Chapter 2: Impression

"Lizzie! Lottie! Omg I missed you guys so much!"

My fucking ear

I laughed nervously "Banana!" I replied with no emotion at all

She pouted, exaggerating her facial expressions "My names not Banana silly!"

"Yeah well my names not Lottie, silly" I added in a mocking tone, fighting the urge to roll my eyes

"Yeah, and er, my names not Lizzie" Eliza added

Either Hannah is deaf or a complete bitch because the next thing she said was "Look Lizzie! Me and Lottie are both wearing dark clothes!"

Eliza chuckled nervously, if you looked closely you could see her arms tense and un-tense meaning she was clenching her fists behind her back. "Yeah, you...totally match" She smiled politely

Match my ass, her clothes were brighter than my future.

"Wow, Lottie you've lost so much weight!" Hannah continued. Now it was my turn to clench my fists. "Go eat a burger or something! Being too thin is so unattractive"

I clenched my teeth, grinding them against each other out of fury. Eliza sent me a pitying look knowing well how much I hated it when people commented on my weight, or lack there of.

You've gone so ugly. Go get plastic surgery or something. If only it were acceptable to say that in public.

"Juliette, I'm going to the bathroom, come with me?" Eliza asked politely, but clearly trying to get me away from the she-devil.

"Oh yeah, I'll go too!" Hannah said

"No! I mean-no. It's alright. We'll go" I added desperately

"Well-" Hannah said, looking down at her feet "okay, if you say so"

Eliza and I made quick eye contact before heading towards the direction of the bathrooms. "I feel really bad now" I muttered

"It's not your fault. Plus, she was a bitch to you" Eliza shrugged

"Fair enough, bu-"

"Juliette look" Eliza whispered in my ear, slapping my arm whilst motioning towards an arguing couple.

"You knew! You fully knew I wasn't ready. What you got impatient?" I couldn't see her face, her dirty blonde hair was covering it from my angle. But the voice was unmistakeable, it was Katherine White's voice. Katherine White was the type of person to make you feel bad for even looking at another guy. She was an attention seeker and thought the entire world revolved around her.

It didn't.

I wasn't going to share my opinions about her, I wasn't going to say she was selfish or annoying. I didn't have a right to judge her. But one might call her a stuck up idiot.

"Fucking hell, Kath, did you get what you wanted?! Have you drawn enough attention to yourself yet?! Or would you like to have more people surrounding us?" And no surprise there, the other half of this couple was none other than Levi Knight.

"Is that what you want? To make me look bad in front of everyone? To show everyone how cool you are for making fun of your girlfriend? Or for sleeping with another girl? Well mission accomplished" She added her face now coming in to view. It was a light shade of pink, and there were tears streaming down her face.

"Honestly Kath" Levi chuckled bitterly.

"I was always there! I stayed with you through everything. Have you even told anyone else-" She snarled before she got interrupted

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the side of the locker, causing her to flinch. The fear was evident in her eyes, even from here.

"I kept that secret." She continued wearily "Yes it affects you, but you don't understand how it affected me! My life wasn't the same after I found out. After that moment it was always about you-"

"Do you know what?" He interrupted "You're just an attention seeking slut. This entire thing?" Levi added looking around at all of us, using his hands to motion towards us. "Was a set up. This was to show all your admirers that you're done with me. You can continue being a whore, except this time it doesn't have to be behind my back" He added spitefully

Eliza and I gasped and looked at each other. Calling her a whore and a slut in front of everyone? That's a new low, even for Levi Knight, and honestly I didn't see how anyone with any self respect would take shit from him.

Katherine took a deep ragged breath, her tears freshly rolling down. She looked so vulnerable. So shattered. She didn't deserve this. "I never did anything behind your back Levi" she added calmly, her hands shaking a little. "I never cheated on you". They were the last words she uttered before running off towards the stairs.

Levi stood there taking a deep breath and running his hands down his face. "Fuck" he muttered before looking at the crowd that surrounded him. He shook his head, almost in spiteful amusement before barging past people.

