Chapter 19: Exasperation

I followed Levi into his room. His room was all white, except for the red double bed which was placed in the corner of the room. Directly in front of his bed was his desk, which was plain white and was nearly stacked with school books and other pieces of extra paper, along with a laptop which was placed on the desk. On the other side of his room was where his wardrobe was placed. That was a dark brown colour, it looked old and rusted. But it looked nice in the room.

"Your family is hilarious" I whispered, taking a seat on his bed as I smiled to myself "everybody is so nice."

He chuckled, grabbing his chair which was by the desk, and setting it in front of the bed so he was sitting directly in front of me. "My family is extremely annoying"

"It just seems so nice to have more than two other people in your house" I answered.

"I mean it's not always like that" he shrugged "most of the time it's just me, mom, Poppy, Rosie and Ruby but then everybody comes over almost everyday" he answered.

"It's honestly still better than nothing" I responded.

"You don't have nothing" he whispered.

I practically have nothing.

"Your family is not just you, Eliza and your aunt. It's also me and Jordan" he answered as I found myself smiling. "So tell me, what did you get for Christmas?" He questioned.

I shrugged "aunt Jen got Eliza and I both an iPhone 6, which honestly was extremely stupid because of the price, but I love her anyway. Eliza got me a set of watercolours and Jordan got me paint brushes"

"You paint?" He questioned.

"Nope" I answered, shaking my head.

He began laughing "then why did they buy you all that?"

"I bought Eliza a stack of paper if it helps" I grinned

"I'm confused" he said slowly.

"Eliza and I always get each other joke presents for Christmas. The real ones are hidden around the house somewhere, we need to find them" I responded.

"And Jordan?" He asked

"Jordan never gets me anything useful. I bought him a third grade text book. But in my defence the thing I bought him could actually go to use" I shrugged smirking slightly.

"So what did you really buy Eliza?" He asked.

"She's probably expecting it. I get her the same thing every year. When we were twelve I bought her a Swarovski bracelet but with no charms because they're like sixty dollars each, so every year I get her a new charm for her bracelet."

"Close your eyes" he suddenly said.

"Wait what?" I questioned

"Just do it, please" he continued as I found myself doing ask I was suddenly told.

I heard a lot of shuffling around, and despite being extremely tempted to open my eyes and see what in the world was happening, I kept them shut.

"You can open them again" he whispered, I could tell he was very close to me, his hot breath against my ear sent goosebumps down my back. I opened them to see him holding a necklace put in front of me. It was a single snowflake pendant, it was small and beautiful. "Merry Christmas to my ice queen" he said.

I felt warmth explode in my cheeks as I struggled to come up with a response. I settled for an "it's beautiful."

He smiled "just like you" he answered.

I turned my back to him, holding my hair up and allowing him to place it around  my neck. It dropped down to just on my chest. I picked it up with my fingers and found myself playing with the pendant.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"Anything for you" he responded immediately.

I, for about the billionth time, found myself staring into his endless eyes. I couldn't help but realise how he had turned from the arrogant bad boy to the sweetest person I knew in such a short time.

Before I knew it however, his bedroom door was forced open, causing my to rip my eyes away from Levi. Once I did look at the door, I saw that Rosie was standing there innocently, the chocolate bar still in her hands.

"Levi" she said in her adorable voice, as she ran into his arms. He picked her up and put her on his lap.

"Hi princess" he said to her as he hugged her.

This was too much for me.

"I can't open my chocolate bar and mommy won't let me eat any chocolate. But my Levi will let me" she said slowly, she was clearly having trouble with enunciating her words.

"Really?" He asked in a soft voice.

"Yeah! And I went to everybody and nobody would let and-and now I sad and I know Levi will help me" she said, a smile forming in her face.

I'm not even kidding she is the cutest thing on earth.

"I'll open the chocolate for you" he promised.

"You will?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Only if you talk to my friend over there" he whispered in her ear, motioning towards me.

She looked at me, and then hid her face back into Levi's chest.

"Are you not going to talk to her?" He asked quietly.

She shook her head.

"Why not?"

"Your last pretty girlfriend was mean. But she's prettier, and means she's meaner" she whispered in Levi's ear.

How can Katherine be mean to a three year old?

"She's not mean I promise" he said to her.

