Two Million!

We hit two million reads!!!

I can't tell you guys how excited I am! I'm literally in the middle of my A-levels and am dying (is anyone else on the same boat?)

I literally just came home from my psychology paper 2! So far I've done four exams, and half of them have gone really terribly.

I'm contemplating my future right now.

So I really mean it when I say this genuinely put a smile on my face! This is especially meaningful because it's my 18th birthday in two days (on the 10th)!

To prove how grateful I am, I decided to give you an update on Juliette and Levi's life - 15 years in the future! This is just a continuation of the last insight I gave you. I also add a promise with this one:

For the next week, I am going to respond with any questions you have on this chapter / on Levi and Juliette's future / on spin-off's / future novels / A-levels / revision strategies literally anything! (Just not my address).

Respond here with any questions you have.

But for now: Here is A little insight into the future...part 0.5.

I know it's confusing, but it's the first chapter I wrote when I planned to do a sequel. People were confused so here is the background:
It's based on Rosie Knight (Levi's sister) and takes place 15 years after the end of the last one.



to come back to a place or person.


Rosie's P.O.V

"Rosie get up you have school in half an hour" I indistinctly heard, and judging by the screechy and irritating high pitched voice, it was definitely my older sister Ruby. I mumbled something along the lines of 'get the fuck away from me', although considering I was still pretty much half asleep, it probably sounded nothing like the phrase I attempted to say.

"Okay, be late, see if I care" I heard once again, along with the sound of my bedroom door slamming shut.

If I wasn't awake then, I fucking hell am now.

I pried my eyelids open, although I shut them immediately seeing as the sun decided to aim its rays directly at my eyes. Instead, I pulled my blanket over my head and checked my phone, realising that I had three missed calls and twelve messages. They were all from Candice and Tessa.

Groaning, I got up to my feet, ready to start my day in hell as I dialled Candice's number.

"Sup bitch" Was the first thing I was greeted with when the phone was answered, "I missed you."

I laughed slightly, placing the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I walked up to my luggage and unzipped it. "I missed you too, how was your holiday?" I asked, attempting to sound as casual as possible, despite the fact that I had my teeth clenched because the luggage was so hard to unzip.

"It was alright, it mostly consisted of partying, hanging out with Tessa, going on dates with Luke, more partying etcetera" she listed as I hummed along with her, showing her that I was listening.

That was before my mind processed what she said.

"That's great how is Tess-you're going out with Luke?" I screeched, my disbelief giving me the strength of one hundred people, because I somehow managed to unzip the stupid luggage. "When the fuck did this happen?" I continued, shock completely overwhelming me.

I heard her giggle nervously over the phone "I-I don't know it just happened I guess. We started hanging out more during the holiday, and one thing led to another and boom we're going on dates" she confessed, as I tipped over my suitcase and emptied out its entire contents on my bed. "Anyway, enough about me, how was Paris?" She questioned, a clear attempt to change the subject.

A clear failed attempted.

"You are a terrible subject changer, what I want to know is why you didn't tell me about Luke?" I demanded playfully, staring at my bed and searching for an appropriate item of clothing to wear to school.

"I don't know, Paris was supposed to be calming and therapeutic for you, springing this news on you would have been detrimental" she said casually as I sighed. I finally decided on wearing my dark blue jeans with a grey top with 'nerd' written across the chest and black converses.

"Are you picking me up?" I questioned my best friend, quickly shoving my clothing back into the suitcase and dropping it onto the floor. "Because my sister won't give my car back, so I'm stuck for a while" I groaned, placing the phone on speaker and beginning to change.

"Why does that bitch have your car?" She practically snarled.

"Easy" I began, whispering slightly "you're on speaker. And because after she wrecked her car, she took mine" I shrugged.

"Just take it back, who the fuck does she think she is stealing your car when she wrecked her own?" she began ranting as I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"She's my guardian remember? I can't really do much" I answered "but only for a few months, I turn eighteen soon and the first thing I plan on doing is taking my fucking car back" I responded.