"Poor girl" Eliza muttered "She may be a bitch but nobody deserves that"

"Don't call her a bitch" I said almost absent mindedly "you still want to go to the bathroom?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I smudged my eye liner" She said

"Let's go"

We walked towards the first floor girls bathroom, to find the entire corridor almost empty, which was unusual to say the least. When we walked into the girls room there was only one person in the bathroom. Katherine. Her face had gone back to her natural pale skin colour, maybe a bit paler than usual. Her lips remained plump, and her eyes remained red. Yet she still looked gorgeous.

Katherine was easily the most gorgeous girl in school, nobody was even close to her look wise. The boys loved her, and it seemed like she loved the attention she got from them. But she was always going out with Levi. She had been going out with him for the past three years. Up until today it seemed as if love wasn't a strong enough word to describe their bond. She was completely in love with Levi, but for almost 6 months now, there had been rumours of Levi getting bored of her.

She was wiping some tissue under her eyes, seemingly fixing her eye makeup, and all that I was doing was standing there like an idiot, staring at her.

"Can I help you?" She asked. I think she meant for it to come out harsh but it was soft and pathetic.

"Are you okay?" I questioned, completely disregarding her last comment.

"Yeah I'm fine" She muttered looking down as if she were trying to prevent herself from crying again.

"You didn't deserve that" Eliza smiled encouragingly from beside me.

I don't think Katherine would have appreciated a smile at the moment.

"Well" She whispered, before clearing her throat. "Well" she repeated, this time the word coming out harsher. "That's what you people wanted right? For something bad to happen to the bitch? Well there you go"

"No- we would never-" I started

"I don't need your fucking pity. If you want Levi go to him not me"

"Listen here-" Eliza started, but I grabbed her arm before she could continue. Knowing fully well that when Eliza got pissed, Eliza was a force to be reckoned with.

"Leave it, she's hurting" I mumbled walking out of the bathroom, dragging Eliza along with me by the arm.

"It's not my fault! We were being nice but she let her stupid pride get to her and-" Eliza rambled, looking furious.

"Leave her alone. It's not her fault she went out with that prick" I said

"Technically it is" She commented

"How about, whilst you work out your technicalities, I go to the library and get myself a copy of Pride and Prejudice?" I replied, adding an innocent smile.

She gasped dramatically "You're going to leave me with the devil?!"

I rolled my eyes in amusement "That devil is your boyfriend"

"My boyfriend is an idiot" She giggled

"You're both idiots now goodbye" I laughed

As if on cue, the bell rang, meaning it was the end of our free period and the start of lunch. I waved goodbye to Eliza who walked towards the cafeteria and headed towards the library.

I walked up the two flights of stairs, gasping for breath when I got to the top of them. God I'm unfit. I should work out. Or eat chocolate. Yes. Chocolate sounds good.

I greeted the librarian before heading towards the quietest section of the Library. The Classics. The books were sorted out in alphabetical order, of last names. Jane Austin novels were always at the top of the shelves and considering I was about 5"3, I definitely couldn't reach the book. I tiptoed, stretching my arms above my head in order to attempt to grab the book, but whilst doing so the sleeves of my black top had rolled down from my wrist. I quickly retracted my arm looking around to see if anyone was around, before grabbing my sleeve and clutching it between my figures and trying again.

I groaned in frustration before leaning forwards and trying for a third time, after I had failed the second time.

"You know, it would be easier to grab the book if you let go of your sleeve" I heard a familiar voice comment. I blushed a bright red before turning around, coming face to face with Levi Knight. Well, more like face to chest, but that was besides the point.

This guy is everywhere today.

"You know, being in your presence would be much more appealing if you weren't such a prick" I retorted, leaning up again to grab the book that I had failed to reach -thrice.

"It's pretty judgemental of you to assume things about my personality despite never having a formal conversation with me" He replied. If it were a normal person saying the exact same sentence, it would sound harsh maybe even offensive. But with his voice, and with the glint in his eyes, you knew that he was amused.

