Chapter 22: Administration
(A/N: Important authors note at the end, to my fellow potterheads, please do not ignore. With that said, I hope you enjoy this chapter)
Levi's P.O.V
"Has everybody got their stuff?" Juliette's aunt asked us all when we were finally able to escape the over crowded airport. We all nodded and I immediately looked at Juliette who looked as if she was going to say something sarcastic, but she nodded along with all of us.
Mrs Harte then continued to explain the action plan of the day, although I zoned out through half of it, not finding myself to be bothered to listen to something Juliette had explained to me at least five times before. However before I knew it, there were two cabs parked right in front of us. Juliette and Eliza had taken the first one, Juliette dragging a luggage that seemed bigger than her, behind her. I immediately wanted to help her drag it in but decided against it when I saw that she was doing fine herself.
Me and Jordan got into the second cab, Mrs Harte following behind us. We both sat in the back whilst she sat in the front. Today was a pretty strange day, I was exhausted and the day hadn't even began probably. Throughout the entire plane ride, I forced myself awake considering Juliette couldn't sleep under the circumstances we were in and I decided that falling asleep besides her, when she couldn't, was cruel. I spent the entire flight dedicating my time to entertaining her, determined to make her forget all about her travel sickness. So of course through the flight we both listened to music until she got sick of it. She then continued by explaining the plot line of the books I had bought her in order to compensate for the tutoring sessions.
They sounded boring as fuck.
But the smile that was stretched across her face as she explained the love triangle between some people called Will, Jem and Tessa made me want to listen to her endless speaking. I soaked in every word she spoke, trying extremely hard not to interrupt her. I could listen to her speak forever. When she spoke fondly of something, I noticed how her brown eyes had a glint in them and the smile did not leave her face.
I honestly would have done anything to keep that look on her.
We then decided to watch a movie, of course looking at the list I immediately wanted to watch Rush Hour but the innocent smile she sent me when she suggested Aladdin made me turn it on immediately.
The effect this girl had on me was unbelievable.
Even with Katherine, who I was supposedly in love with for years, I had never felt this way. With Juliette, I felt comfortable, I felt understood. Even if she didn't know about my problems, it felt as if she understood me. Something Katherine could never do. I stand by what I said the day I first met Juliette. She was the most beautiful girl I had met in my life. It was as if everybody was blinded by Katherine's popularity or attitude that they believed she was the 'hottest girl in the school'. She wasn't. And I was blind not to see that sooner.
Juliette had this giggle, which made my ears ring when I heard it. I remember Jordan once telling me that she didn't laugh much, I remember him saying that she was hard to please. It wasn't just that which made me want to always make her laugh, but it was the sound of her laughter which made me want to constantly want her to giggle.
She also had this blush that even reached her neck when it was bad. When she blushed, she always looked flustered and embarrassed. The truth is, the only reason why I loved making her blush was because of how cute she looked when she did it. It was always fun calling her hot and watching her turn red. I never once lied to her about her appearance, everything I had ever said about her looks I believed. But there was so much more to her than looks. Katherine was somebody who thought the entire world revolved around looks and nothing else. She had no aspirations in life and strictly believed that her looks would get her everywhere she wanted in life.
Juliette was the complete opposite.
She was completely and utterly unaware of her appearance and as frustrating as it was, she was completely unaware of the effect she had on me.
Juliette was sarcastic and witty. Her sense of humour, despite being extremely dry, was endearing and seriously hilarious. She was always so sure of her actions, always so determined.
Okay, shut the fuck up before you begin to want to watch the notebook or something.
Before I knew it we finally got to the hotel, Mrs Harte checked us all in, explaining how there were three rooms she had booked. The boys' room, the girls' room and her room. She had strictly reminded us that at no point of the night should there be a boy in the girls' room, she was mostly talking to Jordan who looked pretty terrified as he vigorously shook his head 'no'.
She then told us that she was going to get to her room and start on her makeup whilst we could do whatever for an hour. She said to make sure we got changed before we left though.