"Okay" she replied "I'll be over in like five minutes, I just need to pick up Tessa" she stated. I could hear her unlock the car through the phone.

"Okay, see you then" I said to her before hanging the phone up.

Quickly placing on my converses, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I was pretty much done with everything, I packed all my school necessities and jogged down the stairs, remembering to grab a granola bar on the way out of the house and waiting outside for Candice to pick me up.

I had pretty much only packed my pencil case and a few of last years literature books. Most of the other subjects I would get new books for, but the books in literature stayed the same every year. I also shoved in my journal full of all the letters I had written to my dad, three years worth of them, I couldn't take the chance of Ruby finding it whilst I was out. Although I hid that between Pride and Prejudice so it wasn't easily spotted.

I patiently waited outside my door, leaning against the wall as I bit into the granola bar. From the corner of my eye I could see the school's very own criminal, Leo Martinez, exit his house in his red hoodie which he always wore. Unfortunately, he not only had to be the school's delinquent and on the FBI's future 'most wanted list', he also had to be my neighbour.


Walking passed me, a slight smirk was painted on his lips. "I see the school's runaway is back from her little vacation in Europe" he commented, not stopping to talk or to make eye contact, only biting into his Apple.

The Spanish asshole was born here but moved to England when he was six, moving back here two years ago, and within that short time frame he had already been labelled as the school's poster boy for trouble.

As if he couldn't come across as more of an asshole.

"Fuck off Martinez" I called behind him, although it did no use considering he didn't even turn to face me.

At exactly 7:45am, Candice's car pulled over in front of my house, her sunglasses resting on her dark brown hair, Tessa sitting in the back. If Candice was anything, she was punctual.

I grinned, walking over to her car and opening up the door for the back seat, and sitting besides Tessa. I quickly hugged my Raven haired friend.

"I missed you two so much!" I squealed, "it feels so good to be back home" I exhaled loudly, bumping shoulders with Tessa who just laughed.

"I doubt it" she began "how was Paris?" She questioned curiously as Candice began driving.

"It was amazing" I gushed "the weather was beautiful, the people were so nice, I touched up on my French and I shopped until I dropped" I began explaining, remembering everything I had done in Paris.

I initially traveled to Paris because after mom died of leukaemia, I didn't want to be around anybody, much less Ruby who was now my legal guardian. So I broke in to my savings account, the one I had personally built from scratch after I got my job as a waitress at Baskin Robbins, and travelled the world for three months.

I didn't exactly tell anybody about my plans, apart from Tessa and Candice, which meant that Ruby was not aware of it. She went on a full on rampage when she thought she lost me, although unsurprisingly, she didn't notice I was missing until four days after. She contacted almost everybody we knew, the genius thinking to contact my best friends last.

That was the reason to why Leo knew about my disappearance and that was the reason to why he called me a runaway.

Although being a runaway is better than having most wanted posters stuck on walls in ten years time.

"How is the clothing?" Candice asked me excitedly. Because nothing said stereotypical cheerleader like Candice, despite her probably being one of the smartest girls in our grade. "Is it different to what we wear? It must be amazing, Paris is the fashion capital of the world isn't it?" She continued rambling.

"Their causal wear is no different to ours I guess, although their evening wear is so beautiful, I seriously considered returning to Paris just for prom shopping" I began explaining, remembering all the different types of dresses and gowns I had seen during my vacation. "Also, I think London is the fashion capital of the world."

"I'm pretty sure it's Milan" Tessa commented as I nodded in understanding. You don't argue with that girl, she is never wrong. "Today is our first day of senior year, in a years time we'll be in college" she continued. She had her hopes set on Harvard, and went pretty much insane when I told her Juliette went there.

