Chapter 27: Consolation

The wedding was finally over. It had ended around ten o'clock in the afternoon, Levi and I finally came downstairs at around nine, we sat there for about an hour. The rain hadn't cleared up the slightest bit, and we were both drenched when we came down. Of course, aunt Jen was pretty annoyed at both of us, she tried calling the two of us and nobody picked up. My phone was in my purse which I had left with Eliza and Levi's phone was in his blazer jacket, but I was wearing that and I couldn't feel a thing.

We were finally on our way back to the hotel. I had a cold, of course because of my weak immune system which meant I was pretty much sneezing the entire ride home. Again, I was in the cab with just Eliza. Aunt Jen would have stayed with us but she went into the first cab because she had the keys. It was okay, though.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" She asked

I sneezed in response.

"I'll take that as a yes, tell me what happened" she squealed, turning towards me.

I sneezed once again

"Did you at least tell Levi that you like him?" She asked me expectantly

I nodded, not trusting to open my mouth considering I'd probably sneeze again.

"At least talk to me!" She demanded in excitement "What did he say? Did he take it well? Why were you in the rain? Is that why you're still wearing his jacket?" She questioned

"Eliza calm down" I laughed, pulling the jacket tighter around me.

"You're laughing! It means it was good" she replied happily

"It wasn't all good, the outcome was good, I guess" I replied, searching my bag for another tissue.

She paused for a moment "What exactly happened?"

"Well I tried to tell him I liked him, but Isla came and asked me to sing" I started

"I'm aware of that, you were amazing by the way" she complimented

I smiled "But then I wanted to tell him, and I was extremely close to telling him but Emma showed up-"


I chuckled "But then she told Levi everything, about the claustrophobia, the PTSD, everything"

She froze "What?"

I nodded "I couldn't believe it myself"

"That fucking bitch, let me get my hands on that whore, I'll fucking kill that slut" She growled angrily, ready to kill.

"Yeah let's not let that happen before you hear the worst part" I muttered nervously

She grit her teeth together "What. Did. She. Do?"

"She hugged me. I basically had a panic attack, ran up to the roof that's why I'm soaked and ill" I answered

"I'm not even kidding if I ever see that fucking bitch one more time I will not hesitate to snap her neck" She replied.

I smiled "It's not all bad I guess" I shrugged slightly "It lead to something pretty amazing"

"You're blushing!" She squealed "What happened?"

"He said he already knew, he's like Sherlock, he's good at figuring things out" I shrugged "He said he didn't care, and he told me something about himself which I swore never to repeat to anybody else. He swore to treat me like a normal person in response"

"What was it!" She asked excitedly

"I'm not telling you" I huffed before sneezing

"Can you please die in your own time" She muttered "I want to know what happened next"

I laughed, rolling my eyes. Only Eliza. "So I kinda just blurted that I liked him" I answered "And he said he liked me back. Except that I told him what I told you, that he deserves to be with somebody normal, somebody who could hug him, kiss him, hold his hand" I replied

"You bitch" she gasped "what happened next?"

"He said he didn't want any other girl" I smiled "He wanted me. So after a bit of convincing I agreed to go out with him because he said some really sweet things"

"You're blushing again! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" She practically begged.

"So he kissed me" I replied quietly, feeling my cheeks darken.

"He did?" She squealed extremely loudly "Oh my god! That's so cute oh my god I can't"

I laughed "and the asked me to be his girlfriend"

"Please tell me you agreed or so help me Juliette-" she began before I interrupted her

"I did!" I said quickly

"Aw that's so cute! I can't believe that you actually have a boyfriend now" she squealed. "You have a date to prom!" She gasped loudly.

I laughed "I love how this genuinely all you cared about"

"You won't be literally the only person on earth who goes to prom without a date!" She squealed.

"Wow, Kay thanks" I muttered

"Shut up, I'm so excited" she continued.

"More excited than me it seems" I smiled.

"Shut up, let me be happy"

So of course, once again the rest of the cab ride continued with her squealing over how cute it was that Levi had asked me out, and how cute it was that he kissed me and that we should all go on double dates and how everything was perfect. Of course, me being me, told her to actually breathe when she was planning our entire futures together. We also quickly stopped at Isla's house because we pretty much left the entire luggage there. But we were finally able to arrive at the hotel, I think an entire hour after we were expected due to the traffic, which basically felt never ending.

When we finally got to the hotel, we went straight upstairs to our rooms, we had to get aunt Jen to open it for us because she held the keys considering she didn't trust either of us to take care of the key that let us in the room. When we finally went inside the first thing I needed to do was shower because I was drenched in rain water and I needed to wash it all out of my hair. I got to the luggage which me and Eliza had got when we stopped at Isla's house. 

I rummaged through the entire thing, searching for my pyjamas, all that I could find was my second outfit and two of Eliza's outfit along with her pyjamas.


Two of Eliza's outfits?

"Eliza!" I screamed at the stop of my lungs when I realised that my pyjamas were pretty much nowhere to be seen.