"Okay" I said, faking a smile. "Let's converse formally. Hello, my name is Juliette Hunter and I think you're an asshole"

"Your turn" I added, after I realised he was too stunned to speak.

His recovery was lightning fast, as he replied with "Hi Juliette, my name is Levi Knight" He paused, allowing his eyes to roam my body, slowly taking me in from head to toe, I looked him in the eyes, defiant in not allowing him to get to me, as my cheeks began to burn. "and I think you could qualify as one of the most beautiful girls I have ever laid eyes on" he continued smoothly

I couldn't think of a smart remark in response to what he had said so I mumbled a "fuck off" before returning to the bookshelf, I was sure my face turned crimson.

"Just out of curiosity," Levi continued, now leaning against the bookshelf. I wasn't going to warn him about the fact that it was slowly tipping over. "You're single right?"

I wasn't going to tell him that his assumption offended me either. Instead I replied with "Just out of curiosity" I said in a mocking tone "You're single now too, aren't you?"

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?"

"You're not gonna leave me alone, are you?" I muttered, attempting once more, to grab the book I so badly needed for English.

"You're really hot, you know?"

"You're really annoying, you know?"

He raised an eyebrow, staring at me in amusement before he said "I get it! You're playing hard to get, right?" Oh, and let's not forget the smirk.

"It's not called 'playing hard to get' if you're genuinely not interested" I muttered. "Hey you're tall right?" I questioned, looking up at him to meet his eyes.

"I'd like to think so" He smirked

"Stop smirking. Could you grab Pride and Prejudice for me?" I questioned, attempting to look innocent.

"Hasn't Mrs Know-It-All read it yet?" he questioned, still smirking.

"Don't be ignorant" I commented "it's Miss Know-It-All. And no, no I haven't read it yet"

He gasped dramatically, holding his hand to his heart. "Little Miss Perfect hasn't done her homework?"

"Just get me the book" I groaned in annoyance

"I didn't hear a please"

"Go fuck yourself"

"Hey Jules-"


"Want to know why I'm here?" He questioned, completely overlooking my corrections

"Not even in the slightest" I muttered

I watched him as he extended his arm, and sighed in relief when he grabbed the copy of Pride and Prejudice for me. I reached out to grab it, but he retracted the book from my grasp before my fingertips even skimmed the cover. I whined in annoyance and watched him turn around, heading towards the exit.

"Hey" I called behind him. "Where are you going?"

He turned around and shrugged, walking backwards. "I thought you weren't interested in why I was here"

I heard the lunch bell go behind me and I almost wanted to whine about how I didn't even get lunch. But instead I decided to continue talking to the idiot in front of me. "You were here for Pride and Prejudice too?"

"Yup, and I'm really glad you're short because this is the last one in this library" He smirked, still walking backwards

"That's not even fa-Wait watch ou-" I screamed but it was too late, that idiot managed to knock over the bookshelf, causing another two to fall over, almost like dominoes.

"You idiot!" I yelled


"How do you even manage to do that?!"


"What kind of idiot walks backwards?"


"Stop saying shit!"

"Shi-I meant shit sorry"'

"BOTH OF YOU STAY BACK AND PICK UP EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY BOOKS!" It was safe to say that, that sentence did not come out mine nor Levi's mouth.

We both groaned and grabbed the bookshelf that was lying on the floor. There were at least 200 books surrounding the fallen furniture. We spent our entire afternoon picking up the books and arranging them in alphabetical order. It would've been easier and faster to do if Levi didn't keep asking stupid questions like "Does Lewis Carroll go first or Cassandra Clare go first?" To which I had to reply with "Doesn't matter because they shouldn't both be in the same section!".

Did I suspect my first day talking to Levi Knight to end with fixing a library? No.
But was I surprised that this was even a possibility? Nope.

Written: 10/07/15
Posted: 11/10/15

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