"Less about the future, I get headaches when I think about it" Candice demanded as both Tessa and I laughed. "I just want to think about our schedules, do you think we'll be in the same classes?"

I shrugged "I have no idea"

We made it to school, perfectly on time, which was a perk of being best friends with Candice: we were literally never late. That girl had a thing for being perfectly on time, not one minute early not one minute late.

We went to the office to grab our schedules and then proceeded to continue the day as we usually would have, promising to meet up for lunch like we normally did. We usually met up in the school hangout, which was Baskin and Robbins, which also happened to be where I worked.

My lessons were not too bad, considering that I chose to do several advanced placement subjects, like Literature and History because they were my two favourite subjects. Tessa decided to do AP chemistry which was insane because chemistry is dreadful, but she's like wants to be a scientist which is fitting. She also decided to do music, because she's crazy talented, both vocally and piano wise. Candice decided to do AP geography and AP math because she's basically our human calculator, which was hard to believe for most people considering she was seen as a typical cheerleader.

Whatever a typical cheerleader was.

When it finally got to lunch, I decided to head straight to my locker instead of where we planned to meet, because my all of my literature books combined probably weighed more than I did.

In class I emptied out my backpack as the weight was giving me back pains, and decided to hold all of my books in my arms. My locker wasn't far away and it was much easier than lugging it about on my back.

Although I did not anticipate what had happened next.

Before I could even reach my locker, I was shocked to feel a hard chest literally smash against mine, causing all of my books to fall out of my arms and scatter across the floor around me.

I groaned extremely loudly, although I did not expect to be greeted with the same response. "Watch where you're going" I heard. I looked up to meet the eyes of Leo Martinez, who was staring, no, glaring at me. His British accent was so strong, it took me a moment to process what he was saying.

I clenched my teeth and sank to my knees, beginning to gather my books, although somehow there were more than I originally had in my arms. "I should watch where I'm going? You're the one who ran into me!" I exclaimed as I reached out for each book.

Leo finally got to the ground and began grabbing books as well, and it was clear that he dropped his books too.

I immediately began searching for Pride and Prejudice, remembering that my journal was placed in there, sighing in relief when I found it.

"Well if you moved out of the way like a normal person, we wouldn't be in this situation" He growled, gathering his books.

"You're saying that I'm not normal? I hate to break it to you Martinez, but normal people don't run across hallways and blame the people they crashed into" I retorted, grabbing all six of my books and getting up.

Leo soon followed my actions, although he was suddenly more intimidating once I processed our height difference. "Just watch where you're going, flight risk" he snarled, shoving past me and walking out of the school.

"Real original nickname, you must be so proud" I commented, remembering the label given to me on the newspapers.

Yes, I was on the newspapers.

Let's just say that Ruby freaked out a little when she couldn't find me.

Walking angrily to Baskin Robbins, I finally made it in ten minutes, furiously pushing the pull door open and looking like a complete idiot.

"I thought the captain of the debate team would at least have the ability to read the sign on the door that says 'pull', but then again, what would I know?" I heard from besides me as I blushed madly at my own stupidity.

Flustered, I looked to my side to locate the voice when I met eyes with Leo,who just happened to be everywhere today.

Because of course he would be here.

Not even bothering to spare him a second glance, I rolled my eyes and pulled the heavy door, storming into the ice cream shop.

My eyes immediately spotted my two best friends who were laughing at the table they sat at. They both had their usuals in front of them, Tessa with an Oreo Sunday and Candice with a Ferro Roche milkshake. Tessa immediately spotted me and waved me over, her eyes brightening. I placed a smile on my face before walking towards the both of them, at our usual seat which was all the way at the back and in the corner.

"How was class?" I was asked by Tessa, although I never actually got to answer because my phone started ringing, the screen lighting up with the name 'Levi'.

A grin made it's way across my face, as I placed a finger to signal 'one minute' to both of my best friends who just nodded understandingly.

