Chapter 38: Temptation
"Juliette stay still!" Eliza demanded as she held the curling iron close to my face, "these curls have to come out perfect and that's not going to work if you keep moving!" She shouted as I moved my head further away from the weapon.
"No Eliza you're going to burn my ear and then I'll go to the prom with a red ear, and I'll be Juliette the red eared weirdo!" I squealed.
"What the fuck are you on?" Eliza asked me, looking at me if I was literally the weirdest person on the planet."You are the weirdest person on the planet" she shouted.
"You can hear my thoughts!" I groaned
"Juliette stay still I swear this won't take much longer!" She said groaning. "I literally have this section left before I pull your hair back and twist it into the knot."
"I was perfectly fine with going in a-" I began, explaining that she didn't have to go to the effort of doing my hair.
"I swear if you finish of that sentence with ponytail, I will burn your ear off" she threatened.
"Fine" I muttered.
"See, I'm done with the curling iron!" She said happily, unplugging it and setting it on the heat mat thing. "All I have to do it pull it back now" she said.
She began by using her fingers to part the top of my hair, pulling it back and putting it in a little twist. She pulled certain strands of my hair, causing me to go 'ow ow ow!' Repeatedly. She was finally done after about ten minutes, pretty much pushing me off the bed.
"I just have to do your makeup and we're both done!" She said happily.
I grabbed a chair and placed it directly in front of Eliza who had the entire content of her makeup bag spilled on the bed. I sat in the chair and closed my eyes, allowing Eliza to start on my face. Obviously, I told her to go as light as possible. Actually, I told her to not put makeup on me, but I'm sure you could imagine how that went.
If you can't, well, let's just say it didn't end well.
So here I was, sitting right in front of her, allowing her to put makeup on me.
"What colour lips, do you think would suit?" She asked me.
"Light pink" I said, not opening my eyes.
She started brushing my eyelids with this kind of really soft brush, I really liked the feeling. She then, started putting eyeliner on me, which took about ten minutes itself. After that she began applying the things of my cheeks that make it look like I'm forever blushing and then she put the lipstick on.
"You're done!" She squealed "now all that you have to do it put in the dress, but step into it, don't pull it over your head" she instructed as I nodded.
We were both basically walking around in our dress slips.
She then grabbed her dress, preparing to get changed as I stepped into the bathroom. With some struggle I managed to pull it over my chest and I was happy to see it fit me perfectly. It wasn't too tight, like the dress Eliza forced me to wear last month, but it wasn't too loose that I felt like I was wearing a potato sack.
I walked out of the bathroom, the dress swishing as I walked; I quickly walked to the vanity table to put on my snowflake necklace that Levi had bought me for Christmas. I didn't care whether it matched my dress or not, I just cared that it was something Levi bought me.
"Can I see your tattoos now?" Eliza begged.
According to Rick, my tattoos were supposed to have healed by now which was a relief considering it was just in time for prom. I hadn't shown Eliza, even I only looked at it when I had to replace the bandages and I did that late at night when Eliza was asleep.
Aunt Jen didn't mind that I got the tattoos, mostly because mom, dad and I agreed that I could get one when I turned 18 so she couldn't exactly say much. She told Eliza however that she was never ever allowed to get one, much to Eliza's dismay. Aunt Jen was, however, furious that I snuck out at night with my boyfriend.
Safe to say she was pretty pissed she couldn't ground me anymore.
"Fine" I muttered to Eliza, taking off the bandages. It didn't hurt anymore when I pressed it which was a good sign.
"It's so pretty. It covers your scars so well" she said in awe as I grinned at the last bit. "I hate that I'm not allowed to get one."
"Ha ha" I teased as she glared at me.
"Girls!" Aunt Jen called from downstairs "the boys are here, come down so I can take pictures"
Eliza pressed her cheek against mine as a sign of affection before slipping her shoes on. "Your shoes are under my bed, you look beautiful by the way" she said before going down the stairs.
I slipped on the shoes, and ginned at the fact that they were actually pretty comfortable. Grabbing my phone and my purse, I began walking down the stairs.
As I walked, my eyes locked into Levi's who just stared at me. I blushed, looking away in embarrassment before looking at Jordan. He was staring at Eliza in awe, as if she was his world. It was the cutest thing.
