Chapter 31: Indignation
Dedicated to LittleMiss_ReadAlot because she's awesome and helped me come up with the idea of the next few chapters. She's also my best friend so go follow her!
I tossed and turned all through the night. My head pounding and my chest aching. I took a quick glance at my clock. 4:37 am. I sighed, throwing the blanket on the floor and sitting up on the edge of the bed. My forehead was sticky with sweat, goosebumps scattered across my arm as I trembled in fear. One nightmare, over and over again. Always around this time of year. The night of the accident replaying in my head. My breaths were heavy, and they didn't stop. It was as if I were hyperventilating. I ran my hand through my long hair, gripping it at the strands out of anger and frustration.
Why me?
I sat there, for hours. Silently crying into my hands, hiccuping with every sob. I finally stopped around 7:13 am, grabbing my blanket from the floor and covering my shivering body with it. My head was on the pillow but my eyes were not closing. They were red, and stung and the tears felt as if they would never stop. I laid there in that position for longer than I could remember. Not moving, not sleeping, just thinking.
I got out of bed around 9 or so, deciding to take a long shower. I spent at least an hour in there, just washing all of the grime off my body, trying to wash all of the painful memories away. I didn't work.
I exited the bathroom wearing a pair of black high wasted jeans, a black tank top and a long black cardigan. I planned to go into my room and do nothing like I would have done every year, on this day, but as soon as I entered the room, I was surprised to see it filled with people. And by people, of course I meant Jordan, Eliza and Levi. They all stood there with grins on their faces.
"Happy Birthday!" They all chorused as I felt a pang in my chest.
I didn't want to be reminded of the day.
"You didn't have to do anything for my birthday" I whispered, my voice hoarse and light.
Eliza sent me a pitiful look as I avoided eye contact with her, suddenly extremely interested in my fluffy socks. I nervously fidgeted with my fingers as I stared at the ground, determined not to look at any of them, afraid that the eye contact will only end with me in tears, which wasn't unlikely.
"I got you something" Jordan began, a grin plastered on his face. Why wouldn't there be one? He didn't know what today was. He handed me a box, and I was about to tell him he didn't have to but he stopped me "just open it".
I nodded, doing as I was told, carefully ripping the packaging to reveal a 'my first makeup set'. A small smile broke out on my face as I rolled my eyes.
"Due to your new found love of makeup, I decided to get you this. I also bought the same exact thing for my seven year old niece" he said to me as I slapped his arm slightly.
"Thank you" I said "I hate it"
He chuckled "that's what I was aiming for, so yes!" He celebrated.
"Okay, me next, me next!" Eliza squealed as I smiled.
She handed me a small box, about the size of my palm, smiling widely as she passed it to me. I carefully pried it open, revealing a key. It was a pretty bronze key, attached to a large heart key ring. Coming off of the key ring was a little infinity sign and a block that said 'Live. Love. Laugh'. After a moment or so of staring at it, it immediately hit me. "Are these th-" I began.
"Yep" she interrupted as a smile broke out on both of our faces.
"How did you find it? I thought we both lost it, I spent forever looking for it and then crying for days when I realised I couldn't find it" I said to her
"I found a totally hideous picture of the two of us last week when we were eleven, and I saw the keys around our neck, I found some people and got two versions copied out" she said "here you go". She passed a little bronze chain towards me "now we can wear it around out next like we used to" she stated, pulling the that was tucked in under her top and showing it to me.
"This is amazing, thank you" I said, wrapping my arms around her in a hug, as she did the same.
When we pulled apart, my eyes immediately locked onto Levi's who just stood there nervously. Eliza automatically caught on, clearing her throat slightly before saying "let's leave these two alone?" to Jordan. He nodded, both of them exiting.
"Happy birthday book girl" he greeted as I smiled.
"Thank you. How did you even know it's my birthday?" I asked
"I told you, I'm more perceptive than anyone you have ever met" he smirked. "That, and you told just before the wedding" he chuckled as I laughed.
"I guess you're better at remembering things than me" I noted
"You're eighteen now, you know what that means" he began, smirking suggestively as I blushed.