"Levi!" I squealed excitedly when I picked up the phone, "I missed you so much bro" I began.

"Hey little sis, how are you doing?" He began asking me, although through the phone I could hear a female's voice which said "stop asking her how she's doing and tell her the news, she's on her lunch break."


I laughed at the two of them, "forever the dumb one I see?" I teased as he chuckled.

"Forever" he agreed, "anyways, I was told to cut to the chase, we're moving back to New York!" He exclaimed loudly and excitedly, someone (presumable Ariana) giggling in the background.

"No way!" I squealed really loudly, causing at least half the entire store to turn and state at me. I pursed my lips, but I could help another smile spread across my face.

I vaguely heard some shuffling and some groaning for a few seconds before it stopped. "He didn't tell you the most important part, we're arriving tonight! Our plane in a few hours, we initially planned for it to be a surprise, but we them realised we would be arriving in the middle of the night and we needed someone to let us in." The new voice was Juliette's, who probably stole the phone off Levi. "So don't fall asleep"

"I'm so excited! I can't wait, I definitely won't be able to fall asleep, I'll see you then okay? ?" I said.

"Okay Rosie, bye" Juliette began, "wait I never got to say by-" I heard Levi before the phone hung up.

I placed my phone back in my pocket before grinning to myself in excitement.

"Want to tell us what just happened?" Tessa questioned curiously.

"Juliette and Levi are moving back to New York, they're arriving today!" I explained

"Wait, your hot older brother will be in New York from now on?" Candice asked, smirking slightly as Tessa sent her a disapproving eye roll.

I laughed as Tessa nudged her "He's like fifteen years older than you" she stated.

"He's also married with a daughter" I added, chuckling.

She rolled her eyes "you two get so serious, as if I actually have a chance with that model of a sister-in-law you have" she stated dejectedly "she could be a Victoria's Secret model for all we know."

"I'm pretty sure she's not considering she doesn't even wear dresses without tights" I laughed, although I could definitely see where Candice was coming from.

"Anyway, you were saying Tessa?" I said, turning to my musically gifted best friend, who was playing with her Sunday.

"How was class?" She questioned.

"It was alright I suppose, we pretty much just dove into Pride and Prejudice" I shrugged.

"Sounds boring" Candice commented as I chuckled, "although Math was no better, we literally just went through various algorithms" she groaned, then taking a sip from her drink.

"Chem was even worse, for an entire hour we went over lab rules. As if after three years, an advanced placement class wouldn't know to wear goggles during an experiment" she explained as both Candice and I laughed. "I swear Mr Mall treats us like twelve year olds" she added.

"I bumped into Martinez today, and when I say bumped, I literally crashed into his chest" I mentioned to the girls, who both suddenly seemed extremely interested in the conversation at hand.

"I'm surprised you don't have a concussion after slamming into his rock hard abs" Candice commented as I unattractively snorted.

"I didn't get a concussion, I did drop all my books though, luckily I got my pride and prejudice book before he did though" I sighed in relief.

Tessa quirked an eyebrow, "what's so important about your pride and prejudice book?" She questioned curiously as my eyes widened.

They had no idea about the fact that I wrote letters to my dad and stuffed them inside the book.

Not the smartest idea, I know.

"Um" I began, nervously laughing "it's my only copy and Miss Edmund would kill me if I lost it" I responded not so smoothly.

"He's your neighbour, you could always just grab it from him" Candice shrugged as I nodded.

Another reminder that Leo Martinez was not only the bane of my existence, he was also my neighbour.

Lucky me.

We both had balconies in our bedroom, both of them directly facing the other. I could basically climb into his room if necessary.

That sounded ten times creepier than I intended it to.

"Yes, because we're such good friends" I said sarcastically, practically rolling my eyes so hard I could see my brain.

"Careful Rose, you have to start tolerating him. He's Luke's best friend remember?" Tessa chided playfully as Candice laughed. "And weren't you guys friends not so long ago?"

