Chapter 15: Education
"Come on, today is the perfect day to ask Levi to be your date to Isla's wedding. I'm sure he's not going to say no" Eliza encouraged as we crossed the road.
It was currently Monday and we had just got back from California two hours ago. We were both walking to school as Eliza was attempting to convince me to ask Levi to Isla's wedding. Eliza was completely fine considering she had actually slept through the plane ride. She was able to wake up, put all her stupid makeup on, pick a perfect outfit, and basically skip to school.
I was the opposite.
I dragged myself off of the plane, having a stupid crick in my neck thanks to Eliza and her restless sleeping. I tried sleeping for half an hour before my alarm woke me up. I had red eyes, my hair was a mess, thank goodness I could always pull it up into a ponytail, I had bad dark circles and all in all I looked like a murderer. I felt like a murderer. I managed to get myself into a pair of skinny jeans and a black hoodie that had the words 'death' written on it. Because that's what I felt like. Death.
"I'm not going to do it. You got me into this mess. You get me out of it" I said, crossing my arms over my chest
"I am getting you out of it!" She exclaimed "I'm making you ask Levi. Come on! It's not like he's gonna reject you!"
"Eliza I'm not asking him!" I denied.
We had finally got to school, walking into it to see Jordan leaning against his locked. Eliza squealed before running into his arms and kissing him.
"You guys disgust me" I replied with no emotion at all
They broke apart as Eliza turned to me. "I haven't seen my baby in ages"
He chuckled "Okay, let's not make the poor girl sick"
"Thank you. Plus, it's been two days. Calm the fuck down" I muttered
"to be honest, you're just jealous that you don't have what we have" Eliza relied, smirking slightly
"Excuse me" I replied "I'm glad I don't have HIV you disgusting people"
"You look like you were dragged out of hell" Jordan muttered
"Really?" I asked sarcastically "I literally had no idea"
"I've got it!" Eliza squealed, causing both Jordan and I to step back in order to protect our ear drums.
"What?" I groaned
"Let's make a bet! If I win the bet, you have to ask Levi to Isla's wedding, and if I win then" she paused thinking "I'll do whatever you want for a week!"
I paused thinking about it. It would make life so much easier if Eliza was my personal slave. She could pack for me, sort my stuff for me, and she would pretty much leave me alone about asking Levi. Plus, there was no way I was losing a bet to Eliza.
"Fine" I said "What's the bet?"
"You can't be sarcastic for an entire day" Eliza spoke proudly.
Jordan snorted.
I glared at him, causing him to step back and hold his hands up in mock surrender. "What, you think I can't do that?" I asked him
"I know you can't do that" Jordan answered, placing his arms around Eliza's waist.
They disgust me.
"Then deal! I can go 24 hours without being sarcastic. Get ready to pack for me Eliza" I answered smugly, although I was extremely unsure of myself at the moment.
In which world would I be able to go 24 hours without sarcasm?
The bell rang which meant I had psychology. Jordan removed his arm from Eliza's waist and kissed her cheek. "If I'm late for gym one more time, coach is gonna make me run ten laps around the pitch and I cannot do that" He claimed before jogging off.
"He's so cute" Eliza gushed to herself.
"Yes yes he's adorable" I added in deadpan. Eliza raised an eyebrow. "Hey! That wasn't sarcasm. I find him" I had to take a deep breath because I was going to vomit at the next words "cute". I scrunched up my face and Eliza laughed.
"This is going to be am extremely interesting day" She waved before waving me off and heading to her class.
This was going to be a difficult day.
I went to my first lesson of the day, psychology. I actually really enjoyed psychology, the teacher was awesome and the subject was pretty interesting. I sat down in my usual seat, at the front, alone, by the door.
"Welcome. Welcome to psychology. I hope you enjoy your stay. Or don't, I get payed either way" he shrugged.
He wasn't wrong.
"Okay I was supposed to plan the lesson over the weekend. But I got" he paused for a minute, grinning to himself "sidetracked" he continued "anyway, we'll do the blot sheet thing so pick partner"
I looked around searching for someone to partner up with which was going to be difficult, considering I basically hated everyone in this class, I had pretty much got off a plane three hours all, and I couldn't even be sarcastic towards them.
The teacher then started laughing, which actually scared me. "You thought I was going to let you pick your partners. Ha-no." He started "I'm pairing you up with people I ship you with"
He then proceeded to turn on his board and display all the names he had picked out. I looked down the list, most of the couples were together. What was awkward was that the teacher actually split some couples too.
I was paired with Blake.
I actually didn't mind Blake. He wasn't annoying like most people in the class, he was actually pretty nice. I think he's been in my class since kindergarten. He's pretty cute too, he's got blonde hair and brown eyes.
He came over from his seat once he realised that I wasn't going to go to him.
What? It was 9am and I haven't slept yet. Forgive me for being lazy.
He made his was over, smiling at me as he took a seat besides me, but giving us a big enough distance so that I could actually breathe and so I was comfortable.
"I'm Blake" He said smiling towards me.
"Juliette" I replied
"Apparently we're shipped" He chuckled
"Apparently so. Which is weird considering we've never actually spoken before" I smiled
"It must be because of all the longing looks I've sent your ways" Blake replied, almost dead serious as I laughed.
"Because I look so amazing right now" I replied laughing.
Was that sarcasm?