"What?" I questioned carefully.
"You have the ability to buy alcohol" he said. I sighed in relief, not even bothering to tell him that he was wrong. "You know, if you ever go to England" he continued.
"I thought you were gonna say something else" I whispered in relief.
He smirked "I was" he began "but it's your birthday, so I'll save you from the torture"
"You're not going to save me from the torture" I shook my head in disbelief "you're going to be evil the entire day"
He laughed "here you go" he said, handing me a huge box. It was wrapped in light blue wrapping paper, it was also extremely heavy.
"Why would you get me something?" I asked in disbelief.
"Because you're my girlfriend" he stated.
I carefully unwrapped the box, opening it and gasping. "You got me the entire box set" I gasped, staring at the 'Mortal Instruments' box set.
He smirked. "It's by the same author as the books you liked"
"This must have cost a fortune" I gasped
"You're cute" he chuckled "I figured you're not the jewellery type, and I've already gotten you a necklace, so I got the next best thing"
"You're so amazing" I whispered, carefully placing the books on my shelf before turning to him, tiptoeing, and wrapping my arms around his neck, inhaling his cologne. His arms immediately tightened around my waist. I loved his hugs. He rested his head on my shoulder and I couldn't help but think about how protected I felt. "Thank you." I whispered. I stood there for a few moments, almost completely forgetting about my claustrophobia. After the nightmare I had endured this morning, I liked feeling as if there was nothing in this world that could hurt me. I liked being with Levi.
"Anything for you book girl" he mumbled in my ear. "Also, you're extremely short"
I finally pulled apart, not too long after, seeing as my head was was beginning to ache "I'm not short, I'm fun sized" I retaliated pathetically.
He laughed "of course you are, book girl"
Before I knew it, my bedroom door swung open, leaving Jordan and Eliza stood in front of the door. "I told you we didn't interrupt anything" Eliza muttered.
"Well I didn't want to be surprised by them making out like I was last time" Jordan shrugged.
"We weren't making out" Levi interjected as I rolled my eyes at Jordan.
Jordan scoffed "yes you were."
I shook my head "guys" I interrupted.
"Can we just tell her the news?" Eliza groaned.
"What news?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.
"We're going camping" Eliza squealed.
I stared at her in shock "you don't even like camping" I deadpanned.
"Yes but you do, so I am going to struggle through all the disgusting creatures just for you" she smiled
I looked at her, unconvinced. There was no way in hell she would go camping for me. "Okay?" I asked unsurely.
She rolled her eyes, "lighten up and pack"
I sighed, deciding to never argue with Eliza, knowing fully well that it would not leave me in a good place. I had obviously asked a bunch of questions, like when we were going, how we were getting there and whether aunt Jen approved or not. Apart from knowing that aunt Jen approved, I was told nothing.
I packed for one night, grabbing my pyjamas and a spare outfit. I also grabbed all my necessities like a hair brush, and toothbrush and toothpaste and all the other boring stuff, along with the rechargeable phone charger which was a life saver when it came to packing. Finally, I packed food, knowing everybody else would forget, my torch and a packet of marshmallows for the campfire that we would no doubt have.
Turns out that we were going in Levi's car, which was expected considering there was no way Eliza was hike all the way to the forest. We placed everything in the boot of the car and set off.
We finally set off around three, planning on getting there for five. Considering it was really late in the year, it meant that it got dark around that time, meaning pitch black around five.
"I spy with my little eyes something beginning with T" Jordan began as I struggled not to reach back and strangle him. He had been playing this mindless game for about twenty minutes now and it was driving me crazy.
"Tree" I muttered angrily
"Hey" he protested "you could at least try and be unsure"
"How can I be unsure when the only things around us are fucking trees" I grumbled "you've said T for the last five goes and it's always been the same thing"
"She's wearing her seatbelt right?" Eliza asked from besides Jordan.
"Yeah, why?" Levi questioned from the drivers seat.
"Oh no reason, I'm just slightly afraid that she will reach out and kill Jordan" Eliza shrugged, returning back to her phone.