"Yes?" She asked nervously coming out of the bathroom with her hair in a cute little bun.

"Where are my pyjamas?" I asked nicely, deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Oh-heh" she began guiltily "I may or may not have accidentally probably left it out of the luggage"

"What?!" I screamed

"I needed an extra outfit. So I quickly took your pyjamas out and put my stuff in, I was planning on putting it back I swear but you guys rushed me and I forgot to!" She quickly replied, terrified of what I would do.

"I'm going to kill you" I replied, smiling.

"No wait! I can fix this!" She replied, smiling slightly which actually scared me. "You go take your shower and I'll put some clothes in the bathroom I swear"

"I'm trusting you Eliza" I warned

"I won't let you down I promise" She said, sending me an innocent grin.

I nodded, grabbing the necessities from the luggage, before walking into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror to see that my hair was basically in stands and my makeup was the tiniest bit messed up. How did Levi even ask me out? I attempted to brush my hair with my fingers but it pretty much got trapped in there. I sighed in frustration before carefully peeling my, now soaked dress of my body.

It took me ages to shampoo and condition my long strands hair, it also took ages to unknot it. The makeup was also extremely difficult in removing. Nobody ever actually contemplated on whether waterproof makeup was helpful or not. It really was not. One, it didn't even work properly and two, it was almost impossible to take off.

When I finally felt clean enough to get out of the shower I saw that Eliza had actually stuck to her word and found me pyjamas to wear. I quickly dried myself off, before wrapping the towel around my hair. The clothes she had brought me was a pair of leggings and an oversized t shirt. I looked at the t shirt and immediately recognised it. It was the shirt that Levi had worn to our first study session. Of course Eliza had gotten me one of Levi's shirts to wear. I quickly put on the leggings and pulled the shirt over my head. Of course because Levi was almost an entire foot taller than me it meant that it pretty much came up to mid thigh, which was like a dress to me. It was long sleeved which meant I had to roll the sleeves a total of four times before it came to my wrists.

I kinda liked it.

I went back into the room, wanting to tell Eliza that when I said to get me pyjamas, I didn't mean to steal one of Levi's shirts and a pair of leggings that I had brought. But when I came into the room I realised that she wasn't in it. She was probably down in the game room with the boys. I let my hair air dry, allowing it to fall past my shoulders in natural curls.

I searched around the room for my black scrunchies which I was pretty sure I left in the room. And yes, I know scrunchies were hideous, but they were the only thing that held my thick hair together so don't judge me.

I looked to see a note on the desk right next to Eliza's bed. It read 'Juliette. I got you clothes and they are hung up in the bathroom, I also stole your scrunchies because you are not allowed to tie your hair. Meet us downstairs in the game room'.

I rolled my eyes, scrunching the paper. I then grabbed Clockwork Prince which I had packed and Levi's blazer before going downstairs. I opened the door to the game room to see only Jordan, Eliza and Levi which meant that either we were the only kids in the building or the only ones who knew about the room.

I opened it to see them occupying the sofa which was placed directly in front of the TV. "You guys are all going to go blind" I commented before taking a seat on the bean bag. I opened my book ever so slightly, and began reading, leaving the blazer on my lap. I was pretty much lost in the book, which meant I did not notice that Levi was sat next to me.

"Was it worth the study session?" He asked from besides me which made me jump.

"You scared me!" I replied, slapping his arm.

He laughed "I know"

"Evil" I muttered

"I bought you that book, I think and I quote I'm nice as fuck" he replied quoting me from a few days ago when I had claimed that I was nice and not murderous.

"I am nice as fuck!" I claimed

He continued laughing "I agree with you. Please don't kill me" He joked

I rolled my eyes "I'm ignoring you now" I announced

"Please don't ignore me" He whispered in my ear "I can't get my girlfriend to ignore me on the day I asked her out" he stressed the word girlfriend which automatically made me blush. "There's that blush that I love" he continued teasingly.

"Shut up" I huffed, attempting to calm myself from blushing.

"You guys are so cute" Eliza interrupted, basically staring at the two of us as I glared at her. "Right, I'm intruding, wow I know exactly how it feels now" she joked.

I rolled my eyes "I'm kidding"

"I know. Your hair looks good by the way, I wonder why you didn't tie it up" she started, smugly.

"Yeah" I began sarcastically "I wonder, it can't possibly be due to the fact that all my hairbands are in the bag over there" I said, pointing to the corner of the room where her bag lay.

She chuckled nervously "I'm moving that"

I smiled before turning back to my book. But before I knew it, my book was being closed and placed on the floor in front of us. "You came to hang out with us, then that is exactly what you will do"

I groaned "I'm so close to finishing"

"Exactly, that's why you can finish it another day" he smiled innocently

I sighed "fine"

"You look hot by the way" He complimented

I rolled my eyes, fighting off a blush "yeah, I'm not listening to this" I replied before picking my book up again.

Written: 13/10/15
Posted: 19/02/16

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