Me and Jordan both went upstairs to the room to find two single beds pushed to each side of the blue wall. I placed my luggage on the corner as I literally jumped into bed and planned to nap for an hour.
"So" Jordan began, clearly with something on his mind "You and Juliette"
I rolled my eyes, making me compare myself to Juliette herself. "What about Juliette and I?" I asked
"You seem pretty close to her. Or she seems pretty close to you" he shrugged "she's not really the type to make friends, let alone invite one to a wedding"
"Is this the 'hurt her and I kill you' speech?" I asked in amusement considering I could not imagine Jordan being serious at all.
He chuckled "Well you'd have to be going out with her to get the speech"
I sighed "I'm working on it"
He froze "Really?"
I shrugged "Yeah, really"
"So you like her?" He asked, sitting up on the bed he was previously laying down on.
"I mean, I guess so" I replied cautiously, not wanting to say the wrong thing to the person who saw Juliette as a baby sister "I didn't think I wanted to jump into anther relationship after Katherine. But the more I got to know her the more I realised she was completely different to Katherine. Which meant the more I actually started liking her"
"Why don't you just tell her you like her?" He questioned as if it were the most simple solution on the earth.
"Because I'm terrified of her" I replied simply as he began laughing.
"Aren't we all?"
I chuckled "Like you said last time, she's hard to please. What if she rejects me?" I asked nervously, mentally punching myself for sounding like a fourteen year old girl with boy problems.
"Man up, man" Jordan replied as he chuckled
I smirked, thinking about how if I had ever said that in front of Juliette she would break into lecture of about the sexism in that phrase and the double standard which that sentence alone places on women and men.
"I probably shouldn't even be telling you this, but I have known Juliette my entire life." Jordan started, as I looked up at him in interest. "She's never acted this way with anyone before. It's not my place to tell you, but she's had a hard life, she's seventeen years old and she's still not fully over everything that has happened. None of us ever thought she would be close to anyone but us, let alone another boy. She may be terrifying. But take my word on it. She likes you"
I sighed, running a hand through my hair "it's not about whether she likes me or not, even if she likes me. She's closed off. She's built these walls and I can't open the door"
He smiled slightly, like a pitying smile. "Then break it down"
If only it were that easy.
Before either of us knew it, it was seven o'clock and knowing that we were going to leave in an hour exactly, we both decided to get ready. Like Juliette had instructed me to do, I brought along a black suit and skinny black tie. It was all the way in the back of my wardrobe considering I never had actually worn it before, I couldn't even remember why my mom had bought it for me, but either way I was glad she did.
It didn't take long for either of us to get dressed, about ten minutes tops which was pretty awesome because it meant we could go to the game room downstairs which we literally had just told about. We both raced downstairs to see a PS4, an XBOX, a pool table, a foosball table and other things which I didn't really bother to look at. We both looked at each other at the same time before jumping onto the couch which was seated right in front of the TV. And yes, I knew we were both eighteen years old which meant we weren't children but I seriously did not give a fuck.
We were called down at 7:45 by Mrs Harte and were told that we were leaving now, because if we did not get there at 8 we would die.
If she was related to Juliette, I did not want to take that threat lightly.
She hailed another cab which was a miracle considering there were so many people failing to do so. We parked in front of a huge house at 8 o'clock on the dot which, I'm sure, made Mrs Harte sigh in relief. We were escorted in by a woman who looked almost exactly like Mrs Harte, although she seemed a little bit older, she also had dark hair in comparison to Mrs Harte who had blonde hair.
The lady who had opened the door, whom I had assumed to be Mrs Harte's sister, told us that all the girls were upstairs getting their hair and makeup done and we were free to walk in. She was talking to Jordan and I mostly, and she seemed very polite.
Jordan went upstairs first, and I followed him, assuming he actually knew around the house. We walked up two flights of stairs before we got to where we were told to go. I couldn't help but think about how Juliette would probably have been panting and how unfit she was.