I muttered to myself, mostly about how I was extremely close to murdering Jordan, but took a deep breath in and counted to ten. "Eliza what are you doing on your phone?" I asked curiously.
"Completing this history quiz for homework" she shrugged her eyes focused on the screen "hey, do you know what the enabling act was?"
"It was-" I began
"In times of emergencies, the chancellor had the ability to pass laws without the government's approval" Levi interrupted, completing my sentence. I saw the smile on his face from the corner of my eyes and I found myself smiling too, his grin contagious.
"I'm such an amazing tutor" I boasted, the smile not leaving my face as Levi grinned.
"I'm bored" Jordan mumbled to himself. "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with T" he repeated loudly as I grit my teeth together.
"Shut up Jordan" I growled.
"Fine" He muttered "moody" he added, whispering the second bit.
"What?" I asked
"Nothing." He replied solemnly as I smirked in success.
"Let's play a game!" Eliza said excitedly, placing her phone down and clapping her hands together in excitement.
"Just make sure it's not eye spy or Juliette will kill somebody" Levi muttered from the steering wheel as I rolled my eyes, a smile finding it's way onto my face.
"I read about this game on tumblr!" She began "it's called 'don't get me started' and what you have to do is bring up a topic, and one person will rant about the topic for an entire minute"
I paused for a moment, soaking in all the details Eliza had just described. "Okay, I'm up for that" I said finally, deciding that anything was better than I spy.
"I guess we don't have a choice?" Levi asked, looking at me for a split second before diverting his eyes back to the road.
"We probably should, I was beginning to run out of things that I spied" Jordan added.
Right. He was beginning to run out of things to spy.
"I want to change it though!" Eliza interrupted "I want there to be someone who plays devils advocate"
"That doesn't sound too good. I feel that if someone disagrees with Juliette, she might literally rip their heads off" Levi muttered.
"I won't!" I pouted childishly. "Okay, Eliza you say the topic and Levi and I will debate, I can prove that I won't kill anybody" I decided.
I could see her smirk through the rear view mirror. "Women should not get an education. They should stay home and take care of their family, Levi debates for, Juliette debates against." she started.
"For fucks sake." Levi muttered, slightly worried as I smiled.
I won't kill him.
I think.
"Levi start" Jordan suggested.
"Education leads to more career opportunities for women and women are taking advantage of them and are waiting longer to have children - the birth rate is going down every year due to the fact that women are too busy working to have children." Levi started, after a moment of, what seemed like, racking his brain.
"A lack of education should not be a punishment for women not having children" I began calmly. "Women are not brought into this world to create a family, just like men, women have purposes in life. Women have ambitions and goals, and that should not be stripped away from them by taking away the right of an education" I stated.
"Next point. 27 seconds, go!" Eliza continued.
"Statistically, children are more attached to their mothers than they are to fathers, and they deserve to have a mother raise them - not be at work all day" Levi stated.
"That should mean that women should be deprived of a basic human right?" I questioned rhetorically. "We are not born and raised in this world to be locked in a house, learn to cook and clean along with take care of children. Education opens doors to almost everything in the world." I started, and it was clear Levi was going to make his third point but I was not done. "The deprivation of education means that even if a woman wanted to be a stay at home wife, she wouldn't even be able to read which pot holds the salt and which holds the sugar. She wouldn't even be able to read the TV channels. She wouldn't even be able to read her children's report when they come home from school. So yes, you can claim that women should stay at home and take care of the children, but what can she do if she can't read or write? Education opens doors, we do not limit anybody in this world" I finished, finally taking a deep breath in when I realised I wasted all my breath on the rant.
"Wow" Levi breathed out, causing me to blush as I realised that I had taken it way to seriously.
"God I love your rants" Eliza smiled as she looked at Jordan.
"You guys planned this!" I accused.
"We can't help it, it's extremely entertaining to see you worked up like that" Jordan smirked.
I rolled my eyes "well thanks for that."
"You should expect this often, Levi" Eliza warned "she's always lecturing people."
"It's weird" Jordan muttered.
"I think it's hot" Levi whispered to me as I felt my cheeks burn.
Written: 7/11/15
Posted: 17/03/16
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