Chapter Six - Visitors
Okayyy so this picture doesn't have anything to do with the story, it's just hella pretty. Like all of Exadoralion's drawings
Chapter Six. Alexander's POV.
I woke up bright and early. Five am to be exact. I feel like complete shit though. I went to bed at around three AM. I always have trouble sleeping though, so I was used to this kind of feeling in the morning.
I dragged myself out of bed and didn't bother changing. I yawned as I walked to the kitchen and made myself a pot of coffee. I know that classes don't start till tomorrow, but I should still figure out my morning routine of sorts.
I sat against the counter and sipped on the hot mug of coffee in my hand. Enjoying the feeling of the scolding liquid. It really wakes a person up in the morning. I rub my eyes and placed my now empty mug in the sink. I sighed and opened up my laptop, sitting on a stool at the counter.
I typed relentlessly for about another three and a half hours till I heard Thomas begin to wake up. I rolled my eyes when I heard his door open. He walked out of his room and basically collapsed onto the couch. Not either noticing or regarding me.
I wish I could try and talk to him. Even with a God damn stutter, at least I could try and voice how I feel about him. I thought to myself.
I yawned and stretched my arms above my head. Obviously making sound. I saw Jefferson jump out of the corner of my eye.
"Jesus, I didn't see you there mute!" He hissed. I visibly flinched at the tone of his voice. Then winced at the new nickname I have been given.
I got off the stool and walked back to my room and grabbed a notebook and a pen off my desk that was located in one of the corners of the room. I began to scribble down some words and returned to the kitchen.
I took my seat on the stool again and turned back to my laptop. I was writing a novel that is based off of my life. About my old life back in the Caribbean. About my father leaving me, my brother and my mother. My mother dying with her arms wrapped around me. The screams of people dying during the hurricane.
I have been writing it for a little over a year now. But I'm nowhere near finished.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when my computer was suddenly turned away from me. I looked up to see Jefferson towering over me, reading what was on my laptop.
Now, the problem with that is, my past is not a pretty thing. It is filled with death, torture, and pain. But most of all, suffering. So now, the person that hates me - probably more than I hate myself - is now reading all my secrets. Well, that's just fucking great.
I start to panic and reach for my laptop but Jefferson-the smug bastard he is-pulls away from me.
"What? Don't want me to read what you've been working on? What is this, some faggot shit?" He asked. I didn't move and watched his reaction as he read the page I was previously working on.
I was writing about my cousin's suicide and how he used to abuse me. Mentally, and physically and on some occasions, sexually.
He read it and I watched as his smirk soon faded into a small frown. He looked back at me with wide eyes and I simply just slammed my head on the table.
He set the laptop down and took a cautious seat next to me. He leaned over the counter and looked at me. I had tears in my eyes, but quickly used the end of my sleeve to wipe them away.
I knew I was going to try and get it published, but I was going to publish it anonymously. And I didn't want Jeffershit to use my past against me. Well, he already knew that my mother was a so called 'slut' in his opinion. But I didn't want to even think of the fucked up shit he could use with this,
"Mu-Alexander..." Thomas said, calling me by my first name. Which he has only done when he's about to beat the shit out of me. But, it didn't go unnoticed that he was about to call me 'Mute' again. Regardless, I slowly turned and looked up at him.
"Um, what was...that about?" he said gesturing to my laptop. I turned to a random page in my notebook and started to right down a quick response.
I handed it to him and watched him scan over my quick note.
'It's really none of your concern and it was just some story I'm writing' He looked up at me and I could see he didn't believe me. But, he sighed, nodded and went back to his spot on the couch.
I slammed my laptop shut and stood. I speed walked to my room, closing, and locking my door behind me. I leaned against the door and slid to the ground. Hugging my knees.
My enemy/crush just found out something of my past. And I don't tell people of my past. Just my friends, the Washington's and John before he became a psycho. God do I regret that.
John constantly likes to remind me that I'm like my mother about how I'm a whore. I am though. I'm a disgusting slut. But my mother wasn't. She was a saint.
I decide that I should try and talk to Herc and Laf and try to apologize. I feel really bad for snapping at them the way I did. They were just trying to help me. I pull myself off the floor and walk over to my dresser. I changed into a green sweatshirt and some light blue skinny jeans. My normal look.
I grab my phone and my dorm key and open my door. I walk to the living room and past Thomas and walk out. I sighed once I closed the door and walked down the hall. I heard a door open though, but didn't think about it. I didn't get far though because I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me backwards.
Just my luck. Charles Lee. God how I hate this smug asshole.
"Why hello Alexander~" He cooed. Pressing himself up against me. I felt my stomach churn at how close he was.
He used to beat me up in high school with Jefferson and Madison. He usually hangs out with George King and Samuel Seabury. They used to always gang up on me.
But there was one time, only months after John started - John had brought Lee with him one night and they both forced themselves on me. After that, it started happening on multiple occasions. Sometimes as punishments from John, others, whenever Lee wanted a quick fuck.
This all made me fear him more. And why shouldn't it?
I tried to walk backwards a couple more steps only to find I'm against a wall. I mentally cursed myself and looked back up at him.