I walked down the stairs at Levi who looked really good in a tux. "You look good" I complimented.
"You look amazing" he whispered as I bashfully looked the the ground.
"Okay guys, picture time" Aunt Jen called as Eliza and I collectively groaned. "Shut up and look cute!" Aunt Jen snapped as we all did as we were told.
Aunt Jen could be cool be she was also extremely terrifying, so nobody questioned her, carefully posing in order to allow her to take all the pictures that she desired to take.
"Alright, we're really getting late" I said to aunt Jen.
"Alright fine, be back by one and when I say one I really mean midnight. Any later and I swear, you will all wish you had the ability to turn into a pumpkin" she threatened and for the first time ever, I saw the resemblance between the two of us.
We all nodded our heads vigorously.
"Also, Juliette remember you're not allowed to drink alcohol. None of you are, you're under 21, but Juliette please avoid the punch" she begged as I nodded.
"I promise, are we allowed to go now?" I asked her, checking the time on the wall clock which read 7:54pm. We had to be there in less than ten minutes and we hadn't even left yet, although it was just school which was around the corner.
We had all pretty much pitched in for a limo this prom. And by all, I mean the boys paid for the entire thing. They wouldn't let us even find out how much the actual thing costed. Although, I, with my amazing computer hacking skills, found out that it cost $200 for one night which was incredibly expensive. So what Eliza and I did was slip $50 into our boyfriends' wallets.
Either Jordan's really thick or oblivious, because he didn't question it. However, I somehow found $50 on my night stand the day I got my tattoo.
We all took a seat in the limo, extremely excited for prom.
"You look beautiful" Levi whispered in my ear, extremely close to me as I blushed.
"How is that supposed to mean anything if you say it to me all the time?" I teased as he laughed.
"You look beautiful all the time" he responded as I smiled. "I'm lucky to have you" he said.
I shook my head "I'm lucky to have you, don't turn this around"
He chuckled before turning to Eliza, "Eliza, you look really nice" Levi complimented.
"Thank you" she said.
"I would compliment you, but I'm scared you'll hit me of something" Jordan muttered "plus, you kicked me out of your room"
Eliza then elbowed him.
"Ouch" Jordan muttered before gritting his teeth together "you look beautiful Juliette" he complimented.
"I know" I smirked.
"You're so annoying" he responded.
"Thank you" I said, smiling innocently at him.
"You're so mean to him" Levi laughed.
"She is literally always like that" Jordan whined childishly.
Eliza nodded "she actually is, you are the only person she is fully nice to. You should see her around other people"
"I have seen her around other people" Levi replied.
"Well it's probably because she's around you. In reality she's evil, I swear her sarcasm actually terrifies people" Jordan continued.
"That I have heard" Levi laughed "remember Dylan and James?"
Jordan literally burst out laughing "how the hell could I forget?"
"What happened with Dylan and James?" Eliza asked in amusement.
"So you know how they like to prank everyone?" Jordan began as Eliza nodded.
"Well on April fools day, they decided that Juliette was the perfect target for a prank" Levi continued "so they did the classic 'bucket on top of a partially opened door', but obviously Juliette is smarter than that. These boys were never nice to anyone, and then to let her go in front of them for the cafeteria was obviously bullshit. So she pushed them both from in the room as the bucket of PVA glue fell on both of their heads"
By then all three of them were laughing hysterically.
It was not that funny.
"Tell her what she did after that" Jordan instructed.
"Oh yeah" Levi chuckled "she threatened to slit their throats in the middle of the night if they tried anything like that ever again"
Eliza burst out laughing, she was laughing so much she had to wipe tears from under her eyes. "Sounds exactly like something she would do." She said "hey! How do you guys know about this and I don't?"
"I don't know why Juliette didn't tell you, but we know because of locker room talk" Jordan answered.
"Look we're here!" I said loudly, interrupting everybody from their conversation.
We all looked out of the window of the limo to see our school covered in fairy lights. On the board was written 'prom night' in huge block letters, as if they couldn't be anymore blunt. They might as well have placed a sign that said:
'Today is the day we have minimum adult supervision, so please come in and spike our punch with alcohol'
"Jordan and I are heading in, have fun guys we'll see you inside" Eliza smiled at us, winking at me not so discreetly.
