Chapter 13: Exaggeration

"Juliette do you still have room in your luggage! I have no room in mine!" Eliza exclaimed to me from the room besides mine as I was furiously attempting to shove my overflowing clothes into my luggage, trying to force it shut.

"I really don't!" I screamed back to her, taking a seat on the luggage and trying to force it shut.

Today was the day we were all supposed to fly to California, well actually, our flight was in six hours.

And none of us had packed.

So there we all were, at 2am, going crazy in our own home as we attempted to pull together enough clothing for a two day trip, one of those days being a wedding rehearsal. I honestly didn't think it would be that bad, considering all I had to do was pack two jeans and two T-shirts. But then I was reminded that I had to pack my wedding rehearsal dress, shoes, jewellery, hair curler, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, underwear, nair, shampoo, conditioner, towel(s), phone charger, laptop, laptop charger, earphones, meds, purse. And that was where all the time went.

Through out the entire time when aunt Jen and Eliza were packing, I was texting Levi, basically making fun of them because of how much they were packing, but then I was reminded I had necessities to pack also, so here I was basically going insane, over a two day trip.

Two. Days.

It was currently Friday, well Saturday now that it's past 12. The plane was at 8 and we would have gotten there around 2 or so. The wedding rehearsal was on Sunday and we would be back on Monday at 6am, just in time for school.

And no we weren't missing school.

Thanks a lot aunt Jen.

We were all running around the house, searching for what to pack, like we were wild animals. I was continuously bumping into Eliza and aunt Jen, and whilst I would apologise, the two would just growl at me and push me out of the way.

Like I said, a pack of wild animals.

Even with the amount I had the pack, I still believed I packed less than aunt Jen and Eliza. Eliza was struggling to fit everything into her luggage  and was attempting to convince me to put it in mine. However, my luggage was barely closing itself.

Aunt Jen however, I decided not to piss off. She was already so stressed, and I was pretty sure she grew three gray hairs in the last half hour. She was going crazy, not only looking after herself, but looking after us.

"Juliette did you take your meds?"

"Eliza did you bring your phone?"

"Juliette get off your lazy ass!"

"Eliza, you better fit all your crap into that luggage of yours!"

She was going mental.

We were finally ready ready to leave three hours before our flight would leave. We decided to take a taxi to the train station because aunt Jen wasn't willing to pay for parking for three days. Which meant we made the taxi driver wait an entire half hour whilst we finished packing and dragged all our stuff downstairs.

He charged us extra.

It was almost impossible to get all our things into the car. Aunt Jen said that we all got our own small luggage each. Emphasis on the small. Eliza however exclaimed that she -and I quote- couldn't ever in her entire lifespan fit all her necessities into the small luggage. Which meant she had forced me into the basement to get her a medium sized luggage.

Even then she struggled to close the thing.

So aunt Jen and I had to sit in the taxi with our luggage on our laps whilst Eliza's stupid luggage took up the entire trunk of the car.

When we finally got onto the plane it was 8am and we all looked as if we were dragged through hell and dropped onto earth. Eliza had basically knocked out as soon was we got onto the plane, which was annoying considering she was pretty much sprawled across both her seat and my seat. Aunt Jen took a bit longer but also managed to knock out due to 38 hours without sleep. I however could not even think about going to sleep, because I was spending most of the flight concentrating on my breathing, and attempting to distract my mind.

When we finally got of the flight, I felt as if the air had returned to my lungs and I didn't feel nauseous for the first time in about 6 hours. The first thing I did was buy two bottles of water and drink them both in less than two minutes.

I then proceeded to throw the empty water bottles at Eliza's head, swearing profusely at her for the painful plane ride. Her entire side was leaning against mine, which not only sparked up my claustrophobia the tiniest bit, but was also extremely fucking irritating.

The cab ride back to the hotel was almost as bad as the one from the house to the airport. This time, aunt Jen and I had placed our luggage in the trunk, forcing Eliza to hold her suitcase. And as ingenious as the plan sounded from outside the car, inside the didn't seem as intelligent. Eliza was completely terrible at staying still which meant the suitcase ended on my lap for a few minutes and then aunt Jen's for the rest of the trip. Believe it or not Eliza did not have her luggage on her lap for more than two minutes.

I was extremely close to pulling her hair out.

When we finally got to the hotel and checked in, it was about 2:30pm, and we had to be over at cousin Isla's house around 8 so we could get all the information about the wedding rehearsal, which was tomorrow. That gave us, me especially, five and a half hours to catch up on the sleep we had missed out on.

