - again!

"Great now I'm talking to myself," I jeered to no one in particular smacking my head. Looking back at the sky I overthink-ed about the possibilities of my finals and the marks that I might get. 

Fuck it. 

After a while of arguing with myself, I walked back in doors to grab a snack and turned on my data. 

Just in time, I barely stayed away from the internet when I get abrupt messages from them. Diana started describing how the trip went by her beginning off as depressed but eventually had a little fun especially in the trampoline which everyone tried. 

"Little fun" my ass. 

I knew she had tons of fun but did get pissed of at me, she deserved it. And the most hilarious shit happened in the form of a little tale. 


Sent 1:15 pm


IT WAS AMAZINGG!! But not as amazing as with you. I can't believe you! HOW CAN YOU BETRAY ME?? =_=  =_=


Sent 1:17 pm



Sent 1:17 pm 

IK, BUT STILL! YOU SHOULD'VE TRIED THE TRAMPOLINE! it wsn't there last year, god how much you've missed. 


Sent 1:20 pm




Sent 1:21 pm 

Sorrry, I thought you needed to know. 


Suddenly Imogen joined us through the group chat. 



Sent 1:22 pm




Sent 1:22 pm



Sent 1:23 pm 

I thnk thts enough Imogen


Sent 1:23 pm

Ohh, sorry, I just started reading the prev messges


Sent 1:24 pm



Stop it guys!!


Sent 1:24 pm 



And that's when I switched off my phone, threw it onto the the bed and allowed the texts to continue as more keeps coming in heaps and I just put away my phone and stared at the ceiling. The feelings of anger and regret washed over me as I read the adventures they had . I turned over and switched my buzzing phone on. Imogen was busy narrating her story that I just left them as seen and enjoyed their squabbles when Diana realized I'd gone silent. 

The sound of my phone's ringtone rang through my ears and saw that Diana was calling me. 

"Hello?" she asked as soon as I swiped green. 

"Hey," I casually said as I lay down. 

"How was the move?"

"Great and everything was done according to plan."

"You feeling ok?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I ?"

"Scar I know you too well when you're lying and by that moody tone, you are definitely not fine," she deadpanned her voice concerned. Yeah and now she cornered me. 

Inhaling my pillow I doubled over to cuddle my blanket and yawned. My body turned slack and naturally my eyes began to feel heavy of sleep. 

Whoa, I hadn't noticed how tired I was till now. 

"Go to sleep," she scolded. "I know how much your exausted dongsaeng and I'm pretty sure you're not going to talk."

"Nahh," I replied back in a bored tone. "I will and yes, you wouldn't get anything outta this mouth here." I could almost feel he roll her eyes and was about to ask when I hear my voice suddenly out loud. 

"Tell me a story," I whined in a babyish voice. Diana was surprised and probably taken aback but didn't question. That was wise of her, I thought. 

"Well I'm waitinggg."

"Alrightt, chill I was just thinking but don't get gloomy again. OK so today at the trampoline, something happened to Naomi."









Heyy Guyyss!!

Things are taking a toll here as we learn a minor detail about Scarlet's family life. So she didn't get to go on the trip and missed her friends what ?

I felt pretty bad for her but she did get the hang of it and look what she got at the end, a new home!!

Wondering what happened to Naomi ? Me too!! Bet you can guess.  ^o^

Anyways, hope you guys liked it because it was really depressing for me to type this, I don't know if it's the fact that I have my finals in 2 days or I'm just damn exhausted. Either ways I'll see you again on the next chapter!! ~v~

Have a nice day!! ^-^

Cordially, Scarlet ♥♥

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