She slowly turned to me. "Hello" she said carefully.

"Hello" I responded quietly. "I'm Juliette"

"You're very pretty" she whispered.

I smiled "Really?" I asked "I think your a lot prettier than me"

"Really?" She asked, her eyes widening as she smiled.

I nodded encouragingly. "I like your hair"

She put her hands to her hair before grinning "my mommy did it for me"

I smiled "I like it"

She turned to Levi "chocolate please" she said to him. He opened the wrapper and broke off a piece, placing it on her small hands. "Here you go" she said, handing it to me.

I shook my head "you eat it"

She paused for a moment before turning back to Levi. "I like her" she whispered loudly as he chuckled.

"So do I" he whispered in the same manner, before handing her another single block.

"Poppy was calling you" she stated as she placed the chocolate bar in her mouth. "She said something about snow" her words were slurred due to the chocolate in her mouth.

"Snow?" I questioned.

"Snowball fight!"'Levi grinned. He picked up Rosie and put her on his shoulders.

"No Levi!" She squealed "it's high stop!" Her giggles didn't stop.

"Come on princess" he said to her. He turned his body to face me, a smile appearing on his face "come on ice queen" he said.

I absent-mindedly traced the shape of the snowflake with my thumb and forefinger.

He put Rosie back on the ground, allowing her to run down the stairs, giggling loudly.

As soon as she was out of earshot I couldn't help but say "she's the cutest thing ever."

"I could think of someone cuter" he winked.

"I really can't" I continued "how is she so fucking adorable?"

He chuckled "she seems to like you, she even offered you chocolate"

I paused "what did Katherine do to the poor girl?"

Levi shrugged "Rosie doesn't like it when she thinks someone is taking me away from her. Katherine wanted more alone time, she didn't like spending time with my family."

"How can she not like spending time with your family?" I asked "everybody is so wonderful, and I haven't even met everybody"

"Wait until you meet Ruby" he smirked "you'll soon change your mind"

I smiled, rolling my eyes at him before changing the subject "are they expecting us downstairs?"

He nodded "yeah we should go down"

We both quickly climbed down the stairs, him quicker than me of course because he wasn't wearing heels but eventually we both made it down. Walking out of the back door to their front hard, we realised that literally nobody was inside.

And that was when it happened.

Ten, no twenty snowballs flew towards us, hitting us both directly...everywhere. I squealed because of the cold but I couldn't help but laugh. Levi was laughing as well. Everybody was stood there grinning at us. And by everybody I meant, Poppy, Eli, Jacob, Rosie, Luke and another girl who I assumed was Ruby.

"Get them back" Levi whispered, as we both crouched down and made snowballs, pelting it to everybody we could see.

I mostly aimed for the boys.

After several minutes of a snowball fight, and snow angels, and anything else related to snow, I spotted Rosie who was sat on the floor.

"Rosie" I said, walking up to her and crouching besides her. "What's wrong?"

She sniffled "I-I try to make snowball but it not round, and I upset"

I smiled. She was so freaking cute. "Do you want me to teach you how to make it?"

She nodded her head.

"First we take some snow" I instructed, as we both reached to the ground and grabbed some snow. "And then we press it together with our hands" I said, as I watched her do the task. "Not too hard" I said, when I saw her's break apart. She nodded, before putting it back together. "And now it's round" I finished off.

It really wasn't, but the smile on her face showed that she believed me. "I want to throw it at Levi" she said, not too discreetly.

I nodded, both of us sneakily walking up to Levi. As soon as Levi spotted us, she threw the snowball at him. Because her hands were tiny the snowball was also tiny, and because she was so small, it only hit his leg. But her laughter suggested that she was happy with it anyway.

Levi gasped "how could you shoot your own Levi?" He said to Rosie.

Rosie just giggled.

"I'm gonna get you" he whispered as she ran off. He chased her for a bit, purposely running slowly before he caught up to her, picking her up and spinning her around until she was a squealing mess.

"You know, staring is unattractive" I heard from besides me. I looked to see Ruby, standing next to me, seeming extremely disinterested. She was wearing pair of jeans, along with a flannel shirt and a beanie.

You know, I genuinely don't give a shit about looking attractive.