He had a smug grin on his face and was staring into my eyes. He pinned my one wrist to the wall and grabbed my chin, pulling our faces only inches apart.
"Just came to visit my dear Laurens. And our baby girl. Hey. Maybe if I'm lucky, he'll let me have you to myself for a couple hours one night..." He said licking his lips. That was all it took to send me over the edge.
I kicked him in the shin and pulled out of his grip and made a run for it.
I ran to the elevator and hit the second floor button. I turned to see Lee groaning in pain and glaring at me. That's when the elevator doors closed. And when I noticed that I couldn't breath.
Oh God no. Not again. Why him? Of all people. I think I would of preferred John instead of Lee. Lee. Charles Fucking Lee. John would even let him have a forced threesome with me and him! Not again. Please God, why?
I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks but wiped them away. No. I had to stay strong. I bit my lip to suppress a sob that was crawling up my throat. I hate life.
I shakily stepped out of the elevator and kept my gaze on the floor. I walked down the hallway and glanced at some of the doors looking for Laf and Herc's. 1837. Here it is.
I stand outside it and raise my hand to knock. I sighed and questioned whether I was going to knock to apologize or just leave.
But before I could make a decision the door opened to Lafayette. They walked right into me. I fell backwards on my back and groaned in pain. I looked up at Laf who was staring at me in surprise.
"Oh dieu! Mon ami, are you alright?" They offered me a hand, but I shook my head and pushed their hand away.
I stood up and rubbed the back of my head. I look at Laf and open my mouth to say something, but all that comes out is a sigh.
"Listen Alex. You wanna come inside so we can talk about yesterday?" Herc offers from behind Laf. I eagerly nod and follow them inside.
I sit at one end of the couch and Laf sits almost - but basically - on top of Herc.
"So, what happened yesterday Alex?" Herc asks, lacing his hand with Laf's. I raise my hands to sign.
'I was really stressed and tired and...I know nothing makes up for what I did and said. You guys were only trying to help. Like always. It's just - I'm so sorry. I understand if you hate me. I'll-'
"Forgiven" Laf blurts out. Stopping me from continuing. I stare at them in silent confusion.
'What?' I sign. Laf rolls their eyes.
"I said, your forgiven Alex. It's okay." Laf said with a warm smile. But I wasn't smiling. I was in shock.
"W-why?" I croak. Voice hurting from using it too much in the past couple days.
"Because you are our friend and we could never stay mad at you. No matter what. So you're stuck with us." Laf said pointedly. I couldn't help but crack a smile at that. Tears brimming in the corner of my eyes.
'Thanks you guys. I'm still sorry though.' I sign and hug them both, sniffling into Laf's chest slightly as I rub my irritated eyes.
"Hey, you wanna go out and do something? Like, I don't maybe - Get drunk?" Herc asks. I cringe at the thought off the last time we got drunk and shake my head.
'No thanks. I should work on my novel some more. I'll see you guys tomorrow though. Bye.' And before either of them could stop me, I was out the door.
I hurried down the hall to the elevator. I waited as a group of five girls got out till I stepped in and hit the button for my floor. I tapped my foot impastionently as I waited for the metal doors to creak open. And when the finally did. I threw myself out of there and raced to my dorm not wanting to see John nor Lee. Or anyone for that matter.
I quickly flew my dorm door open and fell against it. Sliding to the floor with a sigh. Everything was fine, till I heard a cackle that was all too familiar and looked up to see Lee sitting on the couch.
I suppressed a scream as I scrambled to my feet. Next to him was Jefferson and Madison. All staring at me like I was their prey.
"You okay there Lexi?" Lee asked with a wicked grin. He was getting weird looks from the other two men in the room. And a glare from me. I rolled my eyes and started to walk past them but Lee was quick to follow me.
I was standing in front of my door when I was suddenly slammed into it. I was about to say something. Yeah, actually speak. When a hand was pressed over my mouth. Panic set in on me fast.
I struggled against Lee's grip. He stood over me and leaned close next to my ear. And I swear, I could feel my heart in my throat.
"Just so you know Lexi, I have already told Laurens of your poor behaviour towards me earlier today." And with that he let go of me and was backing away. But before he was completely down the hall, Lee glanced at me over his shoulder.
"Oh and Lexi? Do remember to keep that attitude of yours in check. Or, I'll be making late night visits more often." He said with a smirk and a wink. I felt myself want to cringe but knew better than to do that. So I nodded slowly at his words.
As soon as he was out of sight, I stood and ran into my room. Slamming it shut.
That asshole told John. Oh now I'm really dead. Like, really, really dead! John's gonna beat the shit out of me once he finds out how I treated Lee.
I was pacing back and forth, grabbing and pulling at my hair. Tears were falling freely down my face. A sniffle soon became a sob as I fell onto my bed and cried into my pillow.
Why me? Why me? Why me? Why-
A knock on the dorm door brought me from my thoughts. I sniffled and curled up in a ball. I already had an idea on who it was, so like hell I was going to answer it.
Oooooof sorry Guys, Gals, and nonbinary pals for not updating this in a while. I've been working really hard on that new story and One Shots. Also watching Naruto.
So I hope this chapter is okay till the next time I update this story. Till then, Buh-Byeee!
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