Jordan knocked on the door and was welcomed with a chorus of come in's. We opened the door and stepped in to see a bunch of girls with their hair and makeup partially done. My eyes scanned the room for Juliette, but I was pretty disappointed when I couldn't find her. Although it did make sense considering this was a place where they were doing their hair and makeup, and knowing Juliette she probably refused and walked away. I spotted Eliza who had just about finished her makeup. She squealed slightly before wrapping her arms around Jordan who did the same.
I mean, he wrapped his arms around her, not that he squealed.
I stood their awkwardly before Eliza unattached herself from Jordan and smiled at me. "You look good" She said to me.
I chuckled "I would say the same about you but you don't"
She laughed, rolling her eyes and I couldn't help but compare her facial features to Juliette's.
Was it bad to think that Juliette was so much prettier?
"You're so rude, I'm offended" she smiled, not seeming offended at all.
"You look nice Eliza" I complimented
Before I knew it another girl was stood in front of me. She was about the same height of Eliza, and had blonde hair. Like all the others, her hair and makeup was done too. "Hi, I'm Emma" She greeted as she held her hand out to me.
I shook it politely before replying with "Levi"
"So you're Juliette's boyfriend?" She asked confidently.
I looked at Eliza who sent me a pleading look as I nodded. "That's me" I smirked
If only.
"Well I don't see how someone like her could manage to get someone like you, but whatever." I zoned out pretty much after I heard that sentence, and to be honest the first sentence didn't process in my mind. All I could think about was how Juliette wasn't in here. I could this girl, Emma's, lips move but I couldn't process what she was saying.
I waited for her lips to stop moving before I said "Where is Juliette?" I asked as the girl in from of me looked furious. She gritted her teeth before walking away.
"She's still kinda pissed with me. She'll calm down though. She's in the room just down the corridor" Eliza replied. "She was the first to get ready"
Well, I'm not shocked about that.
A girl who was sitting at the far corner of the room had held her hand to signal to the woman doing her hair to stop. She got up and approached me. "Hi Levi, I'm Isla, the bride" she said holding her hand out.
I shook it politely "I guess you know who I am then"
"I do, I've heard a lot about you" she smiled
I could help but think about whether Juliette had spoken about me or not.
"Likewise" I replied
"Juliette is in Emma's room just down the corridor, you can go in but knock before you do" she said as I nodded.
I did as I was told, somewhat because I didn't want to stay in that room any longer than I had to, but mostly because I really wanted to see Juliette. I found the room which said 'Emma' right at the top of it. I knocked on the door like I was told and was welcomed with a soft voice saying "come in" which I immediately knew belonged to Juliette.
"I was told to come up here please do not kill me for not following your plan precisely" I said immediately as I walked in the room, terrified that she would murder me or something. Although, when I did come in the room I was surprised not to see Juliette but a bunch of changing screens scattered across the room.
"Levi?" She asked, her voice coming from behind one of the screens.
She was changing.
"The one and only" I smirked, attempting to lighten the mood slightly.
I could distinctly hear the clattering of bracelets and fumbling of clothing which I attempted to block out.
"Um hi" She replied awkwardly, clearly not knowing what else to say.
"Why was I not surprised when they said you were the first to be ready?" I questioned as the sound of the fumbling behind the screen increased. I almost laughed thinking about how she was probably struggling.
She paused a moment, as I heard the floor board creek when she stepped on it. "because out of all of them, I'm the least fussy"
"I just assumed that you refused to wear makeup, refused to wear anything other than a ponytail and stormed into here to get changed" I shrugged.
She giggled and I couldn't help but smile. I loved making her laugh.
"I heard that you're still slightly pissed off with Eliza?" I asked hesitantly "You know she meant well"
I heard her sigh "Of course I know she meant well. I'm not pissed at her I just have no idea how to apologise. I'm not good at those"
I smiled slightly "she's your best friend, I'm sure she doesn't expect an apology"
"She doesn't expect an apology, that's the thing. I can't randomly, start talking to her again. I'm a terrible person"
I chuckled "you are not a terrible person"
"Of course I am, I literally randomly turned on my best friend for no reason"
I paused, hesitantly saying the next phrase, afraid I was being too intrusive. "I heard something about medication?"