The hotel rooms we quite cute. We got two rooms, both rooms next to each other. They were both pretty much the same size, except one had a king sized bed in the middle of the room, and the other had two single beds, one on each side of the room.

I was guessing that Eliza and I were sharing.

I kicked my shoes off as I dumped my luggage on the side of my bed, jumping into the bed. We were all in our pyjamas considering neither of us were willing to actually wear formal clothes on an airplane at 6am.

I was woken up at 7:30pm in the most infuriating and confusing way.

Somebody had poured water on me.

I woke up gasping from the surprise, 100% sure that somebody was in the room attempting to murder all of us.

I was delirious okay?

So I woke up to see Eliza just as soaked and just as confused as I was, and aunt Jen running around half dressed telling us that we were late to meet at cousin Isla's. Whilst it would have been no big deal to arrive fifteen minutes late to anybody else's house. This was cousin Isla's and aunt Jess's house. Aunt Jess was just as bad as Isla and Emma. She was just as stuck up, just as snobby, just as judgemental, actually scratch that. More judgmental. I guess the apples don't fall far from the tree.

Eliza and I looked at each other before springing out of bed, I quickly pulled out my outfit from the luggage, basically making everything spill out of it. I got a pair of black skinny jeans with an opaque v neck black top. It had short sleeves and a zip down the middle, I wore it with a black vest underneath and a bunch of bracelets to cover my wrists. I paired it with black combat boots. I also pulled my hair into a high pony tail.

Eliza, obviously, was more colourful than me, wearing a tie died summer dress.

"It's like, 30 degrees outside" I commented

"Stop exaggerating" She said "plus, why do you think I have this?" She pulled out a black leather jacket from her luggage.

"Hey!" I exclaimed "that's mine! I've been looking for that for ages now!"

"Relax" She smirked "I'm only borrowing it"

"I hate you" I muttered

"I love you too!" She teased

"Both of you shut the hell up and get in the taxi, it's waiting downstairs" Aunt Jen ordered

We both silently walked out of the house knowing better than to argue with aunt Jen.

When we got to the house we were greeted by Aunt Jess.

"Hello Jenny. Eliza, Juliette" she nodded in acknowledgement, looking us all up and down, before opening the door wider to let us in. "This is a discussion between the adults so if Eliza and Juliette go upstairs to Emma, that would be great."

Eliza and I looked at each other, both attempting to hold back our groans, as we walked upstairs to Emma's bedroom. We opened the door once we got there, revealing two other girls with Emma. I was presuming the girls were the two other bridesmaids.

"Oh. Juliette. Eliza. It's you" Emma said, turning to us as her smile dropped immediately.

I rolled my eyes "No? Really? I was so sure that I was Jesus" I muttered sarcastically as Eliza jabbed my side with her elbow.

Emma rolled her eyes also, glaring at me due to my remark. "Well are you going to stand there for the rest of your life?"

"Yes. I was planning to stand here and bask in the beauty that is your room" I replied without any expression at all, as the other two bridesmaids giggled.

"Juliette, shut up" Eliza muttered.

"Just get in here" Emma ordered with a scowl and just before I was going to say but I was planning on standing here for the rest of my life Eliza grabbed my wrist and dragged me in.

I sat down on Emma's unoccupied bed and pulled out my phone, to see that Levi texted me.

So when is our study date? :)
6:54pm seen at 8:07pm

Not a date. But wednesday? Whenever you're free really, I don't exactly have a 'social life' :)

I put my phone in my pocket to see Eliza staring at me. I looked at her as if I were saying what? She just motioned towards Emma.

"Yeah, my boyfriend Tom is my date to the wedding, he's so scrumptious. Is your boyfriend coming Eliza?" Emma asked

She looked uncomfortable. Ha ha. "Um, yeah, Jordan's my date for the wedding"

My phone buzzed, I opened the message to see another text from Levi

I don't mind Wednesday. When did your flight land?
8:10pm seen at 8:10pm

Around 2? I just slept until 7, sorry for replying so late btw
8:11pm seen at 8:11pm

It's fine. Why didn't you just sleep on the plane?
8:11pm seen at 8:11pm

Airplanes give me anxiety. I hate flying
8:12pm seen at 8:12pm

You didn't strike me as the type to be afraid of anything, you're like an ice queen
8:12pm seen at 8:12pm