Eliza doesn't need to know.
Should I ask?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow
I smiled as I shook my head "I literally just came back from California. The plane landed three hours ago. I'm in school. And I've low key just lost a bet I made ten minutes ago, although nobody needs to know about the last part"
"A bet? Again, should I ask?" He chuckled
"Do you want to know?" I asked
"Would you rather try figure out ink blots?" He asked me, grinning slightly.
"Fair enough. I made a bet with my best friend, Eliza. If I avoid sarcasm for 24 hours, she would do as I wish" I answered, purposely leaving out what would happened if I lost the bet.
"Sounds easy enough" He shrugged
I laughed loudly "You haven't met me yet"
"No" He answered, shaking his head "But I've heard a lot about you. Apparently your sarcasm actually scars people"
I rolled my eyes, despite smiling. "It's not that cruel. You'd be surprised how easy it is to make sarcastic remarks to stupid people"
"Are you saying that everyone in this school is stupid?" He asked
I shrugged "more or less. But it's okay. We're all stupid to a certain standard"
He nodded "touché"
We continued speaking for a little bit, getting to know each other. Turns out that Blake is a pretty nice person, he wasn't as infuriating as most of the people in this school. He was cool and funny, a mix you don't usually see in people. Believe it or not, I didn't actually have to bite back any sarcastic remarks around him, I didn't really feel sarcastic around him.
Of course we didn't spend the entire hour speaking. The teacher had come around our desk fifteen minutes into the lesson saying, and I quote, "I ship you two, but if you don't work, then I'll fall in trouble and I need to get payed. So start working please"
Definitely the best teacher ever.
So for the rest of the lesson we had been staring at stupid purple ink blots and trying to figure out what our inner souls believed it to me.
After looking at my results apparently my mind resembled a mental patient and Blake's resembled a fifty year old man.
I wasn't going to deny how fitting it was.
It was finally lunch time and I was literally going crazy. I've been being nice to people all day to people because I literally have no other defence than sarcasm.
I got to the usual lunch table to see Eliza and Jordan making out. "You do realise people eat here!" I groaned when I approached them.
They pretty much jumped apart.
"Sorry" Jordan muttered sheepishly.
"You have lipstick on your lips" I answered in deadpan.
"Fuck" he whispered rubbing his lips with his thumb as I laughed at him.
"Hey Juliette" Eliza started smugly "Is that a cheese sandwich?"
No, it's a fucking horse.
I rolled my eyes. I knew that she was deliberately asking me stupid questions so I would be sarcastic to her. "Yes Eliza"
"What does it taste like?" She asked smiling patronisingly
Like a fucking horse.
"It tastes like cheese, on bread" I answered, smiling. Although on the inside I was crying whilst I was gritting my teeth.
"Oh. Wow that's so unexpected!" She giggled stupidly.
Someone shoot me. Just shoot me now.
"I know right!" I added. Kill. Me. Now.
We continued like this, Eliza attempting to deliberately trip me up, as I answered non-sarcastically pretty much crying on the inside.
Levi then decided to join the table, and despite him having no idea about the bet, he was doing a damn good job at winding me up.
"You look like death" He commented
"I had no fuck-"ing idea. I stopped myself mid sentence when I saw Eliza grinning. I took a deep breath, counting to three before continuing. "Thank you for that reminder" I basically growled
"What's wrong with her?" Levi asked, clearly amused
"Oh we made a bet" Eliza shrugged "She can't be sarcastic for an entire 24 hours"
Levi basically burst out laughing, and he didn't stop for another five minutes "a-and you a-agreed to it?" He asked shaking with laughter.
No. I'm just avoiding sarcasm for the fun of it.
"Yes" I bit out.
"What does she have to do when she loses?" He asked, turning to Jordan and Eliza
"If" I corrected
"You'll find out sooner or later" Jordan shrugged.
We all continued to eat in silence, although I had a strong feeling that they were all thinking of ideas and ways to make me snap.
After a few moments of silence, I heard a loud gasp from besides me, and I knew it wasn't Jordan, Levi or Eliza. I turned my head to see Katherine standing there. "You look so scary!" She squealed
"Thank you for that wonderful piece of information" I spat out before I froze "shit"
Eliza burst out laughing "I knew it. I fucking knew it. It was killing her inside" She basically screamed in laughter
Levi was laughing too.
I elbowed his stomach which caused him to double over in pain.
"Damn" Jordan muttered before handing Eliza, what looked like, twenty dollars.
"You bet on the bet?" I shouted
Jordan winced
Eliza just laughed. "Yeah, I said you wouldn't last lunch. He said you would crack at home"
I tuned to Jordan "I thought you would have some faith in me!"
"I did! Damn Juliette, you had one job" He whined.
"While I'm at it" I began "Eliza I'm eating a fucking horse and it tastes like a mother fucking horse, Jordan I've met bread smarter than you, and Levi I'm going to murder you"
"You do realise you lost the right?"
"I had no fucking idea" I muttered
What did I get myself into?
Written: 17/09/15
Posted: 15/12/15
Hey guys! This was more of a light hearted filler chapter which I hope you guys don't mind too much about. I really really enjoyed writing this chapter, it was so much fun exploring the relationship between Jordan and Eliza along with Jordan and Juliette. It was really fun to have the bet, which actually took me ages to come up with, but I really do like this chapter.
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