She sighed, not saying anything for a while before deciding to speak again. "I need to take medication to calm myself down slightly when I don't I get moody. I've been avoiding them recently"
"A piece of advice" I started "Don't avoid something you need"
A moment of silence passed by and I could distinctly hear Juliette groaning in irritation.
"You okay back there?" I questioned cautiously.
"Not exactly". She muttered in frustration. I heard a groan before there was a clattering of heels. I was surprised to see Juliette exit from behind the screen, but her back was facing towards me. Her zip was pulled all the way down to her lower back and even from where I was standing I could see the blush on her cheeks.
I heard her suck in a breath before she quietly asked "could you do my zip?"
She reached her arm down and parted her hair, pulling them over her shoulders as I suddenly noticed how it want in a ponytail like she usually had it.
I cleared my throat out of embarrassment before replying with "Um, sure"
Um sure?
Wow Levi, man of the fucking year.
I took a step towards her, and I could feel the hear of her body radiating on me. I found the silver zip which was located on her lower back, and careful not to touch her, I began pulling it up. I noticed that as the zip got higher, her posture got straighter, and due to the fact that I was too focused on that, my fingers brushed against her warm back. I heard her suck in another breath as I quickly zipped it up all the way to the top. She placed her hair back to how it was originally.
She turned around, as if to say something but for whatever reason, she didn't. I didn't care.
I had just realised she was wearing white, completely opposite to the black I had almost always seen her wear. I couldn't string my words together to explain how amazing it looked on her. I also noticed that with her heels on, she came up to my eyes. No matter how much I tired not to, I couldn't stop myself from checking her out. I started with her legs and honestly I could have stared at them for all of eternity. For a short girl she had really long legs. I forced my eyes to go up and they immediately darted to her face. They started with her lips. I then looked into her eyes. Nope, I was wrong. I could look into these for all of eternity. They were the lightest shade of brown and like always, they had this brilliant glint in them. I couldn't stop my eyes from flickering from her eyes to her lips, and I think she had noticed. She bit her lips the tiniest bit and I wished I could tell her how much of a turn on it was.
She was the first to look away, and for the first time ever, I felt my cheeks get warm. "" I replied breathlessly, I couldn't find myself to pull my eyes away from her's. She nodded.
Way to compliment the girl, Levi.
"You're blushing" I noticed, more an observation than anything else.
She nodded once again, "You have that effect on me" I stared at her whilst she tucked in a loose stand of hair.
I think I smiled, or smirked. "I enjoy having that effect on you, Juliette" I answered.
Her eyes, which before that were looking at the ground, immediately darted to mine when I said her name and I could see the goosebumps patterned across her arms.
I smirked, leaning in and whispering in her ear. "You look beautiful, Juliette Hunter"
Written: 05/10/15
Posted: 14/01/16 -R.I.P Alan Rickman
Authors note:
Originally, I planned a completely different authors note, mostly about how much I enjoyed writing this chapter etc. And much as I did love this chapter, we have more important matters at hand.
Alan Rickman's death.
This week we lost two amazing souls to cancer, Alan Rickman and David Bowie. But I would like to honour Alan Rickman today.
I never liked Snape. There was a lot of reasons for me to hate him, although I couldn't deny the fact that he was an amazing and brilliantly thought-out character. Alan Rickman was, in my opinion, the perfect Snape. Nobody could portray Snape like he so wonderfully did. I imagine that I wasn't the only one who thought the same.
Alan Rickman was a huge part of my childhood, he was a spectacular actor and he was a wonderful human being.
That's what saddens me the most.
The best people are taken in the worst possible way.
I found out when I was on my way to my parents meeting today. I was running late and I suddenly got the text that informed me of his death. With the stress of GCSE's, the only thing that pretty much kept me in a remotely good mood were my books. Harry Potter in particular. Finding out about his death was devastating, even more so when I realised that I wasn't even aware of his cancer.
Cancer is a bitch.
Just for this, I uploaded this chapter a day early; this may not seem like much. But I really needed to express how sad I was feeling.
Thank you for reading all of this (if anybody actually did) and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
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