I'm pretty much afraid of everything
8:12pm seen at 8:12pm

I'm pretty sure everything's afraid of you
8:12pm seen at 8:13pm

Ha ha. Hilarious. I'm not scary
8:13pm seen at 8:13pm

Half the guys in school are afraid of you
8:13pm seen at 8:30pm

I'm like 5ft3.
8:13pm seen at 8:14pm

You know book girl, for being the shortest girl I've ever met, you're pretty hot
8:14pm seen at 8:14pm

You know Levi, for someone who's been turned down a billion times, you're pretty stubborn
8:14pm seen at 8:14pm

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
8:15pm seen at 8:15pm

You do realise Lucifer fell from heaven right?
8:15pm seen at 8:15pm

Lucifer wasn't as hot ;)
8:15pm seen at 8:15pm

As the king of hell, I'm pretty sure he's hotter. Literally.
8:16pm seen at 8:16pm

Nope, you're still hotter ;)
8:16pm seen at 8:16pm

"Why are you blushing?" Emma asked, staring right at my cheeks.

I quickly turned my phone off before replying with "I'm not!" Extremely defensively

I turned to Eliza who had a smug grin on her face "Why are you blushing Juliette?"

"I'm not" I replied once again

"Who were you texting?" One of the girls asked

Who even are you?


Just then my phone screen lit up with a 'ding'.

"You got a message" Emma said, grabbing my phone before I could get it myself. She read aloud "Somebody called Levi wants you to know that he thinks you're blushing and that you're hot when you blush" she paused for a moment staring at my face "I don't see it" she concluded, shaking her head.

"Levi?" Eliza asked grinning

I wanted to face palm with a brick.

"Yes" I muttered through gritted teeth.

"Aww" Emma cooed "Has little Juliette found herself a nerdy little boyfriend?"

Eliza scoffed as I scowled. "Levi and nerdy. Right" She said

"Eliza" I muttered "you're not helping!"

"I refuse to believe that there is someone in the world who is not a nerd and considers Juliette to be hot" Emma scoffed

"I mean, Levi's pretty hot and popular" Eliza said, defending me

"Shut up Eliza" I groaned

"Show me" Emma smirked, putting my phone my back in my hand assuming that I would show her a picture of Levi.

"I will!" Eliza said, grabbing my phone and unlocking it, before showing Levi's profile picture

When the fuck did I tell her my password?

I noticed how Emma's eyes basically widened at Levi's picture. She stammered, at a loss for words as one of the girls whispered "he's really hot"

I rolled my eyes.

Before I knew it, my phone started ringing. I wanted to grab it but Eliza picked it up and put it on loudspeaker before I could do anything.

"Hi Levi" She smirked

"Hey Eliza, is Juliette there? I think I pissed her off" His voice rang through the phone, a chuckle following the statement.

"Oh no, she's right here" Eliza smiled handing me my phone

"Hey Levi" I said, in the most pained voice

"You sound like death" He commented as Emma and the bridesmaids began laughing.

That wasn't even funny, what the actual fuck?

"Why are you calling me?" I groaned

"I called you hot. You blushed. You went offline. You ignored my messages." He stated

"How do you know I blushed?" I asked suspiciously

"So you did blush!" He exclaimed in victory. "It's okay, you're hot when you blush too"

"Shut up. I'm at my cousin's maybe I can call you later?" I asked

"Alright, I'll miss you, book girl" He said, I could practically hear his smirk

"Shut up, loser" I commented, hearing him laugh, before hanging up.

"Is he your boyfriend?!" Emma growled in frustration at me as soon as I hung up. Her fists were clenched, her face was bright red and she seemed furious.


"N-" I began

"Yes!" Eliza interrupted

Emma looked between us suspiciously, obviously because Eliza and I basically gave two different answers. She smirked. "If he's your boyfriend, he's gonna come to the wedding next month, right?"

Well, there was no point in denying him as my boyfriend now.

"He can't make it" I answered

"Really? Or are you lying? Pretty pathetic actually" Emma shrugged

"I don't know if you've noticed. But an extra plane ticket and hotel room costs money" I replied.

"I thought our family were paying for all plane tickets and hotel rooms, considering, you know, it's my sister's wedding"

I looked at Eliza for confirmation. She nodded.

"Then I guess you'll see him there" I replied unenthusiastically

Another smirk appeared on Emma's face. "Great. I look forward to meeting him"

She knows we're lying.

Eliza what have you done?

Written: 07/09/15
Posted: 06/12/15

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