"I'm sorry Candice but that's one thing I don't think I can ever do" I responded solemnly. "Yes we were friends last year. And then he screwed me over. So yes I hate him and no I won't start tolerating him."

Definitely could never do that.

"Honestly if you just told us what he did life would be so much easier." Candice sighed before standing up and grabbing her bag. "We should head back to school anyway."

"I told you I've tried to forget what he did to me so I'd rather not repeat it. I apologise to your curious little mind, I do" I apologised not so sincerely, "and yeah we should. What lessons do you guys have next?" I asked in attempt to change the topic of discussion.

"I have music" Tessa began, "I mean it would be okay if I actually had something to do, it's usually so boring" following Candice's actions, she also stood up and grabbed her bag which was overstuffed in crumpled sheets, notepads and a hundred other things the school system dictates we must carry around every day of our lives no matter what permanent damage it does to our backs.

"I'm sure you'll have a great time. Just learn a new song on the piano or something" Candice dismissed as if it were the simplest thing in the world, although for Tessa is probably was. "I have geography which shouldn't be too bad." She continued explaining.

I stood up as well "gross geography" I teased, knowing both the geography and history department despised each other in our school. "Have fun colouring maps whilst I'm in history" I stated.

"Have fun obsessing over dead people you weirdo" she laughed as all three of us headed back to school.

The rest of the school day wasn't too bad itself either, I had a few un-interesting classes, but I guess that's school. History was pretty interesting, although it always was with Miss Carr. We learnt about Germany during World War Two which was surprisingly extremely fascinating. I then had Debating club which obviously was great. I was voted captain two years ago due to my ability to win pretty much all arguments.

The school day finally ended at 3:10pm, although Tessa and I still in school until 4:30pm due to Candice's cheerleading practice. She was the captain of the cheerleading team, which was no surprise, although cheerleading was slightly more cut throat than you would expect it to be. Much like a few hundred years ago, when if the king died the next in line would be king, so people would try and murder the king. Cheerleading was like that. Although less death and more broken legs.

Candice drove the two of us home straight after practice, continuously speaking about her practice. Tessa also pitched in with stories of her music classes, although I could barely even focus on what was said due to the fact that I was so excited to see Levi and Juliette.

I got home, my mind bursting with thoughts and questions for my father. I needed to write another letter. I thought that after three years of consistently writing to my father each day of the year, I would run out of things to say. I would run out of things to question him on.

I never have.

I walked into the living room to tell my lovely sister that I was back, although I was unpleasantly surprised by her on the couch, making out with some random guy.

As soon as she noticed me however, she quickly pulled away from the boy and wiped her lips as if that would help her smudged makeup. I rolled my eyes, leaning against the doorframe and refraining from scoffing.

"Rosie" she gasped loudly, moving from her boy toy's lap and falling onto the sofa besides him. "We-um-we were just studying" she claimed, frantically attempting to grasp the first book-like object she could find and pulling it into her lap.

"You have lipstick on your-well-everywhere" I began, my head turning to the boy besides my sister who was blushing furiously. "Try not to get too much makeup on my book during your promiscuous activities" I responded monotonously, eyeing my old literature book which she gripped onto with her red nails, turning my body around and walking out of the living room.

"Where are you going?" She called behind me.

I didn't bother to grace her presence with a reply, storming upstairs.

Placing my bag on the bed, I pulled out my copy of pride and prejudice and held it upside down, waiting for my journal to fall out. It never did. Shaking it slightly I waited for it to drop. Nothing.

My heart began slamming against my chest and I poured out the entire contents of my bag, hoping that the cream coloured book would appear. Groaning loudly when I realised that it wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Opening the first page of the Pride and Prejudice, I recognised an unfamiliar marking that my copy definitely didn't have.

Written in small cursive writing was:
Leonardo Martinez.

Written: 28/12/15
Published: 08/06/18

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