"You look amazing" Levi muttered.
"That's the third time you've said that to me" I responded.
He smirked "do you agree with me yet?"
I shook my head "I still don't see what you do"
"You look beautiful" he complimented one again as I rolled my eyes.
"You're not going to stop are you?" I asked
He shook his head, smirking slightly.
"Let's go in" he said gabbing my hands and intertwining them, dragging me inside the room.
The song that was playing was 'How Deep Is Your Love by Calvin Harris', it was pretty much blasting through the speakers as people danced and jumped aimlessly around the entire hall. I doubt anybody could hear themselves think.
It shouldn't be a problem for Jordan considering he rarely thinks.
"Want a drink?" Levi basically shouted over the extremely loud music.
"I can't, pills remember!" I shouted just as loudly. Suddenly, my favourite song had switched on, the song being 'Kiss me by Ed Sheeran'.
The first time Levi and I danced together, we danced to this song. It was only fitting that we danced to it on our prom night "but do you know what I do want to do?" I asked, quieting down considering this song was much quieter.
"What?" He asked in the exact same manner.
"Dance" I smiled.
He grinned, shaking his head "you just want to find out how I know to dance" he smirked.
"Will you tell me?" I asked.
"No, but our song is going to finish soon, so can I have this dance?" He asked sweetly.
I nodded.
He took my hand and walked me to the centre of the dance floor where he pulled me close to his body, his right hand around my waist as his left hand held my right hand. Slowly taking a step with each beat of the song, we danced.
He led, as I closely followed, taking a careful step as he did so. My heels made it hard for me to coordinate with him, but he managed to somehow keep me up with him. His grip around my waist tightened, causing me to be chest to chest to him. A smirk appearing on his face as he noticed how flushed I really was. Even with my heels I had to look up in order to see his eyes, but our proximity helped me a little with the view. His eyes were blue-er than they had ever been, deeper than they had ever been and just more lustful than they had ever been.
The song began building up, as he leaned his forehead against mine, the pace of our dancing speeding up in order to match the pace of the song. With each step, I felt my heartbeat increasing, but in a good way. He was holding me as if I were the only dear thing in his life, and I depended on him as if he were mine. He was mine. He is mine. His lips found mine, but only for a split second before he pulled away, causing me to already miss them.
The song hit the chorus, his right hand falling from my hips as he twirled me, the bottom of my dress lifting up as I was immediately reminded of the first time I danced with him. To an Ed Sheeran song. I was pulled straight into his chest as both of his arms immediately wrapped around me, my arms tightly around his neck.
With my arms around his neck, and his around my waist, he spun me around, my feet lifting off the ground ever so slightly. Once he stopped, he grabbed my hand in his, and spun me individually, pulling me into his chest and stopping me just before I smashed into him. Once again his arms wrapped around my waist as mine did his neck. It was then that he placed his lips on mine. Kissing me desperately as if I was the only important person in the world.
He was the most important person in my world.
I was in love with Levi Knight.
The song continued, and we continued to dance, Levi leading the entire dance as I wondered how I could deserve someone as amazing as him in my life.
How my entire life could be turned upside by this once boy, this one bad boy who came into my life and taught me to be happy.
This one boy who taught me how to love.
The song ended, both of us breathing heavily from the kiss. The entire hall erupted in applause as I realised that almost everybody had watched our entire dance, and our make out session. After this song, the music stopped, the room deadly silent. The only thing that I could hear was my heartbeat against my chest and both of our heavy breathing.
"Levi?" I began quietly, catching his attention, I could basically hear my voice echo around this large room, as if it were empty when in actuality everybody was just silent. I probably could have done this at a more private time but I felt as if I had to tell him now.
"Yes, book girl?" He asked looking into my eyes.
"I'm in love with you" I said quietly, so that only he could hear but listening to everybody's 'aw's' I could tell that I wasn't as quiet as I hoped to be.
The grin that was on his face was probably my favourite thing in the world. "I'm in love with you too" he responded.
Written: 28/11/15
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