"Sorry" I muttered, blushing slightly. "She's just so cute"

"Yeah" she began sarcastically "you were staring at Rosie"

I turned to face her "who else would I be staring at?" I questioned, lifting an eyebrow in confusion.

"Levi" she responded monotonously.

"I wasn't staring at Levi" I said quickly.

"Spare me" she began "of course you were. You like him. It's written across your overrated face"

I bit my lip, holding back from retaliating. "Thanks" I responded sarcastically.

"They all think you're prettier can Katherine, but to be honest I don't know why my brother would downgrade to you" she responded, still on her phone.

"Maybe because I'm actually a human being with feelings and acknowledgement of other people's feelings. Katherine was a self absorbed" I responded, the blood rushing to my cheeks in anger.

"Katherine cared about me" she muttered, finally clicking her phone off and placing it in her back pocket. "I actually liked Katherine, she taught me how to look prettier, how to choose nicer clothes, how to get a boyfriend."

"You've only known me for a minute" I retaliated.

Once again, she grabbed her phone, not saying anything. I thought she was going to ignore me before she held it up to my face. "I've only known you for a minute, Katherine has known you for years"

My eyes darted to the phone which read:

Don't talk to Julie, she's a complete bitch. On the day Levi and I broke up, she pretended like she wanted to make me feel better when in reality she just wanted to know if Levi and I were done. Isn't it a coincidence that they met on the day we broke up?


Yes, it's literally a coincidence.

I saw her in the ice cream store the other day, it was a disaster. I just wanted to find out whether she was going out with Levi or not, but she had a complete bitch fit.

It's called a panic attack you uneducated bitch.

"There, you have your proof. Excuse me if I can see through your façade of being nice to everybody" she replied.

"They aren't true" I desperately attempted to persuade.

"Forgive me if I don't believe you" she said distastefully.

"Okay guys, present time, come in!" Levi's aunt shouted to everybody. Almost everybody dropped their snowballs and ran inside. Ruby didn't say one word to me, she shoved passed me and walked into the house.

The entire front yard was empty, of course apart from Levi who began walking towards me. "You look like you're freezing" he said to me.

I looked down at my dress which was pretty much soaked. "I didn't even notice" I responded quietly.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

I shook my head "nothing it's stupid" I said "you're right though, I probably shouldn't have spoken to Ruby"

"What did she say to you?" He asked sternly.

"Nothing, she said nothing" I responded, "come on let's go inside, you're going to miss out on your presents"

He nodded "you go into the living room. I'll join you soon"

I shrugged, walking straight into the living room where all the present wrappers and toys were all scattered across the room. When Rosie spotted me, she immediately ran up to me "Juwiette! Look what I got" she beamed, holding a plastic thing out to me. "It's a diary but only I can open it!" She grinned.

"That's really cool" I said to her, crouching down and looking at it.

"I go show my Levi now" she said before running upstairs.

My Levi. That's so cute.

"Here you go Juliette" I heard. I stood back up to come face to face with Levi's mom, she held a present out to me. "It's not much, Poppy helped me pick it out"

"You didn't have to get me anything!" I gasped.

She smiled "of course I did, your my son's girlfriend"

"Oh, I'm not going out with Levi" I denied.

She just winked at me, placing the gift in my hand before going upstairs.

Levi finally came down, and before I could even react, he placed a jacket over my shoulders. "You looked like you were freezing"

I smiled gratefully "thank you"

He returned the smile "it was no problem"

"Oh I forgot!" I said to myself as Levi watched me in confusion. I quickly ran up to his room, him following closely behind me as I grabbed my bag.Obviously I was a lot slower than described considering I was still wearing them damn heels but still. I opened my bag, pretty much emptying out the contents before handing Levi my brilliantly wrapped gift. "Merry Christmas" I said, panting.

He chuckled at me slightly before opening the gift. "You got my favourite cologne?" He asked once he had seen it.

I shrugged "Jordan told me about it and I had to get it for you"

"You're amazing you know that?" He asked.

"Just so you know, we hung mistletoe in your room" we heard, turning our heads to face Poppy who stood by the door frame. We both glanced up to see mistletoe hanging on the chandelier. "Keep in mind mistletoe is very important and we must never overlook it" she grinned before turning around and heading back downstairs.

I immediately blushed, but Levi looked completely unaffected as he stood there smirking.

"Merry Christmas, book girl"


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